Bob, I feel people who knowingly take risks,
must be prepared to suffer the consequences.
Insofar as MS products are concerned I feel
most people are computer illiterate and are
unable to determine if they're getting screwed.
When Co.'s become very powerful forces in the
marketplace however, and become publicly known
to manipulate the consumer; the end result,
I feel, will be a gradual dissipation of that
power permitting competitive forces to prevail
for the benefit of the consumer.
The problem is the unconstitutional intrusion
by the feds in the marketplace;  bailouts, etc.
Chrysler was a good example of producing
shoddy products.  On a larger scale, the
U.S. taxpayer bailout of the Mexican peso;
when crooks control the government as in Mexico
and, in connivance with the international banksters,
they use unfounded fear as a weapon to appease
the consumer.  Didn't work because the peso
was devalued more than half;  that bailout only
postponed what should have been the inevitable
collapse of a corrupt government.

Pro Libertate - For Freedom

No more Greed......
        "the LOVE of money is the root of ALL evil."

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Djurdjevic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, June 09, 2000 8:59 AM
> Subject: Re: [slickmisc] Re: rapist hits Gates but leaves Exxon alone??
> At 10:07 AM 6/9/2000 -0400, you wrote:
> >  > May 1, 2000
> >  >
> >  > "While Joel Klein and his Justice Department were
> >  > publicly and distastefully
> >  > celebrating Judge Jackson's decision, the market
> >  > capitalization of Microsoft
> >  > was dropping by more than $100 billion. That's not
> >  > some theoretical figure.
> >  > It is a loss in real wealth ­ in many cases, in
> >  > retirement savings ­ of more
> >  > than two million direct shareholders of Microsoft
> >  > and of tens of millions
> >  > more who have substantial holdings of Microsoft in
> >  > their mutual funds and
> >  > annuities. ... [...]
> And who has forced these fools to put their savings into Wall
> Street or the
> juggernaut like Microsoft?  Now they, as well as Microsoft, are reaping
> what they had sowed.
> If you feel like feeling sorry for someone, it should be the
> owners of the
> companies Microsoft drove out of business or swallowed up on its
> way up to
> Wall Street riches.  (Sorry Rich, the pun not intended).  While stuffing
> America and the world with shoddy products.
> For a sanity check, just ask yourself... How many millions of
> people would
> be killed if airlines crashed as often as Windows does? Thank God our
> nuclear technology doesn't run on Windows.  Or does it?
> Bob Dj.

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