Abraham Lincoln 'was a racist who wanted to deport blacks'
                       By David Wastell, in Washington

                       ABRAHAM LINCOLN, the American
                       president revered as "The Great
                       Emancipator" for leading the war to abolish
                       slavery, was really a racist who used
                       offensive language to describe black people
                       and wanted all Afro-Americans deported,
                       according to newly published research which
                       has prompted controversy in the United

                       Far from being the willing forefather of
                       today's multicultural America, President
                       Lincoln advocated reserving the west of the
                       country for whites, supported a law
                       forbidding black people to settle in his home
                       state of Illinois and was fond of racist jokes.
                       He used two State of the Union addresses to
                       call for the deportation of black people and
                       shortly before his assassination in 1865 said
                       of the thousands of slaves to be freed at the
                       end of the Civil War: "I believe it would be
                       better to export them all to some fertile
                       country with a good climate which they
                       could have to themselves."

                       He also habitually used the word "nigger" to
                       describe black people, something which
                       would have shocked and dismayed the
                       hundreds of thousands of civil rights
                       activists in the Sixties who made the Lincoln
                       Memorial in Washington DC the focus of
                       some of the biggest demonstrations the city
                       has seen.

                       The assault on President Lincoln's character
                       and record in a book called Forced Into
                       Glory: Abraham Lincoln's White Dream, was
                       produced over seven years by Lerone
                       Bennett Jr, the executive editor of Ebony, a
                       magazine aimed at black Americans. Mr
                       Bennett regards what he calls the "Massa
                       Lincoln myth" as a 135-year-old problem,
                       "one of the most extraordinary efforts I know
                       to hide a whole man and a whole history,
                       particularly when that man is one of the
                       most celebrated men in American history".

                       The evidence of Lincoln's true racial beliefs is
                       easily found, he says, in his writing and
                       speeches. Lincoln blamed black people for
                       the Civil War, declaring: "But for your race
                       among us there could not be a war, although
                       many men on either side do not care for you
                       one way or another."

                       Although in popular history he is given the
                       credit for the Emancipation Proclamation -
                       which itself did not directly call for the
                       elimination of slavery - he only issued it
                       under pressure from other Republicans in
                       Congress, Mr Bennett said. However, Lincoln
                       was seized upon by progressive Americans
                       following his assassination, which came soon
                       after the Confederate surrender. There was
                       "an explosion of emotion" in the North and
                       Lincoln was "appropriated, he was used", Mr
                       Bennett said.

                       By the late Sixties Lincoln's death was put in
                       the same bracket by civil rights campaigners
                       as the assassinations of President Kennedy
                       and Martin Luther King, the black Church
                       leader. The book has prompted controversy
                       among academics with one black professor
                       calling it "a compelling critique" of the
                       revered president's life. But Lincoln's
                       defenders are infuriated by the attack.

                       Ernest Lefever, author and senior fellow at
                       the Ethics and Public Policy Centre, a
                       conservative Washington think-tank, said:
                       "This effort to paint Lincoln as a racist is
                       deplorable. Every man is a creature of his
                       time, but, overwhelmingly, Lincoln was a
                       humanitarian and decent person who
                       thought different racial groups were equally
                       children of God, and worthy of respect and

                       "Many people, both black and white, were
                       for some separation. But Lincoln was never
                       for coercion. He saw blacks as a separate
                       culture but had compassion for them."

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