In a message dated 00-06-03 22:13:57 EDT, you write:

<< Mr. Webre CLAIMS to have known and 'worked' with Jacques Vallee.

 I don't hear Monsieur Vallee weighing in here with his agreement.

 I'd like Mr. Webre to tell us which of Monsieur Vallee' books we should look
 in to find Monsieur Vallee acknowledging Mr. Webre's vast contributions.

 I suggest everyone read Jaques Vallee's books for themselves, especially
 "Messengers of Deception", and come to their OWN conclusions as to what
 Monsieur Vallee's conclusions are...

 June >>

June - Contrary to your assertions as to Jacques' unspotted integrity, he has
been publicly accused of a major research fraud in UFOlogy, a charge he has
never refuted in the two years since he was publicly challenged.  You can
read the entire record at:


"You can
                 find it at but the
                 problem is that the article that it refers to, written by
                 Vallee, has now been conclusively proven to be a fraud and is
                 under investigation.

                 Dr. Jacques F. Vallee, scientist and world reknown UFO
                 researcher, who was the model for the French scientist in the
                 movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" has been the
                 target of an ongoing private investigation which is now
                 accusing him, and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of
                 Exploration, Bernhard Haisch, of promoting research fraud."

There are numerous live witnesses, senior analysts at SRI who can testify to
J VAllee and I collaborating on a UFO research project in May-Septemner,
1977.  A number of them are household names.  I had been reluctant to post
the history of J Vallee's questionable integrity, but you seem to want to
force things.  Relevance: Spiritual integrity is demanded of those in the
of higher intellegence, whether in its spiritual or physical manifestations.

In a way I am doing this for the record, not for your enlightenment, June.
I think you are probably doing the best you can.  Jacques has knowingly,
deceptively hurt many people in his life.

Alfred Webre

JV-This is for those misrepresentations in Messengers of Deception.

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