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Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 08:55:34 +0000
Subject: Reparations Now?

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 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\         Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\         REPARATIONS FROM THE ISRAELIS?

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MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 5/27/2000:

Well of course Israel should.  But then its not likely Israel will.  Israel likes
to collect reparations in the billions.  It doesn't like to pay out.  Yes, as this
former Israeli soldier now Sociology Professor in the US says, that's what should
happen.  But the way today's world is organized, and with the extreme weakness and
divisiveness among the Arabs who have been so terribly lead for so long, this isn't
the way things are going to happen.

Professor Arad has performed a most thoughtful and courageous service by writing
and publishing this article.  But even so, he has used numbers that are much too
low -- for instance he mentions that "hundreds" were massacred at the Sabra and
Shatilla refugee camps in 1982 by Israel's allies.  Actually he should have said
"thousands" and mentioned that the Israeli army watched the whole horrible affair
from look-out posts, lit up the area with search lights, and General Sharon himself
met with the "allies" and "authorized" the massacre.  We have "war crime" here;
not just a cause for "compensation".

But even more lacking it seems is Professor Arad's awareness of where what he rightly
advocates leads to.  His memory and perspective are apparently too taken up in the
moment.  He writes about how Israel can achieve a "peaceful border" with Lebanon
and he focuses on the period of time that starts when he personally got involved.
 But once the historical justice and imperative of Israel paying reparations for
what it has done becomes established, the real reparations are going to have to
go to millions of Palestinians who have suffered far more dispossession, destruction,
and torture, than have the Lebanese -- not just the Palestinians in Lebanon but
those now scattered throughout the region and in other countries, plus of course
those still remaining in the "autonomy" areas and Gaza.

Even so, this is an important article by a very thoughtful person and one can hope
that it could serve as a kind of moral spark to inflame others into awareness.
One wonders if it will find publication in Hebrew for Israelis to ponder as they
should...as they in the end must.

                        THE NEXT STEP FOR ISRAEL

                                By James Ron*

[Boston Globe Op Ed page - 5/25]:  Many hope that Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon
will bring peace to the troubled border. But without acknowledgement of the destruction
visited on Lebanon by Israel over the last 32 years, some Lebanese will not forgive
and forget. Guerrillas will continue to fire rockets over Israel's northern frontier,
triggering retaliations and more fighting.  If the international community pushes
Israel to acknowledge and compensate its Lebanese victims, however, the hostilities
will finally end. I'll take a first step by apologizing for my own misdeeds.

My first Lebanon raid was in 1986. I was a 19-year-old Israeli conscript, and my
paratroop platoon was sent to a village whose name I can't recall. I provided security
for two Lebanese militiamen and their Israeli handler. We broke down the door of
a home, shoved the family aside, and pulled a middle-aged man outside. After 
him and tying his hands behind his back, we took him to a secluded alley, forced
him to his knees, and put a gun to his head, threatening to shoot if he
didn't talk.  A UN peacekeeper appeared and put an end to that incident, but there
was more to come.

The next day we performed a mock execution on a 10-year-old Lebanese boy. We forced
his family into the kitchen and dragged him to a nearby orchard. My lieutenant pressed
the child's face into the dirt while I jammed my rifle against his skull.

Although the officer threatened to shoot his head off, the boy did not respond,
keeping silent even after we threatened to throw him from the roof of his three-story

I was a recent transfer from another unit, and my colleagues were more familiar
with the drill. I watched and learned as they blew off doors with explosives, poured
sacks of flour onto dirt floors, scattered utensils, broke dishes, and rifled through
drawers. For days we ransacked the village, searching for signs of guerrilla presence..
The elderly,  female, and young villagers were trapped in their homes,
ordered to observe a 24-hour curfew. Their men were gathered in a central square,
blindfolded, and hauled off for questioning. When another soldier and I expressed
reservations, we were ridiculed by our colleagues. More often than not, however,
we thought little about the villagers we were tormenting.

Casual brutality was not limited to lower-income recruits. Omri, child of an 
officer, liked to fire bursts toward villagers peeking through doorways. Rafi, son
of a liberal parliamentarian, kicked a cup of hot tea into an elderly man's face.
Several were from kibbutzim, others from middle-class families, and our lieutenant
was devoutly religious. We were one of the standing army's elite and
disciplined units.

My experience was a small part of a long-running conflict. During the 1947-49 war,
 more than 750,000 Palestinians lost their homes to the new Israeli state, and many
fled to Lebanon. In the late 1960s, Palestinian guerrillas began raids from Lebanon,
 provoking powerful retaliations.

After their main Jordanian base was crushed in 1971, Lebanon became a center of
guerrilla activity. Palestinian attacks killed 332 Israelis between 1967 and July
1982. In return, Israel killed 5,000-6,000 Lebanese and Palestinians. The fighting
helped trigger a 15-year Lebanese civil war that claimed 75,000-120,000 lives.

During the 1970s, Israeli shelling emptied dozens of villages and drove an estimated
300,000 civilians into Beirut's slums. Northern Christian militias received Israeli
arms and training, while Syria supplied Israel's opponents. In the south, Israeli-paid
gunmen acted as informants, interrogators, and enforcers. Israel's strategy was
to disrupt Palestinian guerrillas by punishing the surrounding Lebanese population;
the result was deeply felt Lebanese anger.

Israel invaded in 1982 to end Palestinian political ambitions. Jewish nationalists
were eager to annex the West Bank and Gaza, and many believed this first required
smashing the Palestinians' Lebanon base.  One goal of the invasion, later publicized
by Israeli journalists, was to deport Palestinian refugees from Lebanon with Christian
militia help.  The plan later collapsed, along with Israel's other grand designs.

During the invasion's first months, Israel killed 12,000-15,000 persons and lost
360.  Although the Israeli casualties were combatants, most of their victims were
civilians.  Israel pounded Palestinian camps and Lebanese slums to drive the guerrillas
out,  turning neighborhoods into rubble.

Israel's allies doubled as death squads, massacring hundreds in Tel el-Zatar, Sabra,
 Shatila, el-Khiam, and elsewhere. Palestinian fighters were eventually driven from
Beirut, but Israeli brutality helped create new enemies. Islamist fighters began
to attack Israeli troops and fire rockets into Israel, stimulating further reprisals.
When Jewish civilians were forced into shelters, journalists diligently conveyed
their suffering. They did not give Israel's victims equal attention, however. With
television dwelling on Israeli rather than Lebanese pain, the more plentiful 
casualties became remote statistics.

How do nations move beyond such conflicts? Recent history suggests that political
deals are not enough, and that truth-telling is vital. Consider South Africa, where
a commission requires former abusers to acknowledge their crimes in return for amnesty.

Or consider El Salvador and Guatemala, where commissions have publicized definitive
accounts of official wrong-doing, helping the political healing. The international
community has advocated reconciliation through truth-telling and accountability
in Argentina, Congo, Cambodia, Chad, Chile, Indonesia, Rwanda, the former Yugoslavia,
and now Sierra Leone. In these and other cases, war termination can be helped by
official recognition of victims' pain, apologies, and compensation. Why should Lebanon
be different?

If Israel wants a peaceful border, it must do more than withdraw from a mess it
helped create. Palestinians and Lebanese languishing in camps and slums still harbor
great bitterness toward Israel. If it wants to end this anger, Israel should recognize
and compensate those it harmed.  If Israel will not do so on its own, the international
community should pressure it to do so. If other countries can face up to their 
pasts, why not Israel?

Let me begin by asking forgiveness from the 10-year-old whose name I never knew
and from the village whose name I no longer remember.

        * James Ron, is now an assistant professor of sociology at Johns
        Hopkins University, and a field investigator for international
        human rights groups.

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