Here is information on USS Liberty - someone on list had sent
informationi out on this.   This is the ship the Israelies tried to sink
- napalmed our troops for 75 minutes while they lay wounded on deck.
34 dead, 171 wounded - the idea was to sink this ship which was in
intrnational waters and blame on the Egyptians.

So there is an investigation I understand going on now - and most
favored nation Israel will be brought into this one.

Did you see one Memorial to the ship on June 8 this year other than
those who lost their sons like the one lady whose son died at only 24?

It seems this story hits a nerve on some people, and I say tough.
International Waters and these assassins murder our men and get away
with it......then they battled two years in Court trying to get out of
paying for their murder?

A Saba

A Day to Remember Always

 "Attack one American and you attack all Americans" was recently
proclaimed by President Clinton. More recently, an Assistant Secretary
for State proclaimed that the U. S. government always protects its
citizens. These are damn lies and meaningless words. These words were
not true in 1967 (when Israel deliberately attacked the USS LIBERTY,)
and unfortunately, and in spite of these beautiful words, they are not
even true today. Moreover, there is no such thing as justice.
(To see a pilot's eye picture of the USS Liberty  CLICK HERE)
(To see a bigger, beautiful picture of the Liberty  CLICK HERE)
(Israel claims they thought it was an Egyptian horse transport.)
On that June day in 1967, the weather was beautiful... Clear and sunny,
visibility unlimited... the LIBERTY, an elaborate state-of-the art
intelligence gathering platform, was in international waters off the
Gaza strip and was flying the Stars and Stripes. Israeli reconnaissance
planes flew overhead for hours. Pilots and ship's crew waved to each
other. Then, inexplicably, unmarked Israeli aircraft began attacking the
The defenseless LIBERTY radioed for help. Two aircraft carriers in the
Med responded by launching fighter aircraft. Unbelievably, they were
recalled by the White House. RADM Geis, then commanding the carriers in
the Sixth Fleet, called Washington personally to confirm the order.
SecDef McNamara came on the line, then President Johnson. Johnson
indicated to Geis that the aircraft were to be returned, that he would
not have his allies embarrassed, and that he didn't care who was killed
or what was done to the ship. Geis, like any good sailor, recalled the
 (If you have RealAudio, and click on the picture of CDR Dave Lewis at
the right, you will HEAR Dave tell about his conversation with Admiral
With no help forthcoming, the LIBERTY fell an easy victim to Israel's
motor torpedo boat attack. FIVE torpedoes were lobbed at the Liberty,
one hit amidships and instantly killed 25 sailors. A total of 34 died in
the attack.
President Johnson went on television and announced to the American
people that TEN sailors were killed in the "six minute accidental"
attack. Sailors were ordered not to discuss the incident with ANYONE
under threat of court-martial. We waited for the investigation... and
for the explanations and the answers. Why did Israel attack the ship?
Why did the U. S. Government turn its back on the crew members? The
answers never came.
There has NEVER been a congressional investigation. No congressman has
the guts to even suggest such a thing. There has been a NAVY-controlled
white-washed investigation of the crew's actions during the attack, but
nothing else was covered. Even in this, evidence was changed, and
officers who knew the answers were not asked the right questions.
The attack has been a matter of controversy since 1967. Survivors and
many key government officials including Secretary of State Dean Rusk and
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Moorer say the attack was no
accident. Two Israeli officers have come forward to admit that the
attack was no accident. Yet the Israeli government and its supporters
insist it was a "tragic case of misidentification" and charge that
survivors and their eyewitness supporters are lying.
 (If you have RealAudio, click on Admiral Moorer's picture at the left
and hear what he has to say about the attack.)
The ship's crew is bitter. It is bitter because its own country turned
its back on them... it is bitter because someone killed 34 Americans and
got away with it...what's more, that its own government covered up the
truth and HELPED them get away with it!
"Ahhh," you say. "Anti-Semitism!" No. Many of the ship's crew are
Jewish, and we have many Jewish friends. We are NOT anti-Semitic. We ARE
anti-Israel. We know that Israel has controlled the American congress
for years... to the point where 34 dead sailors can go un-investigated!
"A man who is good enough to shed his blood
for his country is good enough to be given a square
deal afterwards. More than that no man is entitled to,
and less than that no man shall have."
--------------------- Theodore Roosevelt
Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. --- Barry Goldwater
The history of the race, and each individual's experience,
are thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill
and that a lie told well is immortal.
-------------------- Mark Twain
    HELP! Seeking information on the following projects:
   Project Lifeblood and Project Doorman (both 1967)
   Looking for individuals assigned to any of these organizations
(May/June 1967): 6910th Security Wing, 6931st Security Group and 6948th
Security Squadron
   Looking for anyone who has knowledge of or worked with Sigint
Readiness Bravo Crayon.
Seeking members of the Armed Forces (all branches), members of all
intelligence agencies, and any former embassy personnel of our embassies
in the Middle East who have first hand knowledge of the Israeli attack
on the USS Liberty.
The attack took place on 8 June 1967, on the US intelligence ship, USS
Liberty (AGTR-5), in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula. For
over 33 years the crew has been seeking the truth as to why they were
attacked and left to die.
Any and all information appreciated. Please write, call, or Fax Rich
Schmucker at RR 2 Box 15-A, Brock, NE 68320. Phone 402-242-2161 or FAX
402-242-2841. Thank you.
 Barbara's Letter. April 8, 1999: A Liberty widow, Mrs. Barbara Scott
(Lupton) Neilson has written a really truly beautiful letter to Senator
John Warner (R, VA), Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Click on Barbara's picture to read her letter. If/when we see a response
from Senator Warner, we will try to publish it here, also.
James E. Akins, a career foreign service officer, served as U.S.
ambassador to Saudi Arabia before his retirement in 1976. This article
was adapted from a talk given by Ambassador Akins at the Center for
Policy Analysis on Palestine in Washington, DC. and from his talk to the
Liberty survivors at their 32nd reunion in 1999. Click on Ambassador
Akins picture to read his excellent talk! (From Washington Report On
Middle East Affairs, December 1999)
Half-hearted honors for the C.O. The March 1998 issue of The Washington
Report on Middle East Affairs" contains this article by Former
Congressman Paul Findlay (R-IL) on how the Commanding Officer of the
Liberty has been half-way honored in 1968 and again in 1997!
  Jim Ennes, an officer on the bridge of the LIBERTY during the attack
has written an excellent book  Assault on the Liberty  which tells the
story. (Random House, 1980; Ballantine paperback 1986). Should you have
a problem locating the book, an email to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" would help.
  A new and outstanding book,  The USS Liberty, Dissenting History vs.
Official History,  by Dr. John Borne has recently appeared. Dr. Borne
did the study for his doctoral dissertation at New York University. The
widely acclaimed book is available direct from Dr. Borne for $20,
post-paid. His email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Tony Fusco, a Retired Philadelphia Police Department Sergeant, has
written a terrific song about the Liberty incident. To see the lyrics,
click on Tony's picture. To send an email to Tony, his address is:
Is It OK To Criticize Israel? A short treatise by Jim Ennes.
Clicking Here  will get you your senator's email and snail mail
Clicking here  will help you find your representative and get you
his/her email/snailmail address.
There is a FREE program available called GOVERNMAIL. The program will
send email to ANY or ALL senators and representatives. (It will even
tell you who they are!) Click on the logo at the left and get your copy!
 Charley Reese, syndicated columnist for the Orlando Sentinel is a good
friend of the Liberty Veterans Association. Click on his picture and see
a couple of his recent columns.
The USS Liberty Page presents the story along with some historical
information, related files, pictures, and sound bytes. The page is one
of the finest on the Web and has won many awards. Check it out.

 Ed Mark, an ex-Liberty crewman has established the USS LIBERTY PHOTO
ALBUM on the web. He has pictures and Real Audio sounds of Liberty
crewmen and events there, including pictures of Reunion '99 there. Check
it out by clicking on Ed's picture on the left. Ed's email address is:
The USS LIBERTY has recently established a list server mailing list
which provides for a discussion of the event and related topics. To
join, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the words
SUBSCRIBE USS_LIBERTY in the text.  Click here to read recent messages
in it.
Our sister ship, the USS PUEBLO's homepage. The Pueblo was captured by
North Korea in January 1968, just about 7 months after the Liberty
incident occurred.
   Mike "Mad Dog" Doran is singularly responsible for creating an
unofficial web site for the Army Security Agency, the Army's counterpart
to the Navy Security Group. (Be prepared to stay awhile, it's a big

Winning Essay of 1987 LIBERTY Essay Contest.  by Sandra Sullivan of Ann
Arbor, Michigan. Sandra's email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Winning Essay of 1997 LIBERTY Essay Contest.  by Carrie Ritter of Corpus
Christi, Texas. Carrie's email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rocky's USS Liberty homepage separates fact from fiction in his "Claims,
Facts and Comments" section.
 Survivor Ron Kukal attributes his salvation to six miracles that
happened the day Israel attacked the Liberty. Ron is deeply involved in
a ministry by and for veterans, particularly involving PTSD. Click on
his picture to check his page.
Survivor Don Pageler and wife Eva have developed the  Liberty Turtle
Page Check it out by clicking on his picture.
USS LIBERTY BUMPER STICKERS and STAMPS!  Proudly display the Liberty
bumper sticker, make your own stamps for use on stationery.

Rob Rude's Home Page is another excellent page on the Web. Rob also
maintains the home page of the
U. S. Naval Cryptologic Veterans Association. The NCVA is an
organization of former Naval Cryptologic personnel.
Gidusko's PGP Public Key

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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