
Sect Member Said Injected With Drug
The Associated Press
Sunday, June 18, 2000; 7:32 a.m. EDT
BEIJING ––  A follower of the banned Falun Gong spiritual
movement died after his release from detention in a psychiatric
hospital, where he was injected with nerve-destroying drugs, a
human rights group said Sunday.
Su Gang, a 32-year-old computer engineer, was in fine health
before he was sent to the hospital on May 23 but was weak, slow,
stiff-limbed and unable to eat when he was released eight days
later, the Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy
said, quoting Su's father, Su De'an.
Su died of heart failure on June 10, less than two weeks after his
release, the Hong Kong-based Information Center said. While
detained in the hospital, Su was forcibly given daily injections of
nerve-damaging medicines, it said.
An employee at the petrochemical company in eastern Shandong
province where the Information Center said Su worked confirmed he
died about a week ago.
But the employee, who in a telephone interview gave only his
surname, Zhang, said that the company suppressed news of Su's
death and that he had no detailed information.
An official at the psychiatric hospital where Su was held said he
was discharged earlier this month in good health. She refused to
give her name.
The Information Center said at least 22 Falun Gong practitioners
have died of mistreatment and other reasons since the Chinese
government banned the group last July as a threat to public well-
being and to the authority of the ruling Communist Party.


The Verdict: "Only poor men get hanged."
- G. K. Chesterton, ILN, 7/17/09

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