I have not read this article myself
just forwarding what I recieved so that
others my search.
ThePiedPiper 29May2000

> INDEPENDENT (London) 28 May 2000
> GM genes 'can spread to people and animals'
> By Geoffrey Lean, Volker Angres and Louise Jury
> Genes from genetically modified crops can spread from plants into other
> forms of wildlife, new research shows. The research, which is the result
> of a three-year study at the University of Jena in Germany, supports
> environmentalists' warnings and raises the possibility that people who eat
> GM foods may also be affected.
> Beatrix Tappesser from the Ecology Institute in Freiburg said: "This is
> very alarming because it shows that the cross-over of genes takes place on
> a greater scale than we had previously assumed.
> "The results indicate that we must assume that changes take place in the
> intestinal tubes of people and animals. The crossover of microorganisms
> takes place and people's make up in terms of micro-organisms in their
> intestinal tract is changed. This can therefore have health consequences."
> The research - which has found that bees take up engineered genes from
> oilseed rape - will dramatically increase pressure on farmers and
> ministers to destroy the crop accidentally sown over thousands of acres of
> Britain. Yesterday, Nick Brown, the Agriculture Minister, in an emergency
> announcement, advised farmers to plough in the crop at a cost estimated by
> the National Farmers' Union at 3m.
> While this represented a sharp U-turn from his previous denials that such
> action would be necessary, he admitted he had no legal authority to order
> them to do so. Mr Brown said they had the alternative option of harvesting
> the crop and trying to sell it outside Europe, although it was unclear
> whether the law allows them to do that.
> He ruled out any government compensation for the farmers, although the
> food industry has now made it clear that they will not buy any of the
> crop. He said that farmers should instead seek redress from Advanta, the
> company who sold them the GM contaminated seed.
> The new research about GM genes infecting other forms of life seriously
> undermines assertions by the biotech industry and GM supporters that the
> genes cannot spread and is being taken "very seriously" by the German
> health ministry.
> Professor Hans-Heinrich Kaatz of Jena's authoritative Bee Institute
> released the insects onto a crop of genetically modified rape and removed
> the pollen they gathered when they returned to the hive. He fed the pollen
> to young bees, and when he analysed the bacteria in their guts found that
> they had taken up the same modified genes.
> He told the German television station ZDF: "They had obviously taken up
> these genes. They were in the bacteria in the intestinal tract of the bees
> and seemed to have come from the genes of the original plant and to have
> been taken up into their own genetic make-up."
> Ulrike Riedel of the German Health Ministry said that the experiment
> should be taken "very seriously". She added: "This kind of study is a good
> reason why we should not assume that everything is OK."
> Brian Johnson, English Nature's top GM expert, said that the main question
> was whether the bacteria had incorporated the modified genes temporarily
> or permanently. He thought that the risk of permanent alteration was "very
> small" but added: "We can't rule it out."
> Adrian Bebb of Friends of the Earth said: "This study shows once again how
> little we know about the science and adds strength to call for a freeze on
> growing all GM crops."
> Nick Brown said yesterday that the accidental GM contamination of the
> oilseed rape highlighted the need for European standards on seed purity.
> While the crops posed "no danger" to the environment or to public health,
> the consumer had the right to know what was in the food supply.
> At an informal meeting with European colleagues tomorrow, he will press
> his European colleagues to establish standards and tougher checks.
> ======================
> *** NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material
> is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest
> in receiving the included information for research and educational
> purposes. Feel free to distribute widely but PLEASE acknowledge the
> source. ***
Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
      ---- Thomas Jefferson <br><br>

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi

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