Science and Technology Review, May 2000

Uncovering Bioterrorism
Bert Weinstein, Biology and Biotechnology Research Program, Lawrence

 WITH the end of the Cold War, the threat of nuclear holocaust faded but
another threat emerged-attack by terrorists or even nations using biological
agents such as bacteria, viruses, biological toxins, and genetically altered
organisms. The former Soviet Union once had a formidable biological weapons
program. Now, several countries and extremist groups are believed to possess
or to be developing biological weapons that could threaten urban
populations, destroy livestock, and wipe out crops.
Even terrorists with limited skills and resources could make biological
weapons without much difficulty, says Tony Carrano, Lawrence Livermore's
associate director for Biology and Biotechnology Research. "It's not
complex, it's not expensive, and you don't need a large facility." For these
reasons, biological weapons have been dubbed the poor man's atomic bomb.
Contributing to the ease of making and concealing biological weapons is the
dual-use nature of materials to produce such weapons, because they are found
in many legitimate medical research and agricultural activities as well. CIA
Director George Tenet touched on this topic in Congressional testimony in
February when he noted the overlap between manufacturing vaccines and
producing biological weapons.
The agents used in biological weapons are difficult to detect and to
identify quickly and reliably. Yet, early detection and identification are
crucial for minimizing their potentially catastrophic human and economic
cost. Lawrence Livermore scientists are participating in the Department of
Energy's program to improve response capability to biological (as well as
chemical) attacks on the civilian population.
A major part of DOE's program is developing better equipment, both fixed and
portable, to detect biological agents (see S&TR, June 1998, Reducing the
Threat of Biological Weapons). However, any detection system is dependent on
knowing the signatures of organisms likely to be used in biological weapons.
These signatures are telltale bits of DNA unique to pathogens
(disease-causing microbes). "Without proper signatures, medical authorities
could lose hours or days trying to determine the cause of an outbreak, or
they could be treating victims with ineffective antibiotics," says Lawrence
Livermore's Bert Weinstein, deputy associate director of Biology and
Biotechnology Research.
Because of the importance of biological signatures, DOE has launched a
biological foundations program as a key thrust of its effort to improve
response to terrorist attacks. The program involves experts at the Lawrence
Livermore, Brookhaven, Los Alamos, and Sandia national laboratories, as well
as colleges and universities. Researchers from the four national
laboratories get together at least quarterly to share information and yearly
for a formal review of their work. Weinstein reports that important progress
has been made since the program began in early 1997, and new signature sets
are being transferred to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and
the DOE.
Over the next several years, DOE scientific teams expect to produce
species-level signatures for all of the most likely biological warfare
pathogens. The teams also expect to have an initial set of species-level
signatures for likely agricultural pathogens, because an attack on a
nation's food supply could be just as disruptive as an attack on the
civilian population.

 Several Levels of Signatures
The teams also aim to develop strain-level signatures for the top suspected
agents. Strains are a subset of a species, and their DNA may differ by about
0.1 percent within the species. A species, in turn, is a member of a larger
related group (genus), and its DNA may differ by a percent or so from that
of other members of the genus.
Characterizing pathogens at the strain level requires significantly more
work than recognizing a species. But strain-level signatures are essential
for determining the native origin of a pathogen associated with an outbreak;
such information could help law enforcement identify the group or groups
behind the attack.
The biological foundations work aims to provide validated signatures useful
to public health and law enforcement agencies as well as classified
signatures for the national security community. In developing these
signatures, biological foundation researchers are also shedding light on
poorly understood aspects of biology, microbiology, and genetics, such as
immunology, evolution, and virulence. Increased knowledge in these fields
holds the promise of better medical treatments, including new kinds of
The biological foundations work is one element in DOE's Chemical and
Biological Nonproliferation Program. Livermore's component of this work is
managed by its Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and International Security
Directorate. Other components of the overall program include detection,
modeling and prediction, decontamination, and technology demonstration
Livermore researchers were among the first to recognize, in the early 1990s,
the tremendous potential of detectors based on DNA signatures. "We knew that
a lot of work was necessary to develop the signatures the new detectors
would need," says Weinstein. In particular, the researchers recognized
several pitfalls. For example, if signatures are overly specific, they do
not identify all strains of the pathogen and so can give a false-negative
reading. On the other hand, if signatures are based on genes that are widely
shared among many different bacteria, they can give a false-positive
reading. As a result, signatures must be able, for example, to separate a
nonpathogenic vaccine strain from an infectious one.

 Several Levels of Identification
To enhance their detection development effort, researchers are exploring
advanced methods that distinguish slight differences in DNA. They are using
the multidisciplinary approach that characterizes Livermore research
programs. In this case, DNA signature development involves a team of
microbiologists, molecular biologists, biochemists, geneticists, and
computer experts. In addition, the Livermore work benefits from
collaborations with experts worldwide, extensive experience with DNA
sequencing, and affiliation with DOE's Joint Genome Institute (see S&TR,
April 2000, The Joint Genome Institute: Decoding the Human Genome).
Much of the work is focused on screening the two to five million bases that
comprise a typical microbial genome to design unique DNA markers that will
identify the microbe. The markers, called primer pairs, typically contain
about 30 base segments and bracket specific regions of DNA that are a few
hundred bases long. The bracketed regions are replicated many thousands of
times with a detector that uses polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology.
Then they are processed to unambiguously identify and characterize the
organism of interest.
Weinstein notes that different signatures will be needed for different
levels of resolution. For example, authorities trying to characterize an
unknown material or respond to a suspected act of bioterrorism will begin
with fairly simple signatures that flag potentially harmful pathogens within
a few minutes. Typically, such a signature would encompass one or two primer
pairs and be sufficient for identification at the genus level (Yersinia or
Bacillus, for example) or below.
A signature in the next level of resolution is needed for unambiguously
identifying a pathogen at the species level (Yersinia pestis, for example).
This signature involves about 10 primer pairs. Currently, it takes several
days to obtain conclusive data for a species-level signature. The goal is to
reduce that time to less than 30 minutes.
The third signature level is used in pathogen characterization, identifying
any features that could affect medical response (for example, harmless
vaccine materials versus highly virulent or antibiotic resistance
pathogens). This signature level involves some 20 to 30 primer pairs.
Together, the primer pairs offer a certainty of correct identification.
Currently, providing such a high level of confidence requires several days;
the goal again is to reduce the time to less than 30 minutes.
The final signature level, intended primarily for law enforcement use, will
permit detailed identification of a specific strain of a pathogen (for
example, Yersinia pestis KIM) and correlate that strain with other forensic
evidence. Such data will help to identify and prosecute attackers. The
present typical time lag for results is currently a few weeks, and the goal
is to reduce that to a few days.
Biological foundations program scientists have worked with DOE and other
agencies to assemble a list of natural pathogens most likely to be used in a
domestic attack. The list includes bacteria, viruses, and other classes of
threats, such as agricultural pathogens. Two extremely virulent pathogens
head the list: B. anthracis and Y. pestis, which cause anthrax and plague in
humans, respectively. Bacillus anthracis has few detectable differences
among its strains, whereas Y. pestis strains can vary considerably in
genetic makeup. Unraveling the significant differences between the two
organisms will give national laboratory researchers experience vital for
facing the challenges of the next few years, as they develop signatures for
a wide spectrum of microbes.

 Livermore Focuses on Plague
Research has been divided and is carefully coordinated among laboratories to
avoid duplication. Livermore researchers are focusing on Y. pestis,
Francisella tularensis (a bacterium causing a plaguelike illness in humans),
and several other microbes that threaten human and animal health. They are
working in collaboration with the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of
Infectious Diseases, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the
California Department of Health Services, Louisiana State University,
Michigan State University, and research centers in France, China, and
Russia. "We want to be prepared for the most likely pathogens from
throughout the world," says Weinstein.
Eleven species and many thousands of strains belong to the Yersinia genus.
The most notorious species, Y. pestis, causes bubonic plague and is usually
fatal unless treated quickly with antibiotics. The disease is transmitted by
rodents and their fleas to humans and other animals. Although rare in the
U.S., cases are still reported in the Southwest.
Livermore researcher Emilio Garcia notes that the seemingly subtle DNA
differences among many Yersinia species mask important differences. One
species causes gastroenteritis, another is often fatal, and a third is
virtually harmless; yet all have very similar genetic makeup. Garcia's team
is using a technique called insertion- sequence-based fingerprinting to
understand these slight genetic differences. Insertion sequences are mobile
sections of DNA that replicate on their own. Analyzing for their presence
will not only help refine signatures for Y. pestis but also shed light on
how microorganisms evolve into strains that produce lethal toxins. This
understanding, in turn, should give ammunition to researchers seeking an
antidote or vaccine.
Garcia's team is collaborating with other world-renowned research centers to
better understand the genetic differences among species and strains. A
collaboration with France's Pasteur Institute is comparing the genetic
complement of Y. pestis with another member of the Yersinia group
(pseudotuberculosis) that causes an intestinal disease. "They are closely
related, and yet they cause such different diseases," Garcia says.



Biological Warfare Has a Long History

The use of biological agents as weapons is not a new phenomenon, Lawrence
Livermore's Tony Carrano points out. The Romans, for example, used corpses
of diseased animals to poison the drinking wells of their enemies. During
the horrific Black Death of the Middle Ages, the bodies of bubonic plague
victims were catapulted over fortress walls of besieged cities.
During the French and Indian wars, 1754-1763, the British gave
smallpox-infested blankets as gifts to the Indians because of their
suspected alliance with the French. During World War II, Germany and Japan
produced bacteria capable of infecting humans.
Biological attacks in the United States have been few and isolated. One
occurred in 1984, when followers of Baghwan Shree Rajneesh poisoned several
salad bars in Oregon with salmonella bacteria. In Europe, terrorist groups
in Germany began producing botulinum toxin. In the late 1980s in Japan, the
Aum Shinrikyo cult acquired anthrax bacteria and botulinum toxin and
attempted to collect samples of Ebola virus.
Following the 1991 Persian Gulf War, United Nations inspectors revealed the
vast scope of Iraq's biological arsenal. Iraq was found to possess more than
150 bombs and 25 missile warheads filled with botulinum toxin, anthrax, or
aflatoxin. What's more, Iraq had built sophisticated laboratories to study
and produce a wide range of biological agents and toxins.



 Better and Faster, with More Uses
Livermore scientists are using a number of methods that allow more rapid
identification and characterization of unique segments of DNA. Each method
has advantages and drawbacks, with some more applicable to one organism than
another. Weinstein expects that within two years, the Livermore team will
have settled on a handful of techniques as the workhorses of signature
In addition to the insertion sequence method, another promising technique is
called suppressive subtractive hybridization. The method takes an organism
and its near neighbor, hybridizes the DNA from both, and determines the
fragments not in common as the basis of a signature. A team headed by
Lawrence Livermore biomedical scientist Gary Andersen is working with
colleagues at Moscow State University in Russia to advance the technique;
one goal is to simultaneously analyze 96 strains of DNA.
Andersen's team has used suppressive subtractive hybridization to
distinguish the DNA of Y. pestis from that of Y. pseudotuberculosis. The
team has also used the technique to aid California's poultry industry by
providing a handy way to detect Salmonella enteritidis. This bacterium can
cause illness if eggs are eaten raw or undercooked. Subtractive
hybridization results have been so successful that the signature can now be
used to distinguish between subtypes of salmonella bacterium.
In addition to the DNA-based pathogen detection methods, researchers are
developing detection capabilities using antibodies that can tag a pathogen
by attaching to a molecular-level physical feature of the organism. Antibody
assays are likely to play an important role in pathogen detection because
they are generally fast and easy to use (commercial home-use medical tests
use this form of assay).
Biological foundation researchers are working to improve these detection
methods as well. For example, a collaboration with the Saratov Anti-Plague
Institute in Russia is studying a bacteriophage (bacteria-killing virus)
that only attacks Y. pestis and none of its cousins. Researchers recently
discovered that the virus produces a unique protein component to attach to
the bacterium cell wall at a certain site and gain entry. Garcia says that
recognizing the distinct site could form the basis of a foolproof antibody
signature. "If it's possible to achieve it with Y. pestis, we may be able to
do it with other pathogens," he adds.

 Sensing Virulence
As more information about pathogens and their disease mechanisms becomes
available and as genetic engineering tools to transplant genes become
cheaper and simpler to use, the threat of genetically engineered pathogens
increases. Biodetectors must be able to sense the virulence signatures of
genetically engineered pathogens, or they will be blind to an entire class
of threats. "Our ultimate objective is to identify several specific
virulence factors that might be used in engineered biological warfare
organisms so that we can detect these engineered organisms and break their
virulence pathway," says Weinstein.
One key factor useful for detecting engineered organisms is an antibiotic
resistance gene. When transplanted into an infectious microbe, the gene
could greatly increase the effectiveness of a biological attack and
complicate medical response. Some antibiotic resistance genes are widely
shared among bacteria and are easily transferred with elementary molecular
biology methods. In fact, a standard biotechnology research technique is
introducing antibiotic resistance genes into bacteria as an indicator of
successful cloning. "We need to be able to rapidly recognize such genes so
that the medical response is appropriate," says Weinstein.
Another telltale indication of genetic tampering is the presence of
virulence genes in a microbe that should not contain them. Virulence genes
are often involved in producing toxins or molecules that cause harm or that
simply evade a host's defense. "If a series of genes is made available to
perform their functions at the right time, they could cause real damage,"
says Lawrence Livermore molecular geneticist Paula McCready. If interfering
with the action of one of these genes or its proteins interrupts the
virulence pathway, the disease process can be halted. Identifying and
characterizing important virulence genes and determining their detailed
molecular structure will greatly aid the development of vaccines, drugs, and
other medical treatments.
As an example, Y. pestis disables the immune system in humans by injecting
proteins into macrophages, one of the body's key defenders against bacterial
attack. Because the protein acts as an immunosuppressant to disable the
macrophage, understanding its structure not only would help scientists
fashion a drug that physically blocks the protein but also would shed light
on autoimmune diseases such as arthritis and asthma. A Lawrence Livermore
team led by Rod Balhorn is working to determine the three-dimensional shapes
of toxins such as the one produced by Y. pestis (see S&TR, April 1999,
Structural Biology Looks at the Ties That Bind).

 Virulence Genes in Common
Virulence genes spread naturally among pathogens and thus are also found in
unrelated microbial species. Therefore, virulence genes alone are not
sufficient for species-specific DNA-based detection. "We have to
differentiate the virulence genes in natural organisms from engineered
organisms," says Garcia.
Livermore researchers are using different methods for differentiating
virulence genes from among the thousands of genes comprising the genomes of
pathogens. One technique looks for genes that "switch on" (start making
proteins) at the internal temperatures of mammals. For example, Livermore
scientists are studying genes of Y. pestis that become much more active at
37 degrees Celsius. It seems a safe bet that many of these genes are
associated with the bacterium multiplying within a warm-blooded host.
In 1998, a Lawrence Livermore team made an important contribution to
understanding the genetics of Y. pestis. They sequenced the three plasmids
(bits of DNA located outside the microorganism's circular chromosome) that
contain most of the virulence genes required for full development of the
bubonic plague in animals and humans. Plasmids sometimes transfer their
genes to neighboring bacteria in what is called lateral evolution.
(Antibiotic resistance genes are also located on plasmids.)
Garcia, who led the plasmid sequencing team, says that studying virulence
genes can shed light on how new strains develop. The Y. pestis strain that
causes bubonic plague, for example, may have evolved some 20,000 years ago.
Such understanding is relevant to HIV, which may not have become infectious
for humans until the 20th century.

 Working with End Users
McCready notes that there needs to be a strong relationship between
development of biological signatures and detection technologies and their
end uses. Livermore researchers work with agencies that will be using
signatures from Livermore and Los Alamos for both handheld detectors and
field laboratories. "We want to make sure our tools get to the experts and
agencies that need them," she says.
McCready is working closely with colleagues at the Bioterrorism Rapid
Response and Advanced Technology Laboratory of the federal Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention. Livermore is collaborating with the CDC to
make diagnostic tools available to regional public health agencies and thus
create a national mechanism for responding quickly to bioterrorism threats.
Currently, many health agencies use detection methods that are not
sufficiently sensitive, selective, or fast. For example, one culture test
for detecting anthrax takes two days. Major damage and even death may have
occurred in that time.
McCready emphasizes that DNA signatures will be thoroughly validated before
being released, because their use might lead to evacuations of subways,
airports, or sporting events, and such evacuations cannot be undertaken
lightly. As part of the validation effort, Livermore scientists are
characterizing natural microbial backgrounds to make sure that the
signatures are accurate under actual conditions. To that end, researchers
are collecting background microbial samples in air, water, and soil, as well
as in human blood, urine, and saliva. McCready points out that B. anthracis
is related to B. thruginensis, a naturally occurring harmless microbe that
lives in dirt and can give a false positive reading to anthrax if the
signature used is not adequately specific. The characterization effort is
being aided by a device called the Gene Chip. Manufactured by Affymetrix
Inc. and using technology developed by Livermore, the device simultaneously
monitors the expression of thousands of genes.
Livermore researchers are looking ahead to a time when their efforts will
have helped to equip federal and state agencies with a robust set of
biological signatures crucial for America's response to any biological
warfare threat. Equally important, the researchers envision a strong
mechanism linking biomedical scientists with public health and law
enforcement officials to develop new signatures speedily and
cost-effectively to stay several steps ahead of terrorists.
-Katie Walter

Key Words: anthrax, bacteriophage, biological signatures, biological
weapons, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), DNA, Gene Chip,
plague, plasmids, virulence.

For further information contact Bert Weinstein (925) 422-5352


BERT WEINSTEIN is the deputy associate director of Livermore's Biology and
Biotechnology Research Program (BBRP) Directorate. He received his B.S. in
physics and mathematics from Brigham Young University and his M.S. and Ph.D.
in physics from the University of Illinois at Urbana. He currently serves as
leader of the biological foundations thrust area for the DOE Chemical and
Biological Nonproliferation Program and as liaison for BBRP with the DOE
Joint Genome Institute in Walnut Creek, California. At the Laboratory since
1974, he has held both research and leadership positions in four major
programs: inertial confinement fusion, nuclear design, intelligence and
national security, and the biology and biotechnology research program. He
also served as a member of the Science Council for the Department of
Energy's Office of Nonproliferation and National Security (now the Office of
Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation).

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