
 Spy satellites on demand

 Strategic information available
 to enemies with click of mouse

 By Anthony LoBaido
 Thursday, June 15, 2000
 © 2000

 Thanks to a group of transnational amateur astronomers --
 particularly, a private satellite-
 tracking program on the World Wide Web -- any person on
 earth can type the name of a city or town, come up with an
 exact latitude and longitude, and learn exactly when
 Western satellites will be overhead ready to snap pictures.

 Pictures of license plates. Pictures that show how a North
 Korean intelligence agent parts his hair. Azimuth, star
 charts, satellite apogees -- it's all there waiting at

 An experiment with Libya

 WorldNetDaily recently played some secret war games with Clicking on the website for The Center
 for Non-Proliferation Studies, WND found that Libya has a
 chemical weapons plant at Tarhunah.

 So WorldNetDaily went to the geographical page of, which reads:

    "Welcome to our new location database! We have
    drastically increased the number of places and include
    almost every town and village for each country listed
    (approximately 1 million worldwide). Please select your
    country from the list, then click the button to go onto
    the next page where you can select your town. We will be
    adding new countries regularly, so please be patient if
    you don't see yours listed here. The data in this
    database was put together (and enhanced by us) from the
    following two sources: the U.S. Geological Survey for
    the U.S.A. (and dependencies) and The National Imaging
    and Mapping Agency for all other countries."

 WND clicked on Libya, then simply typed in Tarhunah. The
 latitude and longitude immediately appeared. Tarhunah is at
 32.433 degrees latitude and 13.633 longitude.

 It is even possible to double-check a location, since gives the exact distance between Tarhunah
 and seven surrounding towns and cities and their exact
 latitude and longitude. Mazraat Squil (1.6 km), Ash
 Sharsharah (4.0 km), Mazraat Saquil (7.3 km), Muhayyah (8.0
 km), Mazraat Kataraylla (8.7 km), Mazraat Titanu (8.7  km)
 and Al Khadra' (12.7 km) are all listed.

 After zeroing in on Tarhunah, a comprehensive list of 29
 satellites appears on the screen. U.S, Western and Russian
 satellites are all neatly listed. One can learn when each
 satellite was launched, what its capabilities are, and,
 most important -- when it will be flying overhead.

 An example:

 Aureoloe 3 Rocket. Identification USSPACECOM Catalog Number
 12849. International designation Code 1981-094-B. Orbit 400
 x 1.845 km, 82.5  degrees. Intrinsic brightness, maximum
 brightness and launch date are also listed.

 Still not sure of how to locate the satellite? There are
 labeled charts displayed on-screen showing where the path
 of the satellite will run across the heavens :

 WorldNetDaily performed the same exercise from the Rajistan
 desert in western India (home of India's nuclear tests),
 Baghdad, North Korea and many other hostile nations.

 As one might expect, the publication of this information,
 which can be accessed by dictators like Iraq's Saddam
 Hussein or North Korea's Kim Jong-il, has many in the U.S.
 intelligence community in an uproar.

 "The fact that you can know readily where U.S. satellites
 are at any time means that if you're India or North Korea,
 it's that much easier to hide what you're doing. What these
 people fail to realize is that there are bad guys out
 there," said one senior intelligence official who wants to
 see some of the satellite trackers prosecuted.

 "Why give more help to our enemies overseas through these
 satellite-tracking websites?" said one congressional
 staffer who asked that her name not be used in this report.
 "But the anger of the U.S. intelligence community is a good

 Adds the congressional staffer: "The New York Post ran a
 story about how Saddam has moved his weapons of mass
 destruction out of Iraq into the Sudan. So, the ongoing
 inspections of Iraq by the U.N. are really a dog and pony
 show. And with these websites available to Saddam and his
 allies, we may never track down his weapons of mass

 In an exclusive interview with this reporter in 1998,
 Arizona Sen. John McCain said, "We know the Russians are
 selling sensitive satellite images of U.S. military
 installations in South Korea to the North Koreans.
 Everything is for sale over in Russia."

 Another website providing a virtual window into the heavens
 is (

 According to the website, "SatSpy is a computer program
 that opens the way to the world of satellite viewing.
 Practitioners of this exciting hobby watch orbiting
 satellites using nothing more than their eyes and perhaps a
 pair of binoculars. SatSpy lets you do your own pass
 predictions, something that just a few years ago could only
 be done by the most powerful government computers.

 "SatSpy was designed and built by Dave Cappellucci who is
 also the webmaster for this site. Dave has an 18-year
 background in space and astrodynamics software development.
 He was employed by Loral Command and Control Systems
 (formerly Ford Aerospace) where he participated in the
 development of the Space Defense Operations Center (SPADOC)
 for the U.S. Air Force Space Command. SPADOC is the source
 for almost all of the element sets used for visual
 satellite predictions. His responsibilities as the team
 leader on the 'Orbits and Conversions' and, later, the
 'Breakup, Lost and Decay' team included the design and
 implementation of many of the major software programs used
 by the U.S. Air Force to track and identify orbiting
 satellites. He was also the principal engineer and later
 the program manager for the development of the Space Force
 Engagement Model. This was a comprehensive simulation of
 all aspects of space warfare including surveillance,
 command and control, weapons and communications.

 "SatSpy was developed by Dave out of his desire to be able
 to identify the satellites he could see in the evenings
 from the back deck of his house in Colorado Springs. The
 origins of the program go back to 1985 when Dave bought his
 first personal computer (an IBM PC/XT) and began developing
 astrodynamics software for fun. The actual start of SatSpy
 was in mid-1993 with the first successful predictions
 occurring in the late summer. Since then, Dave has used
 SatSpy to observe well over 300 different satellites with
 over 500 separate observations. If you care to learn more
 about Dave's background, his resume can be found online."

 A long history betrayed

 The U.S. satellite program found its genesis in the Nazi
 technology brought to the U.S. by Wernher van Braun under
 "Operation Paper Clip." In January 1946, the RAND
 Corporation, a subgroup of Douglas Aircraft, authored a
 study entitled, "Preliminary Design of an Experimental
 World-Circling Spaceship." This study sought to analyze the
 possible commercial and military applications of

 After the Soviets exploded the H-bomb in 1953, the
 Eisenhower administration stepped up the effort to monitor
 the Russians' atomic ambitions. By 1957, the Gaither
 Commission was set up to study the status of America's
 civil defense in the event of a Soviet nuclear attack and
 the ability of that Strategic Air Command to survive and
 respond to a Soviet nuclear strike on U.S. soil.

 By the end of 1957, the U.S. military-industrial complex
 had set up a worldwide network of simple radio tracking
 stations called "Minitrack" and hundreds of civilian
 volunteers for its "Moonwatch" program. These volunteers,
 mostly amateur astronomers, were to take visual sightings
 of orbiting objects and telephone in their observations to
 the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge,

 Of course, that was a different era. Today, amateur
 astronomers in America and the West are, however
 inadvertently, assisting America's enemies with websites
 that publish the position of U.S. and Western spycams.

 Other satellite issues are equally troubling. For example,
 it is known that the Milstar, the main U.S. battlefield
 coordinating satellite, was knocked out for three hours in
 a Y2K glitch. Without the Milstar, the U.S. military is
 essentially blind on the battlefield. Much of the satellite
 data used to fight the Gulf War was coordinated through the
 Australia-based facilities at Pine Gap.

 During the Gulf War, Air Force satellites provided vital
 intra- and inter-theater communications for U.S. Central
 Command, while Global Positioning Satellites conveyed
 precise positional information directly to attacking Air
 Force and Navy aircraft, as well as to Army and Marine
 Corps artillery crews, allowing pinpoint accuracy in
 munitions delivery.

 U.S. ground forces used GPS satellite data to navigate
 easily the nearly featureless desert landscape -- even at
 night. Weather satellites provided vital data on sand
 storms, surface winds and other conditions that affected
 U.S. troops and air operations. Early warning satellites
 provided the essential first warning of Iraqi Scud missile
 attacks on Coalition bases and Saudi and Israeli cities.
 This vital "heads up" assisted Army Patriot missile
 batteries in engaging many incoming Scuds. It was truly the
 first space war.

 After studying the use of space warfare during Desert
 Storm, the Australian Defence Forces commenced a study to
 "investigate the integrity of GPS equipment in use by
 Defense." This was announced by the Australian defense
 minister in August 1999. The study is aimed at overcoming
 various simple methods of jamming the GPS signals and to
 develop such schemes for use against Australia's enemies.

 So while the Aussies are busy testing the Global
 Positioning Satellites for a possible war, the Clinton
 administration announced in early May of this year that it
 has ordered the Department of Defense to stop degrading the
 signals from its 24-satellite GPS network.

 Maintaining the GPS network costs over half a billion
 dollars per year to the U.S. taxpayer. The errors built
 into the GPS system were put there to prevent hostile
 nations from utilizing America's GPS system to guide their
 own military adventures as well as to launch and guide
 missiles against U.S. targets.

 As reported by WorldNetDaily, the loss of strategic U.S.
 islands stretching to the four corners of the world will
 have a great strategic effect on U.S. satellite-tracking

 With the U.N. trying to strip the U.S. and UK of their
 foreign possessions, the capabilities of the U.S. to fight
 the next space war may be dealt a huge blow.

 "Space war is a reality we need to confront," said the
 congressional staffer. "We know China and Russia are
 working on lasers that can blind our satellites. By
 publicly broadcasting their location, we make their job
 easy -- point and shoot.

 "Not only do you have sites like
 divulging the location of our spy satellites, but also
 commercial satellites which offer one-meter imagery for
 anyone who can afford the cost. Rules against doing
 business with rogue states and known terrorists still
 apply. However, they could establish a front company in
 order to acquire images of their enemies. For example, a
 state like Pakistan could watch for Indian weakness in

 "Currently, only American and Israeli companies sell
 one-meter imagery, but soon Russia, France and India will
 enter the market. Foreign militaries have been using the
 U.S. taxpayer-funded GPS system to plan their military
 campaigns. A Russian newspaper last month reported the
 Russian Defense Ministry was forced to buy U.S. GPS
 equipment for military action in Chechnya. How would the
 American people feel if they knew a system they funded was
 guiding the devastating fuel-air bombs that
 indiscriminately kill civilians?"

 Anthony C. LoBaido is an international correspondent for

 © 2000, Inc.


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