[To help save the L.A. Unified School District from a couple of decades of
illegal immigration, bilingual education, abandonment of phonics, lowering
of academic standards, wasting money on the Belmont hazardous waste site
debacle, etc., the School Board selects as its new superintendent, the
former head of the Democratic National Committee, whose party was largely
responsible for all of the above.]



Tuesday June 6 6:45 PM ET

Ex-Colo Gov. Named LA Schools Chief

AP Photos staffing, By KAREN SANTOS Associated Press Writer

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Former Colorado Gov. Roy Romer on Tuesday was
named superintendent of the Los Angeles school system, which has
been struggling with low test scores, fractious leadership and
the threat of state oversight.

Romer, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, will
take over the nation's second-largest school district, with
711,000 students.

``The new face of America is going to be developed, in my
judgment, in the L.A. community. You have the potential of being
the premier metropolitan area of the United States,'' Romer said
at a news conference. ``Now, there's one flaw to that. If you do
not make this school system work, you're never going to get

Romer, 71, succeeds Ramon Cortines, who was brought in as interim
superintendent in January to begin reforms after the ouster of
Ruben Zacarias.

Zacarias was accused of mismanagement, and he especially came
under fire when it was learned that the nation's most expensive
high school, the Belmont Learning Complex, was being built on a
site suffused with toxic gases left over from its days as an oil
field. After $170 million in construction costs, the project was

Romer beat out two finalists with education experience: former
Chicago Board of Education President George Munoz and an official
of another school district who asked the Los Angeles board to
keep her name private.

Other potential candidates said they withdrew their applications
for superintendent out of fears that the district will be taken
over by the state because of all its problems.

Romer spent nearly 40 years in Colorado government, beginning in
1958, when he was elected to the state House. In 1962 he moved
into the Senate. He served 12 years as governor, from 1987 to
1999, and was barred by law from seeking a fourth term.

He was embraced by business interests for his decisions on
controlled development and growth. But he was harshly criticized
by Republicans for vetoing dozens of tax cut proposals.

Romer was appointed general chairman of the Democratic National
Committee in 1997 and left that post late last year to become
head of the committee organizing the party's convention in Los
Angeles in August.

His appointment comes three weeks after the nation's largest
school district, the one in New York City, picked a new
superintendent without education experience - former banking
executive Harold Levy.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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