'Rogue' States: Is It Reality or Rhetoric?

By Steven Mufson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, May 29, 2000; Page A01

In North Korea, a dozen U.S. arms experts began their second annual
inspection of a mysterious tunnel complex. In Moscow, Deputy Secretary of
State Strobe Talbott haggled with Russian officials over amending a
28-year-old arms agreement. In Washington, Republican presidential hopeful
George W. Bush made a strong pitch for a still unproven global missile
defense system. And addressing graduates at the U.S. Military Academy, Vice
President Gore called for a more limited missile defense.

The common goal of these disparate events last week? Stopping a "rogue" state
– irrational, reckless and armed with nuclear missiles capable of striking
American shores.

The existence of such a threat has become an article of faith, widely
accepted by the Clinton administration and some of its Republican critics,
but questioned by some policy experts here and by many abroad. Many U.S.
policymakers warn that a rogue state – whether an isolated and paranoid North
Korea, a religiously motivated Iran or a vengeful Iraq – might attack the
United States even if the inevitable result would be retaliation so massive
that the attacking state would be obliterated.

"There are new threats in the world," said Samuel R. "Sandy" Berger,
President Clinton's national security adviser. "One of those is the growing
capability of North Korea and Iran, who may not be as susceptible to
deterrence as the Soviet Union was."

When President Clinton visits Moscow next week for his first summit meeting
with Russian President Vladimir Putin, rogue states will be the ghosts at the
negotiating table. Fear of their still-theoretical capabilities has made
winning Russia's agreement for a limited American missile defense the Clinton
administration's top priority in Russia policy, overshadowing the war in
Chechnya, economic reform and future NATO expansion.

Yet some policy experts question the assumption that there are such
irrational rogues.

"The unexamined assumptions about this are extraordinary, and the biggest is
the presumption that a variety of misbegotten states are not subject to the
same constraints of nuclear deterrence that everybody else has been subject
to," said Jonathan Pollack, an Asia specialist at the Rand Corp., a
consulting firm.

Robert S. Litwak, a former director for nonproliferation policy at the
National Security Council, argues in a recent book that the rogue epithet
"demonizes a disparate group of states" and "significantly distorts

There is ample evidence that North Korea, Iran and Iraq have sought, and may
still be seeking, weapons of mass destruction and long-range missile
technology. North Korea unexpectedly fired a missile over Japan in 1998, and
U.N. inspectors discovered massive stockpiles of chemical and biological
weapons in Iraq after the Persian Gulf War.

But critics of the theory of rogue states say the allegation that these
countries are irrational or suicidal is more questionable. Their leaders
appear to be very concerned about self-preservation, and the United States
has successfully employed diplomatic as well as military initiatives to
engage or contain them.

Nearly a decade after the end of the Gulf War, Iraq remains bottled up by
sanctions and a steady U.S.-British bombing campaign. In the wake of
electoral victories by moderates in Iran, the Clinton administration has made
some conciliatory gestures to Tehran while still seeking to block technology

North Korea, meanwhile, has largely complied with a 1994 agreement aimed at
making sure its nuclear program is peaceful. Within the past two months,
workers under the supervision of an Atlanta-based company finished putting
spent fuel from a North Korean nuclear reactor into sealed canisters,
bringing to roughly 8,000 the number of radioactive rods sitting under lock,
key and camera in a murky pool. Only about a dozen fuel rods are missing, a
U.S. official said, far short of the amount needed to build a nuclear bomb.
Last week, North Korea also fulfilled a commitment to let U.S. inspectors
return to the mysterious tunnel complex once suspected of concealing a
nuclear weapons or missile program. And it is preparing to hold its first
summit with South Korea, its longtime foe.

"You speak about North Korea as an irrational country when you have been
negotiating with North Korea for six years," said a European diplomat. "The
1994 agreement was a rational agreement."

French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine noted that there is no translation for
rogue state in French. "It's not a geopolitical category we use," he said.
"It is difficult for Europeans to imagine one of these rogue states attacking
the United States."

Noting that U.S. officials could just as easily call Libya, Pakistan or India
rogue states, and that the United States appropriately pursues different
policies toward different so-called rogues, Vedrine suggested the label was
simply a rhetorical tool.

Dmitri Rogozin, chairman of the international relations committee in the
Russian Duma, said the United States was exaggerating the North Korean
threat. "A cannon is not the best weapon to shoot at flies," he said.

Moreover, Rogozin predicted that the United States would react strongly if it
detected North Korean preparations to fire a missile. "I highly respect the
U.S. military, and I can't imagine that the U.S. military would sit idly by
and watch the threat from North Korea," the Russian parliamentarian said.
"They will simply smash this country."

A U.S. official who has been deeply involved in negotiations with
impoverished North Korea said that despite its philosophy of self-reliance,
Pyongyang has always relied on outside assistance. Now that its former
patron, the Soviet Union, is defunct, North Korea is clumsily seeking a new

"North Korea is one of the few totally parasitic countries," the official
said. "It has lost its host. But parasites don't commit suicide."

He added, "They are not going to nuke Hawaii because they realize they will
be annihilated. People who say we need national missile defense because North
Korea is crazy are only those who don't know anything about North Korea.
North Korea is mainly a threat to itself."

Yet fear of rogue states remains widespread. The term "rogue" originally was
applied about 20 years ago to countries whose internal policies were
oppressive. (It was once applied by the Wall Street Journal to Ohio for its
environmental policies.) Beginning in the mid-1990s, the term was attached to
countries that might act irrationally in the international arena.

In a Foreign Affairs article in early 1994, then-Clinton national security
adviser Anthony Lake called for "confronting backlash states" that were
characterized by "chronic inability to engage constructively with the outside
world." In April 1996, then-Secretary of Defense William J. Perry warned of a
"future threat that a rogue state, that may be impossible to deter, will
obtain ICBMs that can reach the United States." In September 1997, Secretary
of State Madeleine K. Albright said that "dealing with the rogue states is
one of the great challenges of our time‚. . . because they are there with the
sole purpose of destroying the system."

A commission headed by former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld enshrined the
rogue threat as official doctrine. When the commission released its report in
1998, it declared that "concerted efforts by a number of overtly or
potentially hostile nations to acquire ballistic missiles with biological or
nuclear payloads pose a growing threat to the United States, its deployed
forces and its friends and allies." The report added that those states "would
be able to inflict major destruction on the U.S. within about five years of a
decision to acquire such capability."

That put time pressure on the Clinton administration. And so with the Cold
War over, deep cuts in the nuclear arsenals of the superpowers, American
military might unparalleled and the nation at peace, both Democrats and
Republicans have been edging closer toward a decision to build one of the
most expensive weapon systems in history.

To be sure, some people worried about rogue states nonetheless oppose the
current national missile defense proposal. Richard Garwin, a member of the
Rumsfeld commission, argues that it would be easier to put a lid over a
handful of rogues than to put an umbrella over the entire United States. He
favors a modest missile defense known as boost phase, which would be based
close to rogue state borders and intercept missiles on their way up. Other
experts warn that rogue states could deliver weapons of mass destruction in
boats, suitcases, cars or vials instead of intercontinental missiles.

Still other policymakers warn of letting concern about small rogue states
prompt the shredding of major accords, like the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile
Treaty that the administration is trying to persuade Russia to amend.

But national missile defense remains an alluring prospect for those worried
about preserving America's latitude for action in a crisis, when a small
country with nuclear missiles might threaten to use them.

"Deterrence is probably good enough," former Clinton national security
adviser Lake said in an interview. "But when the stakes are so high, I'm not
sure that 'probably' is good enough."

Bush adviser Condoleezza Rice said the United States should press ahead with
national missile defense even if it means the end of the ABM Treaty. "The ABM
Treaty is an artifact of a different period of time," she said. "ABM was
designed to prevent national missile defense. It is not clear to me how, with
minor changes, you get around that. It's a new world."

© 2000 The Washington Post Company

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