
>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

To: endsecrecy list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [endsecrecy] NASA Magboots Tech Suppressed
Date: Monday, May 22, 2000 9:03 AM

Courtesy Tony Craddock
Web Administrator

For the documented story of how the early Astronaut's magnetic boots were
suppressed by NASA to hide one of the secrets of extracting free energy
from the vacuum, go to the CSETI Website under "What's New".


The Astronaut's Magnetic Boots

Try finding the original magnetic astronauts boots that were developed by
NASA. The original boots were excellent. For the acceptance tests, an
engineer clad as an astronaut walked across the bottom of a steel beam in a
high bay research area, upside down against the pull of Earth's gravity. He
stepped as he walked, putting his foot "down" and then picking it "up".

There is no problem in finding magnets strong enough to hold the astronaut
firmly in such an upside position. The problem with simple magnetic boots
using such strong magnets is that, once the foot is planted, unless he is
King Kong himself, the astronaut cannot pick up the foot again.

However, the Radus boots completely solved that problem. If the permanent
magnet fields are switched off for that foot that the astronaut wishes to
lift, he can lift it easily and take another step. Then if the fields are
switched on again as he places his foot down, this switching of the fields
allows him to walk in a manner resembling normal walking, though a little

To do that switching by normal "battery and coils" would be prohibitively
bulky and heavy — and awkward to say the least.

With the Radus boots, the astronaut could pick up his foot by simply
switching off the permanent magnetic fields easily. They switched on again
when he placed the foot down. And he did not have to carry a huge battery
around with him, to furnish enormous current to do that.

Well, it doesn't take a genius to see that, when you can switch a permanent
magnet's fields easily, and the magnet also has a built-in memory as did the
Radus magnets, then with a little ingenuity in switching one could use such
switchable magnets to produce a self-switching, self-powered permanent
magnet motor. The magnet, being a permanent dipole, is already a particular
kind of "free energy generator", since it continuously gates magnetic energy
directly from the vacuum due to its asymmetry in the energetic vacuum flux.

>From the energy barons' viewpoint, those Radus magnets and Radus boots had
to go, and go quickly. And go they did.

So NASA then developed the present "shuffler" kind of magnetic boots where
the astronaut can't pull his boot loose from the surface, but must "scoot"
his feet along in a sliding and painfully awkward fashion. That way, you
see, no one can use the boot magnets — which now are just rather ordinary
permanent magnets, without memories and without switchable fields — to make
an overunity device or a self-powering permanent magnet engine.

In the originals developed by Radus et al. at Westinghouse, the magnetic
fields themselves — from permanent magnets — were simply switched! And the
magnets had a memory. (So far as is known, even today no one tells you that
in many virgin magnets fresh from the factory, their very first use
conditions them with a memory! That fact can be used, e.g., to create
magnets whose fields appear normal, but which deviate from the normal
behavior of ordinary magnets, including produce anomalies in their magnetic

That subject — the deliberate induction of magnetic memory into a virgin
permanent magnet with its first use — cries out for a sharp young graduate
student to do substantial, pioneering research on that phenomenon, and do
his Ph.D. thesis on it. There is a Nobel Prize waiting there for a future
sharp young scientist who fully deciphers that "magnetic memory
conditioning" mechanism. The entire subject of making permanent magnets with
memories, and how to use such in operational systems, is still a largely
unexplored, extremely obscure territory. In fact, most researchers are not
even aware that the phenomenon exists. The energy barons like it that way!

Anyway, back to the Radus boots. With them, the astronaut could actually
lift his boot and take a rather normal-like step.

So obviously those boots vanished only a few years after their development.

How the True Magnetic Boots Information Was Recovered

It took some real doing to run down the true story of the vanishing Radus
boots. Most of that marvelous work was done, unfortunately, before the big
computer data bases really got going. Much of the earlier work is just not
in there in the computerized databases. So one drew pretty much of a blank
(except for the later "shufflers") when searching those databases on
descriptors and terms related to the astronauts' magnetic boots.

An excellent researcher, John Reed, came to the rescue. John is a researcher
of first rank. He actually found Radus' sister (Radus was deceased), who
very graciously permitted access to some personal files Radus had left. With
her permission, John copied the files. So that way much of the odd story of
the real astronauts' magnetic boots was able to be reconstructed, before
spin control was applied by you-know-who.

We certainly express our sincere appreciation to Radus' sister for her
gracious assistance and kindness. We give full credit to John Radus for the
invention of the switchable magnet and the conditioning of magnets with a
memory. And we express our deep appreciation to John Reed for exerting so
much effort to find something that was intended by certain parties to have
disappeared from history, or at least to have faded into comfortable

If you're interested in permanent magnet engines, be sure to check the
Radus' references cited at the end of this article, and be sure to check the
Kawai references:
(re-posted below)

The Researcher Must Understand Nonlinear Magnetic Materials Phenomena

And as an aside to the beginning magnetics engine researcher who does not
have a good knowledge of magnetic materials, here's some advice. You must
get beyond the shallow view of "a magnet has a north and south pole and a
field between them" and beyond the notion of just "simple magnetic
domains" — you know, the notion that "big magnets are made of littler
magnets." You must get much deeper into magnetic materials and their

Magnetic materials are highly nonlinear. It's not as simple as just
"aligning domains". There are lots of nonlinear phenomena going on in
magnets other than what is induced by simple north and south poles! The
field from every permanent magnet has an internal, hidden, dynamic
structure. There are dynamics going on inside the field of a permanent
magnet, and comprising that field. There are at least 14 kinds of
magnetism — and in fact, more than that if you check Ehrenhaft's work on
magnetic monopoles, as validated by Mikhailov and Barrett, and if you check
Evans' and Vigier's work on the B(3) scalar magnetic field that arises from
a topological magnetic monopole and is evidenced in interferometry, e.g. and
other experiments.

Magnetism is intimately connected with the spins of the fundamental
particles, and you need to understand that area as well. So unless you wish
to be a very naïve experimenter, first do some heavy homework in the areas
of magnetic material phenomena, different types of magnetism, multivalued
magnetic potentials, magnetic monopoles, interferometry, spin waves and
phenomena, etc. If you can find it, a very good book (one that's relatively
simple for engineers and is straightforward and understandable) is the
out-of-print book by Cullity (cited). If you're really serious, contact the
publisher and get permission to legally reproduce it at the copiers for a
small fee, as we did. You'll be very glad you did. It's probably the single
most understandable book of its kind. Another very good book to obtain is
Burke's Handbook of Magnetic Phenomena (cited). An extremely useful "quick
reference" book for one's pocket is Kaganov and Tsukernik, The Nature of
Magnetism" (cited).

Why the Astronauts' Boots Were Changed

But back to the astronauts' boots. Hangar and Rosener (cited) will fill you
in on the present "shuffler" boot. Just forget those; they are worthless to
you as an enterprising overunity systems researcher. Reading Radus' work
(cited) will clue you in on the earlier, far better boots.

If you dig out some new reference background on Radus' work and the real
astronauts' magnetic boots, please share it with us, and we'll put it here
in this section for everyone.

Why do you suppose NASA replaced that excellent Radus boot with the far
inferior "shuffler" kind later?

You see, if you can easily switch the fields of a permanent magnet as you
wish, and make that magnet also have a memory that you deliberately
conditioned into it, you could also build a permanent magnet self-powered
engine by adapting such memory (asymmetrical behavior) and switching. It's
perfectly permissible by the laws of physics and the laws of thermodynamics,
because one is using an open dissipative system far from thermodynamic
equilibrium. Any dipole such as a permanent magnet is a legitimate open
system freely receiving energy from its environment (the active vacuum) and
re-emitting some of that energy in usable Poynting energy flow form.

The other compelling reason is that you don't use electrical currents back
through the source dipoles to kill them! Zounds! That means you can have one
half the solution already accomplished from the start; you don't have "spent
current" to have to force back through the dipole or shunt it around freely
by some extraordinary means. All you have to worry about is understanding
and very clever and precisely timed switching. (And it does have to be
clever; let's not belittle the skill and perseverance required to achieve
that task!)

But the Radus boots represented a potent threat to the energy barons and
energy cartels of the world. Therefore those "field switching" boots had to
go. And go they did!

So those trainloads of coal and fleets of oil tankers kept on coming. And
the byproducts of all that hydrocarbon combustion kept right on polluting
the cities and the planet.

Here is an area crying out for Congressional and Senatorial action. Why not
force some of those "government servants" we taxpayers send so many billions
of dollars to, to go back in there and compile all the available Radus boots
information and data from NASA? And openly release it?

Hey, environmental activists! Are you listening?


A. W. Hangar and A. A. Rosener, "The use of permanent magnets in
zero-gravity mobility and restraint "footwear" concept," IEEE Transactions
on Magnetics, Vol. MAG-6, No. 3, Sept. 1970, p. 464-467. These crude
"shuffler" boots are quite a contrast to the elegant Westinghouse/Radus
"stepping" boots earlier developed and used by NASA.

"Human fly has magnetic sole," Electrical Engineering, Apr. 1963, p. 294.

Raymond J. Radus and William G. Evans, "Apparatus Responsive to Direct
Quantities," U.S. Patent No. 2,892,155, June 23, 1959.

R. J. Radus, "Permanent Magnet Flux Transfer Principle," Internal
Westinghouse paper, date unknown; ______ "Permanent-Magnet Circuit using a
'Flux-Transfer' principle," Engineers' Digest, date unknown (July 1963???),
p. 86.

J. Astleford, Jr. and R. J. Radus, "Distribution Transformer with
Zero-Percent Impedance," Westinghouse Engineering, 23(5), Sept. 1963, p.
148-151; ______ "Zero Impedance Distribution Transformer," IEEE Transactions
on Power Apparatus & Systems, 83(9), Sept. 1964, p. 918-926.

Hitachi Engineers confirm Over-Unity Process

As a ninth mechanism, application by Kawai of adroit self-switching of the
magnetic path in magnetic motors results in approximately doubling the COP.
Modification of an ordinary magnetic engine of COP < 0.5 will not produce
COP > 1.0.  However, modification of available high efficiency (COP = 0.6 to
0.8) engines to use the Kawai process does result in engines exhibiting COP
= 1.2 to 1.6.  Two Kawai-modified Hitachi engines were rigorously tested by
Hitachi engineers and produced COP = 1.4 and COP = 1.6 respectively.  The
Kawai process and several other Japanese overunity systems have been blocked
from further development and marketing.

Teruo Kawai, "Motive Power Generating Device," U.S. Patent No. 5,436,518,
Jul. 25, 1995.

Excerpted from "On Extracting Electromagnetic Energy from the Vacuum,"
IC-2000, by Tom Bearden.

$2.  Click for details.

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