For Immediate Release:                  Contact: Mary Bottari (202) 905-7413
May 24, 2000                                                          Katie Burnham 
(202) 454-5102

With China Vote, Congress Bows to Big Business, Intense Lobbying, Despite 79 Percent 
Public Opposition

Costly Corporate Campaign, Illegal White House Lobbying Tipped Vote; Broad Fair Trade 
Coalition Promises to Seek Accountability, a Continued Fight 
    WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today's vote on China's trade status represents one of the 
most dramatic and potentially damaging sellouts to big business in recent 
congressional history, Public Citizen representatives said today.

    Public Citizen President Joan Claybrook attributed the vote's outcome to an 
intense advertising and lobbying blitz by corporations and the White House. Business 
trade associations, such as the Business Roundtable, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and 
their member corporations, spent tens of millions of dollars on lobbying, political 
donations, and TV and radio advertising in a legislative campaign they have declared 
was their costliest ever. 

    "Congress has sold out to corporate interests to help them rake in even bigger 
profits by giving China a blank check," Claybrook said. "When American businesses look 
to China, they see dollar signs. They ignore the misery brought by China's continued 
human rights violations and inhumane treatment of workers. Lawmakers have dealt 
Americans a sharp slap in the face."

    She noted that a Harris poll last month showed that 79 percent of Americans oppose 
the policy approved today.

    The coalition that opposed the bill -- including Chinese dissidents, consumer, 
environmental, human rights, family farm, religious and labor groups -- will keep up 
pressure, said Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch. 

     "Members of Congress who supported permanent, unconditional access for goods from 
China will rue this day as China's human rights conduct worsens, saber rattling 
against Taiwan intensifies and U.S. jobs are lost," Wallach said. "The China trade 
vote was a case study of the corrosive effect money can have on the political process 
and will be a case study of the corrosive effect political betrayal can have on 
Election Day.
    "The same forces who stopped Fast Track in 1997 and 1998, tanked the MAI 
negotiations in 1998, and halted the planned WTO expansion in 1999 will intensify our 
never-ending campaign for fair trade by ensuring those who voted with their 
constituents against China PNTR are rewarded and those who betrayed their voters at 
home face accountability in November," Wallach said. 
    The Government Accounting Office found the White House violated laws that prohibit 
spending federal dollars to lobby Congress on legislative matters, Claybrook and 
Wallach noted.  Also, unable to secure a majority on the merits, Clinton twisted the 
arms of lawmakers by offering pork barrel deals, such as environmental approval for a 
controversial, environmentally dangerous pipeline in Texas and promises to build 
weather stations and extend military contracts in target members' congressional 
    "The question of China's trade status was a skirmish in an on-going,  long-term 
fight about forcing pro-consumer, pro-human rights, pro-democracy rules for 
globalization. Globalization is a defining phenomenon of our time and we are in this 
fight for the long term," Claybrook said.


Public Citizen is a consumer advocacy organization founded by Ralph Nader. For more 
information about Public Citizen, please visit our Web site at

Mike Dolan
Deputy Director, Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch
Field Director, Citizens' Trade Campaign
202-454-5122 (tel), 202-547-7392 (fax)
215 Pennsylvania Ave. SE
Washington, DC  20003

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