>From Rayelan --

Read the following very carefully, at first it appears to say one thing --
but then you realize it says something else -- then ask yourself -- Who is
Clinton protecting? The American People, President Putin -- or himself?


>From the Rumor Mill News Agent's Forum

Clinton Prepares For A National Emergency

Posted By: Spiritual_Piglet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, 23 June 2000, 2:18 p.m.

Message to Congress: National Emergency with Russian Federation
U.S. Newswire 22 Jun 18:19

Message to the Congress: National Emergency with the Russian Federation

To: National Desk

Contact: White House Press Office, 202-456-2580

WASHINGTON, June 22 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Following was released
by the White House today:


Pursuant to section 204(b) of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act
(IEEPA), 50 U.S.C. 1703(b) and section 301 of the National Emergencies Act,
50 U.S.C. 1631, I hereby report that I have exercised my authority to declare
a national emergency to deal with the threat posed to the United States by
the risk of nuclear proliferation created by the accumulation in the Russian
Federation of a large volume of weapons-usable fissile material.

The United States and the Russian Federation have entered into a series of
agreements that provide for the conversion of highly enriched uranium (HEU)
extracted from Russian nuclear weapons into low enriched uranium (LEU) for
use in commercial nuclear reactors. The Russian Federation recently suspended
its performance under these agreements because of concerns that payments due
to it under these agreements may be subject to attachment, garnishment, or
other judicial process, in the United States. Accordingly, I have issued an
Executive Order to address the unusual and extraordinary risk of nuclear
proliferation created by this situation.

A major national security goal of the United States is to ensure
that fissile material removed from Russian nuclear weapons pursuant to
various arms control and disarmament agreements is dedicated to peaceful
uses, subject to transparency measures, and protected from diversion to
activities of proliferation concern. The United States and the Russian
Federation entered into an international agreement in February 1993 to deal
with these issues as they relate to the disposition of HEU extracted from
Russian nuclear weapons (the "HEU Agreement"). Under the HEU Agreement, 500
metric tons of HEU will be converted to LEU over a 20-year period. This is
the equivalent of 20,000 nuclear warheads.

Additional agreements were put in place to effectuate the HEU
Agreement, including agreements and contracts on transparency, on the
appointment of executive agents to assist in implementing the agreements, and
on the disposition of LEU delivered to the United States (collectively, the
"HEU Agree-ments"). Under the HEU Agreements, the Russian Federation extracts
HEU metal from nuclear weapons. That HEU is oxidized and blended down to LEU
in the Russian Federation. The resulting LEU is shipped to the United States
for fabrication into fuel for commercial reactors. The United States monitors
this conversion process through the Department of Energy's Warhead and
Fissile Material Transparency Program.

The HEU Agreements provide for the Russian Federation to receive
money and uranium hexafluoride in payment for each shipment of LEU converted
from the Russian nuclear weapons. The money and uranium hexafluoride are
transferred to the Russian Federation executive agent in the United States.

The Russian Federation recently suspended its performance under
the HEU Agreements because of concerns over possible attachment,
garnishment, or other judicial process with respect to the payments due to it
as a result of litigation currently pending against the Russian Federation.
In response to this concern, the Minister of Atomic Energy of the Russian
Federation, Minister Adamov, notified Secretary Richardson on May 5, 2000, of
the decision of the Russian Federation to halt shipment of LEU pending
resolution of this problem. This suspension presents an unusual and
extraordinary threat to U.S. national security goals due to the risk of
nuclear proliferation caused by the accumulation of weapons-usable fissile
material in the Russian Federation.

The executive branch and the Congress have previously recognized
and continue to recognize the threat posed to the United States
national security from the risk of nuclear proliferation created by the
accumulation of weapons-usable fissile material in the Russian Federation.
This threat is the basis for significant programs aimed at Cooperative Threat
Reduction and at controlling excess fissile material. The HEU Agreements are
essential tools to accomplish these overall national security goals. Congress
demonstrated support for these agreements when it authorized the purchase of
Russian uranium in 1998, Public Law 105-277, and also enacted legislation to
enable Russian uranium to be sold in this country pursuant to the USEC
Privatization Act, 42 U.S.C. 2297h-10.

Payments made to the Russian Federation pursuant to the HEU
Agreements are integral to the operation of this key national
security program. Uncertainty surrounding litigation involving these payments
could lead to a long-term suspension of the HEU Agreements, which creates the
risk of nuclear proliferation. This is an unacceptable threat to the national
security and foreign policy of the United States.

Accordingly, I have concluded that all property and interests in
property of the government of the Russian Federation directly related to the
implementation of the HEU Agreements should be protected from the threat of
attachment, garnishment, or other judicial process. I have, therefore,
exercised my authority and issued an Executive Order that provides:

-- except to the extent provided in regulations, orders,
directives, or licenses that may be issued pursuant to the order, all
property and interests in property of the Government of the Russian
Federation directly related to the implementation of the HEU Agreements that
are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or
hereafter come within the possession or control of United States persons,
including their overseas branches, are blocked and may not be transferred,
paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in;

-- unless licensed or authorized pursuant to the order, any
attachment, judgment, decree, lien, execution, garnishment, or other judicial
process is null and void with respect to any property or interest in property
blocked pursuant to the order; and

-- that all heads of departments and agencies of the United States Government
shall continue to take all appropriate measures within their authority to
further the full implementation of the HEU Agreements.

The effect of this Executive Order is limited to property that
is directly related to the implementation of the HEU Agreements.
Such property will be clearly defined by the regulations, orders, directives,
or licenses that will be issued pursuant to this Executive Order.

I am enclosing a copy of the Executive Order I have issued. The
order is effective at 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on June 22, 2000.


/U.S. Newswire 202-347-2770/
06/22 18:19

Copyright 2000, U.S. Newswire



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