-------- Original Message --------
Subject: PEPIS #19 - Bilderberg 2000 participants
Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2000 00:48:48 +0100
From: Tony Gosling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

1. Unelected European Commissioner Pascal Lamy - skulks into Bilderberg
2000 - http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/grattan_healy/Bilderberg.html

2. Bilderberg 'Press Release' - 3 June 2000
Full details: http://www.bilderberg.org/2000.htm

[This 'press release' was prized out of the Chateau du Lac lunchtime on
Saturday 3 June, just as participants were leaving. No participant list was
available while the conference was in session.  There was critical coverage
in Belgian daily De Morgen and on Belgian TV]



3 June 2000

The 48th Bilderberg meeting was held in Brussels, Belgium, 1-3 June 2000.
Among other subjects the Conference discussed US Elections, Globalisation,
New Economy, the Balkans, EU Enlargement, the European Far Right.
Approximately 100 participants from North America and Europe attended the
discussions. The meeting was private in order to encourage frank and open
discussion. [why then are all participants also told not to refer even to
the fact they have attended?]


Bilderberg's only activity is its annual conference. [apart from the
steering group which meets between conferences] ....... There are usually
about 120 participants of whom about two-thirds come from Europe and the
balance from North America. About one-third are from government and
politics, and two thirds from finance, industry, labor, education,
communications. [I see no representatives of trades unions here at all, ed.]

Participants have agreed not to give interviews to the press during the
meeting. In contacts with the news media after the conference it is an
established rule that no attribution should be made to individual
participants of what was discussed during the meeting.

There will be no press conference. A list of participants is appended.

June 2000

Honorary Chairman:

B, Etienne Davignon; Chairman, Société Générale de Belgique;

Honorary Secretary General:

GB, J. Martin Taylor; Chairman, WH Smith Group PLC, International Adviser,
Goldman Sachs International

I, Agnelli, Giovanni; Honourary Chairman, Fiat SpA.

I, Agnelli, Umberto; Chairman, IFIL - Finanziaria di Partecipazioni SpA.

E, Aguirre y Gil de Biedma, Esperenza; President, The Spanish Senate

USA, Allaire, Paul; Chairman of the boardof Directors and CEO, Xerox

I, Ambrosetti, Alfredo, Ambrosetti Group

DK, Andersen, Bodil Nyboe; Governor, Central Bank of Denmark

CDN, Asper, Israel; Chairman, CanWest Capital Group Inc.

INT, Avery, Graham; Chief Adviser for Enlargement, European Community

P, Balsemão, Francisco Pinto; Professor of Communication Science, New
University, Lisbon; Chairman, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.

S, Barnevik, Percy; Chairman, Investor AB

NL, Benschop, Dick; State Secretary for European Affairs

I, Bernabè, Franco; Special Representative of Italy for Reconstruction
Initiatives in the Balkans

D, Betz, Hans-Georg; Visiting Proffessor, European Studies, Centre for
European Studies, Columbia and New York Universities

INT, Bildt, Carl; Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Balkans,
United Nations

CDN, Black, Conrad; Chair, Telegraph Group Ltd.

IRL, Bruton, John; Leader of Fine Gael (Opposition Party)

GB, Buchanan, Robin WT; Senior Partner, Bain & Co Inc.

GB, Clarke, Kenneth; Member of Parliament (Conservative)

TR, Çolakoglu, Nuri; Chairman and CEO, NTV

F, Collomb, Bertrand; Chairman and CEO, Lafarge

D, Cromme, Gerhard; Chairman of the Executive Board, Thyssen Krupp AG

GR, David, George A; Chairman of the Board, Hellenic Bottling Company SA

USA, Deutch, John M, Institute Professor, MIT

GR, Diamandouros, P Nikiforos; National Ombudsman

USA, Dodd, Christopher J; Senator (Democrat, Connecticut)

USA, Donilon, Thomas E; Senior Vice-President, General Counsel and
Secretary, FannieMae

USA, Dyson, Esther; Chairman, EDventure Holdings Inc.

INT, Fréchette, Louise; Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations

I, Fresco, Paolo; Chairman, Fiat SpA

CDN, Frum, David; Columnist, National Post Newspaper

P, Gouveia, Teresa Patrício; Member of Parliament (PSD)

USA, Graham, Donald E; Publisher, The Washington Post

USA, Hagel, Chuck; Senator (Republican, Nebraska)

NL, Halberstadt, Victor; Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former
Honorary Secretary-General of Bilderberg Meetings

N, Hambro, Christian; Director-General, Research Council of Norway

A, Hampel, Erich; Chairman, Creditanstalt-Bankverein

USA, Hutchison, Kay Bailey; Senator (Republican, Texas)

B, Huyghebaert, Jan; Chairman, Almanij NV

B, Janssen, Daniel E; Chairman, Solvay SA

S, Johansson, Leif; President and CEO, Volvo AB

USA, Johnson, James A; Chairman and CEO, Johnson Capital Partners

USA, Jordan Jr, Vernon E; Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC

TR, Kayhan, Muharrem; Vice-Chairman of the Board, Söktas, Former President,

USA, Kissinger, Henry A; Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.

D, Kopper, Hilmar; Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG

USA, Kravis, Henry R; Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.

USA, Kravis, Marie-Josée; Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute Inc.

INT, Lamy, Pascal; Commissioner, European Commission

F, Lévy-Lang, André; Former Chairman, Paribas

B, Lippens, Maurice; Chairman, FORTIS Bank

FIN, Lipponen, Paavo; Prime Minister

USA, Mathews, Jessica T; President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

USA, McDonough, William J; President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

F, Montbrial, Thierry de; Director, French Institure of International

INT, Moore, Mike; Director-General, WTO

D, Nass, Matthias; Deputy Editor, Die Zeit

NL, Queen Beatrix; Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands and of the
House of Orange

FIN, Ollila, Jorma; Chairman of the Board and CEO, Nokia Corporation

INT, Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso; Member of the Executive Board, European
Central Bank

S, Pagrotsky, Leif; Minister of Trade

GR, Papandreou, George A; Minister for Foreign Affairs

S, Petersson, Lars-Eric; President and CEO, Skandia

A, Petritsch, Wolfgang; The High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina;
EU chief negotiator at the Kosovo peace talks in Rambouillet and Paris

CH, Pury, David de; Chairman, de Pury Pictet Turrettini & Co Ltd.

DK, Rasmussen, Anders Fogh; Chairman, Liberal Party

N, Reiten, Eivind; Executive Vice-President, Corporate Management, Norsk
Hydro SA

USA, Richardson, Bill; Secretary of Energy

I, Riotta, Gianni; Deputy Editor, La Stampa

USA, Rockefeller, David; Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International
Advisory Council

E, Rodriguez Inciarte, Matías, Executive Vice Chairman, BSCH

GB, Roll, Eric; Senior Adviser, UBS Warburg

I, Ruggiero, Renato; Vice-Chairman, Schroder Salomon Smith Barney;
Chairman, Schroder Salomon Smith Barney Italy

A, Scholten, Rudolf; Member of the board of executive directors,
Öesterreichische Kontrollbank AG

B, Schoutheete de Tervarent, Ph de; Former permanant representative of
Belgium to the EU

DK, Seidenfaden, Tøger; Editor-in-Chief, Politiken

INT, Solana Madariaga, Javier; Secretary General, Council of the European

USA, Soros, George; Chairman, Soros Fund Management

USA, Steinberg, James B; Deputy Assistant to the President for National
Security Affairs

F, Strauss-Kahn, Dominique; Former Minister of Finance; Professor,
University of Paris

KS, Surroi, Veton; Publisher, KOHA Ditore

IRL, Sutherland, Peter D; Chairman, Goldman Sachs International; Chairman,
BP Amoco PLC

USA, Tarullo, Daniel K; Visiting Profesor of Law, Georgetown University Law

USA, Thornton, John L; President and CEO, Goldman Sachs Group Inc.

I, Tremonti, Giulio; Member of the Finance Commission, Chamber of Deputies

F, Trichet, Jean-Claude; Governor, Banque de France

CH, Vasella, Daniel L; Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG

NL, Veer, Jeroen van der; Group managing director, Royal Dutch/Shell group
of companies; designate President of Royal Dutch Petroleum Company

USA, Vink, Lodewijk JR de; Chairman, President and CEO, Warner-Lambert Company

A, Vranitzky, Franz; Former Federal Chancellor

S, Wallenberg, Jacob; Chairman of the Board, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken

GB, Wolf, Martin; Associated Editor/Economics Commentator [what does this

INT/USA, Wolfensohn, James D; President, The World Bank

D, Wolff von Amerongen, Otto; Chairman and CEO of Otto Wolff GmbH

USA, Wolfowitz, Paul; Dean, Nitze School of Advanced International Studies,
The John Hopkins University


GB, Mickelthwait, R. John; United States Editor, The Economist

GB, Wooldridge, Adrian D; Foreign Correspondent, The Economist

List of Abbreviations

A       Austria
B       Belgium
CH      Switzerland
CDN     Canada
D       Germany
DK      Denmark
E       Spain
F       France
FIN     Finland
GB      Great Britain
GR      Greece
INT     International
I       Italy
IRL     Ireland
KS      Kosova
N       Norway
NL      Netherlands
P       Portugal
S       Sweden
TR      Turkey
USA     United States of America

Tony Gosling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Bilderberg 2000 in Brussels  http://www.bilderberg.org/2000.htm

The Bible on the End Times:  http://www.bilderberg.org/trib.htm

Tony's research website  http://www.bilderberg.org
Campaigning for full press access to Bilderberg venues - and a declaration
from the organisers that the discussions are public, not private

i-Contact video http://www.videonetwork.org
"If you're not careful the media will have you hating the people who are
being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing"
Malcolm X

Council on Foreign Relations: Common origin of NATO, Marshall Plan, EU,
World Bank & IMF

'It isn't about borders any more. It's about bankers. The governments of
the world are just managers for the banks.'

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