[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>Nessie is right, but

>also remember "United we stand...", I admire folks who

>have both oars in the water, yet these times of

>turmoil are not supportive of good manners on a "bad

>day". I see he has been "publicly spanked", so let`s

>shake hands and let the bygones be...

You're right. I'm wrong. It is inappropriate  to stay on this guy's case
any longer. Personally, I don't find I offensive to be cursed in front of.
Far from it. I find the whole concept of words that must not be spoken,
and its logical extension, ideas that must not be thought, to be
repugnant. What's more, frequent cursing is part of my culture. I'm what
you might call White Trash. I'm a biker. I've worked with my hands most of
my life. No, we're not all illiterate retards. Some of us are smarter
than, well, than h*ll. It's a bunch of d*mn fools think we're not. Anybody
who thinks we're all characters out of Boys Don't Cry or American Heart
just hasn't studied sociology. Every class and every culture has it's
intellectual elite. I'm one of them, and not the only one by a long shot.
I strongly suggest y'all read Jim Goad's Redneck Manifesto before you make
any snap judgments about the intellectual capacities of the white working

But working class people curse a lot more than the ivory tower crowd,
especially (but not exclusively) the guys. It's just how we are. It's part
of our culture and as such it's a valid a cultural marker as any marker of
any culture an should be judged in a cultural context. It is foolish  and
unrealistic to judge the behavior of people of other cultures by the
tenets of one's own. It doesn't work. What's more, the dialect of the
ruling class is not one iota more "correct" English than is the dialect of
the working class. Correct English is that which gets the idea across.
Those who communicate best, are those who are fluent in numerous dialects.

But this list is culturally heterogeneous. It ain't a construction site
and we ain't all blue collar roughnecks and I'm willing to show some
cultural sensitivity. If I can do it, anybody can do it. Heinlein once
said, "When in Rome, shoot Roman candles." It's a good plan. Let's
consense to follow it.

Cursing at somebody is quite a different matter than cursing in front of
someone. It means something totally different. It's out of place anywhere
people don't want to fight. Tell you what, let's all promise to not only
not curse at each other, but also not curse in front of those of us here
who feel differently than I do and are offended by it.  It's a small

But that's not the issue here. The issue is process. Whoever pushes the
actual buttons that determine how many posts each member can make, the
decision making process itself is better served by more input. The more
input any decision making process has, the better it works for all
concerned. Ideally we should strive for consensus. I readily admit that
consensus building is not a widely held skill. It can be learned, though,
and what better place to learn than the internet. On the internet those
who don't consense can simply leave and go start their own list. More
importantly, the consensus building process can take place including
people who hate each other and would very quickly commence whacking each
other upside the head with bar stools pool cues were they meeting in
person. This is way cool. It's a quantum leap in human political
relationships. Hurrah for technology.

The input by certain people here regarding the issue of posting limits is
wholly appropriate. It's constructive, it's educational, it's socially
responsible. Telling them to sit down, shut up and let the guy in charge
handle it, is none of these things. What's more, history has proven
conclusively that sitting down, shutting up and letting the guys in charge
handle the world has brought humanity to the brink of extinction. Unless
the people of this planet soon demand a democratic say in what becomes of
their biosphere, these mad fools will kill us all. They are brutal,
immoral, greedy, and above all selfish men. They treat us like livestock
and our land like a feed lot. We have sat down, shut up and consigned our
fate to their hands for too long. Get up, stand up. Stand up for your
rights.  Do it today.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and
effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said,
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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