-----Original Message-----
From: Elich, Gregory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'siemvesti' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 7:48 PM
Subject: SN783:Bosnian Posavina (Part One)

>Committee for Gathering Data on Crimes Committed
>Against Humanity and International Law
>Belgrade, December 1997
>1992 and 1993
>C O N T E N T S
>1. INTRODUCTION ..........................................
>2.1. BRCKO...........................................
>2.1.1. Bosanska Bijela..........................
>2.1.2. Bukovac..................................
>2.1.3. Bukvik, Vujicici, Gajeva and Lukavac.....
>2.1.4. Vucilovac................................
>2.1.5. Cerik....................................
>2.2. ORASJE..........................................
>2.3. ODZAK...........................................
>2.5. BROD (BOSANSKI BROD)............................
>3.1. INTRODUCTION....................................
>3.2. Manners of Torture, Harassment and Humiliation
>of Inmates of Serbian Nationality in the
>Prison Camps in the Area of Bosnian Posavina....
>3.2.1. Methods of Torture - Body Injury of
>3.2.2. Methods of Torture - Rape and Sodomy.....
>3.2.3. Methods of Torture - Humiliation, Harassmentand Intimidation
>3.3.1. Prison Camp in Rahic.....................
>3.3.2. Prison Camp in the Village of Ulice......
>3.3.3. Prison Camp in Zovik.....................
>3.3.4. Prison Camp in Maoca.....................
>3.3.5. Prison Camp in the Village of Boce.......
>3.4.1. Torture - Body Injury Inflicted on Inmates
>and Living Conditions in the Prison Camp.
>3.4.2. Rape of the Women of Serbian Nationality..
>3.4.3. Serb Inmates Killed or Dead from Injuries Suffered in the
>Prison Camps of the Area of Orasje.................................
>3.4.4. Killed and Wounded Serb Inmates During Digging of Trenches
>in the Area of Orasje....................................
>3.5. PRISON CAMPS IN ODZAK............................
>3.5.1. Torture - Body Injury of Inmates..........
>3.5.2. Living Conditions in the Prison Camps in
>Odzak: Accommodation, Food and Hygiene....
>3.5.3. Humiliation, Harassment and Intimidation..
>3.5.4. Killing of Serbian Inmates in the Prison Camps in
>3.6. PRISON CAMPS IN BROD (Bosanski Brod).............
>3.6.1. Torture - Body Injury of Inmates..........
>3.6.2. Humiliation, Harassment and Intimidation of Serbian
>3.6.3. Killing of Serb Inmates...................
>3.6.4. Rape of Women, Serbian Inmates in the Prison Camps in
>3.6.5. Serb Inmates of the Prison Camp in Brod Taken for Digging of
>at Front Battle lines During Combat Actions........
>3.6.6. Serbs Imprisoned in the Prison Camps in Brod - Wounded
>During Digging of Trenches..
>4. ETHNIC CLEANSING........................................
>4.1. INTRODUCTION.....................................
>4.2. BRCKO............................................
>4.3. ORASJE...........................................
>4.4. ODZAK............................................
>4.4.1. Introduction..............................
>4.5. BROD (Bosanski Brod).............................
>What was particularly striking in 1992 and 1993 in the territory of the
>Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, apart from war operations and horrors,
>was genocidal activity of Croat and Muslim military and civilian
>against the Serb population (civilians - non-combatants, wounded and sick
>persons, and prisoners of war). The present material, containing the data
>genocide committed against Serbs in the territory of Bosanska Posavina
>(Brcko, Orasje, Odzak and Bosanski Brod) in 1992 and 1993, testifies to
>genocidal actions which acquired mass proportions.
>Voluminous documentation based on personal and material sources of evidence
>indicates that persons of Serb nationality, only because they belonged to
>the Serb national group and the Orthodox faith, were in a long period of
>time subjected to massive, systematic war crimes against civilian
>population, war crimes against wounded and sick persons, and war crimes
>against prisoners of war.
>It is true that the document covers the suffering of the Serb people only
>1992 and 1993 (before the war in the territory of the Republic of Bosnia
>Herzegovina blazed up), in a relatively small part of the territory of
>Bosanska Posavina, comprising three municipalities: Brcko, Orasje, Odzak
>Bosanski Brod. Nevertheless, it is undeniably idicative of the upsurge,
>scope, pace and intensity of atrocities, torture and unhuman, cruel
>treatment to which Serbs were subjected in this territory.
>The entire action in the mentioned territory was carried out under the
>influence, instruction and supervision, or by order or with the knowledge
>the official authorities of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but
>the Republic of Croatia (as shown by the witness statement on the visit of
>the minister of foreign affairs of the Republic of Croatia Zvonimir
>Separovic to the detention camp for Serbs in Donja Mahala near Orasje in
>A large number of examples is given of the suffering of Serbs, with
>identification (in all possible cases) of the perpetrators and accomplices,
>and the victims, which was possible considering that in most cases the
>perpetrators of inhuman, brutal crimes, were co-villagers of Muslim and
>Croat nationality or former residents of this region, who had previously
>lived and worked together with persons of Serb nationality. Nevertheless,
>would be pretentious to say that all of the crimes and their perpetrators
>have been listed. Numerous attrocities and criminals have remained
>undisclosed or valid evidence is still missing. Considering the number of
>identified Serb victims and those who have disappeared under as yet
>unclarified circumstances, it is, unfortunately, certain that a large
>of crimes, criminals and their victims have not been included in this
>All crimes of genocide covered by this document have been substantiated by
>evidence and can be systematized into:
>willful killing of civilian population and prisoners of war, of Serb
>nationality, detention of civilians population and prisoners of war,
>of Serb nationality, in camps, inhuman treatment, torture and killing,
>ethnic cleansing.
>1. Willful killing of civilian population and prisoners of war, of Serb
>nationality, by its legal description, belongs to crimes of genocide and
>crimes against civilian population, wounded and sick persons and prisoners
>of war.
>In the territory of Bosanska Posavina in 1992 and 1993, such crimes were
>in the territory of the municipality of Brcko, in the form of attacks on
>civilian population (non-combatants, the elderly, women and children),
>including killings, infliction of bodily and mental injuries, detention in
>camps where they were subjected to cruel and inhuman treatment, torture and
>abuse, as well as destruction of villages, plunder and appropriation of
>property, burning of houses, churches, desecration of cemetaries,
>in the period from June to September 1992, in the villages of Bosanska
>Bijela, Bukovac, Bukvik, Vujicici, Gajevi, Lukavac, Vucilovac (in December)
>and Cerik. In the same region, during the assault of the Muslim and Croat
>units against the village of Biliste, in April 1993, a number of Serb
>combatants were captured and tortured and finally killed (the medical
>documentation - forensic reports - shows that the death of the Serbs -
>prisoners of war, resulted from decapitation with a stroke of a blade of a
>heavy mechanical instrument), in the territory of the municipality of
>Orasje, in May 1992, the 106th brigade of the Croatian Defence Council
>(HVO) attacked the village of Bukova Greda, killing a large number of
>Serb civilians, in the territory of the municipality of Odzak, in April,
>May and June 1992, during the attack on the villages of Donja Dubica,
>Jezero, Gornji Svilaj and Novi Grad, a number of Serb civilians were
>killed or wounded, in the territory of the municipality of Bosanski Brod,
>in March and April 1992, during the attack on the village of Sijekovac,
>as well as in June 1992, during the attack on the village of Skela, a
>number of civilians, including children and minors, were killed.
>2. Detention of civilian population and prisoners of war, of Serb
>nationality, in camps established especially for the Serbs, where they were
>subjected to inhuman, cruel treatment, abuse, maltreatment, humiliation,
>infliction of serious bodily and mental injuries, and finally killed in
>various ways and by various means.
>Under the control of Muslim and Croat forces, a large number of detention
>camps was formed in Bosanska Posavina, intended for placement of civilians
>and prisoners of war, of Serb nationality. As many as 35 detention camps
>were formed in Posavina, only for the Serbs: eight in Bosanski Brod,
>nineteen in Brcko, one in Samac, four in Orasje and three in Odzak.
>Conclusion can be drawn that the entire Bosanska Posavina was turned into a
>system of detention camps. Such camps for Serbs were formed in unsuitable
>rooms that had been previously used for various purposes such as: storages,
>warehouses, secondary school centers, kayak clubs, football stadiums,
>industrial plants, local community centers, garages, elementary schools,
>sheds. The exact number of the Serbs who underwent this system of camp
>torture and extermination in Posavina during the war has not yet been
>established, but assumption can be made that it is large. This is also
>by the document "The List of Detainees in the School-Prison" in Odzak made
>by the Croatian Defense Council (HVO), showing that 618 Serbs passed
>this one camp in the observed period.
>The Serbs, civilians and prisoners of war, were captured massively and
>systematically, in continuity and in a long period of time, taken to
>detention camps and kept in unbearable living conditions. Not even the
>elementary requirements were met. The prisoners slept on the concrete or
>other floor, were given inadequate or irregular food, of poor quality,
>mostly consisted of a slice of bread, a cup of tea, soup or broth, with
>insufficient drinking water. The prisoners were subjected to day- to-day
>merciless beating by different kinds of weapons and instruments, different
>ways and methods of torture, whereby they were brutally injured, tortured
>and humiliated, and sustained bodily and mental injuries and torment, which
>often ended in murder, turning detention camps into hell on the Earth.
>The above stated is confirmed by the data on the suffering of the Serbs -
>civilians and prisoners of war, in the camps of Rahici, Ulice, Zovik,
>Boce (near Brcko) and Donja Mahala (near Orasje). Considering the number of
>prisoners, the camp capacities did not provide for the minimum conditions
>for survival. According to the available data, each prisoners in the
>detention camp in the Odzaci Elementary School was given only 0.5m2 of
>space. Muslim and Croat soldiers, assisted by the camp management, designed
>a system of measures and procedures to destroy and exterminate the Serb
>people by various forms of torture, maltreatment, humuliation and abuse.
>The methods for torturing the imprisoned Serbs indicate that imagination in
>service of hatred against another nation is inexhaustible. Killings,
>infliction of serious bodily and mental injuries and traumas, beating up
>over the body, torture and abuse, were again carried out in a planned
>manner, like in World War II, and again in pursuit of the Ustashi ideology.
>Furthermore, the prisoners were taken out to forced labor, to dig trenches,
>build fortifications, fill bags with sand, and do other jobs on the front
>line at the very time of war operations, as a result of which many of them
>were killed or wounded by missiles sent by both sides.
>3. Genocide was practically manifested through all of the above mentioned
>forms of operation of the Croat and Muslim forces against the Serb
>population in the territory of Bosanska Posavina. Killings, bodily
>detention camps for Serbs - women, children, the elderly, men, wounded and
>sick persons, and prisoners of war, were not an objective by themselves.
>They were all aimed at full or partial extermination of persons of Serb
>nationality (ethnicity) in this territory, to be carried out once and for
>all, using all possible ways and means to meet the end.
>2.1. B R C K O
>In the region of the Municipality of Brcko from June 11, 1992 to December
>12, 1992 Croat-Muslim armed units executed attacks on the Serbian civilian
>population, killing Serbs, plundering their property, burning down their
>houses, churches, desecrating their cemeteries, taking them to the prison
>camps and submitting them to torture there.
>In connection with these crimes against Serbs in the villages of Bosanska
>Bijela, Bukovac, Bukvik, Vujicici, Gajevi, Vucilovac and Cerik there is
>concrete evidence.
>2.1.1. Bosanska Bijela
>Several witnesses have testified about the situation prevailing in the
>village of Bosanska Bijela prior of June 11, 1992 when the attack was
>executed on the Serbian population, the witnesses heard before the
>investigating judge of the Municipal Court in Brcko.
>Witness 617/95-5 testified as follows:
>"...Before this war I was living with my family in the village of Bijela,
>municipality of Brcko, which was inhabited with the inhabitants of Serbian
>nationality. This village is surrounded by the Serbian villages of Cerik,
>Bukvik, Spionica, Srnice and others. The villages bordering on the said
>villages are populated with Muslim and Croat population. Immediately prior
>to the commencement of war, in the first half of 1992, inhabitants of the
>Muslim and Croat villages formed their own military units so that the
>Muslims had the insignia of the green berets, and the Croats insignia of
>the HVO (Croat Defense Council). Directly following their formation these
>units started sending threats to the population of Serbian nationality,
>threatening that they will all be killed and expelled. They began placing
>barricades and preventing the movement of the Serbian population, and in
>early June of that same year from time to time they would erupt into some
>the villages...".
>Witness 617/95-1 stated, inter alia, the following:
>"...Immediately before the commencement of war, in the first half of 1992,
>although we, the inhabitants of Serbian nationality, had earlier good
>relations with our neighbors Croats, these relations started to
>This was felt first when a neighbor, a Croat, would be marrying his son or
>daughter, and they started avoiding to invite to the festivities us Serbs.
>They would explain the fact of not inviting Serbs by saying that their
>priest was instructing them not to invite Serbs either for festivities or
>for funerals...".
>On June 11, 1992 an attack was carried out on the Serbian population, on
>which occasion the following Serbs were killed:
>1) SEKULIC (of father Jakov) MILAN, born in 1958 (witnesses: 617/95-1,
>617/95-5, 6636/95-1,2 and 3).
>2) SEKULIC (of father Lazar) MARA, born in 1925 (witnesses: 617/95-1,
>617/95-5, 636/95-1 and 2)
>3) LUKIC (of father Stevo) DUSAN, (witnesses: 617/95-1, 636/95-1,2 and 3)
>4) JOVANKA, born in 1932 (witnesses: 617/95-5, 636/95-1 and 2)
>5) LUKIC VESELIN, born in 1938 (witnesses: 617/95-5, 636/95-1,2 and 3)
>PERPETRATORS of the said crime are the following persons:
>1) DJORDJIC ZVONIMIR, "Djone" (witnesses: 617/95-1, 636/95-1 and 3);
>2) LASTRIC MARJAN, commander of the unit in the 108th Brigade (witnesses:
>617/95-1, 636/95-1 and 2);
>3) ANDJIC FILIP, "Irac" (witnesses: 617/95-1, 636/95-1);
>4) STJEPANOVIC IVO, "Peles" (witnesses: 617/95-1, 617/95-5 and 636/95-1);
>5) MENDES DRAGAN (witnesses: 617/95-1 and 636/95-1);
>6) MENDES FRANJO (witness: 617/95-1);
>7) CANCAREVIC GRGA, "Tahir" (witnesses: 617/95-1 and 636/95-1);
>8) DJORDJIC PETAR (witnesses: 617/95-1 and 636/95-1);
>9) DJORDJIC ANDRIJA (witnesses: 617/95-1 and 636/95-1);
>10) DJORDJIC IVO, "Supetalo" (witnesses: 617/95-1 and 636/95-1);
>11) FILIPOVIC STJEPAN, former employee of the Public Safety Station in
>(witnesses: 636/95-1 and 2);
>12) JURKOVIC IGNJACIJE, former employee of the Public Safety Station in
>Brcko (witnesses: 636/95-1 and 2);
>13) MENDES (of father Franjo) MATIJA (witness: 636/95-2);
>14) CANCAREVIC ANDRIJA (witness; 636/95-2);
>15) CANDAREVIC (of father Andrija) FRANJO (witness: 636/95-2);
>16) GELJIC FRANJO, "Irac" (witness: 636/95-2);
>17) JURKOVIC (of father Savo) IVO (witness: 636/95-3), and
>18) LUKIC (of father Ivo) MATO (witness: 636/95-3).
>During the said attack the following persons were wounded:
>1) MICIC ALEKSA (witness: 636/95-2);
>2) LUKIC DOBRIVOJE (witness: 636/95-2), and
>3) STEVIC MAKSO (witness: 636/95-2)
>EVIDENCE: witnesses 617/95-1, 617/95-5, 636/95-1, 636/95-2 and 636/95-3.
>The Municipal Public Prosecutor of Brcko filed with the Municipal Court of
>Brcko the Indictment Kt.No. 69/93 of July 15, 1994 in connection with the
>stated crimes and for the criminal acts of the war crime against civilian
>population from Article 142, para. 1 of the Penal Code of the Republic of
>Srpska - General Part.
>2.1.2. Bukovac
>Croat-Muslim military units attacked Serbian population in the village of
>Bukovac on September 11, 1992.
>Several witnesses testified regarding this situation - and the atmosphere
>which existed in the said village prior to September 11, 1992 and also on
>the geographic location of the village of Bukovac.
>Thus, for example, the witness 617/95-32, states as follows:
>"...The village of Bukovac and another six villages belonging to the local
>community of Bukvik were populated exclusively with the Serbian population.
>Villages surrounding this area of the local community of Bukvik on the one
>side were populated with the Muslim population, and on the other side with
>the Croat population. Early in 1992 in the Muslim and the Croat villages
>military units were formed which immediately upon their formation started
>with sending threats to the inhabitants of the Serbian villages claiming
>that they shall all be killed or expelled from that area. So formed
>units were placing barricades around Serbian villages and in that way
>impossible exit of Serbs from and entrance to these villages. They were
>holding the Serbian villages under blockade for some six months, in order
>start the attack on September 11, 1992. First they raided the village of
>Bukovac. Before erupting into the village, Croat and Muslim units opened a
>strong fire and during the entrance started setting fire on Serbian houses
>and killing Serbs who were in their homes. Serbian population escaped to
>woods and was hiding there from the Muslim army...".
>During the attack on the village of Bukovac on September 11 and 12, 1992
>following Serbs - civilians were killed:
>1) VUJIC MITAR, born in 1945 (witnesses: 617/95-4, 638/95-);
>2) PEJIC MARKO, born in 1931 (witnesses: 617/95-4 and 638/95-7);
>3) PEJIC CVIJETA, born in 1938 (witnesses: 617/95-4 and 638/95-7);
>4) MILOSEVIC (of father Bogoljub) PETAR, born in 1958 (witnesses: 617/95-19
>, 640/95-1 and 4);
>5) TANASIC (of father Jovo) NOVAK, born in 1957 (witnesses: 617/95-19,
>640/95-1 and 4);
>6) RADIC GOJKO, born in 1957 (witness: 617/95-32);
>7) RADIC CVIJETIN, born in 1963 (witness: 617/95-32);
>8) BAJIC RISTO, born in 1942 (witnesses: 617/95-34, 640/95-1, 2 and 3);
>9) BAJIC ZIVAN, born in 1963 (witnesses: 617/95-34, 640/95-1,2 and 3);
>10) BAJIC ILIJA, born in 1938 (witnesses: 634/95-3 and 5, 640/95-1 and 2);
>11) PISTALOVIC NIKOLA, born in 1927 (witnesses: 640/95-1 and 2);
>12) PEKIC JOVAN, born in 1954 (witnesses: 64/95-1 and 2) and
>13) SUBOTIC STEVO, born in 1938 (witnesses: 640/95-1 and 2).
>In this case testimony of the witness 617/95-32 is especially outstanding
>connection with the killing of his sons Radic Gojko and Radic Cvijetin and
>of the witness 617/95-34 in connection with the killing of her husband
>Risto and her son Bajic Zivan.
>Thus, the witness 617/95-32 before the investigating judge of the Municipal
>Court of Brcko on July 26, 1995, inter alia, states the following:
>"...We were hiding in the woods, myself and my now deceased sons, the older
>one Gojko born on March 15, 1957 in Bukovac of father Janko and the younger
>one Cvijetin born on July 23, 1963. Gojko was wounded in the left arm. We
>had spent the night in the woods, and on the next day together with the
>of the population, while hiding, we went to Gornji Bukvik. We have spent
>days in that area... When the Croat or Muslim soldiers found us in the
>in Bukvik, in my presence they called out from the group my sons Gojko and
>Cvijetin, and shot the round of gun fire into them. They took Cvijetin from
>me because I was holding him under the arm, and then they shot him. I
>and pleaded with them not to do that, but nothing helped. Their bodies
>remained in that forest and until now I do not know whether someone buried
>them or not. ..,".
>Witness 617/95-34 before the investigating judge of the Municipal Court of
>Brcko on July 26, 1995, inter alia, stated the following:
>"...They killed my husband Risto Bajic born on June 26, 1942 in Bukovac, of
>father Milos and mother Stana, maiden Djuric, on the threshold of our new
>house. They also killed my son Zivan Bajic born on November 13, 1963 in
>same place, because they remained at home...".
>About the killing of Bajic Risto and Bajic Zivan the witness 640/95-3
>the investigating judge of the Municipal Court of Brcko on February 2, 1994
>states the following:
>"...They were taking me some place and then I saw that we were passing by
>the house of Risto and Zivan Bajic. I saw them both coming out of their
>house with hand in the air, without any weapons, but one of the soldiers
>opened fire and killed them both...".
>Witness 640/95-1 while testifying about the attack of the Muslim-Croat
>forces on Bukovac on September 11, 1992 emphasizes the following:
>"...We were attacked by the Muslim-Croat forces and I was then with another
>seven of my neighbors in the hamlet of Vasiljevici. I remember that we were
>attacked by our, until that day, neighbors from the village of Ulovici,
>because I personally recognized Dzinic Blazo called "Bajica", Jurkovic
>Stjepan called "Pepa, Simic Jozo, Radosevic Zdravko called "Kjesa", Dzinic
>Zdravko, Filipovic Niko, Martinovic Luka, Miskovic Zvonko, Miskovic Mirko,
>Djukic Niko and Simic Zarko. They executed the attack from the direction of
>the railway station while the Muslims attacked us from the direction of
>Zinic brook...".
>EVIDENCE: in connection with the attack on Bukovac, killing of Serbian
>population and plunder and setting on fire of Serbian houses - witnesses:
>671/95-2, 617/95-3, 617/95-19, 617/95-32, 617/95-34, 634/95-3, 634/95-5,
>617/95-4 and 638/95-7, 638/95-11, 640/95-1, 640/95-2, 640/95-3, 640/95-4.
>In connection with the attacks on Serbian population in Bukovac on
>11, 1992 and the crimes committed against Serbian population, the Municipal
>Public Prosecutor of Brcko filed an Indictment under number Kt. 68/93 of
>June 9, 1994 with the Municipal Court of Brcko, against several persons for
>criminal acts of the war crime against civilian population from Article
>para. 1 applied from the Penal Code of the Socialist Federal Republic of
>2.1.3. Bukvik, Vujicici, Gajeva and Lukavac
>On September 14, 1992, therefore, only three days after the attack on the
>village of Bosanska Bijela, the armed Croat and Muslim units executed the
>attack on the villages of Gornji and Donji Bukvik, Vujicici, Gajeva and
>Lukavac. During that attack they killed a large number of civilians of
>Serbian nationality. They were the villages in which Serbian population was
>living, and in this case, as in the previous case of Bosanska Bijela, and
>they are to proceed later on in the other places, they were
>plundering -taking away the property of Serbs, setting their houses on
>burning down the Serbian Orthodox churches, desecrating the cemeteries of
>Serbs. One number of Serbs were taken to the prison camps in the village of
>Rahic - communal house and the prison camp in the school, in Zovik -
>premises of the storage of building material, and in Ulice - in the
>of the primary school. In these prison camps Serbs were tortured, which
>shall be discussed later in this report. The crimes committed in this area
>by the members of the Muslim-Croat military units are confirmed by a large
>number of eye-witnesses, Serbs, inhabitants of the said villages.
>During the attack executed on September 14, 1992 the following persons of
>Serbian nationality were killed:
>1) PEJIC BLAGOJE, born in 1912 (witness: 617/95-4);
>2) TODOROVIC MARKO, born in 1932 (witnesses: 617/95-4, 14, 679/95-5, 33,
>3) LUKIC NEDELJKO, born in 1940 (witnesses: 617/95-4, 14, 679/95-5, 33,
>638/95-2 and 638/95-7);
>4) DJURIC VASO, born in 1940 (witnesses: 617/95-4, 14, 679/95-5, 638/95-2);
>5) DJURIC SLADJAN, (witnesses: 617/95-4, 679/95-);
>6) PEJIC (of father Tanasije) CVIJETIN, born in 1957 (witness: 617/95-6);
>7) RISTIC (of father Zarije) MIRKO, born in 1957 (witness: 617/95-6, with
>the remark that the father of the killed Ristic Mirko is testifying before
>court that his son Ristic Mirko and Pejic Cvijetin were killed in Gornji
>Bukvik on September 11, 1992 when the raid on the village was made and at
>the same time several houses were set on fire);
>8) SEKULIC SPASOJE, born in 1955 (witnesses: 617/95-10, 11, 634/95-4, 6 and
>9) TANIC GAVRO, born in 1922 (witness: 617/95-14);
>10) PURIC (of father Avram) VLAJKO, (witnesses: 617/95-19, 25, 26,
>634/95-4, 638/95-12);
>11) RADIC ZIVAN, born in 1966 (witnesses: 617/95-19, 25, 26, 679/95-9,
>634/95-4, 638/95-12 and 640/95-1);
>12) RADIC CVIJETIN, born in 1963 (witness: 617/95-19);
>13) BRESTOVACKI MILKA, born in 1943 (witnesses: 617/95-22, 634/95-1, 4, 6
>and 8, 538/95-2 and 12, 679/95-8);
>14) BRESTOVACKI RADOJKA, born in 1933 (witnesses: 617/95-22, 4, 6 and 8,
>638/95-2 and 12, and 679/95-8);
>15) VESELINOVIC SAVO, born in 1939 (witnesses: 617/95-25, 26, 33,
>16) VIDOVIC DJOKO, born in 1922 (witnesses: 634/95-8, 638/95-2, 679/95-8);
>17) KAURINOVIC ILIJA, called "Farkas", born in 1918 (witnesses: 634/95-4, 6
>and 8);
>18) JOVIC DANILO - Danko, born in 1960 (witnesses: 634/95-4, 6 and 8);
>19) KAURINOVIC (of father Savo) TRIVO, born in 1963 (witnesses: 634/95-4,
>20) PASIC (of father Gavro) GLIGOR, born in 1930 (witnesses: 634/95-4, 6,
>21) PASIC (of father Niko) CVIJETIN, born in 1954 (witnesses: 634/95-4, 6,
>22) TANASKOVIC JOVAN, born in 1912 (witnesses: 634/95-4, 638/95-2);
>23) TANASKOVIC SAVO, born in 1912 (witness: 634/95-4);
>24) MARICIC (of father Savo) JANKO, born in 1930 (witnesses: 634/95-4 and
>25) BAJIC RADOJKA, born in 1948 (witness: 634/95-4);
>26) VESELINOVIC PERO, born in 1974 (witness: 634/95-4);
>27) KEREZOVIC DJORDJE, born in 1932 (witnesses: 634/95-5, 638/95-2);
>28) KEREZOVIC CVIJETA, born in 1932 (witnesses: 634/95-5, 638/95-2);
>29) DJURIC MILO, born in 1914 (witnesses: 634/95-8, 638/95-2);
>30) MIJATOVIC (of father Mitar) JOVAN, born in 1953 (witnesses: 638/95-1,
>31) VUJIC VASO, born in 1924 (witness: 638/95-2);
>32) PODIJEVIC STEVO, born in 1921 (witness: 638/95-2);
>33) PEJIC ILIJA, born in 1974 (witness: 638/95-7), and
>39) BLAGOJEVIC MITAR, born in 1942 (witness: 638/95-7).
>On the basis of the gathered evidence it is established that in the above
>stated attacks and/or killing of persons of Serbian nationality, the
>following persons took part and committed the crimes:
>1) LUBINOVIC SEFKET (witnesses: 617/95-10 and 11, 634/95-8);
>2) DJAKIC MENSUR (witnesses: 679/95-30, 634/95-8 and 9 - for whom it is
>stated that he was the leader of the Muslim army unit which attacked
>3) DZINIC BLAZA, "Bajica", from Ulovici (witness; 634/95-8);
>4) BOSANKIC PETAR, from Vitanovici (witness: 634/95-8);
>5) JAKIC LUKA, former policeman from Brcko (witness: 634/95-8);
>6) CARAPIC VJEKOSLAV, from Ulice (witness: 634/95-8);
>7) SARAJCIC NURIJA, from Brka (witness: 634/95-8);
>8) HADZIC (of father Huso) SINAN, from Ulovici (witness: 634/95-8);
>9) HADZIC (of father Mustafa) SADO, from Ulovici (witness: 634/95-8);
>10) KALIC NIJAZ (witness: 634/95-8);
>11) SULJIC DAMIR, "Matija" (witness: 634/95-8), and
>12) HASANOVIC MELVUDIN (witness: 634/95-9).
>The witness 634/95-8 before the investigating judge of the Municipal Court
>of Brcko on December 12, 1993, inter alia, stated the following:
>"...I have personally on September 14 and 15, 1992 recognized persons who
>were burning down houses and killing people, and they are...", then he
>stated the names of perpetrators of the crimes, from number 1 to 11.
>The witness 634/95-9 stated, inter alia, before the investigating judge of
>the Municipal Court of Brcko in the minutes of his testimony taken on
>January 20, 1994, the following:
>"...The attack was under the command of Mensur Djakic whom I have seen on
>that day. I have also seen Melvudin Hasanovic. I was seeing them kill
>everything that could be killed... I saw them when they killed a blind
>man who was never leaving his home, I saw them killing old men. None of the
>victims were members of the territorial defense. After the killing, they
>would plunder and set houses on fire. We surrendered the next day and,
>together with the others, I was taken to the prison camp of Gornji
>How ruthless were the attackers on the said villages in committing their
>crimes is testified in an emotional way by the witnesses 617/95-10 and
>617/95-11, mother and sister of the victim Sekulic Spasoje.
>Thus, the witness 617/95-10 before the investigating judge of the Municipal
>Court of Brcko on July 20, 1995, states the following:
>"...My deceased brother Spasoje, born on June 28, 1954 had a spine disorder
>and was bed-ridden. He could walk only by the aid of crutches and for short
>distances. Muslim soldiers found the place where we were hiding on
>15, 1992, at a brook close to our house. I know that they were Muslim
>soldiers because they were wearing green bands. When they found us they
>started swearing at our Chetnik mother, calling my deceased brother a
>Chetnik. They took us towards the center of the village of Bukvik and one
>Muslim soldier came to us, later we learnt that his name is Semso Ljubina
>(it is actually Lubinovic Sefket), but we did not know that soldier. That
>soldier was masked, his face was covered with some kind of paint, he
>out my brother saying that he is a Chetnik, and then fired two rounds of
>ammunition into his chest. My mother Netka and myself begged the soldier
>to do that but it did not help. His body remained on the road. Whether he
>was buried or not I do not know even now because Bukvik is under the
>of the Croat and Muslim authorities..."
>Witness 617/95-11 before the investigating judge of the Municipal Court of
>Brcko on July 21, 1995, inter alia, states the following:
>"... The majority of Serbian population abandoned their houses and escaped
>into the woods, and so did I with my daughter and a sick son Spasoje who
>bed-ridden because of a spine injury. He could walk only on crutches and
>a short distance. We were hiding in the woods until September 15, 1992. At
>some 10:00 hours we were discovered by the Muslim army and they ordered us
>to move. During the movement to the center of the village, one Muslim
>soldier who had a green band and his face covered so that no one could
>recognize him, singled out my deceased son Spasoje from the column and when
>he turned his weapons towards him, myself and my daughter started to beg
>that soldier and to scream. However, nothing helped. He fired two rounds of
>ammunition into Spasoje and ordered us to move towards the center..."
>On the basis of testimonies by several eye-witnesses it is established that
>also Puric Vlajko, Radic Zivan and Veselinovic Sava were ruthlessly killed,
>having several days previously been wounded.
>Witness 617/95-26, mother of the victim Radic Zivan stated before the
>investigating judge of the Municipal Court of Brcko on July 25, 1995, the
>"... My son Zivan was wounded in the manner that a bullet entered his mouth
>from the right side and exited at the top of his head. As far as I could
>it was an explosive bullet so the wound was large but he was alive... I saw
>that Vlajko Puric was wounded in the left shoulder, and Savo Veselinovic
>wounded in the leg, I do not know exactly where. While I was tending my son
>and the other wounded, Muslim soldiers arrived and one of them pointed the
>gun of the weapon at me at my back and ordered the others to shoot the
>wounded. He literally said "kill the wounded", and in my presence they
>the rounds of ammunition in the chest of Zivan and the other two wounded.
>Then they pushed me in the direction of the center of the villages..."
>Witness 679/95-9 before the investigating judge of the Municipal Court of
>Brcko on August 17, 1995 states the following:
>"... On September 14, 1992 Croat and Muslim soldiers, after opening fire on
>Serbian villages, erupted into these villages and started setting Serbian
>houses on fire and killing Serbian population...On that day some 59
>inhabitants of Serbian nationality were killed from the said villages in
>area of the local community of Bukvik. Ruthlessly were being killed aged
>women, and among them three wounded persons: Savo Veselinovic, Vlajko Puric
>and Zivan Radic, who were close to the house of Cedo Pajic... This fact is
>known to all the former inhabitants of the village of G. Bukvik..."
>Witness 679/95-8 testified before the investigating judge of the Municipal
>Court of Brcko on August 17, 1995, inter alia, about the killing of
>Brestovacki Milka and Brestovacki Radojka.
>"... I have personally seen, hidden in the woods, when the Muslim and Croat
>soldiers took out Milka and Radojka Brestovacki on the road and when they
>fired shots at them. I have also seen when they took out an older man Djoko
>Vidovic from D. Bukvik and when they shot and killed him..."

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