
Offer to Back Up Gore Records Rebuffed, Aide Says

By George Lardner Jr.
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, June 21, 2000; Page A12

Vice President Gore's top information expert told White House
computer specialists in 1993 to "get lost" when they offered to
back up Gore's electronic records on tape so they could be kept
for "potential legal proceedings," a White House aide said
yesterday in a sworn statement.

In an affidavit filed in federal court here, the White House
aide, Howard Sparks, said the rebuff came from Michael Gill, a
Gore political appointee, who emphasized that the vice
president's office "would take care of its own records."

Sparks, a civil service career employee who still works at the
White House as a computer network specialist, said in the
statement that if the advice of the White House's Office of
Administration had been followed, the year's worth of Gore office
e-mail that was found this month to have been lost would still be
in existence.

He added that Gill, who has since left Gore's staff, was
sometimes known as "the Mad Deletor," a nickname that "referred
to his propensity to delete electronic records as a method of
dealing with computer-related problems." Sparks, who joined the
White House in 1987, did not elaborate or cite specific examples.

The affidavit was submitted as part of a lawsuit filed by
Judicial Watch on behalf of White House employees of the Reagan
and Bush administrations whose FBI files had been improperly
obtained by the Clinton White House.

Attempts to reach Gill were unsuccessful. A spokesman for Gore,
Jim Kennedy, said he could not comment in detail on the
affidavit, but noted that Gore's office did make its own backup
tapes and that "these tapes exist, with the exception of one year
due to a technical problem."

Sparks said he and a colleague, Jim McDonald, then head of the
Office of Administration's Information Systems and Technology
Division, met with Gill in 1993 and "carefully explained" to him
the legal requirement that Gore's office manage its electronic

But when they told him the Office of Administration could do this
by backing up the Gore office records onto White House backup
tapes, Sparks said Gill "essentially told us to get lost, that
the Vice President's Office would take care of its own records."
Sparks said he and McDonald let the matter drop, "being in no
position to contradict a top political aide to the new Vice

Sparks said in his affidavit that he felt he had been the target
of White House retaliation in the past because of his objections
to the development of a White House database that he regarded as
illegal because it involved the use of taxpayer resources "to
track political contributions and other improper information." He
said he was "idled" for about two years and given "little or
nothing to do."

The White House has had its own records management problems and
is undertaking a $10 million effort to reconstruct hundreds of
thousands of electronic messages, including Gore's.

© 2000 The Washington Post Company

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