>-----Original Message-----
>From: Elich, Gregory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: 'siemvesti' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 8:06 PM
>Subject: SN791:Bosnian Posavina (Part Nine)
>> BLAGOJEVIC DESANKA, a nurse from Tesanj, was killed during the
>>transfer of the Serb inmates from the prison camp in Bosanski Brod to the
>>prison camp in Slavonski Brod. Mlivic Kadrija from Sijekovac, member of
>>101st Bosnian Brdska Brigade killed her from fire arms. Previously she was
>>detained in the prison camps in Brod - at the stadium and in the Secondary
>>School Center. Her liquidation was preceded by the most ruthless torture
>>rape perpetrated by Mlivic Kadrija, together with Jurkovic called
>>also a member of the 101st Bosnian Brdska Brigade.
>>About the torture to which Blagojevic Desanka was subjected testified
>>several witnesses:
>>The witness 584/94-14 stated the following before the investigating judge:
>>"...I also know that at the prison camp in the stadium there was a medical
>>nurse Desa Blagojevic from Tesanj, I think she was born in 1946. She was
>>raped in front of us in the room in which I was detained. I remember that
>>upon the return from interrogation on one occasion she was all burnt up.
>>posterior was all burnt and she told us that they forced her to sit on a
>>hot stove and that they were placing the red hot fire on the other parts
>>her body. I saw myself her burnt up posterior because I was personally
>>washing her up together with a certain M. I do not know her family name.
>>That woman was washed also by a certain M.R.. I think she is from
>>Odzak...During the transfer to Slavonski Brod, since Desa was all beaten
>>and burnt up, she could not move without assistance from others and she
>>helped by M.R. Suddenly a round of ammunition was fired and afterwards
>>told us that Desa was killed by a certain Kadrija Mlivic who was
>>transferring us. She told me that I will not have to wash Desa any
>>The witness 267/94-2 (584/94-32) testifies as follows:
>>"...Lukica Jozic from Kovac was the commander in chief of the prison camp
>>the stadium. In that Ustashi bestial lard I had spent about one month. In
>>that period they brought also Desanka...she was working abroad and was
>>home. She fell into the Ustashi hands and experienced a terrible fate. She
>>was not only raped. They pulled all the hair from her head, so that she
>>bald. They were placing her naked on the red hot electric stove. She was
>>burnt up. They were literally frying her posterior, elbows and knees. She
>>was lying immobile. The burnt up parts of her body were stinking - the
>>meat on her body started to putrefy...Before they killed her they raped
>>and so deformed...on the red hot stove they fried her - Jurkovic called
>>"Mangas" from Bosanski Brod, Ustashi with the nick name of "Bekan" and
>>"Cicak", both from Sijekovac. I will remember for ever her terrible
>>how she cried the terrible insufferable screams of anguish. She was taken
>>out by a Ustasha who came with a huge dog...During the liberation of Brod
>>the Republic of Srpska Army in early October 1992, Ustashi ordered us all,
>>suffering and exhausted, to cross the bridge by running between Bosanski
>>Slavonski Brod. So burnt up and physically completely destroyed Desanka
>>could not walk. She was killed by Kadrija Mlivic and Jurkovic called
>>"Mangas". They both shot at her from their guns and this I have seen with
>>own eyes and have remembered as one of the terrible images that I shall
>>forever have on my mind..."
>>The witness 593/94-29 (280/95-45), born in 1951, stated, inter alia, the
>>"... In late September 1992 the said group was transferred to the
>>School Center "Fric Pavlik" in Brod where the prison camp was located from
>>the people from the area of Brod and Odzak and where we remained until
>>October 6, 1992, when the inmates were, on foot and in a column, taken
>>the bridge on Sava river to Slavonski Brod. During the crossing of the
>>bridge, I was helping a woman, some 40 years old, I think she was called
>>Desanka, who was from rape and torture almost unable to move, and
>>furthermore her skin on knees and elbows was all in wounds because she was
>>roasted on the stove. During the last day she was talking without much
>>sense. Then I took her across the bridge in a group with the other
>>She could no longer walk and although it was raining, she lied down in the
>>wet grass close to the bridge. Then a certain Kadrija from Sijekovac,
>>approached, a younger man and of medium height, of poor under nourished
>>build, with short brown curly hair, later I heard in Orasje that his
>>name is Mlivic or Milvic, and with him were another two or three to me
>>unknown persons, military policemen who were escorting the column of
>>inmates. After he had approached us, Kadrija started cursing and told me
>>"You go on, we will take care of her". After I crossed some hundred
>>I heard two or three shots, I can not say whether they were fired from a
>>pistol or some other weapon, but I remember that they were individual
>>After that I did not see Desanka again. That same day, M., myself, N. and
>>some other women were transferred to the prison camp in Orasje where the
>>conditions were the same as in the other prison camps..."
>>EVIDENCE: witnesses: 55/95-2, 267/94-2, 584/94-32, 593/94-29, 280/95-45
>> The witness 584/94-21, born in 1941, before the investigating
>>of the Municipal Court of Derventa stated on November 10, 1994, the
>>"...Before the war I was living in Brod until July 7, 1992 when two
>>policemen came in the uniforms of the HVO and arrested me and my husband,
>>and then took us to the premises of the stadium (soccer playgrounds in
>>Brod). There they separated us...In that group there were younger women,
>>I remember their names. There was G. from the village of Polje, Derventa,
>>the worker at the factory "Carapana" in Brod, and another one S. working
>>"Carapana" and both of them were somewhere from Serbia. In this group was
>>also R. I think from Modrica. There was also there a certain K, a Croat
>>woman from Modrica, her husband was a Serb... They were mostly women from
>>the age of 25 to 40... Immediately after we were brought into the said
>>in which there were five or six beds on each one of them two women
>>Croat soldiers started to arrive, ordering us to take off all of our
>>clothes. They raped us in front of all the other inmates, but before the
>>rape they beat us up. They were threatening to kill us all if we should
>>resist, and then they raped us...The younger women they were taking to the
>>front lines, and upon their return they were telling us that there were
>>raped there by six to ten soldiers in a row. These women looked terribly
>>upon their return because they were both raped and beaten. I did not know
>>personally the Croat soldiers and policemen who raped me because for 25
>>years I was absent from Brod, living and working in Germany. However, S.
>>other women who were detained and M. were telling that this was being done
>>by the same group of Croat soldiers from Bosanski Brod and the surrounding
>>villages. M. and S. were mentioning the names claiming that they know them
>>personally. I can not remember the exact number of the Croat soldiers who
>>raped me, but in any case there were many of them. For example, they would
>>take me out into the room in which some ten Croat soldiers are waiting and
>>then the first five or six would rape me, and the rest would order me to
>>suck their sexual organs, placing at the same time the pistol barrel into
>>vagina. Therefore, further to the rape they were also torturing in various
>>other ways and during all that time were cursing my Serbian mother,
>>me a Chetnik and similar...I wish to add only that I had a lot of injuries
>>in the form of bruises and swellings all over the body, but not the bone
>>fracture. I suffered psychological trauma because of which I am even now
>>experiencing terrible difficulties, I can not sleep and similar..."
>>The witness 584/94-33 who was, as already stated, herself a victim in the
>>prison camp in Brod, stated before the investigating judge the following:
>>"...I have seen with my own eyes when they raped K. from Brod, M. also
>>Brod...and the others..."
>>Responsible persons for crimes: JOZIC LUKICA, commander of the prison camp
>>at the stadium in Brod and persons stated in the testimony of the witness
>> One of the victims in the prison camp at the stadium in Brod was
>>also the witness 584/94-24, born in 1945, who was detained in the said
>>from June 25, 1992 to July 20, 1992.
>>The witness before the investigating judge on November 12, 1994 stated the
>>"...Myself and the wife of the brother of my husband S. were arrested and
>>brought to the camp located at the soccer stadium "Polet". When we were
>>brought there we were inquiring where they were taking us, and the soldier
>>in the HVO uniform told us that he is taking us to a place from where we
>>shall never return. Upon the arrival at the stadium we were placed, the
>>of us, in the room used before as the dressing room for athletes. The
>>to be taken there was S. and the Croat soldier by the name of Ante entered
>>with her, they called him "Britva". I do not know other particulars about
>>him, and in front of the entrance, together with me, remained another
>>solider whose name I do not know. After a short while in front of the
>>I entered into that room, but at that time I did not know that the soldier
>>who brought S. in had already raped her. This I learnt later from the talk
>>with S... The second day in which we were detained, S. and myself, N. was
>>brought from Brod. That same evening N. and S. were taken several times
>>of that room and when they were returning they were exhausted and told me
>>that they were raped..."
>>Furthermore, the witness 584/94-24 the following:
>>"...During my entire detention until July 20, 1992 in that room of the
>>prison camp at the stadium, every day myself and the other women detained
>>there were taken out 3-5 times to the other rooms where the Croat soldiers
>>were waiting and we were raped. I certify that they had no mercy at all
>>towards women, regardless of their age or their ability for sexual
>>relations. During all that time i was constantly bleeding because of
>>psychological harassment and the physical one as well. I do not remember
>>names of the persons who raped me in that prison camp. But I do know that
>>was raped by Drago Lepan, and the other names I do not know. It is certain
>>that this was happening every day, in the other room and in the most cruel
>>of ways and four even five times in a row..."
>>The witness underlines:
>>".... The most vivid case which I shall never forget was when one Croat
>>soldier took me to the bathroom in which another soldier was taking a bath
>>and from the windows a multitude of other Croat soldiers were watching.
>>Croat solider ordered me to take off my clothes, to have a shower with
>>then ordered me to lie down on the floor of ceramic tiles. Then he stood
>>above me and masturbated so the semen fell into my mouth. After that he
>>lowered himself on me and raped me, and the on-lookers were satisfying
>>themselves shouting degrading words. This was also done to all the other
>>women detained in this prison camp, and when I left the prison camp on
>>20,1992 another 12 women still remained there..."
>>Finally this witness claims that the witnesses 584/94-33, 584/94-31 and
>>584/94-14 were also in the prison camp in Brod.
>>EVIDENCE: witnesses: 584/94-24, 584/94-31, 584/94-14, 584/94-33.
>>Perpetrators of this crime: LEPAN DRAGO and persons - perpetrators stated
>>the testimony of the witness 584/94-32.
>>3.6.5. Serb Inmates of the Prison Camp in Brod Taken for Digging of
>>Trenches at the Front Battle Lines During the Combat Actions
>>It was already stated that in the area of Brod, the inmates - members of
>>Serbian nationality were taken in large numbers to dig trenches at the
>>lines and even during the combat actions.
>>Such behavior towards Serbs civilians, inmates, resulted directly in the
>>death of a large number of persons and injuring of a large number of
>>inmates - civilians of Serbian nationality, and the inmates who only
>>some lucky chance remained uninjured and alive.
>>It is certain, however, that in respect of them in the heads of the
>>organizers of such operations when Serb civilians were forced to assume
>>roles - there was at least present the acceptance of their death.
>>According to the evidence gathered so far during the digging of trenches
>>the front combat lines in the area of Brod, the following Serb inmates
>>1) DRAGIC TOMISLAV, from Donja Dubica, born in 1949, of father Sreto;
>>2) STANKOVIC MILAN, from Novi Grad, born in 1952, of father Stevo;
>>3) MARKOVIC SIMO, from Donja Dubica, born in 1952, of father Simo;
>>4) NINKOVIC MILIVOJE, born in 1955 in Trnjak, of father Stevo;
>>5) KRSIC SPASOJE, born in 1943 in Novi Grad, of father Bogdan;
>>6) TOPIC STEVO, born in 1942 in Vrbovacki Lipik, of father Mihailo;
>>7) SISLJAGIC MISO, from Novi Grad, born in 1967 in Novi Grad, of father
>>8) DJURIC PETAR, who further identity at present is not known;
>>9) BUMBIC MISA, of father Rade, from Novi Grad - Odzak;
>>11) PAVIC JADRANKO, from novi Grad - Odzak,
>>12) BOROJEVIC MILENKO, from Donja Dubica - Odzak.
>>EVIDENCE: witnesses: 365/94-4, 365/94-5, 365/94-7, 593/94-14, 55/95-5,
>>55/95-8, 55/95-9, 55/95-10, 55/95-11, 55/95-12, 55/95-16, 55/95-7,
>>55/95-28, 55/95-43, 424/95-1, 424/95-2, 424/95-1, 424/95-6, 424/95-8,
>>424/95-9, 424/95-10, 424/95-11, 424/95-16, 424/95-19, 424/95-20,
>>424/95-26, 424/95-27, 424/95-28, 424/95-30, 424/95-33, 424/95-34,
>>424/95-36, 424/95-38, 424/95-42, 55/95-23, 191/94-11, 191/94-5, 280/95-64,
>> From the testimony of a number of witnesses it is confirmed that
>>during their imprisonment in the prison camp in the suburb of "Tulek" in
>>Brod, the inmates were doing labor, digging trenches and that on July 9,
>>1992 in the village of Visnik, between Brod and Derventa - doctor Dusan
>>Marceta from Derventa was killed.
>>Thus, the witness 438/94-9 testified before the investigating judge of the
>>Municipal Court of Derventa on October 15, 1994 as follows:
>>"...During the detention in that camp groups were formed and taken to dig
>>trenches and to build fortification structures, as well as to fill the
>>bags serving as protection from the combat actions. During the execution
>>these jobs, doctor Dusan Marceta from Derventa was killed. Dusan was
>>when the Croat soldiers asked: "Is there anyone here from Drvar?", and
>>he responded - they killed him..."
>>Such killing of doctor Dusan Marceta from Derventa can not be qualified in
>>any other way but as a classic murder, with, of course, all the elements
>>a war crime in the function of genocide. The murder only shows, further to
>>the already stated, to what risk the Serb civilians detained in the prison
>>camps in Brod were exposed, and that they were taken to dig the trenches
>>perform other job at the front combat lines and during the combat actions.
>>3.6.6. Serbs Imprisoned in the Prison Camps in Brod - Wounded During
>>of Trenches
>> A number of members of Serbian nationality, the inmates in the
>>prison camps in Brod, were taken for digging trenches during the intensive

>>combat actions and were then injured or even seriously wounded.
>>They are the following persons:
>>the witness 593/94-13 from Novi Grad - Odzak (born in 1965) who stated
>>before the investigating judge that during his detention in the prison
>>in Brod in the suburb of "Tulek" he was taken to dig trenches and was
>>wounded. The witness states:
>>"...During the digging of trenches on September 26, 1992 at the front
>>line, when a grenade exploded, I received seven wounds in the area of my
>>left and right legs, temple bone and in the area of the right arm in two
>>places. on that occasion a Croat soldier forced me to move, and since I
>>could not move, he stabbed me with the knife in the area of the ribs on
>>right side, towards the spine..."
>>The investigating judge concluded in the minutes that the witness has cuts
>>in the rib area on the right side towards the spine in the length of 3 cm.
>>EVIDENCE: witness 593/94-13
>>the witness 593/94-33 from Novi Grad - Odzak, stated the following before
>>the investigating judge:
>>"...On October 5, 1992 when Bosanski Brod was under attack, I was forced
>>the guard, with a group of Serbs, to stand between the combat positions of
>>Serbs and Croats. Also the Croat army was shooting at us so I was wounded
>>the shin of the left leg and the thigh of the right leg. I had a bullet
>>wound in the thigh as well. I was not given any medical care and neither
>>other wounded by the Croat soldiers, so the wounds just healed naturally.
>>>From those wounds I am feeling consequences even today.."
>>EVIDENCE: witness 593/94=33 - the victim.
>>the witness 55/05-7 from Odzak testifies as follows:
>>"...The Ustashi were forcing us to dig trenches even during the combat
>>actions. In the group in which I was there was also my father who was
>>wounded at Zboriste during digging of trenches in the stomach and the left
>>EVIDENCE: witness 55/95-7
>>the witness 55/95-7 - the victim from Novi Grad - Odzak, while detained in
>>the prison camp of "Tulek" in Brod, was wounded during digging of trenches
>>in September 1992 in novo Selo - and his left hip and left arm were
>>while his father was killed during the digging of trenches.
>>EVIDENCE: witness 55/95-17
>>the witness 55/95-27 - the victim, born in 1970 in Gornji Svilaj,
>>about his detention in the prison camp of the suburb of "Tulek" in Brod
>>until October 1992, and before the investigating judge states the
>>"...From that camp we were taken to dig the trenches in the village of
>>Zboriste, Kolibe and Bijelo Brdo, and the other villages. During the
>>of trenches in late August 1992 and during the combat actions I was
>>in the area of the left shoulder blade..."
>>EVIDENCE: witness 55/95-27
>>the witness 424/95-17 born in 1967 in Novi Grad - Odzak, during his
>>detention i the prison camp in the suburb of "Tulek" was taken for digging
>>of trenches during the combat actions and in late July 1992 in the
>>of the village of Kostres was seriously wounded in the head on the right
>>EVIDENCE: witness 424/95-17
>>the witness 424/95-42 born in 1971 in Trnjak - Odzak, during his detention
>>the prison camp of "Tulek" was taken for digging the trenches and even
>>during the combat actions, and in July 1992 was wounded in Bosanski Luzani
>>in the area of the spine.
>>EVIDENCE: witness 424/95-42.
>>Killing of innocent civilian Serbian population in the entire territory of
>>the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, then deportation of the Serbian
>>civilian population to the prison camps established only for them,
>>were not an end unto itself. These activities had a by far more reaching
>>aim - the aim which is also a specific type of genocide, stipulated in the
>>Convention on Prevention and Prosecution of the Crime of Genocide, its
>>Article 2, (under item c). Against the members of Serbian nationality in
>>entire territory of the former Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
>>preparations started even before the year 1992 when, in that year, the
>>implementation began of the methods for ethnic cleansing of the members of
>>Serbian nationality and their forcible exile from the territories in which
>>they lived. Ethnic cleansing was in the function of genocide against
>>Methods of ethnic cleaning of the territories from the Serbian population
>>were implemented also in the areas of the municipalities of Brcko, Orasje,
>>Odzak and Brod (Bosanski Brod). There were well planned and organized
>>actions for spreading fear and intimidation among Serbs, both regarding
>>preservation of their elementary physical integrity and the fear for their
>>future, if they were to remain in their centuries-old homes. Many crimes
>>were committed by the members of the military formations. Killing of
>>civilians of Serbian nationality - only because they were Serbs, numerous
>>rapes where the victims were selected along the same principe, mass
>>deportation and even deportation of the entire population from certain
>>places into prison camps, destruction or confiscation of the property of
>>Serbs - all these were the activities (further to some other ones such as
>>the destruction of the cultural heritage of the Serbian people, of its
>>religious edifices, cultural and historical monuments of the Serbian
>>cemeteries) aimed at and in the function of ethnic cleansing of Serbs from
>>these areas, and, directly, this was a simultaneous execution of genocide
>>against the Serbian people. One of the direct consequences of such
>>is the fact that several hundreds of thousands of members of Serbian
>>nationality from the regions of former Bosnia and Herzegovina were forced
>>abandon their homes, and proportionally, a large number of Serbs was
>>to do the same from the territory of the above stated four municipalities.
>>Further hereinafter we shall state some concrete evidence, some events
>>pertain to the treatment of the members of Serbian nationality in the
>>of the municipalities of Brcko, Orasje, Odzak and Brod (Bosanski Brod).
>>4.2. BRCKO
>>We shall reiterate here some parts of the testimony of witnesses 617/95-5
>>and 617/95-1 which testimony was quoted when before the investigating
>>they were testifying about the attack of the Croat and Muslim armed units
>>the day of June 11, 1992 on the village of Bosanska Bijela - in connection
>>both with the relations that existed before the war, and the circumstances
>>which were obviously leading to what pertained to the members of Serbian
>>nationality during the year 1992 and onwards.
>>Namely, from the testimony of these two witnesses both the circumstances
>>the conditions leading to the ethnic cleansing of Serbs can be assessed,
>>the ethnic cleansing not only of the said village but of the other
>>and places in the area of the municipality of Brcko. Therefore, further in
>>this report it will not be necessary to repeat the circumstances in
>>to the other places.
>>It is recalled:
>>The witness 617/95-5 stated the following before the investigating judge
>>the Municipal Court of Brcko:
>>"... Before the beginning of this war I was living with my family in the
>>village of Bijela, Municipality of Brcko, which was populated by the
>>inhabitants of Serbian nationality. This village is surrounded by the
>>Serbian villages of Cerik, Bukvik, Spionica, Srnice and the others. The
>>villages adjacent to the said villages are populated by the Muslim and
>>nationalities. Shortly before the war started in the first half of 1992,
>>inhabitants of Muslim and Croat villages formed their own military units,
>>and thus the Muslims were bearing the insignia of the green berets, and
>>Croats the insignia of the HVO (Croat Defense Council). Immediately upon
>>formation of these units, they started sending threats to the Serbian
>>population, threatening to have them all killed and exiled. They started
>>placing barricades and preventing free movement of the Serbian population,
>>and in early June 1992, from time to time, were raid certain villages..."
>>The witness 617/95-1 testifies as follows:
>>"...Directly before the war started in the first half of 1992, the
>>between us Serbs and our neighbors Croats started to deteriorate, although
>>we used to have very good relations. Deterioration of the relations was
>>mostly felt during the occasions when the neighbors Croats would be
>>a son or a daughter and would not invite Serbs to the wedding party. THEY
>>We shall state here some concrete cases - testimonies, in connection with
>>the destruction and confiscation of the property of Serbs, demolition of
>>Serb Orthodox churches, and desecration of Serbian cemeteries.
>>4.2.1. The witness 617/95-1, further to the above stated, while speaking
>>the attack carried out on June 11, 1992 by the detachment of the 108th HVO
>>Brigade on Bijela, states the following:
>>"I wish to emphasize that the part of the village of Bosanska Bijela,
>>populated with 70% of Serbian inhabitants, was burnt down and their
>>previously plundered by the Croat army. Furthermore, the village church
>>mined and completely destroyed..."
>>4.2.2. The witness 636/95-2 testified, also in connection with the event
>>June 11, 1992, as follows:
>>"...The enemy side was firing mortar shells from all the sides and on that
>>occasion in one place alone some 40 shells had fallen, and a total of some
>>300 shells fell on the entire village. The buildings were set on fire and
>>also the Serb Orthodox church. It was destroyed later, not entirely during
>>that attack."
>>4.2.3. The witness 638/95-2 testified in connection with the attack on the
>>villages belonging to the local community of Bukvik on September 13, 1992.
>>The witness, inter alia, stated the following:
>>"When the village of Bukvik and the surrounding villages were seized, all
>>the houses and other buildings were burnt down, and the livestock directed
>>towards Rahic and Brka. The pigs were killed and the other livestock sent
>>the said villages. I can say that in Bukvik many houses were set on fire
>>other buildings and as far as I can remember only nine houses were not
>>down, but they were also plundered. The same was the case with the other
>>villages such as Vitanovici, Gajevi, Vujicici, Lukavac, Bukovac and the
>>other hamlets..."
>>4.2.4. The witness 617/95-11 testified on July 21, 1995, speaking
>>of the attack carried out on Bukvik on September 14, 1992:
>>"... The village of G. Bukvik, as well as the other Serbian villages in
>>local community of Bukvik, are now under the occupation of the Muslim and
>>the Croat army. There is no more Serbian population in these seven
>>We were told that all the houses were burnt down and destroyed and that
>>cemeteries in the Serbian villages are destroyed and excavated. All the
>>property of the Serbian population is destroyed and in the area of that
>>local community, during the attack by the Croat and the Muslim army, some
>>civilians of Serbian nationality were killed. Among the killed there were
>>women, children and aged..."
>>4.2.5. The witness 617/95-25 states the following:
>>"...I wish to add only that all those villages that were belonging to the
>>local community of Bukvik and the village of Skakava now are under the
>>occupation of the Croat and Muslim army. In these villages and in that
>>there is no more Serbian population, and I do not know what had happened
>>the cemeteries and churches. There is talk that all of the cemeteries are
>>excavated and that the churches are demolished..."
>>4.2.6. The witness 617/95-7, who was living before the war in the village
>>Vujucici - local community of Bukvik, stated before the investigating
>>on July 20, 1995, the following:
>>"...The village of Vujicici and all the villages that I have mentioned
>>populated with Serbian inhabitants, but the Croat and Muslim army had
>>completely cleansed these villages of Serbs so they are now under the
>>control of the Croat and Muslim authorities..."
>>4.2.7. The witness 617/95-40 who was before the war living in the village
>>Vitanovici in the area of the local community of Bukvik, stated the
>>"All the property that I had in the village of Vitanovici Muslim and Croat
>>soldiers plundered and the buildings set on fire. I do not know what is
>>value of the property but I know that it is a high value. My father was
>>working in Germany for 22 years and all his earnings he invested in the
>>house and auxiliary buildings, but now everything is destroyed. The
>>of Vitanovici is now under the occupation of the Croat army, as well as
>>other Serbian villages..."
>>4.2.8. During the procedure conducted before the Municipal Court in Brcko
>>against NN, perpetrator of the criminal offenses from Article 142 taken
>>the Penal Code of Yugoslavia, a large number of witnesses were heard,
>>members of Serbian nationality, who were living in the village of
>>prior to the attack on that village on December 12, 1992, and had there
>>their families and their property. We shall state here the parts of
>>testimonies of several from amongst a number of heard witnesses.
>>4.2.9. The witness 679/95-42 stated the following:
>>"...All the property which remained in Vucilovac was plundered by the
>>army, Serbian houses were destroyed and burnt down. The church was
>>demolished and the cemetery completely destroyed. The village of Vucilovac
>>is under the occupation of the Croat army and there is not a single
>>family now there. I had in Vucilovac a new house, a well equipped
>>3.5 hectares of farming land, a livestock barn and all the other
>>buildings. I had one auxiliary building, one tower and the rest.
>>I had a pig-sty, and the value of total property that remained there and
>>tools is one million DEM and I am filing a restitution (reparation) claim
>>for that amount. I wish especially to underline that I have worked in
>>Germany for 23 years and everything that I have saved I have brought home
>>and invested in the house and other buildings..."
>>4.2.10. The witness 679/95-6 states as follows:
>>"...The village of Vucilovac is now under the occupation of the Croat army
>>so that there is not a single inhabitant there of Serbian nationality. The
>>village church in the village of Vucilovac was demolished, and the Serbian
>>cemetery excavated by the Croat army. Therefore, the threats that were
>>to us have come true one hundred percent. Serbian property is plundered,
>>houses destroyed or burnt down. I was the owner of 6 hectares of farming
>>land, I had a good house, all the necessary auxiliary buildings, a pig
>>breeding farm with always 400 to 500 pigs in it, and all the agricultural
>>machinery. According to an even most modest estimate, the value of my
>>property is some two million DEM and I am filing claim for reparations for
>>that amount..."
>>4.2.11. The witness 617/95-23 states the following:
>>"...The village of Vucilovac is now under the occupation of the Croat army
>>and in that village there is not a single Serbian family now. There is
>>that the Serbian cemetery is completely excavated, and all the houses
>>down, plundered and destroyed..."
>>4.2.12. The witness 679/95-10 stated the following before the
>>judge on August 17, 1995:
>>"...The village of Vucilovac is now under the occupation of the Croat army
>>and in the village there is not a single inhabitant of Serbian nationality
>>now. The bodies of all the killed persons were exchanged on January 30,
>>and most of them were buried at the cemetery in Brcko and in the other
>>places around Brcko. All the Serbian property in the village of Vucilovac
>>was plundered, houses were burnt down. The church was demolished, the
>>cemetery excavated and a road constructed running over it. Therefore, the
>>threats that they were sending us from the Croat villages are now
>>fulfilled. I was living together with my father and we had two houses, all
>>the auxiliary buildings, agricultural machinery and a car. We have 5.5
>>hectares of the first-class farming land and a forest. The total value of
>>property that my father and I owned was around one million DEM for which
>>amount I am filing the reparations claim..."
>>4.2.13. The witness 679/95-11 stated before the investigating judge of the
>>Municipal Court of Brcko:
>>"...Before the war I was living in the village of Vucilovac, Municipality
>>Brcko. In the village of Vucilovac there were some 800 inhabitants of
>>Serbian nationality, and the villages surrounding Vucilovac were populated
>>with exclusively Croat population...The village of Vucilovac is under the
>>occupation of the Croat army and in it there is no longer even one Serbian
>>family. All the Serbian houses were plundered and destroyed. The church is
>>also destroyed and the cemetery excavated. The threats of the Croat army,
>>i.e. of our Croat neighbors have come completely true..."
>>4.2.14. The witness 619/95-16 stated on July 18, 1995 the following:
>>"...Before the war I was living in the village of Vucilovac Municipality
>>Brcko with my family... The Croat army looted all the property which we
>>left during our escape, and the house was burnt down and destroyed. I had
>>large new house with an upper story, because I was working in Germany for
>>years. I was the owner of some 4 hectares of the farming land and I had
>>the necessary agricultural machinery and the auxiliary buildings around my
>>house. The value of all that property was around one million and a half
>>and I am filing the reparations claim for that amount..."
>>4.2.15. The witness 679/95-39 who was living in the village of Vucilovac
>>before the war, inter alia, stated the following:
>>"...The church in Vucilovac was destroyed, the cemetery, it is said, is
>>completely destroyed. All my property that we had was plundered and burnt
>>down. I had a house in Vucilovac, two auxiliary buildings, a barn, a
>>and all the other machines, I had 2 hectares of farming land because I was
>>farmer. I can not say what is the value of the property that I had..."
>>In view of what has happened to the members of Serbian nationality in the
>>area of the Municipality of Brcko - killing of civilian population during
>>the attack on the villages, their annihilation while they were detained in
>>the prison camps - it is obvious that also the destruction of Serb
>>Serb churches, desecration of their cemeteries - should have created an
>>objective situation that those who survived would not have a place to
>>Such a behavior, of course, in the other places of the four municipalities
>>subject of this report - had the same function.
>>4.3. ORASJE
>>In the area of the Municipality of Orasje certain actions were also
>>undertaken for purpose of making impossible for the members of Serbian
>>nationality to freely live in their centuries-old homes. In early May 1992
>>the arrests started of civilians in Orasje and they lasted until June 11,
>>1992 when practically all the Serbs from Orasje "found refuge" in the
>>camp located in the Secondary School Center in Orasje. The raid was made
>>also on the village of Bukova Greda on May 9, 1992 and Serb civilians were
>>arrested and deported, as was already mentioned, to the prison camps in
>>Donja Mahala, the shed of Mirza Filipovic called "Deljkovic", and some of
>>them to the camp located at the Primary School in Donja Mahala. According
>>the available evidence, in the prison camps in Orasje and Donja Mahala
>>between 350 and 400 Serbs were detained.
>>In order to understand better the behavior of Croats and Muslims in
>>to the members of Serbian nationality, although this may well be assessed
>>from this report so far, illustrative is the testimony of the witness
>>The witness 267/94-13 stated, inter alia, the following:
>>"... In the prison camp in Orasje I have spent eight months, in hell and
>>filth. All the Serbian houses and apartments in Orasje were looted, and
>>a few houses were demolished" (267/94-13);
>>Regarding this witness, in connection with the conducting of the ethnic
>>cleansing of this concrete territory at the detriment of the Serbian
>>his following testimony should be had in mind:
>>"...The euphoria of chauvinism was insufferable, loud speakers at rallies
>>were noisy, and in the game were various propaganda materials - pamphlets,
>>graffiti, tee-shirts with "chessboard" insignia and Ustashi emblems. It
>>a real deluge of all this. And all this was introducing anxiety among
>>because the threats were as follows:
>>"Serbs have nothing to look for here - in Posavina (Sava River valley)
>>will be no Serbian ear, from Derventa to Brcko and inland to Majevica".
>>The most important is that all these threats were public...Dismissal
>>of Serbs from public and social functions and economic posts (in
>>health care, municipal administration authorities, commercial
>>Everything was cleansed... There was open talk that there will be war and
>>its soon spilling over to Bosnia and Herzegovina, then to Kosovo and that
>>will be the end of Serbs. Serbs living in the city of Orasje, during the
>>were working in firms and during the night would go to sleep in the
>>from which they came to Orasje... but on April 27, 1992 it was impossible
>>leave the city of Orasje..." (267/94-13, 396/95-2).
>>What was the situation in which the Serbs found themselves in early 1992
>>also illustrated by a detail from the minutes on the testimony of the
>>witness 267/94-8 from Bukova Greda, in which he describes the dialogue
>>between himself and Zivkovic Marko called "Bogo" in the prison camp where
>>the witness was detained - in the Secondary School Center in Orasje. The
>>witness states that this person, the staff of the prison camp, kicked him
>>the stomach saying:
>>ONE PART OF YOU WE SHALL KILL, ONE PART DEPORT..." (witness 267/94-8).
>>Such warnings, of course, are very well known to us. Since a long time ago
>>Serbs could hear this in these areas and in some other areas of former
>>Yugoslavia, only previously it was 'scheduled' that one third of Serbs
>>be killed, one third deported, and one third converted into Catholicism.
>>In the area of Orasje, just like in the area of the municipality of Brcko,
>>mass confiscation of property of Serbs was carried out, and also the
>>destruction of their property. There are testimonies of numerous witnesses
>>confirming this. Hereinafter we shall states parts of testimonies of only
>>few witnesses.
>>4.3.1. The witness 267/94-1 from Bukova Greda where she lived until the
>>1992, stated the following:
>>"...On May 9, 1992 all the men from Bukova Greda were deported to the
>>camp. Women remained in the village. On that same day a large group of
>>Ustashi came into the village. They entered my courtyard. One part of that
>>group entered the big house and smashed everything. The glass was
>>breaking...Afterwards the Ustashi were coming every day looting the
>>of Serbs. Josko, the veterinarian, came and ordered us to milk the cows in
>>the village which belonged to the Serbs detained in the prison camp..."
>>4.3.2. The witness 267/94-15 was earlier living in Orasje, and is now
>>in Brcko, and she stated the following;
>>'...On May 5, 1992 I went to visit my daughter in Zupanja, and on May 9,
>>1992 Cica Cvijanovic told me that all the people from Bukova Greda were
>>deported to the prison camp... We came to the village. It was empty. The
>>police was breaking into the houses, collecting suckling pigs and
objects -
>>everything. Windows on the houses were broken - everywhere horror and
>>anguish. I came in front of the house of my father-in-law. Everything was
>>taken from the house or broken...In front of the house of my father-in-law
>>saw the car of my son and broken things in it - scattered around - their
>>clothes. I went to the house of the two neighbors Stojan and Rista Saric
>>their houses were also plundered..."
>>4.3.3. The witness 679/95-23 in front of the investigating judge of the
>>Municipal Court of Brcko on August 22, 1995 stated the following:
>>"...I was living in the same household with my brother's son T. and we had
>>13 hectares of the farming land, two houses and all the auxiliary
>>necessary for a farming household. We owned all the agricultural machinery
>>and the total value of our property was around one million DEM and in that
>>amount I am filing the reparation claim. In the village of Bukova Greda
>>are settled the Muslims from Modrica and Odzak. There is talk that the
>>Serbian cemetery is completely destroyed..."
>>4.3.4. The witness 679/95-24 stated before the investigating judge of the
>>Municipal Court of Brcko on August 22, 1995 the following:
>>"...A certain number of Serbian families in April and early May 1992
>>abandoned their houses and went to Obudovac and other places to their
>>relatives, because it was expected that the Croat army will realize its
>>threats sent to the Serbs. Together with my family I also left my home and
>>property on April 28, 1992 and went to Obudovac...I had a house in the
>>village of Bukova Greda, auxiliary buildings there, 1.5 hectares of
>>land and all the agricultural machines. All that property remained in
>>Greda and its total value is some 400,000 DEM and this is the amount of my
>>filed reparation claim..."
>>4.3.5. The witness 679/95-27 born in 1928 stated before the investigating
>>judge the following:
>>"...I have with my family, remained in the village until May 9, 1992. On
>>that day the Croat army entered the village and started killing Serbs who
>>were there, in their own homes...I had a house in Bukova Greda and all the
>>necessary auxiliary buildings for the farming purposes. I owned livestock,
>>agricultural machines and I had 6.5 hectares of the farming land. The
>>of all that property is some 600,000 DEM which is the amount of reparation
>>claim that I am filing..."
>>4.3.6. The witness 679/95-31 testified before the investigating judge
>>the situation persisting immediately before the witness left Orasje and
>>property that was left there.
>>The witness stated the following:
>>"...The relations between Serbian and Croat and Muslim population before
>>war were rather good. There were no conflicts at all on the national basis
>>until the beginning of the year 1992, i.e. the formation of the political
>>parties HDZ (Croat Democratic Community) and the SDA (Party of Democratic
>>Action). After the formation of these parties the relations suddenly
>>deteriorated because the Muslims and the Croats formed their units from
>>ranks of the local population and thus, the Croats were wearing the HVO
>>insignia and the Muslims the green berets. Both the ones and the other
>>started sending threats to the population of Serbian nationality claiming
>>that they will be exiled or killed. They were saying even that they shall
>>form a special unit to raid Serbian houses and slaughter Serbs. In the
>>vicinity of the Serbian houses they were listening in on the conversations
>>and were threatening and ordering the tenants to abandon as soon as
>>their houses. The threats were every day growing, and the anxiety of the
>>Serbian people was increasing every day. Such a situation lasted until
>>16, 1992 when I was forced, together with my husband and son, to leave my
>>house and property and to depart from Orasje. At the head of the Croat
>>formed units was Marko Benkovic, of father Maros, born in 1953 in the
>>village of Ugljara Municipality of Orasje. Marko was the main organizer of
>>the pogrom and expulsion of Serbs...In Orasje I left my house one story
>>high, with two shops on the ground floor and its value is some 200,000
>>4.3.7. Similar testimony is given also by the witness 679/95-32, born in
>>1968, whose father was killed in the prison camp in Donja Mahala, which
>>stated hereinabove, and also several members of his family were killed.
>>testimony is similar to the testimony of the previous witness. The witness
>>states the following before the investigating judge:
>>"...The threats were multiplying every day so that in April 1992 a large
>>number of Serbian inhabitants of Bukova Greda abandoned their homes and
>>left. I left my house with my family on April 20, 1992 and went to the
>>village of Loncare...In Bukova Greda I left my house and all the auxiliary
>>buildings. I left my farm with 250 pigs, I left also 4 hectares of the
>>farming land and all the agricultural machinery. The value of property
>>remained in B. Greda is between 400,000 and 500,000 DEM. I am filing the
>>reparations claim to that amount. The village of Bukova Greda is under the
>>occupation of the Croat army and in that village there are no more Serbian
>>families. In the Serbian houses now have moved the Muslims from the area
>>the Municipality of Odzak - now called Vukosavlje..."

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