Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Dear Brigade,

This letter is from the Chairman of the Michigan Republican
Assembly. It is both powerful and compelling.

Please post it everywhere a Republican -- on the Net and off --
might see it, especially conservative Republicans.  Is you Dad
a Republican?  Print it out for him.  How about your neighbors?
Mail it to them.

Most important is that you contact the Republican Assembly
in your state.  Remember, their motto says that they are the
"Republican wing of the Republican Party".

The National Federation of Republican Assemblies conducted
their national convention in Kansas City about a week before
Pat moved to the Reform Party. There were over 300 delegates
in attendance representing 40 states. There was only one vote
cast for Bush. The convention ended without endorsing a
candidate because it takes a 2/3 majority to endorse. Forbes
fell short of endorsement by only 1 or 2%. The rest of the votes
went to Pat.

It was a major victory because it was common knowledge that
Pat was going to leave the party and he still had enough
support to prevent a Forbes endorsement. George W. Bush
received only one vote.  He was never the choice of these
conservative Republicans!

You can go to any search engine on the web.  I used HotBot:

Type in "Republican Assemblies" and look for listings in your
state.  Then get the contact info and mail all of them a copy of
this letter.  You can also search for other Republican sites and
send it to them as well.

Brigade, please read this letter and then get it into the hands of
every conservative Republican across the USA.  I know I'm
always asking you to forward my emails, but this time I hope
every single member of this list will heed the call.

For the Cause,


From: Mark A. Forton - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Chairman - Michigan Republican Assembly

June 8, 2000

Dear Republican Assembly Leaders,

The Republican Assembly movement has come along way
since 1996 when our friends in California and Arizona decided
that a national movement was necessary. The development of
38 additional state organizations in just three years gives
testimony to the determination of our nations conservatives to
avoid being "Doled again".

However, in spite of our best efforts, that is exactly what
happened. For the third time we are forced out of the process
and must witness a battle between two liberals, Bush vs. Gore.
We are forced to spend another election cycle listening to the
Robertsons, Falwells, Right to Lifers, NRA, the "Save the
Canal" crowd, and a myriad of so called conservative leaders
and organizations trying for the third time to convince us that
the liberal Republican is better than the liberal Democrat. They
will use all the old excuses, from appointments of judges to the
necessity of protecting a majority in Congress; a wimpy
majority with no heart for a fight.

The major failures of the Republican Congress to make
advances or to prevent losses on our traditional issues like
Abortion, Taxes, 2nd Amendment Rights, and Big Government
are just the tip of the legislative iceberg that has slammed into
our Ship of State.

Under a Republican Majority:

1. We have taken the great Reagan victory against the "Evil
Empire" and transformed our great Republic into its
replacement. Slandering our reputation around the world by
attacking an independent nation with no value to our national

2. We have turned an outdated defensive alliance (NATO) into
a dangerous offensive bully and extended its influence to the
very borders of Russia. We have isolated the hurting Russian
people and forced them to seek alliances elsewhere. Such
action has raised their hatred toward America and serves only
the Russian Communists who are running around saying " told
you so" in an attempt to regain power.

3. The "Free Traitor" Republicans have built up the
Communists in Red China much to our peril. Massive transfers
of high technology, heavy manufacturing, and huge trade
deficits failed to change the attitude of this belligerent nation
towards our friends or us. Their missiles are still pointed at us
and it is no secret that their leaders openly state that they
expect a war with the U.S. in the near future. Why do our
Republicans support this MFN? Because they enjoy using the
Communists to provide slave labor for American Multinational
corporations. "Liberty be damned! Profits over everything!"

4. They have opened our boarders to unlimited and
uncontrolled immigration in order to drive down the price of
American labor without regard to the consequences to the
American people in the areas of health, natural resources,
crime, drugs, education or other social programs. They covet
the incomes of American working people over everything else.
The very people who helped give them overwhelming victories in
80, 84, 88, and 94.

5. They work to drive down the cost of skilled labor by passing
legislation to import "skilled" labor from other countries.
Americans sacrifice to send their children to the most
expensive schools in the world to become engineers only to
discover that they have to compete with cheap imported labor.

6. The last straw! They are about to pass Permanent Most
Favored Nation status for Communist Red China. This is an act
of cowardice and treason that will guarantee another major war
in the early years of this century. History has proven time and
time again that appeasement toward barbarians is viewed as
weakness and always leads to war. The Chinese people are
not barbarians, the Communist Government of China is!

Most of our Republican Senators and Congressmen have
violated their oath of office and endanger the Republic and our
children's lives with their greed and cowardice.

What honest man or woman can read the Declaration of
Independence without casting a wary eye toward Washington

Lets not allow ourselves to be deceived, history has proven
over and over that a liberal Republican cannot beat a liberal

Carter vs. Ford, Clinton vs. Bush, and Clinton vs. Dole, all the
same result.

One may argue that Bush won big time in 88, but Bush was
perceived as a solid conservative promising to continue the
Reagan Revolution. He lied, and dismantled the Reagan
Revolution and showed himself to be the liberal that many of us
conservatives knew him to be. By the end of his first term, the
American People knew it also and rejected him soundly.

Make no mistake, no matter what happens in 2000; no matter
what we do or not do as Republican conservatives, George
Bush is not likely to occupy the White House. If he does, it will
be a hollow and sickening "victory". Sickening because Bush
and Gore are one.

I suppose it sounds like we are packing it in, but we are not.
There is a bright hope on the horizon. There is one major
difference in this election cycle compared to 92 & 96. There
will be a rock solid conservative on the ballot in 2000. A
Republican all his life, he still remains the only candidate that
will push the Republican Party Platform that he was so
instrumental in writing. It is a sad day when a man like Patrick
J. Buchanan must run outside his party in order to push the
principles of his party.

Patrick J. Buchanan will be on the ballot in all 50 states in
November. He can win the Presidency because he is the only
man who can rebuild the Reagan Coalition that was finally
destroyed by Dole. He will win in November if conservatives get
behind him and push.

Here in Michigan we understood the gravity of our situation in
January of 2000 when we endorsed Buchanan with an 84%
vote on the first ballot over Steve Forbes. We decided that we
are Americans First and Republicans second. Make no
mistake; Bush will not win Michigan, so we must work hard to
make sure that Buchanan does. A vote for Bush is wasted and
will help elect Gore in 2000.

Now, in these dark days of the Republic, we need your
support. When you shave or put your make-up on in the
morning, you have to ask that reflection in the mirror the same
question that many of us have. "Am I going to be part of this lie
again for the third time? Haven't I learned anything in eight
years? Am I going to listen to the lying voices of Bush, Lott
and the rest, or am I going to listen to the voices shouting out
of the ground, the voices of the endless gallons of precious
blood that has been shed for our Liberty from Lexington to
Gettysburg, to Normandy, to Nam. Will I finally really listen to
the 40 million innocents slaughtered in all those American
Abortion Clinics near you and me?

I beg all of you, the greatest group of American leaders I know,
to call a special meeting of your boards for the purpose of
conducting special conventions in all our states in order to
revisit the question of Presidential endorsement. Endorse
Patrick Buchanan for President and start a "Republicans for
Buchanan" in your state.

If your state has not yet held its Reform Party Convention, get
involved and make sure you elect delegates to the Reform
convention who will support Pat Buchanan.

I believe that there is no better medicine for the Republican
Party than a Buchanan victory.

I beg of you in the name of all that is good and honorable, join
with us in the greatest adventure since Lincoln won the White


Mark Forton
Michigan Republican Assembly

"Above the Sovereignty of the United States, rests the
Sovereignty of God alone"  -- Patrick J. Buchanan, 1999

----------  end  ----------

T H E   I N T E R N E T   B R I G A D E
Linda Muller - WebMaster
Post Office Box 650266, Potomac Falls, Virginia 20165
Email: http://www.buchanan.org/form-contact.html
Web: http://www.buchanan.org
Have You  O F F I C I A L L Y   E N L I S T E D  Yet?

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

Want to be on our lists?  Write at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a menu of our lists!

A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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