
>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Alex Constantine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: JonBenet Ramsey & the Sex-Ring Allegations
Date: Monday, May 15, 2000 11:30 PM

     This is the full text of a censored op-ed column written by Evan
Ravitz, an activist in Boulder, Colorado, concerning sex-ring
allegations, arising from the JonBenet Ramsey murder investigation, that
he attempted to give members of the grand jury. Now, he is taking his
case to the public. The censored column appeared in the Boulder
Daly-Camera, a local daily:

'Nothing is what it seems' in Ramsey case
by Evan Ravitz

When Ramsey case lead investigators Det. Cmdr. Tom Wickman and Det. Tom
Trujillo interviewed myself and Robert McFarland, MD, co-founder of
Boulder's Parenting Place for an hour at my home last May 5, Detective
Wickman remarked "Nothing is what it seems in this case." Here are
several examples that have not received media coverage, yet:

DA Alex Hunter concluded his recent retirement statement by saying,
regarding the Ramsey case: "I believe most people feel their district
attorney has done right by the law." Mr. Hunter did not say he followed
the law, only that people think he did. He did not follow this law:

Colorado Revised Statute 16-5-204 (l) states "Any person may approach the
prosecuting attorney or the grand jury and request to testify or
in an inquiry before a grand jury or to appear before a grand jury." Dr.
McFarland and I, after discovering that Dr. McFarland's mailings to the
jury foreman had been intercepted, sent material directly to jury members
at their homes on June 28. For thus exercising our right under Colorado
law to "approach" our fellow citizens the grand  jury, we were threatened
with prosecution for Contempt of Court! And ridiculed by editor Hartman
this newspaper.

It was not until September 23rd that I read the above law myself. The
Colorado ACLU Intake Director told me on October 8 that they would take
our case, although this was too late to be of use, with the grand jury
about to disband. Perhaps there will be another. But valuable time has
been lost. The Denver Post reported on 3/15/00 that Hunter also tried to
keep his own investigator Lou Smit away from the grand jury until Smit
sought a court order to enforce the above law!

Our evidence is similar to that which the woman from San Luis Obispo,
California and her therapist have been giving Boulder police in recent
weeks, featured in a long lead article (by editor Hartman) on February
25, and others since, relating to a pedophile ring having abused and
killed JonBenet.

At Hunter's press conference on October 14th, investigative journalist
Calhoun (who shares in an Academy award for the documentary The Panama
Deception) asked why Dr. McFarland and I had been repeatedly prevented
from contacting the grand jury, in spite of the law. Hunter replied that
judge's order (Daniel Hale's) forbade us, which seemed to satisfy the
media. Yet, every lawyer knows that even judges and DAs must obey state
laws. Why would these leaders of Boulder's justice system deem it so
important to keep us from the grand jury that they would repeatedly
violate this law?

The substance of our testimony to the police and what we still want
investigated is what it seems Hunter most wanted to avoid: the
that accused pedophiles in very high places in Boulder -we suggested two
names- had both motive and means to de-rail the investigation in the
hours, possibly by calling off the FBI.  The motive would be to keep the
wide-ranging spotlight of a media case like this away from people like
themselves, whether they were involved or not.

Normally, the FBI would immediately assume jurisdiction over an apparent
kidnapping by "a small foreign faction" (so read the "ransom note") of
child of a Defense contractor executive. (Lockheed-Martin owned Access
Graphics.) Detective Linda Arndt has stated that she asked for the FBI
police backup before she even arrived at the Ramsey home and was told no.
This left her unable to control a crime scene filled with suspects and
their friends. When she repeated her request she was told everyone was in
a meeting. Why would police administration repeatedly refuse to provide
backup and FBI assistance in such circumstances?

Tom Wickman made another curious comment to Dr. McFarland and I, and
independently to Stephen Singular, author of "Presumed Guilty: An
Investigation into the JonBenet Ramsey Case, the Media, and the Culture
Pornography" (on page 217). Tom said that once he was "getting close" to
arresting a Boulder City Council member, but had been told to "back off."
Since Tom was legally prohibited from giving us any clues about the
investigation, I feel he was repeatedly drawing an analogy, by way of
saying that he'd heard the pedophile-coverup story before and had been
told to back off from investigating that.

Hunter made a little Freudian slip under the pressure of the October 14
press conference, in the first 2 minutes. He referred to "grand secrecy,"
apparently meaning to say "grand jury secrecy." In this case the grand
jury didn't have to keep the secrets Dr. McFarland and I had to relate.
Hunter and his assistants kept those secrets from the grand jury. They
also prevented Cina Wong, Vice-President of the National Board of
Examiners, from testifying. Why the "grand secrecy," Mr. Hunter?

What makes the case important is not that JonBenet was cute and her
parents rich, but what it says about the legal system in our town and
beyond. My attorney David Lane calls it the "just us" system. You can
most of our documents and related material at vote.org/ramsey.

Evan Ravitz
Evan was voted "Best Activist" by readers of the Daily Camera

  Evan Ravitz    (303)440-6838      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Voted "Best Activist" by Boulder Daily Camera readers
The Direct Democracy Initiative:  http://vote.org
Home (Boulder, Colorado USA):     http://vote.org/ravitz
To the Ramsey Grand Jury:         http://vote.org/ramsey
City Hall of Shame:               http://vote.org/truth
Boulder Transportation:           http://vote.org/tran

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