June 14, 2000

        Los Alamos Workers Waited 3 Weeks to
        Report Data Loss

        By JAMES RISEN

              WASHINGTON, June 13 -- The
              Energy Department acknowledged
        today that employees at the Los Alamos
        National Laboratory waited more than three
        weeks last month before reporting the loss
        of two computer hard drives that contained
        some of the nation's most important nuclear

        The acknowledgment came as Energy
        Secretary Bill Richardson and his
        department faced harsh criticism in
        Congress over the loss of the hard drives,
        the latest in a string of security lapses at the
        New Mexico laboratory, where nuclear
        weapons are designed.

        Officials said that six managers at Los
        Alamos had been placed on leave and that
        disciplinary action at the laboratory was
        expected shortly. The Federal Bureau of
        Investigation and the Energy Department
        have opened a joint inquiry into the
        disappearance of the hard drives, which had
        been stored in a vault at the laboratory.

        The hard drives were discovered missing by
        members of the government's Nuclear
        Emergency Search Team, or NEST, which
        stores its computer data at Los Alamos for
        use in responding to nuclear accidents and
        terrorist threats.

        The team members went to the vault on
        May 7 to make sure that the material was
        secure while a forest fire raged in the area.

        Eugene E. Habiger, a retired Air Force general who is the Energy
        Department's senior security officer, said in Congressional testimony
        today that each hard drive was "little bigger than a deck of cards."

        General Habiger said they were one of three "kits" of material for the
        NEST members "to rapidly deploy to situations that require some of our
        nation's best minds to look at an improved nuclear device or perhaps a
        stolen nuclear weapon."

        The general went on to say that with the nearby fire burning out of
        control, "the decision was made to go into the vault by two individuals
        who are authorized unescorted access into that vault to take the kit."

        Senior Energy Department officials at Los Alamos and in Washington
        said today that more than three weeks passed before they learned of the
        disappearance. John C. Browne, the director of the Los Alamos
        laboratory, said he was not informed of the loss until the night of May 31,
        while F.B.I. and Energy Department officials in Washington said they
        were not notified until June 1.

        The hard drives were stored inside the vault in the laboratory's X
        Division, where nuclear weapons are designed. They contained highly
        sensitive data needed by the NEST members in the event of an
        emergency involving nuclear weapons.

        The data on the hard drives included information needed by the team to
        render nuclear devices safe in emergencies. In addition, the missing
        material included intelligence information, including some about the
        Russian nuclear weapons program.

        The Energy Department has not ruled out espionage as the cause of the
        disappearance of the hard drives. But officials said that there might well
        be a more innocent explanation, and that the hard drives might have been
        lost in the chaos resulting from the fire, which burned hundreds of houses
        in the Los Alamos area and came within a half mile of the building where
        the vault is.

        Department officials said it was not immediately clear how long the hard
        drives might have been missing from the vault.

        One victim of the controversy at Los Alamos may be Mr. Richardson, a
        former House member from New Mexico whose political prospects had
        appeared bright until recently. He has been mentioned as a possible
        running mate for Vice President Al Gore on the Democratic ticket, but
        the scandals at the Energy Department and the rising price of gasoline
        may have doomed his chances.

        "I am outraged by the security lapses that have taken place," Mr.
        Richardson said today. "We are not going to tolerate this. There will be
        accountability and disciplinary action."

        "What I am most concerned about," he added, "is the failure of the lab to
        promptly notify the Department of Energy when these potential breaches
        took place."

        In an effort to show a rapid response to the building controversy, Mr.
        Richardson announced that he had named former Senator Howard H.
        Baker Jr., Republican of Tennessee, and former Representative Lee H.
        Hamilton, Democrat of Indiana, to investigate the disappearance of the
        nuclear secrets. Their review will be independent of the inquiry by the
        F.B.I. and the Energy Department, a department spokeswoman said.

        But the move did not quiet criticism in Congress, where lawmakers once
        again questioned the laboratory's ability to manage the nation's nuclear

        Members of Congress heaped scorn on the Energy Department and Los
        Alamos managers during hearings today, saying they found it incredible
        that a major security breach could occur after they had received
        assurances from Mr. Richardson that security had been tightened in the
        wake of accusations of espionage and evidence of security breaches at
        the laboratory.

        "I have to tell you, in my hometown of Menominee, Mich., if I want to
        check out a library book at the Menominee public library, you have to
        have a library card and they make a record of it if you remove the book,"
        said Representative Bart Stupak, a Michigan Democrat, during today's
        House hearing.

        "And if you keep the book too long, they send you a notice asking you to
        return it," he continued. "Well, most Americans would find it hard to
        believe that Menominee public library has a more sophisticated tracking
        system for 'Winnie the Pooh' than Los Alamos has for highly classified
        nuclear weapons data."

        Mr. Richardson's past pledges to clean up the Energy Department and
        improve security were also thrown back at him by lawmakers.

        "Since allegations of spying at Los Alamos first surfaced early last year,
        this committee and the American public have been subject to a steady
        stream of press releases, action plans, tough talk and photo ops from
        Secretary Richardson and senior D.O.E. officials designed to show a
        commitment to security at the Department of Energy," said
        Representative Thomas J. Bliley Jr., the Virginia Republican who is the
        chairman of the Commerce Committee.

        The White House joined in the criticism today.

        Joe Lockhart, the White House spokesman, said that comprehensive
        changes at the Energy Department might be needed. "The fact that we
        don't know the answers is troubling," he added, referring to what
        happened at Los Alamos.

        President Clinton ignored questions about Los Alamos from reporters
        today during a photo opportunity.

        Mr. Lockhart stressed today that "the president has confidence in
        Secretary Richardson," but the latest bipartisan assaults on laboratory
        security appear politically damaging.

        Over the last year, Mr. Richardson has battled with Congress about
        security issues in his department, as he opposed creation of an agency
        within the department to oversee nuclear weapons programs, saying it
        would undercut his authority. Congress required a revamping of the
        department last year after there were accusations that China stole some
        of the nation's most sensitive nuclear secrets because of lax security. Last
        fall, Mr. Richardson dropped his public opposition to the change when
        the proposal drew support from majorities in the House and the Senate.

        The agency's creation marked the most far-reaching legislative response
        to two scathing studies last year -- one by a House panel and another by
        a presidential review board -- that looked into the accusations of
        espionage by China. Dr. Wen Ho Lee, a scientist who worked at Los
        Alamos, was fired last year after being the subject of an investigation. He
        was then arrested on charges of mishandling classified material.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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