----- Original Message -----
From: "Soren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 5:19 PM
Subject: (50 Years) The People of Nigeria resist the IMF.

> From: Kwesi Owusu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Welcome to Nigeria, Mr. Larry Summers
> Lagos was literally a ghost town last weekend. The streets were empty,
> except burning tyres and smoking debris and the rhythmic hooting of a few
> okada (bike) riders. The atmosphere was tense if not highly charged and
> palpable. As I moved around observing the mass protests against the IMF
> induced fuel price hike, one sight was constant. Youths had turned many of
> the city's high ways into football pitches. I sat down to watch a match.
> Suddenly armed police in a station wagon pulled up. Rather than make way,
> the youths continued to play. The policemen hooted their horns frantically
> but they were ignored.
> Then the ball went out of play. One of the youth strolled up to the police
> team. 'Wetin you dey do for road?' ('what are you doing on the road?'), he
> asked. One of the policemen grinned. Then another youth walked up to his
> mate and told him to let them pass. 'They are policemen' he said. The
> youth replied, 'Yes, I can see that. Is that why they are on the road when
> NLC says everyone should be off the road?' The youths removed the
> goal posts and allowed the policemen to pass.
> The policemen's response was quite unprecedented in a city like Lagos
> not too long ago random violence was as predictable as missing a bus. But
> then some things can change and these are not the times of the brutal
> military dictatorships. The last few days have also been quite
> as the people test the democratic mantle of President Obasanjo's
> particularly its capacity to accommodate mass political dissent.
> The inept introduction of the price hike by the Nigeria National Petroleum
> Corporation (NNPC) was a guaranteed trigger to popular outrage. A 50 per
> cent increase in petroleum products by any stretch of the imagination was
> bound to impact disproportionately on low income families, at the time
> even the modest minimum wage increase announced by President Obasanjo on
> Day had yet to be implemented by most employers. This increase
> affects only 18 per cent of the workforce. In a poor country like Nigeria,
> where the total per capita income averages $280, the government was
> asking for trouble.
> Oil arouses considerable passion here. For many Nigerians, it symbolises
> both the promise and perceived failure of their nation. Otherwise how does
> one explain why Africa's leading oil producer should import petroleum
> products whilst its refineries stand idle for want of basic repairs. Or
> massive pollution of the Niger delta by petroleum companies and the
> displacement of local communities in order that the affluent west can
> continue to enjoy cheap fuel.
> Popular outrage alone does not however change the minds of governments,
> especially this one, under such tremendous pressure from the IMF to
> implement stringent measures that are at odds with what this country and
> people desperately need. And is it not ironic that whilst western
> allowed Abacha and his corrupt gangster regime to default on debt
> repayments, they are now hell bent on squeezing the last drop of blood out
> of a new democratic government that is struggling to restore social and
> economic stability.
> The Federal government has made known its intention to use the gains from
> oil revenues for poverty alleviation. The IMF has vetoed this strategy,
> demanding that the revenue be diverted instead to them. The last time the
> IMF pressed home this kind of dogmatic and politically illogical agenda by
> eliminating fuel subsidies in order to free resources for foreign debt
> servicing, the army stepped in when riots ensued. That was in 1993. This
> time, history has been kinder to Nigeria.
> The national strike against the petroleum price increases has led to the
> rise of a new political power outside of the government and the
> The current impasse between Obasanjo and the National Assembly and an
> ineffective opposition partly explain this. Perhaps ore significantly, as
> the government edged nearer towards a standby deal with the IMF, a
> leadership vacuum was created at the centre of the state. The National
> Labour Congress stepped into the brief, having successful negotiated an
> increase in the minimum wage and campaigned for a broad range of urgent
> social and economic reforms.
> What distinguished the national strike from even the celebrated 13 day
> strike that rocked the Tafawa Balewa administration in 1964 was the
> of its leadership - consistent, disciplined, non sectarian and critically,
> committed to the democratic ideals of the fifth Republic. Led by the
> charismatic Adams Oshiomhole, the NLC's masterstroke in the crisis was to
> transform what could have been an ineffective workers strike into a mass
> protest movement in which people, regardless of status, ethnicity and
> religion felt obliged to support and participate. In a country where the
> ruling elites have made sectarian politics a fine and deadly art, this was
> hugely significant.
> Comrade Oshiomhole leads the people
> The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) ordered all fuel stations in Lagos to
> close before the start of the general strike last Thursday. Over 80 per
> shut down voluntarily. By Friday, not a single fuel station remained open.
> This pattern was repeated all over the country, despite the aggressive
> actions of the riot police. The protests grew. Roads were blocked by
> workers, students and radical youths, popularly known as 'area boys'. In
> this football crazy nation, they made sure that fuel station forecourts
> the highways were only good for football.
> The Vanguard newspaper (13/6/2000) commented that, ' the people are so
> unanimous on this issue that no party hacks, no cash and carry politician
> and no contractor was willing to stick out its neck for the government.
> Obasanjo could not even rely on God because God had spoken through the
> people.'
> By Monday, contrary to what government strategists were possibly hoping,
> strike was holding and in fact gaining more momentum. In Lagos, Abuja and
> other regional capitals, several deaths were reported. Then some activists
> reportedly started to organise counter violence, sending urgent signals to
> the government. In Abuja two police stations were reportedly burnt down.
> Lagos, the situation in the slums of Agege, Osodi was also getting serious
> with 'area boys' on the offensive. The Vice President called all his
> security chiefs to an emergency meeting in Abuja. Elsewhere resistance was
> more passive.
> Along the expressways of Lagos, long files of people, mainly women and
> children begun to form as they trekked on foot. The government offered to
> bring down the price from N30 to N25. Oshiomhole said no. N20 or the
> goes on. Nigeria was entering into serious political waters. The debacle
> 1993 loomed but Monday 12 was also the anniversary of Abiola's
> victory.
> A holiday had been declared in Lagos and demonstrations were planned. If
> they go ahead without a resolution to the crisis, the city could boil
> Obasanjo acted. The news broke late Sunday, making sure that morning
> good news. The government had agreed to reduce the fuel price to N22.
> Further more, the president apologises for not consulting the nation.
> Comrade Oshiomhole praises Obasanjo for leadership and is in turn declared
> peoples hero by the press. What all this means for Mr. Summers, who is not
> looking too happy this Monday morning is what we are all curious to find
> out. He persisted with his tough IMF talk but as his visit progressed it
> clear that Africa's largest democracy may also be his most formidable
> opposition.Obasanjo moved quickly to recover lost ground. He signed the
> corruption bill, started making amends with the National Senate and fast
> tracking various popular initiatives.
> Kwesi Owusu, Head, Jubilee 2000 Africa Initiative.
> 1 Rivington Street, London EC2A 3DT
> tel: +44(0)171 739 1000 ext.251
> fax:+44(0)171 7392300
> web site www.jubilee2000uk.org <http://www.jubilee2000uk.org>
> ===========================================================
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