Seven Global Environmental Champions Awarded 2000 Goldman Prize
posted 21st may 2000
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A Mexican peasant leader whose struggles against one of the world's largest
lumber giants resulted in his imprisonment and torture last May, a Russian
lawyer who is breaking new legal ground as she pleads precedent setting
environmental cases in Russia, and an ethnobotanist from Madagascar who is
fighting to save the island's forests that are rich with potentially life
saving drugs are winners of the 11th annual Goldman Environmental Prize.
They are among seven environmental heroes from around the globe who received
the prestigious Goldman Prize at a ceremony in San Francisco. Each of the
winners received a "no strings attached" award of $125,000 from the Goldman
Environmental Foundation. In the case of joint winners from a single
continent, the award is shared. The total of $750,000 given annually to
grassroots heroes from each of the six continental regions makes it the
world's largest award for grassroots environmentalists.

This year's winners are:

>From Mexico, Rodolfo Montiel Flores: A peasant leader, imprisoned since May
2, 1999, who successfully organized the local population to halt voracious
logging by US-based Boise Cascade in the Petatlán mountains of the Mexican
coastal state of Guerrero. Protesting against environmental degradation,
corruption, and human rights violations, he united local subsistence farmers
and environmentalists in a movement that led Boise Cascade to abandon the
logging it began soon after NAFTA was implemented in México. The movement
was brutally suppressed by the Mexican Army, and in May 1999 two campesinos,
including Montiel Flores, were arrested, suffered beatings, and remain in
prison. As a result, an attorney representing the Petatlán group was
kidnapped, brutally attacked and later released. >From Uzbekistan, Oral
Ataniyazova: An obstetrician who founded a clinic and a community-based
movement to overcome the effects of environmental disaster in
Karakalpakstan, an autonomous region of Uzbekistan. The heavy use of
pesticides and other toxins in the region has created a devastating
ecological nightmare that has negatively affected the health and livelihood
of some three million inhabitants.

The diversion of water for irrigation of the region's historic cotton crop
have resulted in the rapid disappearance of the Aral Sea -- one of the
world's largest inland seas -- displacing 40-60,000 individuals dependent on
the formerly productive fishing industry. Working mostly with women and
children, Ataniyazova has created programs to raise awareness of the issues
and to seek solutions to the dire conditions in her homeland. >From Russia,
Vera Mischenko: A founder of the public-interest law movement in Russia who
won the first successful lawsuit in the Russian Supreme Court in defense of
public ecological interests on behalf of current and future generations.
Mischenko and Ecojuris, her organization, were the first to use new Russian
legislation to protect environmental rights of people without formal power
of attorney. A recent legal action under her leadership resulted in an
important victory against oil exploration without environmental impact
assessments on Sakhalin Island, home to 8,000 indigenous people, migratory
birds and marine mammals, including gray whales.

This represents the first environmental victory in Russia against a
multinational corporation. >From Madagascar, Nat Quansah: An ethnobotanist
known as a pioneer in the use of local plants in the treatment of disease.
Madagascar is home to five percent of the world's total plant and animal
species and remains one of the most recovery from childhood leukemia from 20
to 80 percent. In 1994, the recipient opened a clinic in the village of
Ambodisakoana. There Quansah implemented the Integrated Health Care and
Conservation Program in which the cultural practice of using natural
substances for medicinal purposes is being reintroduced to Malagasy
villagers. In the clinic's four years of operation, 5,685 patients were
treated, and the use of local medicinal plants has raised the community's
awareness of the importance of forest conservation.

>From Paraguay, Oscar Rivas & Elías Díaz Peña: They began their efforts in
1986 under the dictatorship of General Alfredo Stroessner. Their struggle
has continued during political turmoil involving efforts by fascistic groups
to regain control of the country. The most visible success of the group they
founded has been the campaign to halt the internationally financed Hidrovía
Paraguay-Paraná navigation project, intended to drain, dredge and alter the
region's waterways as a spur for export-driven development. Their most
recent challenge is the struggle to highlight the severe problems associated
with the notorious Yacyretá Dam on the Río Paraná. Calling for effective
environmental and resettlement plans, Rivas and Díaz submitted a claim to
the World Bank Inspection Panel -- a move that resulted in recommendations
to benefit local communities and an apology from the World Bank. >From
Liberia, Alexander Peal: An activist who spearheaded the creation of his
country's first and only national park. Throughout the civil collapse and
terror resulting from the 1989 civil war, Peal persisted in efforts he began
in the mid-1970's to protect the dwindling forests of Liberia, the only
country left in west Africa with any significant forest cover. After a long
exile in the United States, Peal is re-establishing the conservation
movement in Liberia. Working without pay, he is taking up where he left off
before the civil war and his forced absence.

As president of the Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia
(SCNL), he heads the country's first private sector environmental
conservation group. "It has been my pleasure to provide a measure of
assistance through the Environmental Prize," said Richard N. Goldman,
President of the Goldman Environmental Foundation. "It is our hope that the
Prize enables these heroic individuals to continue their campaigns, even
when their struggles put them at personal risk. These selfless actions
contribute to the survival of our planet and our ability to maintain life as
we know it." The Goldman Environmental Prize is a project of the Goldman
Environmental Foundation, established in 1989 by civic leaders Richard N.
Goldman and his late wife Rhoda H. Goldman. Richard Goldman is Chairman of
Goldman Insurance Services, an independent insurance brokerage firm based in
San Francisco. Rhoda Goldman was a descendant of Levi Strauss, the founder
of the worldwide clothing company that bears his name. Applications are not
accepted for the Goldman Environmental Prize. Nominations from each
continent are submitted anonymously by a network of 23 environmental
organizations worldwide and a confidential panel of experts representing
nearly 50 nations. As the only major prize program honoring grassroots
environmentalists, the Goldman Environmental Prize has been recognized by
113 heads of state worldwide. ..

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