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Water on Mars

Water, water, everywhere. . .

Nasa scientists believe they have found evidence for water currently existing
on the surface of Mars. If confirmed, it will mark a turning point in our
exploration of the Red Planet.

The evidence was chiefly detected in the central part of the mighty Valles
Marineris, the 6,000-km long (3,700 miles) canyon that scars the Martian

There is abundant evidence that water flowed freely, billions of years ago,
on the Martian surface. But water cannot exist on the surface at the moment
because the atmosphere is too thin.

However, this may not be the case at the bottom of the Valles Marineris or
inside deep craters.

The complex terrain of the canyon floor includes a great variety of Martian
landforms including landslides, volcanic deposits, windblown material and
sediments from long-gone seas.

Dirty water

Parts of the central regions of the canyon are among the lowest parts of
Mars, being several kilometres below the average surface level.

This makes the atmospheric pressure slightly higher and possibly high enough
to support pools of dirty water.

Examining images of central regions taken by the orbiting Mars Global
Surveyor spacecraft, scientists noticed layered terrains that they suspected
were deposited by ancient shallow seas or by water deposits that were once
below an ice layer.

In this region, Nasa scientists believe they have detected features where
brackish water is seeping from beneath the surface. The seepage may be
seasonal as it has not been seen in all images of the region.

Other scientists say they may have detected the same seepage of water on the
walls of at least two craters in other regions of Mars.

The depths of the canyon will now become the focus for the search for life on

Pool of potential

If life ever developed on Mars in the past, and the evidence from Mars rocks
blasted to the Earth is controversial, then it may be hanging on in the damp

Testifying before the science committee of the House of Representatives on
Tuesday, Nasa's chief said that to look for life on Mars "we should follow
the water".

At one level, this is not a surprising finding. Scientists know that water
once flowed on Mars and that today it is probably trapped beneath the

But finding water springs is an unexpected and very welcome discovery.

Now, it seems that the water has been found, investigating it will become the
main thrust for future Mars exploration.

Putting a lander down on the wet surface
and looking for life will become a major priority.
BBC News, June 21, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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