W.A. Harbinson

Chapter 3

[01] Technology and Sightings of World War II

Before writing Genesis in the Projekt Saucer series, while researching a
novel on World War II, I obtained through the Imperial War Museum, London,
two short articles which attracted my attention. One was a routine war
report by Marshall Yarrow, then the Reuters special correspondent to
Supreme Headquarters in liberated Paris. The particular cutting I had was
from the South Wales Argus of 13 December 1944 and it stated: ` The Germans
have produced a "secret" weapon in keeping with the Christmas season. The
new device, which is apparently an air defence weapon, resembles the glass
balls which adorn Christmas trees. They have been seen hanging it) the air
over German territory, sometimes singly, sometimes in clusters. They are
coloured silver and are apparently transparent.' The second article, an
Associated Press release published in the New York Herald Tribune of
January 1945, illuminated the subject even more. It said:
Now, it seems, the Nazis have thrown something new into the night skies
over Germany. It is the weird, mysterious Too fighter' balls which race
alongside the wings of Beaufighters flying intruder missions over Germany.
Pilots have been encountering this eerie weapon for more than a month in
their night flights. No-one apparently knows what this sky weapon is. The
`balls of fire' appear suddenly and accompany the planes for miles. They
seem to be radiocontrolled from the ground, so official intelligence
reports reveal . . .

Either because of the famous line from the popular Smokey Stover comic
strip, `Where there's foo, there's fire', or simply because the French word
for `fire' is feu, these 'eerie' weapons soon became widely known as `foo
fighters'. Official `foo fighter' reports were submitted by pilots Henry
Giblin and Walter Cleary, who stated that on the night of 27 September
1944, they had been harassed in the vicinity of Speyer by `an enormous
burning light' that was flying above their aircraft at about 250 miles per
hour; another report came from Lieutenant Edward Schluter, a fighter- pilot
of the US 415th Night-Fighter Squadron based at Dijon, Prance, who, on the
night of 23 November 1944, was harassed over the Rhine by `ten small
reddish balls of fire' flying in formation at immense speed. Further
sightings were made by members of the same squadron on 27 November, 22
December and 24 December.

In a report published in the New York Times of 2 January 1945, US Air Force
Lieutenant Donald Meiers claimed that there were three kinds of foo
fighter: red balls of fire that appeared off the aircraft's wingtips, other
balls of fire that flew in front of them, and `lights which appear off in
the distance  like a Christmas tree in the air  and flicker on and off.
Meiers also confirmed that the foo fighters climbed, descended or turned
when the aircraft did so. The foo fighters were witnessed both at night and
by day, yet even when pacing the Allied aircraft they did not show up on
the radar screens.

A classified project had actually been established in England in 1943 under
the direction of Lieutenant General Massey, to examine a spate of reports
of UFO submitted by British, French and US pilots flying bombing missions
over occupied France and Nazi Germany. While no official designation of the
foo fighters was offered, most reports indicated that they were 'balls of
fire' which flew in parallel formation with the Allied aircraft, often
pacing them for great distances, at speeds exceeding 300 miles per hour,
and frequently causing their engines to malfunction and cut in and out.
While a few reports of crashing Allied aircraft suggest that foo fighters
caused the crashes by making the aircraft's engines cut out completely,
most reports indicate that this was unlikely, and that the foo fighters
merely tailed the planes and caused the pilots psychological harm, rather
than physical damage. They also flew away when fired upon.

At first it was assumed that the 'balls of fire' were static electricity
charges, but the mounting body of evidence made it clear that they were
under some kind of control and were certainly not natural phenomena.
Indeed, according to a London Daily Telegraph report of 2 January 1945, RAF
pilots were describing them as `strange orange lights which follow their
planes, sometimes flying in formation with them, and eventually peeling off
and climbing [author's emphasis]'. This soon led to speculation that they
were German secret weapons, radio-controlled from the ground, and designed
either to foul the ignition systems of the bombers or act as
`psychological' weapons which confused and unnerved the Allied pilots.
Finally, unable to solve the mystery, both the RAF and the US Eighth Army
Air Force concluded that they were the products of `mass hallucination' and
subsequently did no more about them. Sightings of the foo fighters tailed
off and ceased completely a few weeks before the end of the war.

The next wave of UFO sightings occurred in Western Europe, Scandinavia and
the US, where from 19467 many people, including airline pilots and radar
operatives, reported seeing strange cigar or disc-shaped objects in the
skies. On 21 June 1947, Harold Dahl reported seeing saucer-shaped objects
flying toward the Canadian border. Three days later, Kenneth Arnold made
his more famous sightings of saucer-shaped objects over the Cascades, also
heading for the Canadian border.

These and subsequent sightings led to speculation that both the Soviets and
the Americans, utilizing men and material captured in the secret research
plants of Nazi Germany, including those at Peenemünde and Nordhausen, were
developing advanced saucer-shaped aircraft. In the words of Captain Edward
J. Ruppelt, then head of the UFO investigations at the US Air Force's
Project Blue Book: `When World War II ended, the Germans had several
radical types of new aircraft and guided missiles under development. The
majority of these projects were in the most preliminary stages, but they
were the only known craft that could even approach the performance of the
objects reported by UFO observers.'

It would seem that such speculations were based on facts.

The late 1800s and early 1900s produced some of the greatest advances in
the history of aviation. The first successful flights of S.P. Langley's
flying machines were made in 1896  the first year of the Great Airship
Scare  and by 1900 numerous patents for airships had been registered. In
1900 Count von Zeppelin's dirigible balloon, powered by an internal
combustion engine and propellers, became the first real directed flight by
man; and by 1901, in Paris, France, Santos-Dumont had flown an airship from
St Cloud to the Eiffel Tower and back in under thirty minutes to win the
French Aero Club prize; two years later, at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, the
Wright brothers made the first successful heavier-than-air manned flight;
on the last day of December 1908, Wilbur Smith flew seventy-seven miles in
two hours and thirty minutes; seven months later the French aviator Louis
Blériot flew across the English Channel from Calais to Dover, and
throughout the Great War of 191418 the Germans successfully used advanced
Zeppelin airships to bomb London and Paris.

However, while these great aeronautical achievements were enthralling the
world, even more radical theories and experiments were quietly taking place
elsewhere. In 1895, a year before the Great Airship Scare, the great
Russian physicist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was theorizing about the
possibilities of space flight in his essays. By 1898 he understood and had
written about the necessity for liquid-fuelled rocket engines. His later
reputation as the `father' of space flight rests on a series of articles he
wrote on the theory of rocketry, and by the 1920s he was suggesting some of
the devices which the US rocket genius, Robert H. Goddard, was to develop
so brilliantly.

Goddard was always well ahead of his time. Born in Worcester, Massachusetts
in 1882, he graduated from the Worcester Polytechnic in 1908, received his
PhD in physics at Clark University in Worcester in 1911, taught at
Princeton, and returned to Clark in 1914, the same year in which he
obtained his first two patents for rocket apparatus. Five years later, he
published his book A Method of Reaching Extreme Altitudes (1919) and by
1923 he was already testing the first of his rocket engines using gasoline
and liquid oxygen  the first advance over solid-fuel rockets. In 1926 he
sent his first rocket soaring successfully skyward, and a larger one,
financed by the Smithsonian Institution, went up three years later as the
first instrument-carrying rocket. In 1930, with further help from the
Smithsonian Institution, the philanthropist Daniel Guggenheim and famed
aviator Charles Lindbergh, he set up an experimental station in a desolate
area near Roswell, New Mexico, where he built larger rockets and introduced
many of the ideas that are now standard in rocketry, including appropriate
combustion chambers, the burning of gasoline with oxygen in such a way that
the rapid combustion could be used to cool the chamber walls, various
revolutionary rocket steering systems, including rudder-like deflectors and
gyroscopes, and the basics for the first multistage rocket. From 193035, in
the seclusion of his testing grounds near Roswell, New Mexico, Goddard
launched rockets that attained speeds of up to 350 miles per hour and
heights of a mile and a half.

Even more remarkable than Goddard's achievements was the fact that they
were, at least until the advent of World War II ignored by the United
States government though certainly they were not ignored in Germany.

The German amateur rocket society, the Verein für Raumschiffart, or VfR,
also known as the Spaceship Travel Club, had come into being in 1927 when a
group of brilliant spacetravel enthusiasts took over an abandoned 300acre
arsenal, which they called their Raketenflugplatz, or Rocket Flight Place,
in the Berlin suburb of Reindickerdorf. From there they actually shot some
crude, liquid-fuelled rockets skywards.

By 1930 the VfR included most of the rocket experts of the day, including
Rudolf Nebel, Hermann Oberth, Willy Ley, Max Valier, Klaus Riedel and the
eighteen-year-old Wernher von Braun, who would end up in the US, heading
the Moon programme for NASA.

In April 1930 the Ordnance Branch of the German Army's Ballistics and
Weapons Office, headed by General Becker, appointed Captain Walter
Dornberger to work on rocket development at the army's Kummersdorf firing
range, approximately fifteen miles south of Berlin. Two years later, after
many experiments to find the most promising method of propulsion and the
most stable means of flight, the VfR demonstrated one of their
liquid-fuelled rockets to Dornberger and other officers at Kummersdorf. In
1933, when Hitler came to power, the VfR was taken over by the Nazis and
became part of the Kummersdorf programme.

Many of the German engineers, including the up-and-coming Wernher von
Braun, revered Goddard and were known to have based their work on his
ideas. While in the United States Goddard's theories were still being
received with indifference and even contempt, Hitler's Germany was spending
fortunes on rocket research that was, by and large, based on Goddard's work.

As early as December 1934 two highly advanced A2 rockets, constructed at
Kummersdorf, gyroscopically controlled, and powered by oxygen and alcohol
fuelled motors, were launched from the island of Borkum in the North Sea
and reached an altitude of one-and-a-half miles. Those stabilized,
liquid-fuelled rockets were, at the time, the only known serious
challengers to the rockets of Robert H. Goddard.

Nor did it end there. Shortly after Hitler's infamous advance across the
Hohenzollern bridge on 7 March 1936, Captain Walter Dornberger, the head of
the Rocket Research Institute, his assistant, Wernher von Braun, and their
team of 150 technicians, demonstrated some more motors at Kummersdorf,
including one with an unprecedented 3500lb of thrust. Those demonstrations
so impressed the German Commander-in-Chief, General Fritsch, that
permission was given for Dornberger and von Braun to build an independent
rocket establishment in a suitably remote part of Germany, where research
and test firings could be carried out in the strictest secrecy. The chosen
site was near the village of Peenemunde, on the island of Usedom, off the
Baltic Coast.

The rest is now history. After numerous experiments in the Zeppelin
subsonic wind tunnel at Friedrichshafen and the University of Aachen's
supersonic wind tunnel, and with the completion of a remarkably reliable
gyroscopic control system by the renowned electrical specialists Siemens,
radio-controlled A5 rockets were soon being dropped from heights of up to
20,000 feet and obtaining speeds exceeding Mach 1, or the speed of sound.
By late 1944 numerous V1 and V2 rockets were falling on London.

What is not so well known is that when the V2 rockets were inspected by
Allied scientists in the captured Nordhausen Central Works at the close of
the war, it was discovered that the most notable features of the propulsion
unit were the shutter-type valves in the fixed grill, the fuel injection
orifices incorporated in the same grill, the combustion chamber, spark
plugs and nozzle  all of which were to be found in a Robert H. Goddard
patent, issued 13 November 1934, and reproduced in full in the German
aviation magazine, Flugsport, in January 1939.

There were other striking similarities between the V2 and Goddard's
original rocket. Both rockets had the same motor-cooling system, the same
pump drive, the same layout front to rear, the same stabilizer and the same
guidance and fuel injection systems. Indeed, the only notable difference
between the two was that Goddard's rocket motors used gasoline and oxygen,
whereas the V2 used hydrogen and peroxide; Goddard's rocket fuel was liquid
oxygen and gasoline, whereas the V2 used liquid oxygen and alcohol; and,
finally, Goddard's original rocket was a lot smaller than the V2.

The V2 rockets had a thrust of 55,000 pounds, attained a velocity of 6400
feet per second, and could soar to an altitude of sixty-eight miles. What
this meant, in effect, is that the Germans had taken designs shamefully
neglected by the US government and used them as the basis for a radical,
highly advanced, supersonic technology. They had also learned through
Goddard of the necessity for gyroscopic control and thus potential control
of the boundary layer.

What is the boundary layer?
While being 4000 or 5000 times less viscous than oil, air is still viscous.
Because of this, the air sweeping in on the solid body of an aircraft forms
imperceptible stratifications of resistance and consequently decreases the
speed of the body in flight. These layers of air are therefore known as the
boundary layer  and the boundary layer increases its resistance in direct
proportion to the increasing speed of the flying object, thus imposing
severe limitations on its speed and manoeuvrability.

Though the boundary layer affects all forms of flight, the major problem
regarding ultra-high-speed flight is to somehow move this negative air as
far to the rear of the aircraft as possible, thus minimizing the
expenditure of energy required to propel the aircraft through the sky.
Moreover, it is possible that a revolutionary type of aircraft could  by
not only completely removing the boundary layer, but by somehow rerouting
it and utilizing it as an added propulsive force  fly through the skies
using little other than the expelled air itself. Should this be
accomplished, we would have an aircraft capable of remarkable speeds while
using only the bare minimum of conventional fuel.

The Germans were working on all aspects of the boundary layer even before
the beginning of the Great War of 191418.

Physicist Dr Eduard Ludwig worked with the famous aircraft designer Hugo
Junkers at his factory in Dessau where, in 1910, they produced one of the
earliest `flying wing' designs. According to Ludwig, the first physicist to
consider `this new branch of aerodynamics' was Professor Jukowski of
Moscow. Before World War I, Jukowski worked with Dr Kutta of the Technical
High School of Stuttgart, Germany, on the development of the theory of
aeroplane wingbeam and succeeded in establishing the differential equation
of the boundary layer, which for the first time threw light on why `a
planewing can bear a load while moving forward through the air'. Since
then, according to Ludwig, the KuttaJukowski Theory of Aeroplane Wingbeam
has been the foundation of all aerodynamics.

However, even earlier than that, in 1904, at the Aerodynamic Experimental
Institute of the Göttingen University, the physicist Professor Ludwig
Prandtl discovered the boundary layer, which in turn led to the
understanding of the way in which streamlining would reduce the drag of
aeroplane wings and other moving bodies. Prandtl's work soon became the
basic material of aerodynamics, and he went on to make pioneering
discoveries in subsonic airflow, advance wind tunnel design, and other
aerodynamic equipment design. He also devised a `soap film analogy' for the
analysis of torsion forces of structures, and produced invaluable studies
on the `theory of plasticity'.

By 1915, another member of the Technical High School of Stuttgart,
Professor H.C. Bauman, utilizing the theories of Prandtl, received a patent
for a Splitwing `through which the artificial interruption of the course of
the current, the tearing of the boundary layer, and the consequent braking
and diminishing of the landing speed would be attained'.

Meanwhile, Anton Flettner, the German director of an aeronautical and
hydrodynamic research institute in Amsterdam, had invented the rotorship, a
vessel propelled by revolving cylinders mounted vertically on the deck. In
1926 he established an aircraft factory in Berlin, where he used what
became known as the Flettner-Rotor for the production of Flettner FI 282
and other helicopters. Soon, at the behest of Professor Junkers, the
FlettnerRotor (`a cylinder turning at great speed') was being utilized by
professors Prandtl, Ludwig, and others, as a means of investigating `to
what extent the uplift of a wing could be increased'.

The experiments were fraught with difficulty and cost the lives of at least
four test pilots. This was due to `inexplicable vibrations and axle
breakages', leading the scientists to the conclusion that `only a gas
turbine could produce the required uplift of the cylinder'. This led in
turn to the building of a wind tunnel in which many invaluable experiments
on the relationship between supersonic speeds and the boundary layer were
conducted, culminating in the first successful flight of a jet aircraft in
1939, as well as the launching of the VI and V2 rockets during the closing
stages of World War II.

The German scientists and engineers believed that the perfect flying
machine would be one that required no runway, since it would take off
vertically, would be able to hover in midair, and would not be limited in
manoeuvrability or speed by the boundary layer. As the buildup of the
boundary layer is dramatically increased by the many surface protuberances
of a normal aircraft wings, tails, rudders, rotors, cockpits  it was felt
that by getting rid of them completely, by somehow wrapping them together
as part and parcel of the one, circular, smooth-surfaced flying wing, the
first step in the conquest of the boundary layer would be achieved.

Germany was the country with most interest in such developments and
certainly the most advanced at that time. A disc-or-saucer-shaped aircraft,
without any surface protuberances, powered by ultra-high-speed engines, is
what they were after and many designs of the time were based on that
conception. It is therefore no accident that as early as 1935 a German,
Hans von Ohain, had applied for a patent for a jet engine. Nor was it an
accident that the first flight of a jet-powered aircraft was made by a
Heinkel He 178 at Rostock, Germany, on 27 August 1939.

Regarding vertical-rising aircraft, the FockeAchgelis Company had already
announced in 1939 that it had almost completed its FW 61 helicopter, which
would be the first fully operational helicopter in existence. That the
Germans produced the first successful helicopter but were not known to have
used such craft during World War II may be due to the fact that already
they were more concerned with tailless aircraft or `flying wings', devoid
of vertical stabilizing or control surfaces, which would lead them to the
search for a jet-propelled, disc-shaped aircraft, or flying saucer.

By 1932 the Horten brothers of Bonn had produced some successful prototypes
for the German Air Ministry at their factory in Bonn. The Horten I was an
`all wing' aircraft, which in prototype form was a wooden-framed glider. It
had a span of 40.7 feet, a wing area of 226 square feet, and a wingloading
of two pounds per square foot. It had a flying weight of 440 pounds, a
gliding angle of twenty-one degrees, and a flying life of approximately
seven hours. As the Horten brothers were convinced that the most important
form of aircraft would be the all-wing type, there were no vertical
stabilizing or control surfaces on the Horten I. It was virtually flat and
crescent-shaped, like a boomerang, with the pilot placed in a prone
position, to reduce cockpit size. This so called `flying wing' certainly
flew for seven hours, but it could never have been the basis of a flying
saucer for one very good reason: it was still faced with the problem that
had repeatedly foiled other German aeronautical engineers  the limitations
imposed by the boundary layer.

A more advanced model, the Horten 11, D11167, was built in 1934 and
test-flown at Rangsdorf, Germany, on 17 November 1938. According to the
report of Hanna Rasche (the popular female pilot who also demonstrated the
Focke-Achgelis helicopter the same year), this test flight turned out to be
highly unsatisfactory. The so-called tailless aircraft possessed great
static-longitudinal stability and complete safety in relation to the spin,
but its control surfaces were so heavy that measurements of manoeuvring
stability could not be carried out. The unsatisfactory arrangement of its
undercarriage necessitated too long a takeoff; the relation between its
longitudinal, lateral and directional controls was unsatisfactory; its
turning flight and manoeuvrability were fraught with difficulty, and
side-slipping could not be carried out.

Nevertheless, the Horten designs were the first. on the road to a
disc-shaped aircraft and, as we shall see, would cause great concern
amongst Allied scientists and intelligence officers involved in post-war
investigations into the possibility of German, or German-based Russian
flying saucers. While experiments with `flying wings' and spherical
aircraft were being conducted by the likes of the Horten brothers, many
other German scientists, including Professor Betz, Flettner, and Junkers,
were experimenting with specially equipped airwings in attempts to reduce
the boundary layer. Most of these experiments were based on the `suction'
method, in which the negative air is sucked into the wing itself, through
tiny holes or slots, then expelled by means of a pump located in the fuselage.

While this was a step in the right direction, the resulting aircraft still
required heavy, obstructive engines (also the main problem with the Horten
brothers' envisaged flying wing jet fighter). The belief persisted that in
order to get rid of the boundary layer completely  and in order to make use
of the `dead' air not only for acceleration, but for manoeuvring as
well  the requirement was for an aircraft devoid of all obstructing
protuberances, such as wings, rudders and even normal air-intakes, and not
requiring a large, heavy engine. In other words, this revolutionary new
aircraft should be the perfect flying wing that offers the least possible
resistance, sucks in the `dead' air of the boundary layer, and then uses
that same air, expelling it at great force, to increase its own momentum.
It would therefore have to be a circular `wing' that is, in a sense,
wrapped around its suction pump, with the pump being part and parcel of the
engine: a machine shaped like a saucer.


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin
(Listen anytime to Votefraud vs Honest Elections "crash course" radio show
over the internet at in the archives, April 3rd, 2000
show, Jeff Rense host, Jim Condit Jr. guest)

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