by Sherry Stultz
 [nhneforumfcu] Review of EXOPOLITICS By Alfred Webre


 Why are we here? Why do we seem to be alone in a hostile
 universe? How can we prepare for contact with other life forms?

 Are the answers to these questions are held within the realm of
 science fiction? If you took the time to stop, feel the Earth spin,
 and begin to ponder the infinite universe outside of Earth, you may
 end up laying on your bed and gripping the sides breathlessly, like
 I have on those occasions where my human comprehension starts
 to fail me when I think about those things too much.

 The only thing is--- I really like to think about those questions, and
 so again and again I come back to this loneliness. Even as little
 girl, I instinctively knew that there was more life outside of what
 was on Earth. I used to look up at the night sky and wonder where
 the others are? No I wasn't sent to some strange New Age
 elementary school, this was after years of Vacation Bible School
 and Sunday School. I have never found that all things are unrelated
 and mutually exclusive, which is why many of the assertions made
 in EXOPOLITICS intrigued me.

 Author Alfred Webre makes the assertion that we are a part of
 highly organized universe, but due to our unfortunate propensity for
 violence we are in exile from other life forms. He weaves allegorical
 stories from the Bible to propose an idea that life here on Earth
 was planned (as per the creation theory), but something went awry
 in the process.

 We are not alone in hostile universe, but that we are alone in the
 hostile part of the universe is what Alfred contends. Not
 withstanding some rather extraordinary individuals, the bulk of the
 human species has operated under the 'eat or be eaten philosophy'
 for longer than any known periods of peacable habitation. It does
 make you wonder if we are the hostile part of the universe?

 But like many of us, Alfred can feel the paradigm shifting, and
 EXOPOLITICS encourages us to open our minds to the prospect of
 a universal society, as we slowly begin to reject a rather
 Darwinesque approach to life on Earth. Being a futurist, Alfred
 wants to plan ahead to a time in the distant future when the exile
 may be lifted. This is the crux of EXOPOLITICS.

 Whether you can accept the all the details behind this idea is
 where your mind will begin to whirl, and all for the best, since
 stimulating thoughts may be what brings us forward. I liked big
 picture though, because I do believe that when we conclude there
 is other life in the universe, it will be a defining moment for all of

 This dialogue between Sherry Stultz, moderator the of the NHNE
 Forum for a Common Understanding
 (www.nhne.com/database/dbforum.html) and Alfred Webre, author
 of EXOPOLITICS (Universebooks.com) ranges over some of the
 issues in a study of politics and government in a populated,
 organized Universe.

 NHNE Forum (Sherry Stultz):
 I guess I should mention I have had mixed training in life. I am a
 trained forest ecologist, also a certified science teacher, who
 taught astronomy for a few years, so exobiology is a great hobby of
 mine. My work as a freelance writer is varied, but the recent stuff
 would center on investigating unusual experiences and what is
 considered pseudo-science. But bigger than all of that I am an
 ardent student of human nature and history of human cultures. One
 of the greatest projects I have ever undertaken has been the Forum
 for a Common Understanding, which has been a mirror to myself
 and a great observatory of the human experience. I am explaining
 this briefly to you so you can appreciate the nature of my
 questions and also appreciate the fact that some assertions you
 make I find more than acceptable, but other people would find
 outrageous. It's all a facet of the human experience, and the
 perception we each have of our existence.

 I have not listed all the assertions that I find intriguing or acceptable,
 as a matter of brevity, but I think you should feel confident of one
 thing: your assertions, which incorporate a variety of ideologies, old
 and new, cannot be completely or wholly dismissed  because of
 the 'thinking potential' of this book. What I mean by that is that
 there are ideas that set bells ringing and the bells will be different
 for each person. This is my opinion of course, based on my on-
 going study of human beings.

 The questions I have listed are indeed quite genuine. I carefully
 noted my reactions to certain statements as I read and reread the
 text. I noted what I perceived as noncomplementary ideas or areas
 where I was called to accept something as law and the law had no
 origin. I like specifics. It's not necessary for them to follow any well-
 known socially or scientific dogmas. It's simply that the references
 were too quick for me. I wanted to know more about them, as you
 can see from my questions.

 Q1. Early on in the book EXOPOLITICS you use a term called the
 'minimal interference rule', which rang a bell. I realized the bell was
 from Star Trek. What is the origin of this term? And how can we be
 certain that the notable 'lack of interference' by more
 technologically advanced life forms is based on such a rule that
 they are required to follow by universal law?

 A1. Actually, in exobiology the term has also been stated as the
 "Zoo hypothesis", and this term in used now to describe the
 hypothesis that Universe society is basically watching us as
 a Zoo, or more accurately a hothouse for the development of
 intelligent and other planetary species.  More broadly, a general
 Universe hypothesis holds that all life-bearing planets are in fact
 "grown" under the supervision of Universe society by tremendously
 advanced beings - beings that we would think of as "Gods".  Under
 this model, at some significant stage, life was implanted on Earth
 as part of a regular Universe scheme of developing life-bearing
 planets. The evolution of life forms, etc. is to some extent the
 product of conscious genetic intervention on the planet.

 Because of our planetary isolation and our basic perceptual
 disconnect from Universe society, our human culture thinks that
 only on Earth are genetics, peace, war, manufacturing, technology,
 government regulated by law.  In fact, the opposite is true.  The
 Universe is highly organized and regulated under advanced models,
 quanta ahead of human civilization in spiritual, mental and physical

 Thus intelligent civilizations are brought forth by highly advanced
 civilizations, under a regulated Universe scheme.  It may appear
 chaotic to our lowly perception; but that is because Earth is under
 functional quarantine, and our human perceptual habits are
 backwards - we see the Universe as empty of life; not as teeming
 with intelligent life.

 Q2. Another term was mentioned called 'Natural Law.' Again, the
 term law implies a scientific proof, (which is often later disproved or
 amended), a social norm that is accepted by a society and held to
 the highest standard, or a axiom generated by a religious ideology
 usually derived from a god or prophet. I am familiar with the Natural
 Law Party and the basic tenets of this political group. How does
 Natural Law differ from Universal Law, which is also mentioned?
 Are these laws based on tenets from the Grand Unified Theory of
 Physics? The String Theory? Religious dogmas? The Golden Mean
 and the Golden Rule? Or an amalgamation of many?

 WOW You do know your philosophy, Sher!  That's great, because
 one of the perspectives of EXOPOLITICS is that humanity already
 may have much of the basic models and avenues of thought that it
 needs.  If you remember, human religion was its original science,
 and the great human sacred texts may have many models that can
 be useful in our understanding the next level of Universe reality.
 Sacred texts operate in a different way from the Western "scientific
 method".  The latter is a process of material trial and error under
 protocol.  The sacred texts, if valid, may be delivering knowledge
 by revelation, from a higher source of knowledge and information in
 the Universe.  That is a concept that makes the scientific method
 very uncomfortable.  In fact, the two - science and sacred
 knowledge - should go together.  Both describe the same unitary,
 multi-dimensional Universe.

 What we call natural law, or transcendental principles operating in
 human social law, manifest in such concepts as "justice" "equity"
 "morality" "democracy" "tyranny".  Universal law is the Universe
 version of human natural law.  Another way of seeing this is the
 principle "As above, so below".  In fact, our Earthly forms of
 government are derived from Universal values and governmental
 forms, from the structure of the United Nations, to the structure of
 the lowest Traffic Court.  That humanity is alienated from these
 political and governmental structures is a measure of the
 underlying alienation of Earth from the original source of
 government, Universe society.

 Q3. The assertion was made that the human race has to face more
 evil and ignorance than other comparable civilizations elsewhere in
 the universe due to the rebellious nature of the original inhabitants.
 Here we run into something I have thought about for a long long
 time. Is evil bad? Is destruction bad? Is it natural? And is more or
 less of evil a punishment or a godsend? I think it's fair here to ask if
 evil isn't a necessary part of spiritual development? How can a soul
 show empathy to evil if that soul has never generated an evil act?

 You really have deep questions, Sher! In the Universe sense, evil is
 separation from Source, from the basis of all Reality, from what we
 in Englishworld call God.  In the fullest description, God in one of its
 manifestations actually lives in the Universe, at its center.  You and
 I might have dinner with God, as we evolve over aeons into Gods
 ourselves.  God enjoys its Creation and its creatures, and designs
 them "as gods in the making".  That is why intelligent civilizations
 create and maintain younger life-bearing planets like Earth - thus
 are we given the actual experience of being God-like.

 Now, having said that, Earth is a planet that has been particularly
 impacted by Evil.  One version of the "Zoo hypothesis" is that our
 planet suffered a rebellion against the Universe society in the
 distant past, and has been in quarantine ever since.  Fragments of
 this rebellion-memory may survive as the Adam and Eve myth in
 the Old Testament, for example.  Adam and Eve are the Universe
 extraterrestrial representatives; the "Devil" is the political lieutenant
 who rebelled; the "Garden of Eden" is Earth as it was under
 Universe society.

 Because of evil, we have been in quarantine as a planet where war,
 disease, poverty, ignorance and confusion have ruled. We are a
 planet of death, murder, infant mortality and deception. Even now,
 our governments are attempting to export nuclear weapons into
 space, violating Universe society rules once again.  A secret
 government plots to keep the human population ignorant of its
 Universe destiny.

 You tell me:  Would it have been better had Earth followed its
 destiny without rebellion?  What purpose does this predatory
 government serve now on Earth?

 Q4. I thought it was interesting that assertions of reincarnation
 were made in your text. You feel there are clues in ancient doctrine
 that will help us see the original intent of lives here? Reincarnation
 was supposedly removed from the Bible because the church felt
 that if people knew they had more chances they would not be as
 'good' in this life. How do you see reincarnation as a part of the
 Universal Law that you make reference to?

 Parapsychologist Ian Stevenson of the University of Virginia has
 developed many monographs of cases suggestive of reincarnation.
 A Swedish parapsychologist has even measured the human soul -
 it weighs about two ounces!  I myself have not come across a
 model that I feel definitely describes the dynamics of the human
 soul, spirit, mind, aura, body in a singular life; between lives; the
 dynamics of lives in different dimensions ("Heaven"); the true
 spiritual evolutionary course of a soul.

 I am certain of the human soul as a spiritual entity that evolves
 through Universe experiences, including incarnations on Earth.
 Our Earthly incarnations, one version tells us, can be extremely
 important to our Universe evolution, because we must live here in a
 quarantined planet, disconnected from higher Universe circuits,
 living as one source says "on hope alone."

 Q5. This statement is tough to stand without potshots from a
 multitude of directions:

 "Planets are grown like gardens.=A0 Much of life development on
 planet Earth is the product of conscious intervention by advanced,
 sophisticated techniques of the life-technologists of Universe
 society.=A0 This process takes multiple millions, billions of years. As
 our human science discovers more of the scientific past of our
 planet, they are actually discovering the work products of highly
 advanced agents within our Universe."

 No. 1 The references to Universal and Natural Law in the text to me
 imply that there are some fundamental physical laws of the
 universe that allow for the creation process to take place without
 subjectivity. Here you assert there is a great deal of subjectivity to
 this process.

 No. 2 The idea that humans were somehow genetically introduced
 to this planet is a curious hypothesis that bears analysis due to
 the recent discovery that Cro-magnons were not our direct
 ancestors and were somehow out-competed by modern day
 humans, for which we have yet to find a direct genetic link to any
 other creatures. But the assertion that all life has been somehow
 masterminded is difficult to accept. There is scientific evidence for
 example, that the dinosaurs died within a period of millennia after a
 catastrophic meteor struck the Earth around the Yucatan

 I think what's tough to contend with are these seemingly two
 different inferences. One of Universal Law and the other of
 advanced agents within our universe. I would need some
 clarification on these two as they seem not complementary.

 Once again, Sher, your questions are very gentle, and very acute.
 I'll try and elucidate some principles here, though the easiest
 answer to your question might be, "OK We don't know yet how
 creation happens; which is why we need an exopolitical integration
 with Universe society!"

 In the USA, the cartoon-like projection of Universe creation is
 "Creationism" at one end of the spectrum and "Evolution" at the
 other.  Let's step out of that cartoon.

 A more accurate model of Universe creation might be: Universe
 creation is the product of an intelligently-sourced process, with
 intelligent interventions in a natural evolutionary context.  The
 Universe is a multi-dimensional living teleological entity, created by
 a Source, whose goals include the creation and development of
 Source-Souls, in a decentralized fashion. In carrying out this goal,
 Source intelligence has delegated the creation of material
 dimensions of the Universe such as the one Earth knows as the
 Universe as a platform for creating a planetary system of intelligent
 life creation as an experiential school for Source-Souls.

 Get my drift?

 That is something like what the dimensional/ET guardians of planet
 Earth understand as cosmology.  These are the Beings who have
 monitored this planet from its inception, and developed and carried
 out its life-experiment plan.  These are the Beings who monitor the
 state of our quarantine and our potential for reintegration with
 Universe society.

 Now, in the perception of such Beings, cosmos, chance, accident,
 meaning exist at levels that we humans barely even know.  Thus,
 the K2 Event extincting the dinosaurs:

 1.  Was K2 pure chance?
 2.  Did the Life experimenters perceive or guide it through Time
 Travel Technology?
 3.  From a Life experimenter perspective, was K2 an intentional
 eight-ball, teleguiding the dinosaurs to extinction because an
 evolutionary cul-de-sac has been reached?

 Some literature says that K2 was designed by mammal-ETs in
 order to defeat the reptile-based ETs hegemony.  Psychic Edgar
 Cayce says that we, the community of human souls, were the
 dinosaurs.  Now we are up to human on the evolutionary scale.
 Is that an improvement? Yes.

 These is no contradiction between advanced, intelligent "God-
 beings" and Universal law.  Universal law embodies principles
 within which God-beings act.  What is the enforcer of Universal law?
 Well on Earth, some disciplines call it Karma.  Break the Law,
 Suffer Karma.

 Earth has been in its own Karma, quarantined and isolated from
 the rest of the Universe.  It is time to become exopolitically aware.
 Mobilized for a decade of education, community politics on the
 Extraterrestrial Initiative, so that we humans can reintegrate
 ourselves with Universe society.

 You may enjoy reading A Decade of Contact, from Exopolitics at:


 earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Forum for ecology, politics &
 consciousness.            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 USA     http://www.earthradioTV.com/
 CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
 UK      http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
 Canada http://www.ecologynews.com/

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           Ecological  North West Line * St. Petersburg, Russia
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