This affluent, wealthy, and influential member of the "liberal" elite says that people should not be allowed to own handguns, but, when she was threatened many years ago, she bought a pistol and got a permit to carry it in California. What she obviously means is that the little people- people who are not wealthy and influential Senators like herself- should not have the right to protect themselves from violent crime.

This individual does not think that ordinary citizens can be trusted with guns, but she set a very bad example at a press conference. According to columnist Jill Labbe's column, "Guns nowhere as dangerous as liberals who can't handle them":

"There stood Dianne Feinstein, the anti-gun senator from California, posing for all the nation's media to capture on Kodachrome, holding an AK-47 with her finger firmly planted on the trigger."
"Here's a woman so concerned about the supposed recklessness of gun manufacturers that she's calling for a ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines- the justification being little more than anecdotal evidence- who wouldn't know firearm safety if it bit her on the end of her upturned San Franciscan nose."
Labbe rightly points out Ms. Feinstein's violation of the rules of safe firearm handling. Any military person or police officer (along with millions of responsible civilian firearm owners), will tell you, "Never put your finger inside the trigger guard unless you want to fire the weapon."

Labbe also points out that the AK-47's muzzle was probably pointed at one or more of the people in the crowd around Senator Feinstein. The gun was, of course, unloaded, and it may even have been rendered incapable of firing under any circumstances- but again, those responsible firearm owners will tell you, "Always treat a gun as if it's loaded. Always. Never point a gun at anyone or anything you wouldn't want to shoot. Never." By violating these rules, even with a disabled firearm, Senator Feinstein set a very bad example.


Time is running out, Folks!

Be vigilant of the promises and spiel mouthed by the

thugs of the DNC and RNC at their respective


For Christ's sake, don't wait until a few weeks before

the election to seek out candidates for Congress

who will restore our Constitution.  Do it NOW!


"Oh, my countrymen! What will our children say, when they read the history
of these times?

Should they find we tamely gave away without one noble
struggle, the most invaluable of earthly blessings?

As they drag the galling chain, will they not execrate us?

If we have any respect for things sacred;  any regard to the dearest treasures on earth; if we have one tender
sentiment for posterity; if we would not be despised by the whole world -
let us in the most open, solemn manner, and with determined fortitude, swear
we will die, if we cannot live free men!"

Josiah Quincy, Jr., 1788  published in the Boston Gazette


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