So Nicky and anyone interested - long ago I ran across this story on
this book, and had it but never read it as I was getting side-tracked.

Still think when the Lord Gave the Word and Great Was the Company that
Published it....this I think is from 68th Psalm....God had a Publisher?
Hey today CIA controls (pardon the Mafia) the five major publishing
houses and have since mid seventy period.

So then the publishers of the bible - this was the law and today, look
at TV - the devil himself is well represented and they call that giving
us a choice - free will - so this is why I spent half my life pulling
the devils tail to get him away from my kids?

So here is book of Jasphur for anyone with strength to read same if you
have never read it.

I still remember fhe story of Benjamin Franklin - have this old book
published I think around 1700 later period - and it tells of Franklin's
friendship will William Hogarth and their membershp in the old Hells
Fire Club, which was just masonic front for the intelligensia of the
day.....Franklin when he got into the publishing business published a
bible, but put in a few verses of his own and nobody caught it....and
later or earlier I guess, he had writen a Book of Psalms which was
designed to keep the old people awake in Church becaue the Churches got
so it was reported this book was so hot it was censored.
Franklin was a little devil.

I was wondering why this Lost Book of Jasphur - rings a bell?   Guess
those lost hard drives at Los Alamos......turned up again - for
everything old, is new again?

So read on .......let me know if it was any good.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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