The JFK assassination is a central pivot point for many important historical
events both before and since.  After spending 6 months living in Dallas,  no
matter where I turn, I see connections!

So I just tried to compress several converging things together this weekend.
I went to the CIA-DRUGS SYMPOSIUM in Eugene this weekend as well as work.  I
did not go with a friend to Vancouver BC Canada, to the their Electric
Vehicle Show, as originally planned.

The CIA-Drugs Symposium, was to say the least, terrifying.  I knew from the
speaker list that this wasn't some Militant Antigovernment, Pro-Drug
Legalization, Ex-Hippie, Communist gathering.  There were certainly all of
these elements present in the audience, but it wasn't like the 60's, there
were intelligent, business types mixed in the crowd.  (I haven't been to
Eugene Downtown since 1984, and before that since the 1970s.)

As you already know, there are ground swells of disenfranchised people who
don't see a difference between Al Gore Jr, nor George W. Bush.  Many are
voting in the various Green Parties or for Ralph Nader.  What I saw yesterday
was a broad cross section of people from various economic and political areas
coming together, in frustration.

Now this conference was coincidental in many ways, as I had just nearly
finished Terry Reed's 1995 book, "Compromised, Clinton, Bush and the CIA" [by
Terry Reed and John Cummings, ISBN 1-883955-02-5] It was a huge undertaking,
it is a big book, hundreds (681) of pages.  Essentially, Terry Reed was a CIA
operative, who worked in Mena, Arkansas.  He grew up in a family of Southern
Democrats with all of the patriotism in Missouri, went to Vietnam, served in
Air Force Intelligence and returned home for the machine tool business.  He
learned to fly and expanded his machine tool operations.  He was approached
by the FBI for covert assignments integrated into his regular business
schedule.  The big one was spying on Toshiba, for selling advanced NC machine
tools to the Russians, enabling them to make more silent Submarine propellers.

Anyway, he ends up approached by the CIA full time as a Contractor during the
early 1980s, to start business "cutouts," with a guy who later ends up being
Oliver North.  His machine tool operation, sales skills are put to use in
manufacturing guns for the Contras from various illegal points in Arkansas.
Meanwhile he's flying and training Contras at the secret base north of Mena
at night.  He meets Barry Seal.  They establish a friendship that lasts until
Barry is gunned down several years later.  They have many friendships talks
while flying and ferrying.  Reed is shown how to fly covert, how to make air
drops of guns and cash.  He is told to make a few drops for Barry.

He later finds out it's cocaine.  He's upset.  As this goes against his value
system, he believed in helping the Contras with military aid, but not cocaine
coming back into the US.
He tries to justify this as a single isolated event.  However during that
time he is called upon to make huge cash air drops.  He develops a deeper
friendship with Barry Seal.  They take a memorable LearJet ride to Panama to
discuss a Mexico plan there.  During the flights, Barry reveals that he is
under a lot of legal problems and pressures from his DEA ties. He might have
to go to jail.  He worked as a contractor for several, often conflicting
agencies, DEA, CIA, etc.  He's gained weight by that time and seems tense.
Terry asks questions.  Barry reveals that he has an ace, a video showing the
"Bush boys", Bush's sons, in a compromising situation.

 Arkansas politics becomes so corrupt that the operation is becoming
compromised.  Clinton's men try to muscle the CIA for more "business".  The
try to get contracts for their friends and associates.  There's hundreds of
millions of dollars floating around.  Yet the State of Arkansas is still a
couple hundred million in debt. Terry is then forced to spread out the
weapons making to inferior Arkansas companies that the CIA did not intend.
Bill Clinton even shows up at some of the meetings, including one meeting
hidden inside a bunker surrounded by Military police where then CIA Director
Bill Casey's lieutenant shows up to discuss a major change in operations.
Governor Bill Clinton had heard about it and wanted to discourage a change
that would move the whole operation to Mexico (because of the unreliable
corruption of Arkansas) After an angry tirade from Clinton about
"unfairness," Casey's lieutenant replies regarding specific financial losses
and puts Clinton in his place, ending saying "You want your dream to come
true don't you?".  Clinton quivers and leaves the room.

(Clinton's later presidency was apparently an "Agency" Deal in exchange for
"renting" his state for Iran-Contra)

Terry masterminded the incorporation and cutout companies in Mexico and had
sent these thru to his handlers.  They had approved and moved operations into
Mexico.  He was to run the front end of the Cutout as a legitimate Machine
Tool Sales, Operation and Service outfit.  They partnered with some Hungarian
(and KGB) interests as well as Japanese and later Israelis.  These were
people Terry knew from his former business contacts.  The CIA loved this, one
stop shopping.  They could run guns thru the warehouse back doors, and keep
track of their opposition at the same time.  He is told that his operations
head was Felix Rodriquez, a very scary Cuban exile that he meets
semi-regularly.  Felix was said to have been involved in the execution of Che
Guevarra in Bolivia.

They held off until the last minute and had to ramp up the operation
seemingly overnight.  The strain  and long hours were exhausting.  Realize
that Terry had a wife and 3 kids also living in Mexico with him.   They use
the CIA's airline Southern Air Transport to deliver shipments to a hanger at
the airport, because the roads in Mexico were too bad for shipping high-tech
sensitive machine tools.
While this is going on Terry's associates are complaining about mysterious
shipping headed north.  His Hungarian business associate is especially
unnerved, as the documents used for the shipments are based upon their
business.  Terry is very busy, but must interrupt to take an emergency from
one of them.  They pull him into a warehouse where they had intercepted one
of the mysterious shipments.  They were angry.  He goes and opens up the
container 8x8x10 feet.  In it is crammed full of bags of "white" powder.  He
is livid and storms out.  These containers were shipped north thru Texas.
His KGB man is concerned.

Terry approaches his handler.  His handler denies it.  But Terry did some
tricks to make sure he wasn't being hoodwinked by the KGB into thinking that
the CIA was shipping cocaine.  His tests for this by "dyeing the waters" but
the results turns up positive.  His handlers are therefore liars.   His
partners, Japanese and Hungarian decide to pull out of the operation, because
they are also being hit with extremely high Mexican currency devaluations.

Terry then decides that it's not worth it.  He had reached his moral value
system limits.  The shipping of Cocaine to the United States was evil.  So he
begins to break ties with the Agency.  They threaten him.  He meets a Mossad
agent that is also concerned about the Cocaine going into the US and
threatened (the agent is later killed).  That agent confirms that Felix meets
directly with George Herbert Walker Bush on a near weekly basis (the book has
photos of Felix with Bush) and that it is Felix who is having the cocaine
shipped back to the US. using Terry's Cutout companies as agents.

Terry leaves Mexico immediately, realizing that there is a price on his head
and that he may not be allowed to live.  He then moves around the US to
different towns (with his family) every few days for over a few years.  He
switches license plates, changes his identity, etc. etc.  Contact with family
members indicates that the FBI is after him.  They had a warrant out for his
arrest.  On false charges etc.   A long exhausting court case ensues and one
by one the government's false charges are dismissed with evidence.

But then I went to this conference this weekend!

Remember In August 1996, San Jose Mercury News reporter Gary Webb's "Dark
Alliance" series documented how the CIA helped Nicaragua's contras sell crack
cocaine in South Central Los Angeles?

That is what this is all about!

Back to the story:

Turns out that Barry Seal was part of the SAME 1950's Civil Air Patrol
Louisiana unit as Lee Harvey Oswald!  It turns out that Barry Seal and Lee
Harvey Oswald had the same Civil Air Patrol leader, David Ferrie, of New
Orleans District Attorney, Jim Garrison fame!  He hung out with fellow
conspirators Guy Bannister and Clay Shaw of New Orleans. (See Oliver Stone's
movie, JFK, for more details) Ferrie was with the OSS in 1943 and became an
airline pilot for Eastern.
 Ferrie was questioned about the JFK assassination a few days afterwords and
later committed suicide.  He was an organizer for the failed Bay of Pigs and
afterwords, like the rest of the CIA, openly blamed JFK for not providing air

Turns out that Barry Seal became a pilot at age 15.  His instructor said that
he was a born gifted flyer, very rare abilities, and that 'his first cousin
was a bird!'  He was reputed to have flown missions to Cuba for the Bay of
Pigs using a P-51 Mustang.   He was also running guns to Cuba then too.

Turns out that Redbird Airport outside Dallas had a mysterious flight about
an hour after the assassination.  Rumors in the spook world are that Barry
Seal flew the assassination getaway plane!

Sources say Barry, near the end of his life, also had the video of the Bush
boys delivering cocaine from an executive airport north of Miami.

Is this the Clinton/Gore jr, October surprise?

Theres more, it's even more dirty.

At the confererence, I heard from former central American DEA agent Celerino
Castillo III., a Vietnam veteran. I heard about his interdiction efforts in
central America and how he left the DEA.    He risked his life with teams in
the mountains of Guatemala, where agents were killed.  He was nearly in tears
as he had to come to grips with the fact that the Government is deliberately
sending Cocaine into the United States and covering it up.  When George H.W.
Bush visited Guatemala, Celerino personally confronted him and received no
answers as Bush merely turned away.  He witnessed individuals in Guatemala
eho were tortured while they were alive, limbs cut off, beatings, etc. to
keep them silent.  He told us that he expects to only live another year as he
is certain that someone will kill him as he reveals more information.  He
told the story of Michael? Divine, an American living in Guatemala, who loved
the beauty of the country.  He made a mistake of seeing drugs moved and told
his US embassy, where upon then he disappeared. His body was found.  His wife
is still alive but terrified.

  He says he now sleeps well at night, he's low on money, his income is  now
limited, though he is sometimes tormented with memories, he can now look at
his little daughter straight in the eye.   He would rather sleep well at
night knowing that he is a dead man, than to continue to support a corrupt
nightmare system.

We are really in trouble as a nation.  We need prayers.  Theres more.  There
were others there who spoke and with similar problems.   This was a rare

Speakers were:
Mike Ruppert, former law enforcement officer and publisher of From the
Wilderness  Former, LAPD Narcotics officer.

Cele Castillo, 12-year veteran of the Drug Enforcement Administration l.htm     He may not live another year with the
damaging direct in-the-field information he knows.

Catheriine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary for HUD   She was fired, she's broke and under siege from federal
lawsuits about her discoveries at HUD.   She's also a former Wall Street
employee of Dillon Reed.  She learned that Ghettos are created.  She found a
way to save HUD 4 billion dollars and revitalize inner cities.  She was then
fired and now HUD is back to losing 4 Billion dollars per year again.
Destroying inner cities is good for business!

Daniel Hopsicker, business television filmmaker - He's the one who produced a Barry Seal Documentary
Video/Film biography connecting Barry Seal to the JFK assassination.  He met
with Barry Seal's widowed wife, who then provided some heretofore unseen
photos.  One shows Barry with a group of men in Mexico City at happy hour.
He was told that some of these men were of the  professional offshore CIA
assassins that were assigned to do JFK.

As of last October, George W. Bush's private Turboprop Beechcraft King Air
200 had the tail number N6308F, "Zero-Eight-Foxtrot", which means that it is
the same plane used by Barry Seal while he was alive for some of his drug
"runs".  The ownership trail traces through to the same entities that owned
the CIA's Southern Air Transport.

The last speaker was Dr. Peter Dale Scott, who though elderly, may have been
the first in America to publish books, some banned, that made the connection
between drugs and covert operations and the CIA.  His first book on the drugs
from Vietnam was published in 1970 and surpressed.    He was very grateful to
finally, after all these years see other people who had experienced proof
when he spent many years alone doing meticulous research and documentation
and  was ridiculed in his ideas.   He was presently teaching English at UC
Berkeley, however his PhD is in political science.

Many feel that Vietnam was also about Drugs.  The French controlled the drugs
and then lost out to the Americans in the 50s.  The Air America transports
flying out of these areas covertly shipped drugs to the US.   Some at the
conference were saying that they talked with veterans who told of "friendly
fire" incidents against these Air America flights.  Apparently some of the
soldiers found out what the flights were really about and were so angered
that they secretly shot some of them down when they saw them fly over.

This Narco-Politics stuff is big.   I would put it up there with Nuclear
Proliferation and the next Nuclear war.   Clinton has insured, thru the
international sales of enabling technologies, that our futures will have a
greater probability of some type of nuclear exchange.   This will bring about
mass death and destruction and total ecological disaster in the areas
effected by the blast and nuclear fallout, obviously totally undermining his
environmental agenda.

This Narco-Politics stuff goes straight to Citicorp, 1st Boston, Deutsche
Bank and other International banks that need debt repayments from South
America.   Their debt repayment schedules are based on including exportation
of illicit drugs.   The CIAs role is to protect the bank's investments and
act as a covert conduit to the streets of America.

What was interesting about Arkansas and the Narco dollar money laundering
there during Iran Contra, is that their economy was infused with hundreds of
millions of dollars, however Clinton's State budget was STILL a couple
hundred million in debt.    There was so much corruption, graft and nepotism,
that even with the dramatic increase in revenues they still ran a huge debt.
 The same is true with many third world nations, they get an infusion of cash
from Narco dollars, yet instead of repaying their debts, the corruption,
nepotism and greed are so widespread that they do not repay their debts  and
end up worse than before!

We have had to reschedule Mexico's debts recently.

If the banks aren't repaid their debts, OUR economy could collapse because of
their insolvency.    The extra narco-dollars fuel our economy and it's
speculative bubble of zero profit internet stocks and E-commerce.

Meanwhile, in our inner cities, a whole people are being exterminated and
encarcerated in new prison complexes for dealing in Cocaine, crack and other
illicit drugs.  Hospitals and the healthcare system must take in brain
damaged crack babies, etc.   Depressed real estate prices caused by gang
shooting inner city are then capitalized upon by speculators and real estate
opportunists thru predatory lending practices and absentee ownership until
the gangs are cleared out and real estate prices rise.  Abandonned buildings
have tax breaks.

Cele Castillo said that one of the main Colombian Drug Kingpins was put in
prison, but now has been put to use for Cocaine sales into Russia, another
ripe market!

The panelists felt that the next war will be faught in the Colombia,
Venezuela, Equador, Peru arena.

The four states with the highest drug importation/money laundering problems
are, New York, Texas, Florida and California.    It was said that this is one
of the real reasons why Hillary Clinton is going after New York.  Clinton's
new Ambassodor to the Dominican Republic is Charles Manatt.  The Dominican
Republic is the major transhipment point from Colombia to the US.  The drugs
are then sent to Puerto Rico then to places like Florida or New York.  The
Dominican Republic is a destitute and poor nation.  Traditionally the
Ambassadors were staffers, because the assignment was undesirable.  But for
some reason Clinton's guys 'wanted' this assignment.  There was some
discussion that two of the highest drug traffic states, Texas and Florida
were coincidently governed by the Bush boys.

For Bush involvement, the choices that we have for President are a sham.
Gore Jr.'s family investments in Occidental are in the Colombia area and
obviously he would do the same things.

I want to thank Kris Millegan for making the conference possible.

Best Regards,

Marshall Houston
Portland, Oregon

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