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A Data Sanctuary is Born</A>
A Data Sanctuary Is Born
by Declan McCullagh
5:00 p.m. Jun. 4, 2000 PDT

WASHINGTON -- A windswept gun tower anchored six miles off the stormy coast
of England is about to become the first Internet data haven.

A group of American cypherpunks has transformed the rusting fortress, erected
by the British military during World War II to shoot down Nazi aircraft, into
a satellite-linked virtual home for anyone looking for a secure place to
store sensitive or controversial data.

The founders of HavenCo, which will announce operations on Monday, believe
the concept will appeal to individuals and businesses looking for a "safe
haven" from governments around that world that are becoming more and more
interested in Internet regulation and taxation.

It's for "companies that want to have email servers in a location in which
they can consider their email private and not open to scrutiny by anyone
capable of filing a lawsuit," says Sean Hastings, the 32-year-old chief
executive of HavenCo.

Hastings says that because a 1968 British court decision effectively
recognized the basketball court-sized island as a sovereign nation called Seal
and, HavenCo can provide more privacy and legal protections then anyone else
on the planet.

To create HavenCo -- which will offer Linux servers for $1,500 a month -- the
founders signed an agreement with Roy Bates, the quirky "crown prince" of
Sealand who landed on the abandoned platform in 1966 and claimed it as an
independent nation with its own currency, stamps, and flag.
Bates, a former British Army major, has undertaken a string of failed
business ventures in an attempt to make use of the world's tiniest country --
a platform just 10 by 25 yards that perches atop two cement caissons in the
North Sea.

One plan was to build Sealand into a three-mile-long, man-made island with an
airport and banks. Another venture included working with German investors to
build a $70 million hotel and gambling complex -- a scheme that fell apart
with the Germans taking over the fortress in 1978 and Bates regaining control
in a dramatic helicopter raid at dawn.

This time the elder Bates, now about 80 years old, is taking no chances on
his business partners: His son and royal heir-apparent, Michael, is HavenCo's
chief logistics officer and the royal family has a seat on the board.

But today Sealand's potential adversaries include not merely a few
expansion-minded Germans, but nervous government officials who are
aggressively trying to pull the plug on unapproved offshore activities.

During a Paris summit in May, for instance, representatives of the Group of
Eight (G8) nations met to hammer out an agreement on international Net law.
"The idea is to produce a global text so there cannot be 'digital havens' or
'Internet havens' where anyone planning some shady business could find the
facilities to do it," French Interior Minister Jean-Pierre Chevenement said
at the time.
When Sealand was simply an eccentric's hobby, the British government largely
ignored the smallest country in the world. But if HavenCo becomes a popular
destination for gambling, money laundering, or other socially disapproved
activities, governments could move against it.

The Home Office in London could restrict the microwave links that provide
HavenCo with its lifeline to the outside world, and the companies offering
satellite connectivity could come under pressure from regulators in their
home countries. HavenCo could even find its bank accounts imperiled.
For their part, HavenCo executives say they hope to avoid negative publicity.
"We don't intend to make anyone angry at us. We simply want to provide online
businesses a place with a sane set of rules that are not constantly
changing," Hastings said.
"If larger nations have a problem with unrestricted information flow, then
their problem is with the increase in information technology, and not with
us. They can't put the genie back in the bottle until every individual on the
planet has had their three wishes come true," he said.

Somewhat ironically, bandits recently set up a fake "Principality of Sealand"
website to sell citizenship to unsuspecting visitors. Spanish authorities
reportedly are investigating a gang involved with drug smuggling and arms
trafficking using those passports.

In a bizarre incident, one "Sealand" passport of dubious origin surfaced in
connection with the July 1997 murder of fashion designer Gianni Versace in

The British Embassy in Washington declined to comment on what would prompt
London to take action against the legitimate prince of Sealand. "What it
comes down to is that this is a hypothetical (situation), and so we cannot
speculate on this," said Peter Reed, the embassy's press officer.

In interviews, U.S. government officials indicated they would take a more
active approach.
Washington is leading international efforts in the area: The Justice
Department chairs the G8 subgroup on high-tech crime, and previously led the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's financial action task
force. That panel in February pressured Austria to eliminate anonymous bank
accounts, saying they aided money launderers.

"(There) are ways that exist to deal with these kinds of situations, these
kinds of places, that don't necessarily require official recognition. There
are lots of ways to deal with it," said Susan Elbow, a State Department

Elbow said the United States could send warning messages to other countries
to alert them to illicit offshore activities and coordinate a response
through Interpol. "Right now, we aren't even concerned with something like
Sealand because they are not representing any kind of a threat.... It would
not be an issue for us unless, for example, they are hooking up with Osama
bin Laden," she said.

The U.S. Customs Service and the Immigrations and Naturalization Service
deferred questions to the State Department.

Christopher Lamora, an official in the State Department's bureau of consular
affairs, stressed that "we don't recognize any part of SeaLand."

The U.S. Congress is weighing more action against international
money-laundering centers. The House Banking committee is scheduled to vote
Thursday on a new version of the International Counter-Money Laundering Act,
which has civil and criminal penalties.

"We're going to introduce a bill next week for markup that will give the
Treasury Department the authority to tell banks that if there are not
acceptable regulations in a country -- such as this offshore one -- then you
cannot have financial dealings with them without penalty," committee
spokesman David Runkel said in an interview last week.

To succeed, HavenCo must use a simple chart to navigate through its perilous
offshore waters: Provide enough freedom to stay in business, but not enough
to draw the world's ire. The company already says it won't house spammers or
child pornography, for instance.

"We are specifically avoiding sleazy businesses such as child pornographers
and spammers, as we think that the potential demand that exists in protecting
legitimate businesses from bad legislation is very large and we will not need
this sort of business to survive and thrive," said Hastings.

Instead, he envisions customers who want to avoid cryptography restrictions
or far-reaching copyright laws like the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Translation: HavenCo's founders aren't too worried.

For one thing, they've already thought through a lot of these problems during
conversations on the libertarian-leaning cypherpunks mailing list. They're
also quietly planning to erect mirror sites at other locations that can be
activated if necessary.

The founders include Ryan Lackey, a former MIT student and longtime
cypherpunk, Sameer Parekh, who founded the security firm C2Net software and
is the chairman of HavenCo, and Joichi Ito, CEO of the Neoteny incubator

HavenCo says it has raised $3 million and plans to have a STM1 network
connection in place by September. For $300 a month, customers can rent space
on a virtual machine, or pay $1,500 for a dedicated server.

The parent company is an Anguillan firm, HavenCo Ltd., which owns the Sealand
corporation. Hastings, who was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, until recently
was a programmer working with Offshore Information Services in Anguilla.

Bob Bauman, a lawyer with the Sovereign Society, which advocates offshore
banking and tax avoidance, predicts Crown Prince Bates won't countenance
anything that is too controversial. "My impression is that he wouldn't do
anything to jeopardize his own existence," Bauman said
Cryptonomicon, a 1999 novel by Neal Stephenson, outlined a similar idea:
Creating a data haven on a small Pacific island with the backing of the
nation's royal family.

"If they have distributed network technology for the data haven, they may not
be immediately attacked and shut down. If they are depending on a single
location -- the Sealand platform itself -- using a satellite uplink, then I
am sure they will have problems hosting content objectionable to the UK and
European authorities," says a spokesman for Laissez Faire City. "I would
expect attempts by the governments to interrupt their communications. Data
havens are nigh-on-impossible to do unless you distribute."
Nicholas Morehead contributed to this article.

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