Top News Headlines June 6, 2000 -- 8:56 PM

Shipboard Abortions Planned For Third World Women

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (CNSNews) -- Pregnant women in mostly Third World
nations where abortions are illegal will be offered abortions onboard a ship
sailing outside those countries' territorial waters, if a Dutch doctor has
her way.

Dr. Rebecca Gomperts, founder of a group called Women on Waves, has
announced her intention to outfit and sail a 50-meter ship around the world
to offer abortions to women.

Women will be picked up in ports, and taken to international waters where
the abortions will be carried out in a floating clinic called Sea Change.

While in harbor, the ship would also provide contraceptives and workshops,
and train local doctors in giving abortions, according to information on the
organization's Website.

Its staff would also seek to influence the authorities in the target
countries to adopt Dutch policies. "Due to sexual education, accessibility
of contraception and legal abortion, our country has the world's lowest
abortion rate," Gomperts is quoted as saying.

Gomperts is the former ship's doctor on the Rainbow Warrior, a vessel
belonging to the environmental activist organization Greenpeace.

While sailing on the ship she learned of problems relating to abortions in
South America. She said she was shocked to learn about the large numbers of
women who die each year during or after abortions.

"Of the 53 million abortions done annually worldwide, 20 million are illegal
and unsafe, with the result that at least 70,000 women die each year

Having witnessed "the impact that Greenpeace's methods can have" Gomperts
said she realized similar methods could be used to provide abortions in
international waters.

Explaining how the envisaged program would work, she said, "Women
organizations in the concerned countries will have to show the pregnant
woman the way to the harbor where the abortion boat is moored."

The ship would then sail out of territorial waters - usually about 12 miles
offshore - where the abortions would be carried out.

Gomperts told a Dutch newspaper, NRC Handelsblad, that if the government of
any particular country objected to the activity and ordered the ship to
leave the quayside, "small motor boats will bring our clients to the
abortion boat on open sea. There we can go to work."

Asked by the paper about expected opposition from pro-life groups, she said:
"I don't care much about them either. I don't have moral problems with
abortion; it is assistance, that's it. A fetus that can't survive on it's
own outside the mother's womb is in my view not a child."

In response to queries sent to her, Gomperts said Friday public response to
the plan had been mostly positive, "to some extent due to the fact that
there is only a very limited anti-choice movement in the Netherlands."

Recently, however, "the pace of the occasional anti-choice reaction has
begun to pick up, almost all of which has come, symptomatically, from the
United States."

That reaction includes a statement from the president of the American Life
League, Judie Brown, who called the group "pirate abortionists."

Brown said in a statement that Women on Waves would be "circumventing the
sovereign rights of nations by carrying women offshore to kill their

"The human rights of poor women of color, who want and need basic health
care, are being plundered. The international community should be outraged

Brown also questioned the possibility of a "safe abortion" being carried out
at sea.

"These women may literally end up being shark bait, along with the mortal
remains of their babies. This is an outrage of the highest order which must
be stopped."

Gomperts clearly expects opposition in some ports.

"If we keep the time and date of departure secret to the public, we can
hopefully prevent any major public intervention.

"In response to the potential for violent acts, we realize that we will have
to be very vigilant - and have therefore included security as a significant
item in the ship's budget." Doctors and patients would also be provided with
bullet-proof vests.

Gomperts is aware of the peculiar risks ships carry. The Rainbow Warrior was
destroyed ten years ago while in harbor in New Zealand. French agents bombed
the ship because Greenpeace was protesting and complicating French nuclear
tests in the South Pacific.

Woman on Waves hopes the project will be up and running as soon as
sufficient funding has been obtained. The group needs around $1 million to
buy and outfit the ship, which will be large enough to provide accommodation
for five crew and 25 patients, and some $500,000 a year to operate it.

She told NRC Handelsblad: "If we perform one hundred abortions each week
during ten months per year, each intervention will cost only one hundred
dollar to make the project self-supporting. If we can get enough donations
we can do the interventions without charge. The enterprise will be on a
non-profit basis."

The paper quoted Gomperts as saying she was counting on the support of
UNESCO and the Ford Foundation. But she said Friday the quote had been
inaccurate - neither UNESCO nor the Dutch government would sponsor the plan.

She was "not at liberty to reveal" a wide range of sources which had offered
funding, but highlighted "the wonderful example of a Catholic high school in
northern Holland" which undertook "a spontaneous fundraising action on our

Reports from the Netherlands said the Dutch Developmental Cooperation
Minister, Eveline Herfkens, has expressed support for the Sea Change
proposal, and did not rule out the possibility of helping to fund it.

But Gomperts also disputed this Friday, saying there would be no financial
support from the government.

The feminist magazine Ms reports in its current issue that the floating
clinic plan has "sparked the imagination of activists around the world."

It quotes Rebecca Cook, committee member of the World Health Organization,
as saying: "If more women took these kinds of risks, we'd all be better

Cook said Gomperts was like "Doctors Without Borders" for women. I really
think she may join the ranks of the reproductive pioneers of the twentieth

© 2000,

(Post date: June 2, 2000)

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