All those citizens who complain that their vote doesn't count have a point but the problem isn't vote tabulation. The problem is that our votes are ineffective because we are not voting directly on issues, we just vote for those who do. So let's change the system. Let congress continue proposing bills but let the people vote directly on which ones to adopt. Instead of fighting each other lets cooperate and remove the teeth of our real enemy, the huge controlling maw of the power hungry government bureaucracy, which is devouring our money and our individual freedoms at a prodigious rate. Stop your negative thinking; do not assume that changing the status quo will result in our current conditions worsening. Is it so unreasonable to think that by placing control directly into the hands of American citizens it might actually improve our lives and our country's condition? Wow, what a concept! Is your comfort zone so precious that you are willing to preserve it at the expense of your individual freedoms? What is second best to freedom that makes giving up your constitutional rights worthwhile to achieve it?

      We have at our disposal the means to create change that was not available when our government was formed but the attitude of the average American citizen still remains in the past. Modern technology has made our present representative system redundant and gives us the means to directly control America's destiny at the national and even state level. Unfortunately, millions of American citizens would rather remain dependent on an archaic system and under the control of bureaucratic politicians rather than invest in a modern system to change the governmental bureaucracy that controls us. So why don't we use modern technology to cast our votes on important national issues and return the power to the people by eliminating the career politician middlemen? The only thing that prevents modernization is the will of the people. Just because the technology that we have today was not available when our governmental system was created doesn't mean that we can't use it now to give us direct control of our destiny. It is time to take control of our government and our future and it would probably cost the same as a trip to Mars. It is time to throw off the constraining shackles of governmental control or is being a slave of corporate America and the past much more appealing?

      So, what's it going to be America, more government control disguised as a "feel good" trip to Mars or power to the people?

Jack Giannosa
Caro, Michigan


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