
*UFO theorists gain support abroad, but repression at home

Study by French officials, routine unexplained sightings, US military safety
aspects combine to boost believers

By Leslie Kean, 5/21/2000

Last month's release of the first detailed satellite images of Area 51, the
top-secret US Air Force test site in Nevada, prompted a Web site meltdown as
people from across the nation logged on in search of clues about unidentified
flying objects.

''The interest has been really phenomenal,'' said David Mountain, marketing
director for Aerial Images Inc., which posted the high-resolution photographs
of Area 51 on the Internet.

But those hoping to see signs that captured UFOs are stored at the site (as
some aficionados have suggested) were destined to be disappointed. Most of
Area 51's operations occur underground, making photos meaningless.

Anyone looking for fresh information on UFOs would have better luck trying a
new, but less publicized, source: a study by the French military, just
translated into an approved English edition.

High-level officials - including retired generals from the French Institute
of Higher Studies for National Defense, a government-financed strategic
planning agency - recently took a giant step in openly challenging skepticism
about UFOs.

In a report based on a three-year study, they concluded that ''numerous
manifestations observed by reliable witnesses could be the work of craft of
extraterrestrial origin'' and that, in fact, the best explanation is ''the
extraterrestrial hypothesis.'' Although not categorically proven, ''strong
presumptions exist in its favor and if it is correct, it is loaded with
significant consequences.''

The French group reached that conclusion after examining nearly 500
international aeronautical sightings and radar/

visual cases, and previously undisclosed pilots' reports. They drew on data
from official sources, government authorities, and the air forces of other
countries. The findings are contained in a 90-page report titled ''UFOs and
Defense: What Should We Prepare For?''

''The number of sightings, which are completely unexplained despite the
abundance and quality of data from them, is growing throughout the world,''
the team declared.

The authors note that about 5 percent of sightings on which there is solid
documentation cannot be easily attributed to earthly sources, such as secret
military exercises. This 5 percent seem ''to be completely unknown flying
machines with exceptional performances that are guided by a natural or
artificial intelligence,'' they say. Science has developed plausible models
for travel from another solar system and for technology that could be used to
propel the vehicles, the report points out.

It assures readers that UFOs have demonstrated no hostile acts, ''although
intimidation maneuvers have been confirmed.''

Given the widespread skepticism about UFOs, many will quickly dismiss the
generals' ''extraterrestrial hypothesis.'' But it is less easy to do so once
the authors' credentials are considered. The study's originators are
four-star General Bernard Norlain, former commander of the French Tactical
Air Force and military counselor to the prime minister; General Denis Letty,
an air force fighter pilot; and Andre Lebeau, former head of the National
Center for Space Studies, the French equivalent of NASA.

They formed a 12-member ''Committee for In-depth Studies,'' abbreviated as
COMETA, which authored the report. Other contributors included a three-star
admiral, the national chief of police, and the head of a government agency
studying the subject, as well as scientists and weapons engineers.

Not only does the group stand by its findings, it is urging international
action. The writers recommend that France establish ''sectorial cooperation
agreements with interested European and foreign countries'' on the matter of
UFOs. They suggest that the European Union undertake diplomatic action with
the United States ''exerting useful pressure to clarify this crucial issue
which must fall within the scope of political and strategic alliances.''

Why might the United States be interested - albeit, privately - in a subject
often met with ridicule, or considered the domain of the irrational?

For one thing, declassified US government documents show that unexplained
objects with extraordinary technical capabilities pose challenges to military
activity around the globe. For example, US fighter jets have attempted to
pursue UFOs, according to North American Aerospace Defense Command logs and
Air Force documents. Iranian and Peruvian air force planes attempted to shoot
down unidentified craft in 1976 and 1980. Belgium F-16s armed with missiles
pursued a UFO in 1990.

Further, the French report says that there have been ''visits above secret
installations and missile bases'' and ''military aircraft shadowed'' in the
United States.

Edgar Mitchell, the Apollo 14 astronaut who was the sixth man to walk on the
moon, is one of many supporters of international cooperation on UFOs. Of the
French report, he says, ''It's significant that individuals of some standing
in the government, military, and intelligence community in France came forth
with this.''

Mitchell, who holds a doctorate from MIT in aeronautics and astronautics, is
convinced ''at a confidence level above 90 percent, that there is reality to
all of this.'' He says, ''People have been digging through the files and
investigating for years now. The files are quite convincing. The only thing
that's lacking is the official stamp.''

Mitchell joins five-star Admiral Lord Hill-Norton, the former head of the
British Ministry of Defense, in calling for congressional fact-finding
hearings into the UFO question.

Although Congress seems disinclined to pursue the matter, the public's
interest in UFOs is undiminished. A ballot initiative underway in Missouri,
certified by the secretary of state in March, urges Congress to convene
hearings. The initiative states that ''the Federal Government's handling of
the UFO issue has contributed to the public cynicism toward, and general
mistrust of, government.''

US Naval Reserve Commander Willard H. Miller has long been communicating this
same concern to high level federal officials. With over 30 years in Navy and
joint interagency operations with the Defense Department, Miller has
participated in a series of previously undisclosed briefings for Pentagon
brass about military policy regarding UFOs.

Like many, Miller says he worries that the military's lack of preparation for
encounters with unexplained craft could provoke dangerous confrontation when,
and if, such an encounter occurs; ''precipitous military decisions,'' he
warns, ''may lead to unnecessary confusion, misapplication of forces, or
possible catastrophic consequences.''

And he says he is not alone in his concerns. ''There are those in high places
in the government who share a growing interest in this subject,'' Miller

If the US military is concerned about UFOs, it is not saying so publicly.
Indeed, the French report chastises the United States for what it calls an
''impressive repressive arsenal'' on the subject, including a policy of
disinformation and military regulations prohibiting public disclosure of UFO

Air Force Regulation 200-2, ''Unidentified Flying Objects Reporting,'' for
example, prohibits the release to the public and the media of any data about
''those objects which are not explainable.'' An even more restrictive
procedure is outlined in the Joint Army Navy Air Force Publication 146, which
threatens to prosecute anyone under its jurisdiction - including pilots,
civilian agencies, merchant marine captains, and even some fishing vessels -
for disclosing reports of sightings relevant to US security.

Although researchers have been able to obtain some information through the
Freedom of Information Act, many UFO documents remain classified.

In earlier decades, issues that remain pertinent today were openly discussed.
In 1960, for example, US Representative Leonard G. Wolf of Iowa entered an
''urgent warning'' from R.E. Hillenkoetter, a former CIA director and Navy
vice admiral, into the Congressional Record that ''certain dangers are linked
with unidentified flying objects.'' Wolf cited General L.M. Chassin, NATO
coordinator of Allied Air Service, warning that ''If we persist in refusing
to recognize the existence of the UFOs, we will end up, one fine day, by
mistaking them for the guided missiles of an enemy - and the worst will be
upon us.''

These concerns were taken seriously enough to be incorporated into the 1971
US-Soviet ''Agreement on Measures to Reduce the Outbreak of Nuclear War.''

The French report may open the door for nations to be more forthcoming once
again. Chile, for example, is openly addressing its own concerns about air
safety and UFOs. The now retired chief of the Chilean Air Force has formed a
committee with civil aviation specialists to study recent near-collisions of
UFOs and civilian airliners.

As the international conversation about UFOs unfolds, sightings continue, as
they have for decades. Perhaps the most notable recent USsighting took place
in March 1997. Hundreds of people across Arizona reported seeing huge
triangular objects, hovering silently in the night sky - a sighting that, as
the state's US Senator John McCain noted recently, has ''never been fully

As recently as Jan. 5, four policemen at different locations in St. Claire
County, Illinois, witnessed a huge, brightly lighted, triangular craft flying
and hovering at 1,000 feet. One officer reported witnessing extreme rapid
motion by the craft that cannot be explained in conventional terms. Nearby
Scott Air Force base and the Federal Aviation Administration purport to know

The Defense Department maintains it can find no information acknowledging the
existence of the triangular objects. In response to a suit by curious
Arizonans, it provided details of its search to US District Court Judge
Stephen M. McNamee of Phoenix. On March 30, McNamee concluded that ''a
reasonable search was conducted'' even though no information was obtained,
and he dismissed the case.

There is one government agency in the country that has taken steps to prepare
for a UFO encounter. The Fire Officer's Guide to Disaster Control, second
edition - used by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and taught at the
seven universities offering degrees in fire science - warns of ''UFO
hazards,'' such as electrical fields that cause blackouts, force fields, and
physiological effects.

''Do not stand under a UFO that is hovering at low altitudes,'' the book
warns. ''Do not touch or attempt to touch a UFO that has landed.''

The text leaves little room for skepticism. John E. Mack, professor of
psychiatry at Harvard University and a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, stopped
being skeptical a long time ago.

''No culture from the beginning of time, no culture from anywhere on the
planet, has ever voided the idea of all other intelligent life other than
ourselves,'' he told a UFO conference at the New York Hall of Science two
weeks ago. ''That's arrogance.''

Leslie Kean is a freelance journalist in the San Francisco Bay area.

This story ran on page E3 of the Boston Globe on 5/21/2000.
© Copyright 2000 Globe Newspaper Company.

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