Capitol Hill Blue-Daily Rant

A forgotten profession called journalism

By Doug Thompson

June 9, 2000

The mainstream media woke up this week.

Some of them realized Al Gore is a liar.

This shocking piece of information did not come as the result of
any dogged investigative work by any of these bozos, but through
a series of memos that surfaced during a Congressional probe.

In those memos, FBI director Louis Freeh said Gore's sworn
statements regarding his involvement in illegal campaign
fundraising activities did not jive with the facts.

Stop the presses. Gore lies. Film at 11.

Suddenly, the fat and happy Washington Post, New York Times and
others are reporting that Al Gore is as unfamiliar with the truth
as his boss, the never-truthful William Jefferson Clinton.

Too bad these clowns don't read the independent Internet press.
We've been reporting this story for months.

Once again, the big boys are left with their thumbs up a certain
posterior orifice.

But now that the media mavens have all this startling
information, just what will they do with it?


That's right.


The Washington Post doesn't give a damn about the many crimes of
the Clinton administration.

Never have.

Never will.

The New York Times won't unleash its considerable resources to
dig into Al Gore's complicity in the morally-bankrupt
administration that Bill Clinton once said would be "the most
ethical" in history.

Won't bother.

They don't consider such stuff news.

NBC News will give us videotape of a meaningless argument between
O.J. Simpson and the sister of the ex-wife he killed, but won't
spend a single second on the criminal activities of Al Gore.

Forget CBS. Dan Rather has his nose rammed so far up Bill
Clinton's butt he couldn't smell a story if it sat on his face.

And ABC can't be bothered. Leonardo DiCaprio wasn't available to
interview Al Gore.

"I tried pitching this story to my editors," says one Washington
reporter I know, "but they weren't interested. They said the
public is tired of the misdeeds of the Clinton administration."

Too bad these guys forgot their job was to cover news, not listen
to focus groups and public opinion polls to determine that they
should and should not cover.

CBS laid off a bunch of people on its news web site this week.

No wonder.

People don't go to CBS for news (according to the Neilsen
ratings, they don't go there for much else either).

The Washington Post has spent more than $100 million on its web
site and will lose at least half that much this year.

They should. If you want to know what movies are playing in
Washington, the Post site is a good place to visit.

But don't waste your time if you want news.

News isn't a marketable commodity in today's greed-driven world,
so the so-called media companies can't waste their time with it.

Too bad.

Journalism used to be a profession.

Now it's a business.

Once it became a business, both the profession and the public

Doug Thompson is the founder, editor and publisher of Capitol
Hill Blue.. The Rant appears on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays or
whenever the mood suits him)

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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