It appears Al Gore has not decided with whom to identify this election.
Now this man did look like Christopher Reed, but then an accident put
Reed out of the Superman picures.  But even prior to that, the creator
of Superman decided to have him killed off, for his creator saw what was
coming down the pike.....Al Gore.

This article was sent to me today, and I thought that is it - this is
the real Al Gore.   Nothing about him is real, he is a figment of
somebody's imagination.   Like a Pygmalion, he is being sculpted daily
into something he is not, and it just does not fit.

Who is Al Gore.   For what does he really stand.  Could you ever call
him a leader?  That is the question.   So Lyndon LaRouche - here I come.
You got my vote.   Bully?  LaRouche, for it is written isn't it in the
psalms "for they shal come out of prisons to rule over you".

Or is all Arkansas sick in the head.   To produce such a man as Clinton?

A Saba

   Message  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Fwd: ET: Al's got 'loser' tattooed     where he can't see it

From:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date:    Sun, Jun 4, 2000, 11:54pm

  Electronic Telegraph-Friday 2 June 2000
  Al's got 'loser' tattooed where he can't see

  By Mark Steyn

  PRIMARY season isn't, technically, over. The Democrats had one
down in Arkansas the other day - 78 per cent voted for Al Gore while the
other 22 per cent voted for Lyndon LaRouche, the distinguished felon and
eccentric who claims the Queen is behind the international drug trade.
  Let's hope Al sees off this latest challenge - President LaRouche
parachuting DEA assault teams into the grounds of Buckingham Palace
might lead to a certain tension in the "special relationship".
    I won't pretend to understand the minds of the Arkansan
electorate, and even President-in-waiting LaRouche seemed surprised by
the result: he never campaigned during the primary yet he performed
better against Gore in Arkansas than Bill Bradley did in states he spent
months schlepping around.
  Some say it was just a bit of mischief-making by Gore-baiters,
others that some of those upcountry swamp-dwellers had confused Mr
LaRouche with his fellow Lyndon, the late President Johnson. But neither
explanation quite accounts for 50,000 real, live Arkansans delivering
nearly a quarter of the Democratic vote to the publisher of such tomes
as Jail Cocaine Kingpin George Bush (referring to George Snr).
  Whatever the reason, the fact that even Bill Clinton's home state
is antipathetic to his chosen successor is merely the latest wobbly
indicator for Mr Gore.
    Isn't it supposed to be Dubya who's in trouble? After Super
Tuesday, the consensus was that Gore had emerged from the primaries much
stronger than Bush. As you'll recall, Bush had supposedly run a vicious,
negative campaign against McCain that had left the GOP hopelessly
divided; utterly repelled the moderate, centrist voters he'd need;
destroyed his image and exposed him as an empty suit with no ideas.
    Hmm. I think the media are indulging in what the
psychologists call "displacement". There is a guy who ran a vicious,
negative campaign that's left his party divided and repelled moderate
centrists, but his name's not Dubya. The Republicans may have had to use
a cattle prod to get McCain to endorse Bush, but at least he did it.
Over in the Democratic camp, Bradley's still refusing to endorse Gore.
    New ideas? Dubya's got a zillion, all of which the
vice-president dismisses as a "risky scheme". Al's campaigning as a
human Denver boot: stay exactly where you are, America; do not attempt
to move. Empty suit? Al's got an empty suit hanging in his closet. His
advisers told him to squeeze into polo shirts and casual pants that
would seem indecently tight on a Chippendale.
  When he was campaigning up here in New Hampshire, his nipples
entered the room like an advance security team. Stumping the banks of
the Connecticut River, the vice-president's sculpted butt, squeezed into
jeans two sizes too small, looked like some novelty scale model of the
landscape - the mountains and the giant cleavage of the Connecticut
river valley in between.
    And yet, despite his butt, the women voters who turned out
for Clinton don't want to know. He reminds me a bit of Barbie's
boyfriend, Ken: he's buff, he's honed, he looks fabulous, but he has no
private parts. I'm not referring to his distinguishing characteristics,
but to a general lack of human personality. Clinton puts together a
focus group to find out what he should do; Gore puts together a focus
group to find out who he should be.
    Not only is there no detectable Clinton fatigue, but Clinton
himself has been a beneficiary of a premature Gore fatigue. Back when
the Monica thing started, I was listening to the gal who runs my general
store do her usual riff on the President: he's revolting, he's
loathsome, he's contemptible, he's lower than a skunk, etc. "So you want
him to resign?" I said, when she paused for breath. "Of course not," she
repied. "I don't want Gore in."
    Clinton's apparently indestructible approval rating has
always been, at least in part, a Gore disapproval rating. Al's problem
is that he can't connect with soccer moms, waitress moms, New Hampshire
general-store moms, or any other demographically desirable moms.
    But what do I know? According to the country's top political
scientists in the Washington Post a few days ago, the election's over
and Gore will win with 55-60 per cent of the vote. They've factored in
all the factors, and he's a shoo-in. Dream on, boys. I'm no political
scientist but, if you multiply the tightness of his pants by the
indifference of female voters, Al's got "loser" tattooed across his

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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