
>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:      [CTRL] Lurid Sex Tales of the New World Order
Date: Sunday, June 18, 2000 11:02 AM

Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.steamshovelpress.com/latestword.html">Lurid
Sex Tales of the New World Order</A>

Lurid Sex Tales of the New World Order

by Robert Sterling

      As George Orwell pointed out in 1984, to control a society, an elite
must not only establish the official reality, it must control and manipulate
the alternatives.

      That there is some ritual abuse with a socio-political-economic
motivation is difficult to argue against; the theory that it is part of some
master blueprint which a secret cabal has long followed as script can't be
dismissed; assuming that any lurid tale which proclaims itself part of this
sinister plan is pure gospel, especially when there is little or no
corroborating physical evidence, pushes the limits of disbelief suspension.

      In 1998, a woman named Linda Wiegand became well-known in the Patriot
community for her supposed tale of having an ex-husband that was, unbeknownst
to her at the time, a Satanist abusing her two children, and who now had
custody of them due to crooked family court judges in four states.

      Whatever the vices are of the Patriot movement, one definite virtue is
their criticism of the global economic and political structure, which they
refer to as the NWO. The Patriot community also includes leading
investigators of Satanic ritual abuse, and the community has the populist
base that can lead to mass awareness and political change. This would make
the movement an attractive target for a disinformation attack.

      Among those whom Wiegand contacted to help promote her story and agreed
were John DeCamp (author of The Franklin Coverup, an excellent expose of a
sex scandal in Nebraska), Ted Gunderson (a private investigator in the
McMartin Preschool case), Lt. Colonel James "Bo" Gritz (a leader of the
Militia movement and the prototype for Sly Stallone's "Rambo" character) and
Clayton Douglas (editor of The Free American, deservedly the most popular of
Patriot magazines.) All four are men with widespread popularity in the
Patriot movement. DeCamp became her lawyer for the case, though he would
later resign in disgust over what he concluded were false claims. Another
former Wiegand lawyer, Gregory A. Hession of the Rutherford Institute, has
stated under no uncertain terms that she is a pathological liar. Douglas
would give her tale a Free American cover story, then would later have a
second debunking her claims. Douglas concluded that Wiegand was nothing more
than a con artist, making up the story to maliciously defame her ex-husband
and as a personal fundraising scheme.

      What is most intriguing is that her attempted enlistment of the Patriot
stars mainly occurred after she was temporarily jailed herself on criminal
charges. A common technique of law enforcement agencies is to find
individuals of dubious character, arrest them on crimes, then offer them
immunity if they agree to be used as bait for others. If Wiegand was a bait,
she couldn't have found a better fish: in September 1996, Bo Gritz and his
son were arrested in Suffield, Connecticut, charged with attempted kidnapping
of Wiegand's children, in a plot to save them from Wiegand's supposedly
abusive ex-husband. At the time of the alleged crime, Bo and his son were in
a parking lot next to the middle school one of her sons attended. They were
driving a car registered in Nevada under one of her aliases. As Douglas would
later ask, "Some troubling, unanswered questions are: why was Gritz arrested
for the attempted kidnapping of Linda's children and Linda was not; and how
did the police know that Bo was there in the first place?" One good answer is
that the whole affair was a planned sting operation, with Wiegand a willing

      There is little doubt that the FBI and other law enforcement agencies
are involved in a campaign to harass and discredit the Patriot movement.
Using the Achilles heel of concern for exploited children, they couldn't have
set a better trap. Whether or not it all was an attempt to disrupt the
Patriot movement, it certainly worked out that way, putting Gritz in a
compromising position, causing a nasty rift between him and Douglas, and
smearing by association all who promoted her dubious tale.

      Speaking of dubious tales, the ones that both Cathy O'Brien and Brice
Taylor present are, frankly, implausible and ludicrous. To take them as
absolute truth shows the undeniable sign of having a faulty bullshit
detector, and endorsement of such tales stigmatizes the endorsers as an
unreliable source. The end results of these stories is the same as
disinformation. Perhaps it all is unwitting and unintentional, but if it is,
it certainly is fortunate for those in the military-intelligence
establishment, as the CIA couldn't have planned for it to come out any better
if they tried.

      Take the example of David Icke, a popular conspiracy writer and
lecturer. Icke is an extremely intelligent man and a charismatic speaker. He
is also a very entertaining and thought-provoking writer, with books under
his belt including Robot Rebellion, And The Truth Shall Set You Free and The
Biggest Secret (which has the modest subtitle "The book that will change the
world.") Despite his self-aggrandizing style which overinflates his own
importance, one can't help but be impressed by the dense amount of
information he collects and presents, and when he is through, his general
thesis, that the planet is controlled by an elite oligarchy which are part of
secret historical bloodlines, certainly is persuasive.

      Sadly, Icke mixes his most convincing arguments with more dubious
assertions, which include the tales of Brice and Cathy (a promotional quote
by him appears on the back of Taylor's book.) Further, he states as though it
were fact that the Royal Family, George Bush and others are actually
Reptilian lizard aliens, and claims nearly every member of the political
establishment is a closet Satanist. While such ideas may not be as false as
most would like to believe, that he makes such assertions with a voice of
100% certainty puts into question his judgement, or lack thereof. The end
result is that all his work, both the good and the bad, becomes lumped
together for many as a laughable fraud.

      Before Icke became a leading writer of conspiracy theory, he was a spoke
sman for the British Green Party from 1988 to 1991. The Green Party, for
whatever faults it has, is (like the Patriot movement) a populist social
movement with an agenda that threatens sections of the status quo. Currently,
Icke is a pariah in the Green Party, who believe that his endorsement of
fringe beliefs seriously maligned them in the public eye. Is it possible that
this was a designed operation, that Icke was a provocateur on a mission to
smear and discredit a viable threat to the establishment? If so, isn't it
likely that his continued work exposing hidden histories is part of the same
disinformation campaign? Again, whether or not Icke is intentionally doing
this, the effects are one and the same.

      Of course, Icke is not alone in being made a fool over these stories.
Most notable is the previously mentioned Ted Gunderson, a former FBI Special
Agent in Charge for the Los Angeles area. Gunderson, besides his important
contributions in the McMartin Preschool case, has been a leading supporter of
alleged "Fatal Vision" killer Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald, providing key evidence
that he was a victim of an Army heroin-smuggling operation. That said, he is
not a man incapable of errors. Besides his endorsement of Wiegand (which he
originally termed as "the worst case of child sexual abuse and judicial
corruption I've seen in 47 years of investigative work"), a libel lawsuit was
filed against him by talk-show host Art Bell, over an incident on Gunderson's
own radio show. A guest of Gunderson's claimed that Bell was a pedophile, a
false charge likely derived from misreading a police report filed when Bell's
son, also named Art Bell, was molested by a teacher. While he didn't
personally libel Bell, Gunderson is at least guilty of recklessness by
allowing someone to malign Bell so freely on his show.

      One would think that after being involved in two noted embarrassments
(one leading to a potentially destructive lawsuit), Gunderson would have
learned his lesson about shooting from the hip on such a touchy subject as
child molestation. Unfortunately for Gunderson, his wisdom is beneath his
investigative skills, and he remains one of the strongest endorsers of Brice
Taylor's tale, going so far as to give an introductory speech for her during
a 1999 lecture in Pasadena. As he states on the books back cover, "She is
credible, knowledgeable and truthful. I admire and respect her work and her
courage in an effort to Wake Up America, and I'm with her 110% of the way!"
It's doubtful that Jeffrey MacDonald or the children of McMartin are thrilled
by such endorsements.

      Another victim of smear by association in the Brice Taylor affair is
Walter Bowart, previously the author of Operation Mind Control. In the
updated version of his book, he includes an account of "Lois," who is none
other than Taylor herself. In the forward to Taylor's book, he supposedly
wrote, "I can tell you that Sue Ford believes the story she has written with
all her being, and her account as described herein has remained consistent."
When asked about his statements in an email, he replied it was based on
reading a early version of her manuscript, which may have been quite
different from what is in final book form. Further, he couldn't confirm
writing some of his alleged endorsement statements of her, which implies they
were inserted without his knowledge or consent. (The book is published by the
"Brice Taylor Trust," composed mainly of Fundamentalist Christians who
surround her as an entourage.) He ended his written response with the
following question, indicating an oblivious over her current psychological
state: "Has (Taylor) gone off the deep end?"

      The irony is it's quite possible both O'Brien and Taylor have been
victims of CIA mind control after all. Whatever faults the CIA has, a lack in
good taste in women is not of them, and O'Brien and Taylor certainly were
attractive enough to qualify as quality sex slaves. But that possibility is
tainted by their blathering of dubious claims, and the uncritical repetion of
her work by people who should know enough to expect a setup.

Robert Sterling's note for readers:

      (Earlier this year, I was contacted by Adam Parfrey to write a piece
for Apocalypse Culture II on the NWO sex slave genre of literature, focusing
on the works by Cathy O'Brien and Brice Taylor. I delivered the work, which
will be included in the upcoming magnum opus of underground literature under
the title of "Uncle Ronnie's Sex Slaves."

      I must commend Mr. Parfrey for his editing job: I gave him more
information than was needed, and, though it was all very worthwhile,
sometimes you can have too much of a good thing. In retrospect, the material
that was deleted was rather obtuse, and detracted from the more humorous
elements of the work.

Still, though the information wasn't beneficial to the piece itself, it is
worthwhile to be printed elsewhere. Besides, like most writers, I'm lazier
than shit: why write something new when I can just recycle the usual garbage?

      Among the information deleted from the original ramble sent to Mr.

*   The theory that the countless TV commercials peddling the music of Boxcar
Willie and Slim Whitman were experiments to see how people respond to a
repetitive stimulus, even, if in the case of both, the stimulus was annoying;

      * The idea that music producer Mutt Lange is an Illuminati mind control
agent who, after corrupting our youth with the Satanic hard rock/pop metal of
AC/DC and Def Leppard - and, in a more sinister twist, later produced works
by Michael Bolton and The Backstreet Boys - was rewarded with sultry country
singer Shania Twain as his sex toy-wife;

      * Notation that Taylor claims to still hear voices in her head which
tell her what to think, which she attributes to God: perhaps it is God (or
perhaps it is a mere psychotic delusion), but it may also be the work of mind
control technology;

      * Comparison of the NWO Sex Slave genre with the reactionary Tom Hanks
vehicle Forrest Gump. Both women's books include an extremely Gumpian theme:
an individual who is virtually unknown is repeatedly put in the middle of a
historical event with famous individuals, and without receiving any credit,
significantly influences what follows. Is it a coincidence that Forrest Gump
was released one year before Trance Formation was published?

      More important is the evidence I present that O'Brien and Taylor are,
wittingly or unwittingly, part of a CIA operation to discredit evidence
linking intelligence operations to Satanic pedophilia. In the process of
presenting this theory, I named names, and told the good, bad and the ugly. I
also included an extensive bibliography for readers who desired to
investigate the subject matter further. It is important for this information
to be out there, so I present it to you courtesy of Kenn Thomas and his noble
Steamshovel Press.)

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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