
With Carl Limbacher and Staff
For the story behind the story...

Monday June 19, 2000 9:09 PM EST

Neighbor: Elian Victimized by Voodoo

It was bad enough that Elian Gonzalez’s first venture out from
his detention at the Wye Plantation was to the Georgetown home of
wealthy donors to the Democratic Party.

Elian is, no doubt, a trophy for the Democratic Party and for

Apparently, the Cuban government wants to pay homage to its pagan
gods for its custody of little Elian.

Yesterday Elian, his family and an entourage of Cuban officials
were escorted to the Silver Spring, Md., home of a

The next-door neighbor forwarded pictures of the
event. The neighbor insists the Gonzalez party was participating
in Santeria activities.

Santeria is an Afro-Cuban religion in which animal sacrifices are
performed regularly to help the practitioner succeed in his

It has long being rumored that Castro and his thugs are involved
in these practices that some refer to as voodoo.

Another reader also witnessed the Santeria conclave
yesterday and reported, "Based on what I saw and heard, I believe
the information provided by the next-door neighbor with respect
to Santeria activity is reliable."

He continued: "I can tell you that the sound of the drums was
deafening at times, and that Juan Miguel was drinking heavily.
The neighbor also pointed out a Santeria relic visible through
the window of the house. All this activity took place under the
noses of the U.S. Marshals Service and INS agents.

"... practically the entire staff of the Cuban Interests Section
was present at this event, including persons suspected of having
participated in the attack on peaceful demonstrators in
Washington, D.C., on April 14, 2000. Cuban diplomatic cars were
parked all along the street during this five-hour gathering."

Perhaps it’s time to call an exorcist.

Exclusive: Photos Reveal Elian's Day Out Monday, June 19, 2000

Yesterday Elian, his father and their Cuban entourage attended a
Father’s Day outing at the home of a man identified in the press
as a "Cuban diplomat." The man resides on Connecticut Avenue in
Silver Spring, Md.

A reader lives next door and took photos and offered
commentary. We are publishing this information for the benefit of
our readers (please click on the links to see the pictures
indicated): >From the Neighbor:

"These photos were taken in a hurry and through the window of one
the bedrooms of my sister's house. I just wanted to post them as
soon as possible. Please, forgive the quality of some of the
photos, but there wasn't much time to prepare for this.

"In one photo, Elian can be seen through the bushes holding a

While most of the kids played in the backyard of the house, Elian
was not allowed to be in the backyard for anymore than a few
minutes at a time.

"Even though he tried to get out several times, he was prevented
from so doing.

"In another photo it can be appreciated to the left of the
Central AC unit, what appears to be a Gargoyle like figurine.

It is a Santeria Deity, plain and simple. It used to be located
by the main entrance of the house on the steps leading to the
front door. Some have said that it is an effigy representing
Eleggua, the opener of the roads in the Santeria pantheon of

"I am thouroghly convinced that Divine Providence is at work
here. For Elian to wind up next door to a Cuban family while
visiting a Cuban house can't be considered a coincidence. A
Higher Power is at Work here.

"On the other hand, if Elian was spending Father's Day at the
'official residence of a Cuban diplomat' as stated by CBS
Affiliate Channel 9 here in the D.C. area last night in their
11:00 p.m. news program, then the U.S. Marshals Service was in
direct violation of the orders issued by the 11th District Court
of Appeals in Atlanta, which 'forbids Elian to be taken to any
and all diplomatic facilities while the appeals are in progress.'
Either way, someone will have a lot of explaining to do regarding
this 'outing'.

"Here is the balance of the photos taken from a bedroom window of
my sister's house. Some include the Cuban Diplomatic Hierarchy,

A group with Elian,

Juan Miguel (with video camera),

His wife and Elian's baby half-brother.

"Also notice the Cuban 'diplomats' in control of everything.
During the brief moments Elian was allowed to be outside the
house, he was constantly followed by one or two 'operatives'
(lady with sidearm).

He was never let more than two steps away from his 'watchers'.

"The house where this affair took place is a private residence
owned by a Cuban American, not a diplomat. Notice in this photo,
he is kneeling while holding something in his hands.

"The area directly in front of him is the area where the Bata
drummer(s) and musicians were located and chanting Santeria
Yoruban Music also known in Cuba as 'Toque de Santo'. What was
Elian doing in there? Whatever happened to the happy, carefree
smiling kid we became so used to and enjoyed watching him while
he was playing outside the Miami relatives' house? Why is Elian
so sad looking? Is this sadness the reason they are keeping this
kid away from the public?

"One thing I will have to say about Juan Miguel, the man likes to
drink like a fish and smoke like a chimney. American beer and
cigarrettes must be pretty good tasting for him to indulge the
way he did while I was able to watch him."

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             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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