-----Original Message-----
To: (Mailing List 1) < ([EMAIL PROTECTED])>
Date: Tuesday, 20 June 2000 18:51
Subject: Billy Dee Show Guest! Exclussive Info. Release!

                        ****"BILLY DEE SHOW"
                     EXCLUSSIVE INFO. RELEASE!

  Starting this Weds, June 21st on the BillY Dee Show, we will be     airing
an exclusive interview with Mr. Donald Bossack.  Mr. Bossack claims
to have been a director of an unamed top  organization, that is above the
government, and more powerful then  NSA, was instructed by his
organization just a few months ago, to  go public, start slowly releasing
information  about ET's, and the  power struggle, and involvement of his
organization and others in the UFO cover-up!

This startling over one hour interview, may very well be a first time   for
NEW information never before known to the public or the UFO

Mr. Bossack claims that with the release of his second book, (his first
book coming out very shortly) which will coming out late this year, he will
divulge the name of the most secret organization to the public.  Along
with that, he claims that he will be releasing   documentation and other
forms of information to prove he is the real deal, and that will back up
who he claims to have been.

Is this all true?  Is Mr. Bossack actually going to release long held
to the general public about such areas that have been kept secret and
covered up for the past almost 5 decades?

Well, Mr. Bossack states, that he wants the public to at least just  think
about what he knows and is revealing on the Billy Dee Show!   He says he
realizes it will be hard to accept and believe, but his second book he
promises to come out with confirming proof of  who he is and was with the
secret organization.  Keep in mind, he   claims that the organization he was
with, has instructed him to release information to the public.

Dennis worked side by side with many alien races for over 25 years,
when he was the director of the unamed top secret organization.  And he
claims the only reason that the public has not heard of this organization,
has not been aware of it since it formed in 1929, is  that fact they have
never left any paper trials behind them, which has been the downfall of
many covert operations like the one he worked for.

  This special, and what may very well be, an exclussive interview   with
Dennis Bossack, may just shake up the public with Dennis's
new information.

   I asked Dennis if his organization was aware of the chem-trail spraying,
He replied that they know very well it is going on, and he could tell on the
show, that the spray is to inoculate the public against the up coming BIO
war, that he claims is just around the corner, and the reason for the

Plus, a lot more startling information, including the account of his wife's
father being murdered because he talked about the famous
Roswell 1947 UFO crash, that he was at!

Don't miss this incredible interview.  Make sure to listen in starting  this
Weds.  The show is pre-recorded, and will be able to be heard
    thru June 29th.

You be the judge!  Is Dennis Bossack who says he was, or not!  You    will
have to listen to the show to draw your own conclusions.

                     The Billy Dee Show URL is
    This is a new URL, as we were having problems with the other
       server we were on!

Don't miss this 1 hour and 45 minute special program, including the
regular weekly "UFOSSI UFO News Reports".

                             Thank You
                             Billy Dee

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