It didn't take more than a few hours for an Internet appeal
for information on Janet Reno's "past" to produce results.
According to multiple sources - one of whom used to work in
the court system in Miami - Reno's "girlfriend" was Ann Bishop, a
Miami television anchorwoman at WPLG-TV.
Reno and Bishop had a long-term relationship. Courthouse
sources frequently saw them at parties together. It was the
standing joke of the district attorney's office at the time Reno
headed it - and the standing joke around Miami.
Bishop was about Reno's age - and died of cancer Nov. 14, 1997
at age 66.
Soon after, a lawsuit was filed, challenging Bishop's will -
which left her entire $1.8 million estate to two other women
Bishop was also a close friend of Sister Jeanne O'Laughlin,
the nun who is also a close friend of Reno's - who Reno tried to
have mediate the Elian Gonzalez dispute.
Pro Libertate - For Freedom
To support Mr. Buchanan in the White House
we must send to Congress Constitutional conservatives who will:

 Restore the United States to "One Nation Under God"
 Return to Constitutional, Limited Government
 Protect the Inalienable Right to Life of All, including the Unborn and Infirm   Protect Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms
 Restore National Sovereignty, including Withdrawal from the U.N.
 Maintain a Strong National Defense
 Repeal the Unconstitutional Income Tax
 Stop All Unconstitutional Spending
 Protect the Inalienable Rights of Liberty and Private Property
 Abolish the Federal Reserve and Restore Constitutional Money
 Promote Pro-family policies
 End Federal Subsidies for and Control of Education and Welfare
 Comprehensive Immigration Reform
 Return Control over Elections to the People
 Abolish Special Interest Entitlements (corporate welfare)

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