In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
: Why truly Orthodox Jews oppose Zionism ( in both its secular and so
: called "religious" forms ) and view it as heresy.

: To explain why truly Orthodox Jews oppose Zionism we must first
: clarify what the word Zionism actually means, we can then begin to see
: why this is fundamentally opposed to to the Jewish religion. The
: creator of the Zionist movement is generally considered to be Theodore
: Hertzl who was a known professed atheist attempted to solve what has
: come to be known as 'the Jewish problem', this means the historical
: persecution of Jews in various lands in which they have lived from the
: time they were exiled from the Holy Land in approximately 600BCE
: ,Hertzl himself being an atheist and non-beleiver in Divine Providence
: saw this problem as a purely natural problem which could be solved by
: purely natural means, i.e.,the reason for persecution of Jews is that
: the Jewish people is esssentially different from other peoples of the
: world in that it does not possess its own land, state, government,
: army, etc. The solutuion therefore, according to Hertzl was to create
: a Jews to have a homeland and state etc. To religious Jews who, as has
: been clarified in the previous articlebeleive in the eternity of the
: divine laws and teachings of the Torah this unacceptable for 2 main
: reasons. 1) the denial of Divine Providence on which Hertzl's solution
: is built lies in total contradiction to the Torah and Judaism, as the
: Rambam ( a Jewish philosopher and scholar who lived in the 11th
: centuryCE, usually reffered to among non Jews as Maimonides ) writes
: in his work on on the 13 fundamental principals of the Jewish faith,
: "The First Foundation is to believe in the existence of the Creator,
: blessed be He. This means that there exists a Being that is complete
: in all ways and He is the cause of all else that exists. He is what
: sustains their existence and the existence of all that sustains them.
: It is inconceivable that He would not exist, for if He would not exist
: then all else would cease to exist as well, nothing would remain". and
: as he explains further any 'Jew' who denies one of these pricipals is
: according to the Torah no longer considered part of the Jewish people
: as he writes,"When a man believes all of these foundations and his
: belief in them is clear, then he enters into the community of Israel
: (i.e., the Jewish people...... [However,] if anyone does not accept
: [even] one of these foundations, then he has left this community and
: denied the fundamental. He is called a min and apikorus (two technical
: terms for a heretic)". All Jews throughout history beleived as is
: stated in the books of the prophets that our exile was divinely
: decreed because we sinned as is clearly in the Torah, 2) The Talmud,
: tractate Kesubos (p. 111a), on the basis of various scriptural verses
: tells us that we are forbidden to use human force to bring an end to
: the exile rather we must wait patiently, and remain loyal
: peace-seeking citizens of the countries where we dwell until the
: Messiahs coming when G-d himself will redeem us from the exile without
: any human/military intervention as the Prophet tells us, "Thy sun
: shall no more go down; neither shall thy moon withdraw itself: for the
: L-rd shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning
: shall be ended.... A little one shall become a thousand, and a small
: one a strong nation I the L-rd will hasten it in its time." (Isaiah
: 60:20-22), of which our Sages expouned in the '"I (the L-rd)", and no
: one else (Talmud), at this time there will begin an era of universal
: peace between all nations when "they shall beat their swords into
: plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift
: up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more"(Isaiah
: 2:4) and all will join together in the service of the one G-d,"For the
: earth shall be full of the knowledge of the L-rd, as the waters cover
: the sea"(Isaiah 11:9). The beleif in all this together with other
: things which our are related in the Scriptures and writings of our
: Sages about the Messianic era also form one of the 13 principles of
: Jewish beleif enumerated by the great 11th century Jewish scholar
: Maimonides (see above) he there explain, has as been stated above that
: a 'Jew' beleiving in any one of these principles is according to the
: Torah no longer considered part of the Jewish people, even though he
: may be fully observant Jew in all other aspects. On the contrary
: Orthodox Jews beleive that the sole remedy of the so called 'Jewish
: Problem', for us is to keep the laws and teachings of the Torah and
: the sole cause of it non-observance of the Torah as the Torah tells us
: in many places, It should now be clear to the reader why truly
: Orthodox Jews oppose Zionism, in all its forms. ven apart from the
: above, the whole idea of 'Jewish Nationalism' secular or religious is
: fundamentally opposed to Orthodox Judaism, as Rabbi Elchonan Wasserman
: (may his memory be blessed), one of our great sages and scholars of
: the pre-holocaust generation explains (in his book Ikvse D'Mshicha -
: the epoch of the Messiah), a sincere convert who undergoes conversion
: to Judaism according to Torah law, even if he is the grandchild of
: Haman (who plotted to wipe out the Jewish people in Biblical times) is
: considered a part of the Jewish people and we must care for him as a
: father cares for his only son, the son of say the most respected Rabbi
: among Jews, who leaves Orthodox Judaism is considered by the Torah as
: an outcast from the Jewish people. We see from this that the Zionist
: idea constitutes a proposed change to the whole essence of the Jewish
: people, who are not a people bound together by a shared
: state,land,culture, etc., the only thing binding them together is the
: laws of the Torah, which was accepted as an everlasting covenant with
: G-d, nothing binds the Jewish people except for this. This can also be
: seen historically by the fact that even before the entry into the land
: of Israel after the time of Moses our teacher and also after our exile
: from the land, Jews always remained a people, bound together however
: only by shared beliefs.

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