The World Government Constitution: Proof that Socialists are Fools.

[Part 1]

By Antonia Feitz

For the past twenty years or so, a document has been floating
around the world gathering signatures. It's called "The
Constitution of the Federation of Earth". It was first ratified
at the second session of the World Constituent Assembly in
Innsbruck in 1977 and was prepared by "a broad global
representation of qualified people" - who haven't bothered to put
their names to it.  Enough said. Now while it is an ineffably
silly document, it is none the less the authoritarian blueprint
for the first world government.

World government? Surely only conspiracy theorists believe
there's a plan for world government? Yes, that's what the
politicians and the mainstream media have been saying until very
recently. But now that it's imminent they're coming clean, and
it's now chic to talk about world government, global citizens,
the global village, and the global commons etc. Read the
depressing details in "Our Global Neighbourhood: the Report of
the Commission on Global Governance". The co-chairs were Ingvar
Carlsson and Shridath Ramphal.

But back to the Constitution. The Preamble begins: "Realizing
that Humanity today has come to a turning point in history and
that we are on the threshold of an [sic] new world order which
promises to usher in an era of peace, prosperity, justice and
harmony -"

Well, that gives the flavour of the entire Constitution. While
such a sentence might bring credit to an idealistic eight year
old, it's a bit alarming that supposedly mature, educated adults
who are drawing up a constitution for world government could
write such utopian drivel. There is absolutely no reason to
suppose that man's nature has changed so drastically that we are
about to enter any golden age. On the contrary, the evidence of
the past twenty years - during which the Constitution has been
circulating - has seen an escalation of hostilities throughout
the world. External intervention by UN peacekeepers has not been
useful, and in fact has exacerbated and/or prolonged conflict. Is
there peace in Kosovo? Sierra Leone? No. Why? Because you can't
impose peace: just look at Northern Ireland or the Levant.

The other sentences of the Preamble are similarly juvenile and
full of apocalyptic green propaganda: "Conscious of our
obligation to posterity to save Humanity from imminent and total
annihilation -"  From what they don't say. Apparently you've just
got to take it on trust that we're on the brink of "imminent and
total annihilation". It's a good scare though; it'll win the
greens over for sure. Such useful idiots will suffer any ignominy
and loss of freedom to "save the planet".

Young idealists and socialists often present their opinions as
facts. So do the anonymous authors of the Constitution:
"Conscious of the inescapable reality that the greatest hope for
the survival of life on earth is the establishment of a
democratic world government -" . "Inescapable reality"? Excuse
me, but not everybody agrees. And who says the survival of life
on earth is threatened anyway? The likes of Paul Ehrlich? They've
made successful careers out of being consistently wrong.  Though
it might shock the global socialists, many people think that
minding your own business would go a long way to establishing
genuine peace in the world.

The Preamble ends with this triumphalist sentence: "We, the
citizens of the world, hereby resolve to establish a world
federation to be governed in accordance with this constitution
for the Federation of Earth".

And what a lulu it is.

The broad functions of the proposed world government are set out
in Article 1. True to its socialist genesis, the world government
plans to regulate every aspect of life. Apart from preventing
war, securing disarmament, resolving territorial and "other"
disputes , our globalist masters plan to protect human rights
which now include mandatory Western-style democracy and even
equal opportunities.  They also plan to obtain "the conditions
required ... for diminishing social differences". It's typical of
socialists that while simultaneously extolling diversity, they
legislate for uniformity. They loathe differences.

Of course they're going to regulate trade, communications,
transport, currency, standards, the "use of world resources", and
"other global and international processes" - that latter one is
nicely open-ended, isn't it. And equally of course they're going
to protect the environment to keep Earth "a safe, healthy and
happy home for humanity". It's hard to credit that supposed
adults could write such infantile nonsense. But it's indicative
of their mentality: clearly they have no conception of personal
autonomy let alone human dignity.

Article 2 is concerned with the basic structure of the World
Federation and Government. It claims the world government will be
non-military (a lie); democratic (another lie);  that sovereignty
will reside in all the people (a very big lie); and that national
governments will retain jurisdiction over internal affairs (a
whopper of a lie).

Examples from the list of 41 specific powers of the World
Government in Article 4 of the Constitution paint a grim picture
completely at odds with the rosy assurances: * Article 4.21 gives
the World Government power to control population growth as well
as "solve problems of population distribution". The latter power
is scary indeed. * Article 4.22 gives total control of the
world's water to the World Government even to assuring "equitable
allocation of trans-national water supplies...". * Article 4.30
gives the World Government power to control "essential natural
resources which may be ... unevenly distributed about the Earth".
* Article 4.34 allows intervention in "intra-state violence and
intra-state problems...". * Article 4.35 calls for "the
correction of prejudicial communicative materials" in
universities - in plain English, massive censorship of
politically incorrect ideas - such as championing genuine
national sovereignty, or eschewing multiculturalism.

So much for national sovereignty and hence democracy.

But back to the structure. The Constitution describes how our
global masters have planned to divide up the world into neat and
orderly socialist units. The basic division will be into 1000
World Electoral and Administrative Districts - let's call them
WEADs - which will be roughly equal in population, give or take
10 per cent.  Next, "contiguous" WEADs will be combined into 20
World Electoral and Administrative Regions - let's call them
WEARs - which should take into account geographical, cultural,
ecological and "other" factors. (The handy word 'other' is
sprinkled liberally throughout the Constitution).  Boundaries for
WEADs and WEARs need not conform to existing national boundaries
but should do so as far as practicable.

But wait, there's more!  "Contiguous" WEARs will then be paired
to form Magna-Regions.  WEARs will also be grouped into 5
Continental Divisions of the Earth - let's call them CDEs.

Okay, the world is now carved up nicely for world government. So
what will it consist of? Article 3 of the Constitution lists the
organs of world government as:

1. the World Parliament
2. the World Executive
3. the World Administration
4. the Integrative Complex
5. the World Judiciary
6. the Enforcement System
7. the World Ombudsmus

Article 5 describes the functions and powers of the World
Parliament . It will be composed of three houses:

1. The House of Peoples, to represent the people directly.
2. The House of Nations, to represent the nations.
3. The House of Counsellors, to represent "the highest good and best
interests of humanity as a whole".

If those names evoke uncomfortable and even unpleasant feelings,
your instincts are right because, believe it or not, the proposed
World Parliament is modelled on the supposedly defunct Soviet
government. Can't be true? Well here's what one of Clinton's
mentors wrote in 1966:

"When the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics formed in 1923 by
adding other republics to the RSFSR [Russian Soviet Federal
Socialist Republic], the new republics obtained a somewhat
similar constitutional organization, and a similar system was
created for the whole Union. The latter possessed a Union
Congress of Soviets, large and unwieldy, meeting infrequently,
and chosen by the city and provincial soviets. This Union
Congress elected an equally unwieldy All-Union Central Executive
Committee consisting of two chambers. One of these chambers, the
Council of the Union, represented population; the other chamber,
the Council of Nationalities, represented the constituent
republics and autonomous regions of the Soviet Union." (Carroll
Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, p.390)

It's almost identical, isn't it: the proposed World Parliament is
modelled on the USSR's communist system of government. And
there's no doubt that if it comes into being, it will bear the
same fruits: oppression, tyranny, shortages, gross inequalities
between the government and the people, and gulags for dissenters.
Now for some light relief, here's how you get elected to this
proposed World Parliament.

For the House of Peoples, each of the 1000 WEADs will elect one
member for a term of five years, resulting in a totally unwieldy
and hence totally irrelevant rubber stamp, communist-style
parliament of 1000 members. To stand for election, candidates
must be 21 and "shall take a pledge of service to humanity". God
doesn't get a look-in in the new world order.

The House of Nations will be composed of national delegates elected OR
appointed for a term of five years by national governments on the following

* One delegate from each nation of 100,000 to 9,999,999 people.
* Two delegates from each nation of 10,000,000 to 99,999,999 people.
* Three delegates from each nation over 100,000,000 people.
* Nations with fewer than 100,000 people may group with others to achieve a
Clayton's representation in the House of Nations.

Candidates or appointees must be 21 and take the pledge of
service to humanity.

The House of Counsellors brings the world parliament into the
realms of high farce. There will be 200 of these 'counsellors'
chosen from nominations submitted from the 20 WEARs. Believe it
or not, nominations will only be accepted from "teachers and
students of universities and colleges and of scientific academies
and institutes".  I think it was some American who said he'd
rather be governed by the first 300 names in the phone book than
by a chamber of academics. Yes, indeed. But anyway, the lucky 200
are then elected from the nominees for a ten year term by the
members of other two houses from their particular regions. Note
that ordinary people are entirely excluded from this process.
Nominees have to be 25 and take the pledge.

So how will it work?  Each House will elect a panel of five
chairpersons, one from each of the CDEs. Forgotten what that
acronym stands for?  Don't feel too bad, so did I. It stands for
the Continental Divisions of the Earth. The chairpersons will
rotate so that each gets a turn of being chief presiding officer
while the others are all vice-chairpersons. The panels will meet
as needed to coordinate the 'work' of the Houses.

Legislation may be initiated in either House and will become
effective when passed by a simple majority of both Houses. In
case of a deadlock, the measure goes to the Great Wise Ones in
the House of Counsellors for a decision by a majority vote. The
Great Wise Ones themselves may initiate measures which must be
passed by a simple majority of both Houses.

The Constitution spells out when elections will be held, how
vacancies are filled, and that the Parliament will sit for nine
months a year. Annual salaries will be the same for the members
of all three Houses and will be set by the World Parliament. But
of course the members of the Presidium and the Executive Cabinet
(next article) will get more.

It's farcical. And it's disgraceful that parliamentarians around
the world have treasonously signed this absurd document with no
public debate. The majority of the world's people have never
heard of the thing!  As if there could possibly be the slightest
semblance of personal feedom and democracy left in the world
under such an elitist, tyrannical system. And I haven't even
begun to describe the massive bureaucracy required to maintain
this proposed world government!

To be continued.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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