June 12, 2000

Contact: Richard Tomkins
(202) 646-5172


Burton's Statements About Criminal Referrals Not Likely To Come
to Pass Under Even a Bush Administration, Since Family Has Shown
No Desire To Challenge Clintons and Others On Ethics and Legal

(Washington, DC) If only it were true that once this Clinton-Gore
Administration is over, the Republican Congress -- assuming it
wins reelection, and that is a big "if " in the House of
Representatives -- would make criminal referrals in the Chinagate
scandal to new leadership at the U.S. Department of Justice.
Indeed, Judicial Watch, which sparked the scandal with its case
against the Clinton-Gore Commerce Department and the testimony of
John Huang in October, 1996, has a vested interest, on behalf of
the American people, in seeing to it that justice is done.
Unfortunately, the statements of Chairman Dan Burton of the House
Government Reform Committee on yesterday's morning talk shows
were likely just more political posturing during an election
season. This is true for a number of reasons.

First, assuming George W. Bush wins the Presidency, a great
assumption given the toss-up nature of the race, his history,
both in this race and as Governor of Texas, has been to show
little to no interest in pursuing government ethics and
corruption issues through legal proceedings. Indeed, his stump
speech is limited in this regard to putting his hand on the Bible
and only promising that he won't do what Clinton did. If Mr. Bush
lives by the scripture, his promise is unnecessary.

Second, the Bush family has never shown an inclination in "going
for the jugular," as perhaps they view themselves as part of the
Establishment. Indeed, it was George Bush, Sr. who, over the last
several years, has written letters in support of President
Clinton -- most recently urging that his Secret Service detail
not be interrogated over the Lewinsky scandal. Jeb Bush, who is
Governor of Florida, could have his Attorney General investigate
the illegal Clinton-Gore Chinagate money laundering which took
place among Democrat fundraisers in South Florida, but he has
never, and will never, do so. Indeed, both Bush brothers have
been virtually silent on the illegal raid of the Miami relatives
‘and neighbors' quarter of Little Havana. The Bush family is
trained to not create controversy, as this could rock the apple
cart and cause counter- investigations of their alleged

The Republicans have the power to take action now, rather than
promising false criminal referrals in the future. They compose
the majority in Congress, and they have always had the power to
commence impeachment proceedings against Reno and her deputies
for their obvious obstruction of justice. That the Republicans
choose not to do so, and would rather make empty future promises,
speaks to their electioneering and pandering to conservatives,
libertarians, and others who are upset by their continuing
impotence. "Actions speak louder than words, particularly after
four years of doing virtually nothing but holding hearings for
public consumption during election periods. Until the American
people see impeachment proceedings for Janet Reno and her aides,
the Republicans should simply stop making false promises intended
only to deceive their supporters," stated Judicial Watch Chairman
Larry Klayman.  ###
Judicial Watch, Inc. 501 School Street, S.W.; Suite 725;
Washington, D.C. 20024 Tel: (888) JW-ETHIC; Fax: (202) 646-5199
--------------------------------------------------------- © 2000,
Judicial Watch, Inc. ® All rights reserved.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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