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The United States Intelligence Community

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency): DI, DS&T

JUSTICE (Justice Department); (Office of Intelligence Policy and Review)

FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)

TREASURY (Treasury Department Office of Intelligence Support)

NSA (National Security Agency)

DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency)

NRO (National Reconnaissance Office)

NIMA (National Imagery and Mapping Agency)

AFI (Air Force Intelligence)

AI (Army Intelligence)

NI (Naval Intelligence)

MCI (Marine Corps Intelligence)

STATE (Department of State Bureau of Intelligence and Research)

ENERGY (Department of Energy)

Other United States Government Intelligence Related Servers

NACIC (National Counter Intelligence Center)

NIPC (National Infrastructure Protection Center)

ONN (Office of Nonproliferation and National Security/Department of Energy)

OCC (Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism, Department of State)

Foreign Terrorist Organizations, via U.S. Department of State

IEB-CWG (Intelink Engineering Board: Collaboration Working Group)

NITFS Technical Board

GSMC/ISMC (Geospatial and Imagery Standards Management Committees)

CSI (Center for the Study of Intelligence at CIA)

ONR (Office of Naval Research)

PFIAB (President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board)

PCCIP (President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection)

SPB (Security Policy Board)

ANSIR (FBI Awareness of National Security Issues and Response Program)

SSCI (Senate Select Committee on Intelligence) and Membership

BATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms)

DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration)

DSS (Defense Security Service -- formerly DIS)

FINCEN (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network)

DSSTO (Defense Security Service Training Office)

HEROES (State Department Bureau of Diplomatic Security: Counter-Terrorism
Rewards Program)

USSS (Secret Service)

DOSFAN (Department of State Foreign Affairs Network)

NDIC (National Drug Intelligence Center at DOJ)

NTIS (National Technical Information Service)

International Links Related to Strategic Intelligence

AJSI (Australian Justice Studies: Intelligence Gopher)

ADIO (Australian Defence Intelligence Organisation)

ADSD (Australian Defence Signals Directorate)

PJCASIO (Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Australian Security
Intelligence Organization)

AMIC (Australian Maritime Intelligence Center)

BFCO (British Foreign and Commonwealth Office)

CCSE (Canadian Communications Security Establishment) [Commissioner's Site][An
nual Reports]

CFIBA (Canadian Forces Intelligence Branch Association)

The Canadian Intelligence Community: Control and Accountability

CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service)

CSIS Public Reports (several annual reports available)

SIRC (Canadian Security Intelligence Review Committee)

CFC (War, Peace and Security -- Canadian Forces College)

CFSIS (Canadian Forces School of Intelligenced and Security)

BVD (Dutch National Security Service Annual Report, 1998 - pdf format) or (loc

BfV (German Bundesamt fuer Verfassungsschutz / Counterintel)

MI-5 (British Security Service)

GID (Jordanian General Intelligence Department)

GCSB (New Zealand Government Communications Security Bureau)

SIS (Portuguese Domestic Intelligence)

ANSP (South Korean Intelligence -- unofficial)

CESID (Spanish Intelligence); also in English version

SISD (Swedish Intelligence and Security Directorate)

NIM (United Kingdom National Intelligence Machinery)

GCHQ (United Kingdom Government Communications Headquarters)

CESG (United Kingdom Communications-Electronics Security Group)

Organizational Sites Related to Strategic Intelligence

AAA (Air America Association)

AFCEA (The Armed Forces Communications-Electronics Association)

AFIO (Association of Former Intelligence Officers)

AI (Africa Intelligence)

AIPIO (Australian Institute of Professional Intelligence Officers)

BEAIF (Bulgarian Euro-Atlantic Intelligence Forum)

CASIS (Canadian Association for Security and Intelligence Studies)

CIABASE (Search CIABASE On-line)

CIP (Center for International Policy: Intelligence Reform Program)

CONET (Numbers Stations Around the World)

CRYPTOME (On-line archival site, via JYA/Urban Deadline)

CSP (Center for Security Policy)

FASIRP (Federation of American Scientists Intelligence Resource Program)

FAS-Sats (Satellite Imagery of IC sites, via FAS)

HERITAGE (Heritage Foundation Library on Intelligence/Counter-Terrorism)

IF (Intelligence Forum: Academic Discussion Group on Intelligence)

IIHSG (International Intelligence History Study Group)

INT-ONLINE (Intelligence Online -- Newsletter Index)

IRSN (International Relations and Security Network)

ISA (Intelligence Students Association)

ISS (Intelligence Studies Section of the International Studies Association)

IWP (Institute of World Politics Certificate in Intelligence Studies)

Kim-Spy (Kim-Software Corporation Intelligence Page)

NCMS (National Classification Management Society)

NSArchives (National Security Archives)

NUKES (Nuclear Weapons Testing Information)

OLIN (Online Intelligence Project -- OSINT around the world)

OSS (Open Source Solutions)

SECINT (UK Security and Intelligence Studies Group)

SPOOKS (The Spooks' Newsletter)

USIC Guide (Document Service Center, Columbia University Library)

Documents Related to Strategic Intelligence

Analytic Toolkit, via CIA/DI

Defining the Future of the NRO

Patterns of Global Terrorism, 1996 via State Department

Patterns of Global Terrorism, 1998 via State Department

DCI's 1998 Report for the United States Intelligence Community (May 1999)

CIA IG Report: "Improper Handling of Classified Information by John M.
Deutch" (local pdf or via SSCI)

Interception Capabilities 2000 (EP Report on ECHELON and COMINT, via NRC

Khobar Towers Bombing Incident (Staff Report, House National Security
Committee, August 1996)

The Literature of Intelligence: A Bibliography via Muskingum College

FY98 US Intelligence Budget Statement

Combatting Terrorism: Threat and Risk Assessments Can Help Prioritize and
Target Program Investments (GAO Report, April 1998)

PFIAB Report and Appendix on DOE security Problems

CRISIS: Cryptography's Role In Securing the Information Society

Annual FISA Reports to Congress from DOJ

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Title 50 U.S.C. (chapter 36, sec. 1800 ff.)

National Cryptologic Strategy for the 21st Century via NSA

NIMA Slideshow Presentations

Information Security-Opportunities for Improved OMB Oversight (GAO Report,

Redefining Security (Joint Security Commission) html or pdf formats

JSC-II: Final Report August 24, 1999 (Joint Security Commission) pdf format

GAO/NSIAD-96-225 Foreign Missile Threats: Analytical Soundness of Certain

GAO/NSIAD-99-163 Combatting Terrorism: Need for Comprehensive Threat and Risk
Assessments of Chemical and Biological Attacks

GAO/NSIAD-97-53 Foreign Missile Threats: Analytic Soundness of National
Intelligence Estimate 95-19

GAO/NSIAD-98-245 EOP Procedures for...Intelligence Information

The Environment and National Security Speech

SSCI Report on Committee Activities, Jan. 4, 1995-Oct. 3, 1996 (also in pdf)

SSCI Rules

DCI Directive 1/7: Security Controls on the Dissemination of Intelligence

Intelligence Oversight Board's Guatemala Review via CIP

Department of State's Guatemala Documents

Executive Order 12863 on the PFIAB (also in pdf format)

Executive Order 12958: Classified National Security Information (also in pdf

Executive Order 12968: Access to Classified Information (also in pdf format)

Executive Order 12972: Amendment to Executive Order 12958 (pdf format only)

Executive Order 12977: Interagency Security Committee (pdf format only)

Executive Order 13142: Amendment to Executive Order 12958 (also in pdf

Foreign Intelligence Recruitment Approaches

Secretary of Defense Annual Report to Congress and the President 2000 (pdf
format, ca 2 mb)

Technology Collection Trends in the U.S. Defense Industry

Your Role in Helping to Prevent Espionage

DEA Intelligence Reports

Checklist for the Future of Intelligence

Legislative Bills, Laws, and Reports

Public Law 95-511 [summary] Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)

S.2089 A Bill to Amend FISA, introduced in the Senate Feb. 24, 2000 (pdf)

Executive Summary and Report: Investigation of Espionage Allegations Against
Dr. Wen Ho Lee (Released by Sen. Arlen Specter)

Public Law 104-93 Intelligence Authorization Act for FY1996 (pdf)

Public Law 104-293 Intelligence Authorization Act for FY1997 (pdf)

Public Law 105-107 Intelligence Authorization Act for FY1998 (pdf)

Senate Report 105-24 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY1998 (pdf)

House Report 105-135 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY1998 (pdf)

Conference Report 105-350 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY1998

Public Law 105-272 Intelligence Authorization Act for FY1999 (pdf)

HR3694(enrolled) Intelligence Authorization Act for FY1999 (pdf)

Senate Report 105-185 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY1999 (pdf)

House Report 105-508 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY1999 (pdf)

Conference Report 105-780 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY1999

Senate Report 106-3 on Activities of the Senate Select Committee on

Senate Report 106-048 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2000 (txt)

House Report 106-130 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2000 (pdf)

Conference Report 106-457 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2000
(txt) and (pdf)

HR1555 (enrolled bill) Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2000 (pdf)

Public Law 106-120 Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2000 (pdf)

House Report 106-620 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2001 (pdf)

Senate Report 106-279 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2001 (pdf)

Cox Report via House Server or locally on technology transfer and theft of
Nuclear Secrets by the PRC

SSCI China Report: Report on Impacts to U.S. National Security of Advanced
Satellite Technology Exports to the People’s Republic of China (PRC), and
Report on the PRC’s Efforts to Influence U.S. Policy

Combating Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission Report (1.6
mb pdf)

Handling of FBI Intelligence Information Related to the Justice Department’s
Campaign Finance Investigation (USDOJ/OIG Special Report: July, 1999)

USCODE (U.S. House of Representatives Internet Law Library U.S. Code)

Statements and Testimony

William Webster (Fmr. DCI) Testimony before House Committee on National
Security February 13, 1997

Anthony Lake Testimony before the SSCI March 11, 1997

Thomas R. Wilson, DDIA, before the SSCI 2 February 2000

George Tenet (DCI), before the SSCI 2 February 2000 [as prepared for

John Deutch (Fmr. DCI) Testimony before House Committee on National Security
February 12, 1998

James Woolsey (Fmr. DCI)Testimony before House Committee on National
Security, February 12, 1998

Terrorism and Intelligence Operations, before Joint Economic Committee, May
20, 1998

Disclosure of Classified Information to Congress, before Senate Select
Committee on Intelligence, February 4 and 11, 1998 (S. Hrg. 105-729)

Inadequate Personnel Security Investigations Pose National Security Risks GAO
testimony Feb. 16, 2000

DOD Personnel: Weaknesses in Security Investigation Program are Being
Addressed GAO testimony April 6, 2000

For testimony on U.S. weapons labs and foreign espionage, see technology

Reorganization, Reform, and Management

Intelligence and Counterintelligence: Proposed Program for the 21st Century
via OSS

John Millis (HPSCI Staff Director) Address at the CIRA Luncheon, October 5,
1998, via JYA.

The Road to Intelligence Reform: Paved with Good Intentions (Mel Goodman) via

Ending the CIA's Cold War Legacy (Mel Goodman) via CIP

The Failure of Intelligence Review via CIP

The Future of the CIA (A Policy Impact Panel from CFR)

IC21: Intelligence Community in the 21st Century via GPO or local

Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy Report via GPO or loc

Commision on the Roles and Capabilities of the US IC via FAS

Preparing for the 21st Century: An Appraisal of US Intelligence via GPO or loc

Deutch Address (Toward a Better Intelligence Community Relationship)

Clarridge Address (The Future of U.S. Intelligence/Clandestine Services)

Rethinking Intelligence, via GovExec

Relevant Intelligence in the Post-Cold War World

GAO/NSIAD: DOD Personnel: Inadequate Personnel Security Investigations Pose
National Security Risk

Security Clearance Investigation FAQ

Woolsey and the CIA

NPR (National Performance Review)Intelligence Agency Activities

NPR Intelligence Agency Activities Update 1

NPR Intelligence Agency Activities Update 2

NPR New Recommendations for Intelligence Agencies

Gore announces NPR New Recommendations for Intelligence

Counter Intelligence Effectiveness (White House Statement: May 4, 1994)

Journals, Articles, and Papers Related to Strategic Intelligence

Virtual Intelligence via OSS

Can't Anybody Here Play This Game? (Atlantic Monthly, February 1998)

Cloaks and Daggers Discussion Archive

The Coming Intelligence Failure (via Canadian Forces College)

Intelligence Papers via CSP

National Security and the Future (International Journal published by the St.
George Association)

Russia's Security Services: A Checklist for Reform (from Perspectives)

The Pitfalls of U.S. Covert Operations via Cato

Dossier Declassified Documents via Parascope

Profile: State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Research

Making Intelligence Smarter

Intelligence Lost

Grey Literature via DTIC

Roles and Capabilities of the IC in the Post-Cold War Environment via AFSA

In From the Cold via Twentieth Century Fund

The Warning-Response Problem (via Carnegie Commission)

The Cryptolog


Strategic Assessment 1996: Intelligence via NDU

Strategic Assessment 1997: Threat Assessment via NDU

The Rapid Expansion of Intelink

CSIS Commentary

Declassified articles from CIA's Studies in Intelligence (1995)

Declassified articles from CIA's Studies in Intelligence (1996)

Declassified articles from CIA's Studies in Intelligence (1997)

Declassified articles from CIA's Studies in Intelligence (1998)

Declassified articles from CIA's Studies in Intelligence (Winter 1998-99)

Declassified articles from CIA's Studies in Intelligence (Winter 1999-2000)

Council on Foreign Relations Report on Intel (2/96), via FAS

Covert Action Quarterly

Sources E-Journal on Intelligence

Satellite Imagery (article from International Security), also in pdf format

The Satellite Encyclopedia

CounterIntelligence News and Developments--via NACIC

Espionage: Why does it happen?

Journal of Intelligence and National Security (Table of contents and contact

Of Historical Interest

Cuban Missile Crisis

Foreign Relations of the US: Cuban Missile Crisis via State Department

Kennedy-Khrushchev Exchanges (local)

RealAudio recordings from Oval Office during Cuban Missile Crisis

Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962, via NSArchives

NSA and the Cuban Missile Crisis

Declassified NSA Documents on the Cuban Missile Crisis


CIA's Electronic Document Release Center

Declassification Conference, remarks by John Carlin (Dec. 1996)

Conference Remarks on (De-)Classification by John Podesta (Nov. 1998)

State Department Electronic Reading Room

DIA Electronic Reading Room

FBI Electronic Reading Room

GWU Declassification Productivity Research Center

Activities of the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel
National Archives Guide to OSS Records

National Archives Guide to CIA Records

National Archives Guide to DIA Records

National Archives Guide to FBI Records

National Archives Guide to FBIS Records

National Archives Guide to NSA/CSS Records

Index of Records Declassified under EO12958

USIA Declassified Historical Information

Yale Declassification Site

Foreign Relations of the U.S. 1945-1950, Emergence of the Intelligence

Historical Espionage (see also Ames)

NSA Venona Program

FBI's FOIA documents on Venona (local) (~3 megs) or via FBI server

FBI Press Release re: Earl Edwin Pitts

FBI Affidavit re: Harold James Nicholson

FBI Summary of the Nathan Silvermaster Group via FBI server

FBI Summary of the Rosenberg Case (local) Part 1 and Part 2 (~3 megs)or via FB
I server

FBI Summary of the Burgess, MacLean, and Philby Cases (local) or via FBI

FBI Summary of Tokyo Rose (local) Parts 1, 2, and 3 or via FBI server

Historical Images of female spies in the Civil War (via UVA)

Spy Letters of the American Revolution (Via University of Michgan)

Historical SIGINT Topics

Bletchley Park

Bletchley Park Trust

On Enigma and a Method for its Decryption

The Turing Bombe

National Cryptologic Museum

NSA and the Cuban Missile Crisis

Declassified NSA Documents on the Cuban Missile Crisis

Truman Memorandum (Oct. 24, 1952) Establishing NSA (.tif format)

USS Liberty Memorial Page

The Zimmermann Telegraph available in coded or decoded versions

Research Related Organizations

Guatemala Document Collection via National Security Archives

Cold War International History Project

International Intelligence History Study Group


Imaging Space Reconnaissance Operations during the Cold War [William Burrows]

Spy Satellite Chronology

Code Name: Corona, via Technology Review

Index, Declassified Collection of CORONA, ARGON, and LANYARD Records, 26 Nov

The Life and Death of Cosmos 954 from Studies in Intelligence, Spring 1978
(pdf file, 587 kb)

NRO Launches from 1959-1965 (F97-0007)

Declassified Satellite Images: Corona; sample images

Declassified Satellite Images: Ocean Topography

Other Historical Documents and Subjects

At Cold War's End: US Intelligence on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe,
1989-1991 via CSI
CIA Briefings of Presidential Candidates, 1952-1992

CIA and the U-2 Program, 1954-1974 (local) or via CSI (caution: huge pdf
file: 9 meg. Right click and save to PC rather than trying to open over the

CIA Documents on the Cuban Missile Crisis (local) or via CSI (caution: huge
pdf file: 22 megs. Right click and save to PC rather than trying to open over
the web)

My Years with the CIA by Historian George C. Herring

CIA Creation Collection access via State Department Electronic Reading Room

Clandestine Radio Equipment of the United States' Cold War Era

British MI-5 Declassification (27 January 1999)

British MI-5 Document Overview

British SOE in Europe Declassification (23 July 1998)

British SOE and related Documents Overview

Shadow Warriors (via VFW)

Target Central Europe: American Intelligence Efforts Regarding Nazi and Early
Postwar Austria

The Farewell Dossier: Duping the Soviets (pdf format-large) (Gus Weiss, Studie
s in Intelligence, v.39 no.5, 1996) or html via CSI

William J. "Wild Bill" Donovan from FBI FOIA Documents

Index to the Leo Cherne Papers (Former Member, PFIAB, IOB)

List of National Security Council Intelligence Directives (1948-1977)

Schellenberg's Venlo Sting (WW II)

Bonhoeffer Officially Exonerated

CIA Reports on Oswald in Mexico

The Ames Affair

Ames Complaint and Warrants

White House Press Conference on Ames (February 22, 1994)

White House Statement on Ames (February 22, 1994)

A Review of the FBI’s Performance in Uncovering the Espionage Activities of
Aldrich Hazen Ames (DOJ Inspector General, April, 1997)

1994 CIA Inspector General Report on the Ames Affair

1995 CIA Inspector General SSCI Statement on the Ames Affair

Security Awareness Bulletin on the Ames Affair

DCI Deutch Oct. 95 Public Statement on Ames Damage Assessment

DCI Deutch Dec. 95 SSCI Statement on Ames Damage Assessment

The Ames Scandal: A Moscow Perspective

Debates and Wild Controversy

At Cold War's End: US Intelligence on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe,
1989-1991 via CSI

Issues '96: Intelligence Gathering and Covert Operations via Heritage

GAO/NSIAD-95-187: Results of a Search for Records Concerning the 1947 Crash
Near Roswell, NM

FISA and the Fourth Amendment

CIA at War with Islam: Part I and Part II

Inside the Department of Dirty Tricks (Atlantic Monthly, Aug. 1979)

High Resolution, Unresolved (Atlantic Monthly, July 1996)

Justice for Jonathan Pollard (n.b.Website authorized by the Pollards)

The Politicized C.I.A. [sic.] via Center for Security Policy

Inspector General's Report on the Plot to Kill Castro

The CIA as Economic Spy: The Misuse of Intelligence via CATO Institute

National Intelligence Council, Emerging Missile Threats to North America
During the Next 15 Years. Testimony 28 February 1996.

DIA, Global Threats and Challenges to the United States and its Interests
Abroad, 5 February 1997

CIA, Comments on Ballistic Missile Threat, 1995.

CIA, Prospects for the Worldwide Development of Ballistic Missile Threats, 199

Budget of the IC

Chinese Espionage stories from the Washington Post

CIA spionierte auch im Übersinnlichen via Die Welt


Appraisal of The Technologies of Political Control (via European Parliament)

Technologies of Political Control (scanned, via Cryptome)

Interception Capabilities 2000 (EP Report on ECHELON and COMINT, via NRC

Working Papers From the European Parliament/STOA:

Volume 1: Development of Surveillance Technology and Risk of Abuse of
Economic Information (pdf)
Volume 2: The state of the art in Communications Intelligence (COMINT)(pdf)
Volume 3: Encryption and cryptosystems in electronic surveillance (pdf)
Volume 4: The legality of the interception of electronic communications (pdf)
Volume 5: The perception of economic risks arising from the potential
vulnerability of electronic commercial media to interception (pdf)


Conference Postings:

OSS 21 Washington DC, May 15-18, 2000
IIHSG: "Intelligence Process and Information Technologies in Historical
Perspective," Paderborn, Germany, 23-25 June 2000
BSHM: "History of Cryptography," Cambridge, UK, 24 June 2000


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