> From: "nessie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>English people seldom
> >>get abducted by greys according to a UK UFO mag.

> > Maybe they taste bad.
Nessie's trolling again. Well, here's  a thought:
Most nationalities don't get abducted by greys. Maybe the ones which do -notably Yanquis in comparatively large numbers- have some odd deviant quirk in their DNA makeup which interests the greys? Like indigenous American peoples (do many of them get abducted?) most of us do wonder about the mental equilibrium of los Yanquis. To us you lot ARE Aliens interested only in world domination.

> Perhaps the space aliens know UK cuisine sucks...   ;-)
Average British cuisine these days is more likely to be based on frozen foods marketed by US corporations, BirdsEye, McDonalds, BurgerKing etc. We do eat a lot of hot East Indian cuisine these days. Maybe the Aliens can't handle that!

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