Officials said it is not clear if the computer drives were mislaid, stolen or accidentally destroyed, the LA TIMES is reporting on Tuesday... MORE... the hard drives contained 'nuclear weapons data used by the government's Nuclear Emergency Search Team and information on the Russian nuclear weapons program... MORE... The fact that the hard drives were missing was discovered on May 7. Los Alamos employees did not notify the Energy Dept in DC until June 1, reports the WASH POST... The suitcase that contained the drives was last used in a NEST exercise at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California during the first three days of May, but there is confusion about whether the hard drives were taken to Livermore at that time... MORE...
When will it end, if ever?
He's a Dictator who does what is wants.
Why are the taxpayers spending all this money
to keep Congress up and running;  its corruption
is manifested by its impotency.
Pro Libertate - For Freedom

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