How much care did the FBI Hostage Rescue Team show for the numerous children that it knew were trapped in the Waco standoff
between it and the adult Branch Davidians?
In her report "Beyond The Voice Of Reason," criminology professor Dr. Fran Haga writes that:
"Hope for some time was expressed that the children might
have taken shelter in the buried school bus which had
been accessible through a trap door - at the more
northern end of the building (see trap door marked on
body recovery diagram 4). However, shortly after 6 AM
April 19, 1993, FBI Agent R.J. Craig's CEV had knocked
that end of the building from its foundation and had
buried in rubble the trapdoor leading to the buried
school bus."
This is beyond dispute; Agent Craig testified during the House Waco hearings (as Dr. Haga relates):
"... to destroying stairwells and to following a plan to
herd the Davidians to the center."
Thus, the FBI admitted to the use of armored vehicles against a flimsy building in full knowledge that many children were inside of it - all in an effort to "herd" the occupants to undestroyed parts of the building.
As Dr. Haga continues, the CEVs penetrated so far into the building - a building full of children - during this effort to
systematically destroy it in order to "herd" occupants to a part to be left standing - as to disappear into the building; the CEV at the front did so at least once, and it was intentional.
She relates:
"The audio record which once existed of taped
communications between the vehicles and their command
posts indicated that the CEV making that frontal entry
was directed to crash into the concrete block room and
knock it down. These directions were issued while the
entry runs were underway, not prior to them as part of
any over all plan."
The "concrete block room" would later gain fame as "the bunker."
Matt Maggio Editor & Publisher
Pro Libertate - For Freedom
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