>From http://www.swans.com/

c o m m e n t a r y
May 22, 2000

Trade liberty for safety or money and you'll end up with neither. Liberty, like
a grain of salt, easily dissolves.
The power of questioning -- not simply believing -- has no friends. Yet liberty
depends on it.

Note from the Editor:  The Peter Weiz Price, an award funded by the German
Marshall Fund, was won this year by Steven Erlanger of The New York Times.
According to The Times, the prize, worth $10,000, "rewards excellence and
originality in reporting and analyzing European and transatlantic affairs."
Excellence and originality in reporting? What was excellent about the lies and
disinformation passed on to the US public but the lies and the disinformation?
And what originality did this reporter, this Bureau Chief, demonstrate in the
war zones of Serbia and Kosovo? Didn't he simply regurgitate whatever
propaganda his NATO masters provided him on a daily basis? Read our lead
article, written by Michael Parenti. Then you'll understand that when
journalists serve the interests of their masters they get a recompense. It's a
win-win situation. It's a self-serving system doing the rounds. Meantime the
truth has gone AWOL.

The Media and Their Atrocities
by Michael Parenti

"Believe nothing,
no matter where you read it,
or who said it, no matter if
I have said it, unless it agrees
with your own reason and
your common sense."
-- Buddha

For the better part of a decade the U.S. public has been bombarded with a media
campaign to demonize the Serbian people and their elected leaders. During that
time, the U.S. government has pursued a goal of breaking up Yugoslavia into a
cluster of small, weak, dependent, free-market principalities. Yugoslavia was
the only country in Eastern Europe that would not dismantle its welfare state
and public sector economy. It was the only one that did not beg for entry into
NATO. It was--and what's left of it, still is--charting an independent course
not in keeping with the New World Order.

Targeting the Serbs

Of the various Yugoslav peoples, the Serbs were targeted for demonization
because they were the largest nationality and the one most opposed to the
breakup of Yugoslavia. But what of the atrocities they committed? All sides
committed atrocities in the fighting that has been encouraged by the western
powers over the last decade, but the reporting has been consistently one-sided.
Grisly incidents of Croat and Muslim atrocities against the Serbs rarely made
it into the U.S. press, and when they did they were accorded only passing
mention. 1 Meanwhile Serb atrocities were played up and sometimes even
fabricated, as we shall see. Recently, three Croatian generals were indicted by
the Hague War Crimes Tribunal for the bombardment and deaths of Serbs in
Krajina and elsewhere. Where were the U.S. television crews when these war
crimes were being committed? John Ranz, chair of Survivors of the Buchenwald
Concentration Camp, USA, asks: Where were the TV cameras when hundreds of Serbs
were slaughtered by Muslims near Srebrenica? 2 The official line, faithfully
parroted in the U.S. media, is that Bosnian Serb forces committed all the
atrocities at Srebrenica.

Are we to trust U.S. leaders and the corporate-owned news media when they dish
out atrocity stories? Recall the five hundred premature babies whom Iraqi
soldiers laughingly ripped from incubators in Kuwait? A story repeated and
believed until exposed as a total fabrication years later. During the Bosnian
war in 1993, the Serbs were accused of pursuing an official policy of rape. "Go
forth and rape" a Bosnian Serb commander supposedly publicly instructed his
troops. The source of that story never could be traced. The commander's name
was never produced. As far as we know, no such utterance was ever made. Even
the New York Times belatedly ran a tiny retraction, coyly allowing that "the
existence of 'a systematic rape policy' by the Serbs remains to be proved." 3

Bosnian Serb forces supposedly raped anywhere from 25,000 to 100,000 Muslim
women, the stories varied. The Bosnian Serb army numbered not more than 30,000
or so, many of whom were engaged in desperate military engagements. A
representative from Helsinki Watch noted that stories of massive Serbian rapes
originated with the Bosnian Muslim and Croatian governments and had no credible
supporting evidence. Common sense would dictate that these stories be treated
with the utmost skepticism--and not be used as an excuse for an aggressive and
punitive policy against Yugoslavia.

The "mass rape" propaganda theme was resuscitated in 1999 to justify the
continued NATO slaughter of Yugoslavia. A headline in the San Francisco
Examiner (April 26, 1999) tells us: "SERB TACTIC IS ORGANIZED RAPE, KOSOVO
REFUGEES SAY." No evidence or testimony is given to support the charge of
organized rape. Only at the bottom of the story, in the nineteenth paragraph,
do we read that reports gathered by the Kosovo mission of the Organization for
Security and Cooperation in Europe found no such organized rape policy. The
actual number of rapes were in the dozens "and not many dozens," according to
the OSCE spokesperson. This same story did note in passing that the U.N. War
Crimes Tribunal sentenced a Bosnian Croat military commander to ten years in
prison for failing to stop his troops from raping Muslim women in 1993--an
atrocity we heard little about when it was happening.

A few dozen rapes is a few dozen too many. But can it serve as one of the
justifications for a massive war? If Mr. Clinton wanted to stop rapes, he could
have begun a little closer to home in Washington D.C., where dozens of rapes
occur every month. Indeed, he might be able to alert us to how women are
sexually mistreated on Capitol Hill and in the White House itself.

The Serbs were blamed for the infamous Sarajevo market massacre. But according
to the report leaked out on French TV, Western intelligence knew that it was
Muslim operatives who had bombed Bosnian civilians in the marketplace in order
to induce NATO involvement. Even international negotiator David Owen, who
worked with Cyrus Vance, admitted in his memoir that the NATO powers knew all
along that it was a Muslim bomb. 4

On one occasion, notes Barry Lituchy, the New York Times ran a photo purporting
to be of Croats grieving over Serbian atrocities when in fact the murders had
been committed by Bosnian Muslims. The Times printed an obscure retraction the
following week. 5

The propaganda campaign against Belgrade has been so relentless that even
prominent personages on the Left--who oppose the NATO policy against Yugoslavia-
-have felt compelled to genuflect before this demonization orthodoxy, referring
to unspecified and unverified Serbian "brutality" and "the monstrous
Milosevic." 6 Thus they reveal themselves as having been influenced by the very
media propaganda machine they criticize on so many other issues. To reject the
demonized image of Milosevic and of the Serbian people is not to idealize them
or claim that Serb forces are faultless or free of crimes. It is merely to
challenge the one-sided propaganda that laid the grounds for NATO's aggression
against Yugoslavia.

The Ethnic Cleansing Hype

Up until the NATO bombings began in March 1999, the conflict in Kosovo had
taken 2000 lives altogether from both sides, according to Kosovo Albanian
sources. Yugoslavian sources put the figure at 800. Such casualties reveal a
civil war, not genocide. Belgrade is condemned for the forced expulsion policy
of Albanians from Kosovo. But such expulsions began in substantial numbers only
after the NATO bombings, with thousands being uprooted by Serb forces
especially from areas where KLA mercenaries were operating

We should keep in mind that tens of thousands also fled Kosovo because it was
being mercilessly bombed by NATO, or because it was the scene of sustained
ground fighting between Yugoslav forces and the KLA, or because they were just
afraid and hungry. An Albanian woman crossing into Macedonia was eagerly asked
by a news crew if she had been forced out by Serb police. She responded: "There
were no Serbs. We were frightened of the [NATO] bombs." 7 I had to read this in
the San Francisco Guardian, an alternative weekly, not in the New York Times or
Washington Post.

During the bombings, an estimated 70,000 to 100,000 Serbian residents of Kosovo
took flight (mostly north but some to the south), as did thousands of Roma and
others. 8 Were the Serbs ethnically cleansing themselves? Or were these people
not fleeing the bombing and the ground war? Yet, the refugee tide caused by the
bombing was repeatedly used by U.S. war makers as justification for the
bombing, a pressure put on Milosevic to allow "the safe return of ethnic
Albanian refugees." 9

While Kosovo Albanians were leaving in great numbers--usually well-clothed and
in good health, some riding their tractors, trucks, or cars, many of them young
men of recruitment age--they were described as being "slaughtered." It was
repeatedly reported that "Serb atrocities"--not the extensive ground war with
the KLA and certainly not the massive NATO bombing--"drove more than one
million Albanians from their homes." 10 More recently, there have been hints
that Albanian Kosovar refugees numbered nowhere near that number.

Serbian attacks on KLA strongholds or the forced expulsion of Albanian
villagers were described as "genocide." But experts in surveillance photography
and wartime propaganda charged NATO with running a "propaganda campaign" on
Kosovo that lacked any supporting evidence. State Department reports of mass
graves and of 100,000 to 500,000 missing Albanian men "are just ludicrous,"
according to these independent critics. 11 Their findings were ignored by the
major networks and other national media.

Early in the war, Newsday reported that Britain and France were seriously
considering "commando assaults into Kosovo to break the pattern of Serbian
massacres of ethnic Albanians." 12 What discernible pattern of massacres? Of
course, no commando assaults were put into operation, but the story served its
purpose of hyping an image of mass killings.

An ABC "Nightline" show made dramatic and repeated references to the "Serbian
atrocities in Kosovo" while offering no specifics. Ted Kopple asked a group of
angry Albanian refugees, what specifically had they witnessed. They pointed to
an old man in their group who wore a wool hat. One of them reenacted what the
Serbs had done to him, throwing the man's hat to the ground and stepping on it-
"because the Serbs knew that his hat was the most important thing to him."
Kopple was appropriately horrified about this "war crime," the only example
offered in an hour-long program.

A widely circulated story in the New York Times, headlined "U.S. REPORT
OUTLINES SERB ATTACKS IN KOSOVO," tells us that the State Department issued
"the most comprehensive documentary record to date on atrocities." The report
concluded that there had been organized rapes and systematic executions. But as
one reads further and more closely into the article, one finds that State
Department reports of such crimes "depend almost entirely on information from
refugee accounts. There was no suggestion that American intelligence agencies
had been able to verify, most, or even many, of the accounts . . . and the word
'reportedly' and 'allegedly' appear throughout the document." 13

British journalist Audrey Gillan interviewed Kosovo refugees about atrocities
and found an impressive lack of evidence or credible specifics. One woman
caught him glancing at the watch on her wrist, while her husband told him how
all the women had been robbed of their jewelry and other possessions. A
spokesman for the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees talked of mass rapes and
what sounded like hundreds of killings in three villages, but when Gillan
pressed him for more precise information, he reduced it drastically to five or
six teenage rape victims. But he had not spoken to any witnesses, and admitted
that "we have no way of verifying these reports." 14

Gillan notes that some refugees had seen killings and other atrocities, but
there was little to suggest that they had seen it on the scale that was being
reported. One afternoon, officials in charge said there were refugees arriving
who talked of sixty or more being killed in one village and fifty in another,
but Gillan "could not find one eye-witness who actually saw these things
happening." Yet every day western journalists reported "hundreds" of rapes and
murders. Sometimes they noted in passing that the reports had yet to be
substantiated, but then why were such unverified stories being so eagerly
reported in the first place?

The Disappearing "Mass Graves"

After NATO forces occupied Kosovo, the stories about mass atrocities continued
fortissimo. The Washington Post reported that 350 ethnic Albanians "might be
buried in mass graves" around a mountain village in western Kosovo. They "might
be" or they might not be. These estimates were based on sources that NATO
officials refused to identify. Getting down to specifics, the article mentions
"four decomposing bodies" discovered near a large ash heap. 15
It was repeatedly announced in the first days of the NATO occupation that
10,000 Albanians had been killed (down from the 100,000 and even 500,000
Albanian men supposedly executed during the war). No evidence was ever offered
to support the 10,000 figure, nor even to explain how it was arrived at so
swiftly and surely while NATO troops were still moving into place and did not
occupy but small portions of the province.

Likewise, repeatedly unsubstantiated references to "mass graves," each
purportedly filled with hundreds or even thousands of Albanian victims also
failed to materialize. Through the summer of 1999, the media hype about mass
graves devolved into an occasional unspecified reference. The few sites
actually unearthed offered up as many as a dozen bodies or sometimes twice that
number, but with no certain evidence regarding causes of death or even the
nationality of victims. In some cases there was reason to believe the victims
were Serbs. 16

On April 19, 1999, while the NATO bombings of Yugoslavia were going on, the
State Department announced that up to 500,000 Kosovo Albanians were missing and
feared dead. On May 16, U.S. Secretary of Defense William Cohen, a former
Republican senator from Maine now serving in President Clinton's Democratic
Administration, stated that 100,000 military-aged ethnic Albanian men had
vanished and might have been killed by the Serbs. 17 Such widely varying but
horrendous figures from official sources went unchallenged by the media and by
the many liberals who supported NATO's "humanitarian rescue operation." Among
these latter were some supposedly progressive members of Congress who seemed to
believe they were witnessing another Nazi Holocaust.

On June 17, just before the end of the war, British Foreign Office Minister
Geoff Hoon said that "in more than 100 massacres" some 10,000 ethnic Albanians
had been killed (down from the 500,000 and 100,000 bandied about by U.S.
officials)." 18 A day or two after the bombings stopped, the Associate Press
and other news agency, echoing Hoon, reported that 10,000 Albanians had been
killed by the Serbs. 19 No explanation was given as to how this figure was
arrived at, especially since not a single war site had yet been investigated
and NATO forces had barely begun to move into Kosovo. On August 2, Bernard
Kouchner, the United Nations' chief administrator in Kosovo (and organizer of
Doctors Without Borders), asserted that about 11,000 bodies had been found in
common graves throughout Kosovo. He cited as his source the International
Criminal Tribunal for the Former Republic of Yugoslavia (ICTY). But the ICTY
denied providing any such information. To this day, it is not clear how
Kouchner came up with his estimate. 20

As with the Croatian and Bosnian conflicts, the image of mass killings was
hyped once again. Repeatedly unsubstantiated references to "mass graves," each
purportedly filled with hundreds or even thousands of Albanian victims were
publicized in daily media reports. In September 1999, Jared Israel did an
internet search for newspaper articles, appearing over the previous three
months including the words "Kosovo" and "mass grave." The report came back:
"More than 1000-- too many to list." Limiting his search to articles in the New
York Times , he came up with eighty, nearly one a day. Yet when it came down to
hard evidence, the mass graves seemed to disappear.

Thus, in mid-June, the FBI sent a team to investigate two of the sites listed
in the war-crimes indictment against Slobodan Milosevic, one purportedly
containing six victims and the other twenty. The team lugged 107,000 pounds of
equipment into Kosovo to handle what was called the "largest crime scene in the
FBI's forensic history," but it came up with no reports about mass graves. Not
long after, on July 1, the FBI team returned home, oddly with not a word to say
about their investigation. 21

Forensic experts from other NATO countries had similar experiences. A Spanish
forensic team, for instance, was told to prepare for at least 2,000 autopsies,
but found only 187 bodies, usually buried in individual graves, and showing no
signs of massacre or torture. Most seemed to have been killed by mortar shells
and firearms. One Spanish forensic expert, Emilio Perez Puhola, acknowledged
that his team did not find one mass grave. He dismissed the widely publicized
references about mass graves as being part of the "machinery of war
propaganda." 22

The Washington Post reported that 350 ethnic Albanians "might be buried in mass
graves" around a mountain village in western Kosovo. Or they might not. Such
speculations were based on sources that NATO officials refused to identify.
Getting down to specifics, the article mentions "four decomposing bodies"
discovered near a large ash heap, with no details as to who they might be or
how they died. 23

In late August 1999, the Los Angeles Times tried to salvage the genocide theme
with a story about how the wells of Kosovo might be "mass graves in their own
right." The Times claimed that "many corpses have been dumped into wells in
Kosovo . . . Serbian forces apparently stuffed...many bodies of ethnic
Albanians into wells during their campaign of terror." 24 Apparently? Whenever
the story got down to specifics, it dwelled on only one village and only one
well--in which one body of a 39-year-old male was found, along with three dead
cows and a dog. Neither his nationality nor cause of death was given. Nor was
it clear who owned the well. "No other human remains were discovered," the
Times lamely concluded. As far as I know, neither the Los Angeles Times nor any
other media outlet ran any more stories of wells stuffed with victims.

In one grave site after another, bodies were failing to materialize in any
substantial numbers-or any numbers at all. In July 1999, a mass grave in
Ljubenic, near Pec (an area of concerted fighting), believed to be holding some
350 corpses, produced only seven after the exhumation. In Djacovica, town
officials claimed that one hundred ethnic Albanians had been murdered, but
there were no bodies because the Serbs had returned in the middle of the night,
dug them up, and carted them away, the officials seemed to believe. In Pusto
Selo, villagers claimed that 106 men were captured and killed by Serbs at the
end of March, but again no remains were discovered. Villagers once more
suggested that Serb forces must have come back and removed them. How they
accomplished this without being detected was not explained. In Izbica, refugees
reported that 150 ethnic Albanians were executed in March. But their bodies
were nowhere to be found. In Kraljan, 82 men were supposedly killed, but
investigators found not a single cadaver. 25

The worst incident of mass atrocities ascribed to Yugoslavian leader Slobodan
Milosevic allegedly occurred at the Trepca mine. As reported by U.S. and NATO
officials, the Serbs threw a thousand or more bodies down the shafts or
disposed of them in the mine's vats of hydrochloric acid. In October 1999, the
ICTY released the findings of Western forensic teams investigating Trepca. Not
one body was found in the mine shafts, nor was there any evidence that the vats
had ever been used in an attempt to dissolve human remains. 26

By late autumn of 1999, the media hype about mass graves had fizzled
noticeably. The many sites unearthed, considered to be the most notorious,
offered up a few hundred bodies altogether, not the thousands or tens of
thousands or hundreds of thousands previously trumpeted, and with no evidence
of torture or mass execution. In many cases, there was no certain evidence
regarding the nationality of victims. 27 No mass killings means that the Hague
War Crimes Tribunal indictment of Milosevic "becomes highly questionable,"
notes Richard Gwyn. "Even more questionable is the West's continued punishment
of the Serbs." 28

No doubt there were graves in Kosovo that contained two or more persons (which
is NATO's definition of a "mass grave"). People were killed by bombs and by the
extensive land war that went on between Yugoslav and KLA forces. Some of the
dead, as even the New York Times allowed, "are fighters of the Kosovo
Liberation Army or may have died ordinary deaths"-- as would happen in any
large population over time. 29 And no doubt there were grudge killings and
summary executions as in any war, but not on a scale that would warrant the
label of genocide and justify the massive death and destruction and the
continuing misery inflicted upon Yugoslavia by the western powers.

We should remember that the propaganda campaign waged by NATO officials and the
major media never claimed merely that atrocities (murders and rapes) occurred.
Such crimes occur in every war, indeed, in many communities during peacetime.
What the media propaganda campaign against Yugoslavia charged was that mass
atrocities and mass rapes and mass murders had been perpetrated, that is,
genocide, as evidenced by mass graves.

In contrast to its public assertions, the German Foreign Office privately
denied there was any evidence that genocide or ethnic cleansing was ever a
component of Yugoslav policy: "Even in Kosovo, an explicit political
persecution linked to Albanian ethnicity is not verifiable. . . . The actions
of the [Yugoslav] security forces [were] not directed against the Kosovo-
Albanians as an ethnically defined group, but against the military opponent and
its actual or alleged supporters." 30

Still, Milosevic was indicted as a war criminal, charged with the forced
expulsion of Kosovar Albanians, and with summary executions of a hundred or so
individuals, again, alleged crimes that occurred after the NATO bombing had
started, yet were used as justification for the bombing. The biggest war
criminal of all is NATO and the political leaders who orchestrated the aerial
campaign of death and destruction. But here is how the White House and the U.S.
media reasoned at the time: Since the aerial attacks do not intend to kill
civilians, then presumably there is no liability and no accountability, only an
occasional apology for the regrettable mistakes-as if only the intent of an
action counted and not its ineluctable effects. In fact, a perpetrator can be
judged guilty of willful murder without explicitly intending the death of a
particular victim--as when the death results from an unlawful act that the
perpetrator knew would likely cause death. George Kenney, a former State
Department official under the Bush Administration, put it well: "Dropping
cluster bombs on highly populated urban areas doesn't result in accidental
fatalities. It is purposeful terror bombing." 31

In sum, through a process of monopoly control and distribution, repetition and
image escalation, the media achieve self-confirmation, that is, they find
confirmation for the images they fabricate in the images they have already
fabricated. Hyperbolic labeling takes the place of evidence: "genocide," "mass
atrocities," "systematic rapes" and even "rape camps"--camps which no one has
ever located. Through this process, evidence is not only absent, it becomes
So the U.S. major media (and much of the minor media) are not free and
independent, as they claim, they are not the watchdog of democracy but the
lapdog of the national security state. They help reverse the roles of victims
and victimizers, warmongers and peacekeepers, reactionaries and reformers. The
first atrocity, the first war crime committed in any war of aggression by the
aggressors is against the truth.
Michael Parenti is the author of Against Empire and America Besieged. His most
recent book is History as Mystery (City Lights Books).

1. For instance, Raymond Bonner, "War Crimes Panel Finds Croat Troops
'Cleansed' the Serbs," New York Times, March 21, 1999, a revealing report that
has been ignored in the relentless propaganda campaign against the Serbs.
2. John Ranz in his paid advertisement in the New York Times, April 29, 1993.
3. "Correction: Report on Rape in Bosnia," New York Times, October 23, 1993.
4. David Owen, Balkan Odyssey, p. 262.
5. Barry Lituchy, "Media Deception and the Yugoslav Civil War," in NATO in the
Balkans, p. 205; see also New York Times, August 7, 1993.
6. Both Noam Chomsky in his comments on Pacifica Radio, April 7, 1999, and
Alexander Cockburn in the Nation, May 10, 1999, describe Milosevic as
"monstrous" without offering any specifics.
7. Brooke Shelby Biggs, "Failure to Inform," San Francisco Bay Guardian, May 5,
1999, p. 25.
8 Washington Post, June 6, 1999.
9. See for instance, Robert Burns, Associated Press report, April 22, 1999.
10. For example, New York Times, June 15, 1998.
11. Charles Radin and Louise Palmer, "Experts Voice Doubts on Claims of
Genocide: Little Evidence for NATO Assertions," San Francisco Chronicle, April
22, 1999.
12. Newsday, March 31, 1999.
13. New York Times, May 11, 1999.
14. Audrey Gillan "What's the Story?" London Review of Books, May 27, 1999.
15. Washington Post, July 10, 1999.
16. See for instance, Carlotta Gall, "Belgrade Sees Grave Site as Proof NATO
Fails to Protect Serbs," New York Times, August 27, 1999.
17. Both the State Department and Cohen's figures are reported in the New York
Times, November 11, 1999.
18. New York Times, November 11, 1999.
19. Associate Press release, June 18, 1999. Reuters (July 12, 1999) reported
that NATO forces had catalogued more than one hundred sites containing the
bodies of massacred ethnic Albanians.
20. Stratfor.com, Global Intelligence Update, "Where Are Kosovo's Killing
Fields?" Weekly Analysis, October 18, 1999.
21. Reed Irvine and Cliff Kincaid, "Playing the Numbers Game"
22. London Sunday Times, October 31, 1999.
23. Washington Post, July 10, 1999.
24. Los Angeles Times, August 28, 1999.
25. Stratfor.com, Global Intelligence Update, "Where Are Kosovo's Killing
Fields?" Weekly Analysis, October 18, 1999.
26. Richard Gwyn in the Toronto Star, November 3, 1999.
27. See for instance, Carlotta Gall, "Belgrade Sees Grave Site as Proof NATO
Fails to Protect Serbs," New York Times, August 27, 1999.
28. Richard Gwyn in the Toronto Star, November 3, 1999.
29. New York Times, November 11, 1999.
30. Intelligence reports from the German Foreign Office, January 12, 1999 and
October 29, 1998 to the German Administrative Courts, translated by Eric
Canepa, Brecht Forum, New York, April 20, 1999.
31. Teach-in, Leo Baeck Temple, Los Angeles, May 23, 1999.


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