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complied by Kathryn Dixon © 2000
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Click to false CIA affidavit in Edwin Wilson trial.
Click to "heads-up" to protect Ollie North during Iran Contra.
D. Lowell Jensen ordered the U.S. Attorney in New York to alert Hashemi's
lawyer so that he avoided eminent arrest for arms smuggling.  Cyrus Hashemi
was allegedly a witness to two meetings in Madrid between William Casey and
Iranian representatives when the October Surprise was arranged.

1. The background of the Madrid Meetings which made Cyrus Hashemi an
important witness:
Source: In Trick or Treason, author Robert Parry reports what Jamshid Hashemi
told him about his brother Cyrus Hashemi's' meeting in Madrid regarding the
October Surprise:
"But the Hasehmi brothers' dual sets of U.S. contacts--one the Carter
administration and the other the Republicans--began to cross in march 1980.
while staying at Washington's stately Mayflower Hotel, Jamshid said he was
surprised by an unannounced visitor at this room:  Roy Furmark knocked on the
door.  With Furmark, Jamshid claimed, was a tall, hunched man who spoke with
a slurred New York accent.  he was introduced as William Casey.  By March
1980, Casey was director of Ronald Reagan's campaign for the Republican
presidential nomination.
"Casey wanted to discuss political matters,"  Jamshid told us over the
clicking of luncheon plates.  "I cut him short.  I said, `I don't know who
you are.'  I called Cyrus and told him there was this gentleman here.  Cyrus
talked to Mr. Casey."

Jamshid said he thought little about the Mayflower encounter until the
summer.  But in July, Cyrus confided to him that the relationship had taken
another turn.  "Cyrus asked me to bring Ayatollah Mechi Karrubi out of Iran
for a meeting in Spain," Jamshid said.  The brothers had known Karrubi , a
hard-line revolutionary mullah, and his brother, Hassan, in pre-revolutionary
Iran, Jamshid said.  To bring Mehdi Karrubi out, Jamshid said he arranged for
the radical mullah to travel to Madrid.  The Spanish capital was a favorite
for the Iranians because no visas were required.
"The meeting took place at a hotel--the Ritz Hotel--at the end of July,
"Jamshid said, claiming matter of factly that on the American side were
William Casey and an active-duty CIA officer, Donald Gregg.  On the Iranian
side, Karrubi came dressed in a turban and cloak, the traditional attire of
an Islamic mullah.  Jamshid and Cyrus attended to help with interpreting.
But Jamshid expressed surprise that Casey was there.

"I remember saying, `What the hell are you doing with Republicans?'" Jamshid
told Ross and me.  "My brother said the chance of Republicans getting to
power was good and it as important to work with both sides."

Jamshid was sketchy about the dialogue at the meeting.  He claims the session
began at about 11:00 and ended by late afternoon, with time out for
sandwiches brought into the room for lunch.  But Jamshid said that when Casey
put his cards on the table, his desire was clear.
"The proposal was to hold the hostages until after the election, and then the
Reagan administration would feel favorably towards Iran and release the FMS
[foreign military sales] funds and the frozen assets and return to Iran what
had already been purchased."

The already purchased supplies referred to $150 million in military hardware
and spare parts bought by the shah from the United States but held back when
Khomeini took power and the hostages were seized.  Casey's offer also
included F-14 spare parts, which were crucial to the maintenance of Iran's
high-tech air force, Jamshid said.

As I scribbled in my notebook, which was perched at the edge of the dining
table, Jamshid continued his story.  He spoke deliberately, sometimes with
hesitation.  Occasionally he stopped in the midst of a detail to take a bit
of food or answer the chirping of his cellular phone.  Then he resumed the

After the July meeting with Casey, Jamshid said, Karrubi returned to Tehran,
where he consulted with Khomeini and the ayatollah's senior advisers.  Two to
three weeks later, Karrubi called and asked Jamshid for a second meeting. New
arrangements were made, and that meeting, too, was held in Madrid at the
Ritz.  Casey and Gregg again represented the American side, and Karrubi was
back for the Iranians.  Jamshid said that throughout the two rounds, "Casey
was running things,"  but Gregg "was giving information that Casey didn't
know or even we didn't know about, really inside-government information, like
where the spare parts were."

At this second round, Karubbi again came dressed in full battle gear as an
Iranian mullah.  He "confirmed" Kohmeini's agreement to release the hostages
only after Reagan won power, Jamshid said, "Karrubi expressed acceptance of
the proposal by Mr. Casey," Jamshid told us. "the hostages would be released
after Carter's defeat."

As we finished with a light fruit dessert and delicious coffee at the
Grosvenor House, I pressed Jamshid on one question in particular:  Why was he
talking now about events that he alleged happened a decade earlier?  He
answered that he was speaking from a sense of family responsibility over his
younger brother's death.  Jamshid rejected the medial finding of acute
leukemia.  "Cyrus passed a physical only a week before he died," Jamshid
said, "the doctors found nothing wrong."  Jamshid suspected his brother had
been murdered.
Jamshid said he hadn't told his story earlier because he felt it would
destroy his business. Now, he said, he had made enough money to support
himself and his family.  Jamshid added that he also recognized that Cyrus's
double-dealing would not make his late brother look good.  But he wanted to
know the truth about his brother's death.  Talking about the October
Surprise, he felt, was the only way to discover what really happened."
[NewsMakingNews Note: Cyrus Hashemi died on July 21, 1986.]

2. D. Lowell Jensen's role in protecting Cyrus Hashemi.
In his book, Trick or Treason, Robert Parry does not answer this question.
However, Parry  explains the business dealings of John Shaheen, William
Casey's long-time friend, business associate, and fellow OSS officer, whose
failing business, the Come-By-Chance refinery in Newfoundland was bailed out
by Cyrus Hashemi.  Parry also looks at Cyrus Hashemi's being protected from
criminal charges by the United States government during the Reagan

On pages 259-260 of Trick of Treason, Parry says:

"There was a nagging question that undercut suspicions that Cyrus Hashemi had
secretly aided Shaheen and Casey on any hostage initiative:  If Cyrus had
been the double-agent that his brother Jamshid alleged, wouldn't Cyrus have
revealed the October Surprise secret when he came under FBI investigation
again in the early 1980s?  We could find no direct evidence that Cyrus
blackmailed Casey over October Surprise--a point against believing in the
conspiracy.  But Cyrus did succeed in avoiding prosecution for arms
smuggling.  Indeed, the Iranian financier seemed to benefit from a string of
actions under the Reagan administration.

In February 1981, the new Justice Department ordered the wiretaps yanked from
Cyrus Hashemi's office.  At the time, some FBI agents complained that Cyrus
was scouting the U.S. market for missile that could be used by the Iranian
air force.  At least a few wanted to listen in.  But the field office was
ordered to terminate its electronic surveillance.  Though losing the
wiretaps, the FBI vowed to "vigorously pursue prosecution in view of the
wealth of information obtained that subject and others have been and are in
conspiracy to sell military armaments to Iran which are obtained from United
States suppliers."

But obstacles soon appeared.  A New York FBI proposal for a search warrant to
seize documents from Hashemi's office got lost in a blizzard of technical
objections.  In April 1981, the Justice Department questioned the value of
the case, doubting that a conviction would lead to jail time. "A fine will
give Hashemi an aura of respectability," one cable argued implausibly.

According to a January 29, 1982, internal FBI memo, a review of the evidence
by senior professional staff at the Justice Department "determined that there
is a strong case for prosecution against Cyrus Hashemi."  But Reagan's first
Attorney General William French Smith, withheld approval, and the grand jury
was postponed "because of national security considerations," an FBI memo
said.  The heavily censored document did not spell out what those "national
security considerations" were.

But even two years later, as the wheels of justice turned slowly toward
formally charging Cyrus Hashemi and others, the gears would jam again.  On
May 16, 1984, the FBI field agents complained that their hope of nabbing
Cyrus when he returned to the United States was blocked by another Justice
Department intervention.  Cyrus had been scheduled to fly from London to New
York on that day.  He would be arrested on May 17.  Those plans, however,
went awry when the Justice Department insisted on alerting the target of the
long probe.

"For information FBIHQ, Cyrus Hashemi cancelled his Concorde flight
reservations to New York on May 16, 1984, at last minute,"  the New York FBI
office reported. "Hashemi's now obviously aware of prosecution plans due to
exposure when DOJ deputy attorney general Lowell Jensen ordered USA, SDNY
[U.S. attorney, southern district of New York] to discuss evidence and
prosecution because he made such a commitment to Hashemi's attorney, former
Attorney General Elliot Richardson, who obviously had Cyrus Hashemi notified."

The FBI agents noted sarcastically that other targets of the probe, "will
also receive the above DOJ-sponsored courtesy...Obviously the arrest will not
be announced if they do not occur which in final analysis is not likely.
This case began on July 18, 1980 and because of above, results of positive
nature do not appear forthcoming despite the mammoth investigative effort put
forth thus far."

But the headaches for the "mammoth investigative effort" were not over.  Only
a few days before the long-overdue indictments were scheduled, the FBI's
terrorism section discovered that two wiretap recordings had disappeared.
The loss of the tapes weakened the case and prevented the indictment of
Hashemi's lawyer, Stanley Pottinger, a former Justice Department official
during the Nixon and Ford administrations who collaborated with Cyrus on his
Iran activities.  But Cyrus Hashemi was finally indicted on July 16, 1984, a
full four years after the case commenced.
The indictment also charged another brother, Reza, and several associations
with conspiracy to ship military equipment to Iran in violation of U.S. arms
export control laws.  The illegally shipped items include night vision
equipment, military field communication wire, military rafts, outboard
engines, radar electronics, and spare parts for aircraft.  Jamshid Hashemi
was later added to the indictment.  Several of Cyrus's subordinates,
including brother Reza, pled guilty and received brief jail terms.  but Cyrus
and Jamshid, alerted to the pending legal action and safely out of the
country, escaped prosecution.

To clear up his legal problems, Cyrus stressed his past assistance to the CIA
on Iran and again offered his services to the U.S. government.  According to
records uncovered by the Iran-contra investigations, Cyrus did convey,
through Shaheen to Casey, an offer to help spring the U.S. hostages in
Lebanon.  Cyrus proposed bartering his influence with Tehran in exchange for
dropping the charges against him.  Subsequently, Cyrus did work with Shaheen
and Furmark in early 1985 on the Lebanon hostage crisis.  Another participant
in those early Iran-contra schemes was Iranian emissary Hassan Karrubi, the
brother of radical clerk Mehdi Karrubi.
Cyrus eventually avoided prosecution by acting as an undercover agent in the
sting operation that netted 17 alleged arms dealers from Europe, the United
States, and Israel in April 1986--the so-called "Merchants of death" case.
it was the same sting which angered Israel's conservative leaders, and,
according to Ari Ben-Menashe, led to his efforts to leak the Iran arms story
to the American press.  At least in that way, the October Surprise mystery
had blended with the Iran-Contra Affair."

[To read Trick or Treason, the October Surprise Mystery by Robert Parry, 1993
Sheridan Square Press, New York, order at: ]
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Source:  Executive Summary (Excerpt) by Inslaw, Inc. CEO, Bill Hamilton
In piecing together the puzzle of the Government's theft of the proprietary
version of PROMIS from INSLAW, we have noted the role of the Government's
PROMIS Project Manger in sending Rafi Eitan to INSLAW under false pretenses
and the alleged role of a senior White House National Security official in
giving the proprietary version of PROMIS to Rafi Eitan. The missing piece to
the puzzle appears to be the piece that links the actions of the Justice
Department's PROMIS Project Manager with the alleged actions of the senior
White House National Security official. Based on the available evidence, the
missing piece appears to be D. Lowell Jensen, who was Assistant Attorney
General for the Criminal Division at the time of the theft. Jensen
pre-approved virtually every decision taken by the Government's PROMIS
Project Manager under INSLAW's contract, according to the latter's sworn
testimony to the House Judiciary Committee. Jensen engineered INSLAW's
problems with the Justice Department through specified top Criminal Division
aides in order to give the PROMIS business to unidentified "friends,"
according to Justice Department officials whose statements and backgrounds
INSLAW summarized in its July 11, 1993 rebuttal. At the time of the 1983
theft, Jensen in the Criminal Division and Edwin Meese at the White House
were planning to award a massive sweetheart contract to unidentified
"friends" for the installation of PROMIS in every litigation office of the
Justice Department, according to statements made in June 1983 by a Justice
Department whistleblower to the staff of a Senator on the Judiciary
Committee. The award was allegedly to take place once Meese left the White
House to become Attorney General. Jensen and Meese had been close friends
since the 1960's when they served together in the Alameda County, California,
District Attorney's Office. INSLAW has repeatedly given the Justice
Department the names of senior Criminal Division officials under Jensen who
either allegedly helped him implement the malfeasance against INSLAW or who
allegedly witnessed it. On more than one occasion, INSLAW summarized for the
Justice Department the circumstantial evidence that is at least partially
corroborative of these allegations. Based on warnings from confidential
informants in the Justice Department, INSLAW has repeatedly emphasized to the
Justice Department the absolute necessity of placing these officials under
oath before interrogating them, as well as the importance of a public
statement by the Attorney General guaranteeing no reprisals. More than five
years have elapsed since INSLAW began furnishing this information to the
Justice Department. Not one of these Criminal Division officials has, it
appears, ever been interrogated under oath regarding the INSLAW affair. And
no Attorney General has seen fit to issue a public statement to Justice
Department employees making it clear that the Attorney General wishes
employees who have information about the INSLAW affair to come forward, and
giving Justice Department employees the public assurance that reprisals will
not be tolerated. One of the senior Criminal Division officials who allegedly
knows the whole story of Jensen's malfeasance against INSLAW is Mark Richard,
the career Deputy Assistant Attorney General who has responsibility for
intelligence and national security matters. In May 1988, the Chief
Investigator of the Senate Judiciary Committee told INSLAW that a trusted
source, who was in a position to observe Jensen's malfeasance, had identified
Mark Richard as someone who not only knew the whole story but who was also
"pretty upset" about it.
One of the organizational units that reports to Mark Richard is the Office of
Special Investigations (OSI). OSI's publicly-declared mission is to locate
and deport Nazi war criminals. The Nazi war criminal program is, however, a
front for the Justice Department's own covert intelligence service, according
to disclosures recently made to INSLAW by several senior Justice Department
career officials."
Additional sources:  See http://www.n

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Source: Did the U.S. Put Away Notorious Arms Trader Ed Wilson with False
Testimony? EVEN SPOOKS HAVE RIGHTS  By Ken Silverstein (c) 1999 The Nation,
October 4, 1999

"D. Lowell Jensen, now a federal judge in Oakland; and Stanley Sporkin, a
federal judge in Washington knew before or immediately after the Houston
trial that the CIA's affidavit was false. As recorded in notes obtained under
the FOIA these men discussed the CIA's relationship to Wilson extensively,
but failed to share their information with Wilson's defense. And in hearings
last March before US District Court Judge Lynn Hughes, the Justice
Department's Arlene Reidy, who is helping coordinate the government's
response to Wilson's motion, acknowledged, we have a lot of documents already
that I think show that there was a clear problem with the affidavits accuracy
and that the individuals involved were well aware of that problem."
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Source: Barron's March 21, 1988 Beneath Contempt.  Did the Justice Department
Deliberately Bankrupt INSLAW  by Maggie Mahar.

"And from 1959 until 1967, Ed Meese served with Jensen, as an Alameda deputy
district attorney.
When Ronald Reagan became President, Ed Meese recommended that his former
colleague, Jensen, be appointed assistant Attorney General in charge of the
Criminal Division. In 1983, when Rudolph Giuliani resigned as associate
Attorney General--the No. 3 spot in the department-- Jensen ascended to that

So in early 1984, when Edwin Meese became Attorney General, his old Alameda
County compatriot was already in place. And Jensen was not alone. A network,
nicknamed the Alameda County Mafia, already was ensconced in Justice. No
fewer than six former Alameda County law-enforcement officials held positions
ranging from deputy assistant attorney in the tax division, to commissioner
of naturalization and immigration. The former Oakland deputy police chief had
snagged a spot as director of the National Institute of Justice.

Under Meese, Jensen rose to No. 2, and developed a reputation as a buffer
between Ed Meese and his critics. The 58-year-old Democrat was described as
"soft-spoken" "apolitical" and a "gentleman of the old standard" in a 1986
"New York Times" tribute, which added, "Colleagues say that Mr. Jensen,
better than anyone else at the Justice Department, knows how to duck."

The Justice Department's diplomat had to duck when congressional
investigators looking into the Iran-Contra affair reportedly found a Justice
Department memo dated March 20, 1986, saying that Deputy Assistant Attorney
General D. Lowell Jensen was giving a "heads-up" to the National Security
Council, warning that Miami federal prosecutors were on Ollie North's trail.
Source: Barron's March 21, 1988 Beneath Contempt.  Did the Justice Department
Deliberately Bankrupt INSLAW  by Maggie Mahar. See: http://www.newsmakingnews.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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