June 1, 2000

1)      Big News on Court Ruling to Stop Navy's LFAS Experiments
2)      Feedback on GlobeNet's D.C. Actions to Help Stop Star Wars
3)      Bart Jordan on the Creten maze, Stonehenge, Lucy Lippard's Overlay
4)      Leonard Peltier's 12 June Parole Hearing
5)      FlybyNews.com


1)      Big News on Court Ruling to Stop Navy's LFAS Experiments

The following is from Attorney Lanny Sinkin that was forwarded to Flyby News
on 28 May 2000, which was originally from an email to a listserve hosted by

>Yesterday, I received word from Andrew Wetzler at the Natural Resources
Defense Council that the United States Navy officially cancelled the LWAD
00-2 Sea Test scheduled to begin this week off the east coast of the United
States. For those interested in the details of this event, I have provided
below a chronology. The cancellation of LWAD 00-2 is a remarkable victory
for those devoted to protecting marine life, especially cetaceans, from the
unwise technological decisions being made by humans in the United States
Navy. Congratulations to everyone involved in achieving this outcome.

The next major developments, as far as I know, will come from the hearing
scheduled in Honolulu before Judge Alan C. Kay on June 13 at 9:00 a.m. A
suit filed in February challenges the environmental impact statement (EIS)
process being conducted by the Navy for its low frequency active sonar
system. The central challenge is that the entire EIS process is compromised
by the fact that the Navy spent at least $350 million preparing to deploy
this system without preparing an EIS first, as required by law. The hearing
will consider the defendants' motion to dismiss the case and a motion filed
by plaintiffs' counsel seeking to reopen a 1998 LFAS case for further


Week of March 13-17 - Seventeen whales strand in Bahamas at the same time
Navy conducts tests using various active sonar devices, including high
intensity (200 dB) broadcasts. The tests are known as Littoral Warfare
Advanced Development (LWAD) Sea Tests.  The Bahamas test is LWAD 00-1. Navy
claims coincidence. Stranded whales come from at least four different
species in three families of two suborders of cetaceans, including
Balaenoptera sp., Ziphius cavirostris, Mesoplodon densirostris, Stenella
frontalis, and Balaenoptera acutorostrata.

March 21, 2000 - Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and Humane Society
of the United States (HSUS) send letter to Secretary of the Navy Danzig
demanding a suspension of such tests. Further tests are scheduled in late May.

March 22, 2000 - Attorney for plaintiffs in Hawai'i case challenging
deployment of low frequency active sonar sends formal notice to Secretaries
of Commerce and Navy that Bahamian tests violated environmental laws,
including Endanger Species Act.

March 24 - HSUS, the nation's largest animal protection organization,
demands that the United States Navy suspend upcoming tests involving active
sonar systems.

March 31, 2000 - Attorney for plaintiffs in Hawai`i cases sends letter to
Secretary of Commerce calling upon the Secretary to notify the Navy that
further LWAD testing without formal consultation and permits from National
Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) would be a criminal violation of the
Endangered Species Act.

April 5, 2000 - After less than thirty days of analysis, US Navy concludes
that testing in the Bahamas did not cause strandings and deaths of whales.
[Note: Scientists conducting 1998 studies of affects of LFAS on whales are
still analyzing the data two years later.]

April 21, 2000 - Navy issues press release again concluding that LWAD 00-2
could not be responsible for the strandings and deaths in the Bahamas. The
release does state that a U.S. fleet in the same area broadcast sonar signals
from five ships and one submarine in the time frame of the strandings. A
Navy/NMFS investigation continues.

April 24, 2000 - Navy submits Overseas Environmental Assessment (OEA) to NMFS
requesting concurrence in LWAD 00-2.  As was the case for LWAD 00-1, the Navy
seeks agreement based on informal consultations.  Such a process confines the
discussion to a Navy-NMFS dialogue with the public rarely becoming aware of
the project. In this case, however, the disaster in the Bahamas brought
elevated public attention brought to the LWAD testing program. NRDC secures
a copy of the OEA and makes the document available to people working on
potential litigation to stop LWAD 00-2 and others.

Late April/early May - information begins to emerge indicating that NMFS
personnel are dissatisfied with the process underway and the OEA. The Navy
provided less than thirty days in which to review the OEA, placing NMFS
personnel under pressure to simply agree. NMFS personnel are not pleased
with the late filing and concerned about what appears in the OEA.

May 5, 2000 - NMFS sends a letter to the Navy stating that "we are not able
to concur with your determination that the proposed action is not likely to
adversely affect listed species under the National Marine Fisheries Service's
jurisdiction." The letter stated that additional time would be needed to
complete the review. Given the short time frame available, the letter
requested the Navy to postpone the operation.

May 9, 2000 - Attorney for plaintiffs in LFA Hawai`i litigation sends
extensive comments on the OEA to NMFS. The essence of the comments are (1)
the informal consultation process should stop and a formal process be
initiated, in part to allow for public participation; (2) the events in the
Bahamas and the emerging evidence of shock trauma call for extraordinary
caution in allowing more tests; (3) the March 21 NRDC/HSUS letter to the
Secretary of the Navy provides additional legal and scientific concerns that
need to be considered before relying upon informal consultations to concur
in the LWAD 00-2 test; (4) the OEA did not address at all what happened in
the Bahamas; (5) the sonar activities of the naval fleet in the Bahamas
suggest the possibility of synergistic impacts from LWAD 00-1 and the fleet
sonars; (6) the OEA is seriously deficient because there is no discussion of
the Bahamas, there is no discussion of the history of cetacean strandings
and deaths now associated with low frequency active sonar (e.g.
Mediterranean 1996), such as LWAD 00-2 intends to use, the cetacean exposure
levels set forth as safe rely on a reference that directly contradicts the
claimed safety or rely on a single study on one species to generalize to
numerous species. [Presumably others are sending in comments as well, which
as yet are not available to include in this chronology.]

May 10, 2000 - Environmental groups and scientists hold a press conference in
Washington, D.C. calling for a moratorium on any further high intensity sonar
testing. At the press conference, Ken Balcomb, Director of the Center for
Whale Research, reports on the emerging evidence that the whale deaths in
the Bahamas trace to some form of shock. Blood in the eyes, blood in the
brains, and damage to lungs all point to some explosive or high intensity
source. Dr. Marsha Green, Ocean Mammal Institute, discusses the impact of
sound on cetaceans. Dr. Naomi Rose, Director of the Humane Society of the
United States, issues the call for the moratorium. Dr. Charles Bernard,
former Navy weapons development specialist, criticizes the LFAS technology
from a military perspective.

May 15, 2000 - Attorney for plaintiffs in LFA litigation sends second
comments to NFMS. The comments direct NFMS attention to evidence in the
Navy's draft EIS for LFAS deployment, which demonstrates that the claims of
safe levels in the OEA actually derive from the Scientific Research Program
conducted as part of the draft EIS preparation. The comments suggest that
the Navy failure to include the draft EIS information with the OEA
constituted a serious omission and that had those documents been included,
NMFS would have been required to wait because regulatory decisions cannot be
made based on draft documents.

May 9-19, 2000 - Intense pressure placed on NMFS to prevent finding that
formal consultations are required. Environmentalists, scientists, and other
citizens opposed to LFAS deployment mount campaign to build support for NMFS
staff recommendations.

May 19, 2000 - Patricia Kurkul, Regional Administrator, Northeast Region,
NMFS sends letter to Navy stating that NMFS is "not able to concur with your
determination that the proposed action is not likely to adversely affect
listed species." The letter cites to the limited time given to NMFS to
review the project; the deficiencies in the OEA, including a failure to
include the latest evidence available on various issues; the imprecise
descriptions given of the intensity of planned broadcasts; questionable
evidence, methodology, and conclusions regarding impacts on marine life; and
inadequate discussion of potential impacts on turtles.  The letter
concludes that "NMFS recommends formal consultation under Section 7 of the
[Endangered Species Act].

May 25, 2000 - Navy cancels LWAD 00-2. Density surveys of marine mammals
will be conducted using only commercial locators and passive arrays. There
will be no use of low frequency active sonar.

For further information or to request periodic updates, send an email to

For information about the litigation:  http://go.to/lfaslawsuit or


For further action you can take: http://manyrooms.com/contacts.html


2)      Feedback on GlobeNet's D.C. Actions to Help Stop Star Wars

The following are excerpts from the Global Network Space Alert Newsletter #
9 (Summer 2000):

Loring Wirbel from Colorado Springs writes: Our Keep Space for Peace events
started in Washington DC in an atmosphere of hope and good spirits. A
demonstration against Star Wars at the Treasury Department on April 14 drew
140, and the numbers swelled to 200 during an hour long picket line at the
White House. Speakers at the rally included Dr. Michio Kaku and
representatives from the Greens, WILPF, Peace Action, England, Puerto Rico
and many others. An incredible amount of media were present and stayed for
much of the event, due largely to the fact they were waiting for the
IMF/World Bank protests to begin that weekend. Friends in New Mexico said
they saw us on TV. It was great fun protesting with our overseas friends!

Loring Wirbel continues: The Global Network (GN) April 15 conference at
American University had an overabundance of excellent speakers, capped by
Rep. Dennis Kucinich. The former mayor of Cleveland, Ohio also spoke at the
April 16 Mobilization for Global Justice rally in DC. Kucinich addressed
issues of space militarization as stridently and succinctly as he addressed
global debt. The Congressman left many in the Saturday audience feeling that
he not only understood space weapons issues, but that he was the first
Democrat in many years to exude honesty and intelligence in his convictions.
Rep. Kucinich made the connections between "missile defense" and planetary
dominance, and warned that "We cannot survive as a nation with a Sword of
Damocles approach."  Speakers at the conference ranged from the lively
Australian Helen Caldicott to the moving South African poet Dennis Brutus to
the comedic but factual presentation by Bill Hartung of the World Policy
Institute. Our Saturday evening supper party entertainment included moving
folk music presentations by Holly Graham (Olympia, WA), Aurel Duta (Romania)
and Michael Scott Miller (Ventura, CA), as well as a dynamic multimedia
presentation from the "physics chanteuse" of San Francisco State University,
Lynda Williams.  This years conference included representatives from
Romania, Ghana, Niger, England, Ireland, Japan, Australia, Canada, Germany
and from all corners of the U.S. Other representatives from Bangladesh,
Togo, Sierra Leone and Uzbekistan could not attend due to Visa troubles,
despite concerted efforts by the GN Board of Directors to line up
Congressional complaints to the State Department. Thanks to all who made
this a great event!

The United Nations Non-Proliferation Review Conference began in New York on
April 24 with Secretary-General Kofi Annan warning that deployment of the
Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) system "could well lead to a new arms race."
Annan said that plans to move away from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM)
Treaty "may well reduce, rather than enhance, global security." The U.N.
conference was called to review a 1968 treaty in which non-nuclear states
agreed not to try to develop or acquire nuclear weapons as long as the
nuclear powers pursue disarmament. Hundreds of representatives from NGO's
around the world came to the event to lobby all the nuclear powers to move
quicker toward disarmament. The GN, along with Abolition 2000, hosted a
panel discussion for NGO's and U.N. missions that drew a large crowd to hear
Karl Grossman, Alice Slater, Dr. Rashi Mayur, and Bruce Gagnon speak about
space weapons. GN Board member Regina Hagen (Germany) also represented the
GN on another panel dealing with space during the several week event. To a
considerable extent the U.S. plan to deploy Star Wars set the tone and
dominated the conference deliberations because of the obvious implications
for arms control.

The cost is going up! A recent Congressional Budget Office figure is now at
$60 billion through 2015. The next test from Vandenberg AFB in California
and Kwajalein Atoll in the Pacific Ocean will be June 26 and an extra test
has been set for October. Each National Missile Defense (NMD) flight test
costs $100 million. Russia's recent ratification of the CTBT and Start II,
as well as calls for missile reductions in the range of 1,500, is causing
North Carolina's Republican Sen. Jesse Helms' veins to harden. Clinton will
meet with Russia's President Putin in Moscow on June 4-5 to try to get
Russia to agree to changes in the ABM Treaty that presently restricts
systems like BMD. Clinton is said to be offering cuts of his own in nuclear
weapons under a new Start III treaty in exchange for Russian acceptance of
BMD. Star Wars proponent Rep. Curt Weldon (R-Pa) recently fumed that,
"People like Kofi Annan and Bill Clinton have been overwhelmed by the arms
control crowd."

Several key obstacles are popping up that could cause a delay in deployment
of BMD. The first is that a former senior engineer at TRW, Dr. Nira
Schwartz, was recently fired by the corporation after she told them the
system will not work. She is now suing the company alleging that BMD is "not
a defense of the U.S..It's a conspiracy to allow them (TRW) to milk the
government. They are creating for themselves a job for life."

A delay by Boeing Corporation in delivering key simulation software for
NMD could also delay the system. Flight tests performed so far cannot test
the ability of NMD to counter a wide range of potential missile attacks. The
head of the Pentagon's testing and evaluation directorate recently stated
that, "Absence of a functioning and valid simulation software will place
significant limitations on the DoD's ability to assess the potential
effectiveness of the NMD system at the deployment readiness review" that
will be done before Clinton makes his final decision. Another key problem is
that deployment of the new BMD fleet of surveillance and tracking satellites
called Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS) that is central to the operation
of the system will not be in place until a year after the rest of the
program is scheduled to be ready.

PETITION: Click onto and sign our No Star Wars - No BMD on-line petition
addressed to Clinton & Congress.

For more information or to receive this full newsletter contact:

Bruce K. Gagnon
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
PO Box 90083
Gainesville, FL. 32607
(352) 337-9274


3)      Bart Jordan on the Creten maze, Stonehenge, Lucy Lippard's Overlay

New Hampshire Times - January 19, 1977 - Page 13
(Part 2) ROOTS:
unlocking the secrets of the White Goddess, the Cretan maze

New Hampshire Times - July 6, 1977 - page 21
The Secrets of Stonehenge

>From Lucy Lippard's OVERLAY


4)      Leonard Peltier's 12 June Parole Hearing

After 24 Years of Imprisonment,
Leonard Peltier Will Be Reviewed For Parole

The Leonard Peltier Defense Committee:
Gina Chiala, co-coordinator 785-842-5774

        For Immediate Release:

        Press Conference

        June 12, 2000 from 3:00pm – 4:00pm

        Leavenworth, Kansas
The Lincoln Room of the Ramada Inn (3rd and Delaware)

Speakers Include:

Ramsey Clark, former US Attorney General
Carl Nadler, Attorney
Jennifer Harbury, Attorney and Renowned Human Rights Advocate
Curt Goering, Amnesty International, USA Director
Jean Day, LPDC Spokesperson, Jean Day
Leonard Peltier’s grandchildren, Alexandra and Cyrus Peltier
Representatives for the National Council of Churches
The Assembly of First Nations
The National Congress of American Indians


Native American Leonard Peltier will be reviewed for parole on June 12 at
Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary. Amnesty International, who considers
Peltier to be a political prisoner, will attend the hearing in person to ask
the Commission to set Leonard Peltier free. The National Council of
Churches, the National Congress of American Indians, the Assembly of First
Nations, and Peltier’s family will also be asking the Parole Commission for
Leonard Peltier’s release.

Peltier underwent his first full parole hearing in 1993, at which point the
Parole Commission denied his release far beyond what their guidelines
recommend, and set his next full hearing for the year 2008. However, the
Commission is required to hold subsequent hearings every two years in order
to determine whether there are any circumstances that warrant a change in
their original decision. On June 12, Peltier’s attorneys will tell the
Commission that there is no justifiable reason to continue Peltier’s
sentence, and the Commission’s original decision to deny him parole was
based on error.

The Parole Commission originally denied Peltier parole based on their
finding that he “participated in the premeditated and cold blooded execution
of those two officers.” However, the Parole Commission has since said it
“recognizes that the prosecution has conceded the lack of any direct
evidence that [Peltier] personally participated in the executions of the two
FBI agents.” Leonard Peltier, who has served over 24 years of his sentence
and has maintained a good behavior record during his incarceration, has been
eligible for release for over nine years.

Thousands have written to the Commission in support of Peltier’s release.
Additionally, several Native organizations and communities are submitting
parole plans offering Peltier work and housing. On June 12, a parole
examiner will hear the case and make an initial recommendation as to whether
or not the Parole Commission should grant Mr. Peltier a date to be released.
Thousands will await the results.

*  *  *  *  *
Please Note: The LPDC is bringing letters of support to Parole Board's
Hearing. If you want to write a letter to the Parole Board reviewing Leonard
Peltier's case, sign and send hardcopy of your letter to the following
address, asap before the June 12 Hearing:

Peltier For Parole
Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
PO Box 583
Lawrence, KS 66044
To subscribe, send a blank message to  < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >


5)      FlybyNews.com

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